By SammiBella

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In a story of young love, a girl named Abby is faced with the age old dilemma, 'be careful what you wish for'... More

Chapter 1 - A WISH
Chapter 2 - CHANCE
Chapter 3 - ROOMIES
Chapter 4 - THE BIG APPLE
Chapter 5 - MISHAPS
Chapter 6 - LOVE
Chapter 10 - ABBY
Chapter 11 - BLISS
Chapter 12 - GAME OVER
Chapter 13 - HEARTACHE
Chapter 14 - REHAB
Chapter 15 - HARRY

Chapter 7 - GUILT

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By SammiBella

Weeks passed and the boys were working hard on their first album. Even though Abby remembered most of their original song lyrics, the record company still helped fill in some of the blanks, touch them up and add a few new songs. Their first album was complete and was still entitled, ‘Up All Night’ which consisted of:

What Makes You Beautiful

One Thing

Gotta Be You

Leave Me


Up All Night

Under The Lights

Everything You Do

I Want

I Wish

More Than This

It wasn’t the same as the original ‘Up All Night’, but Abby did the best she could. She also heard the new songs and thought they sounded rather catchy.

Now that they had the songs written, the boys were in the studio each day from nine to five recording. Abby was thankful that Stu appointed her co-manager with Dan—other wise she wouldn’t have much to do all day, but sit around waiting for Harry and the boys to return.

A few months passed and it was nearly Christmas time. Abby and Harry were stronger than ever—sharing new experiences and loving every step of the way. Since the boys had finished their first album, they were starting to go to small radio stations across England to have them play their first single. 

The album had a different sound than Abby remembered, but they did have a different record company and all new staff. The record company chose the song, ‘Up All Night’ to be One Direction’s first single, instead of ‘What Makes You Beautiful’. 

Abby never understood why, but she wasn’t about to fight with management and mess up the boy’s lives again. 

Similar to the real One Direction, they started to gain a small fan base. 

At this time, a lot was based on their looks, and small advertisements they’d been in. People were starting to recognize them in public and a few people would even ask for autographs. Abby thought this was a good sign.

They slowly started to appear on local television shows and such but they didn’t seem to gain the extensive hype or fan base the old One Direction had. Abby thought, maybe it would take more time. They will be just as famous as the old One Direction, yes, just wait. She tried to convince herself.

If only Abby believed it. She knew they had the talent, but not having the X-Factor platform seemed to be a huge disadvantage. At this point, they seemed to be like every other band on the market. Young, talented and on their way to becoming a one hit, one album type of band. 

Their songs came off as cheesy to the public, they had fans but they were all teens and younger. Which wasn’t a bad thing, but there was something missing and Abby couldn’t put her finger on it. 

The boys seemed to be having loads of fun, they were all so excited of what they had accomplished so far. Each time something somewhat big would happen, Harry and Abby seemed to disappear for a while into their bedroom and each time they came out, their hair was a mess. The boys laughed hard at this, but were all secretly jealous that Harry had someone that meant so much to him and they didn’t.

Christmas was soon approaching and they would all be going back home to spend it with their families, even Niall. They celebrated Louis’ birthday a little early since it was on the twenty-fourth and they wouldn’t all be 


They had a large celebration at a local pub where they bought Louis drinks all night and shared laughs and stories. It was a good twenty-first birthday Louis had concluded. However, the morning after could have been forgotten.

Louis woke up with a massive headache and could barely see straight. Abby tended to him like a mum, since she was the only one who seemed to have any sympathy for him. 

The rest of the boys laughed but mostly because they didn’t feel that different from Louis.

“Thanks love,” Louis said to Abby as she brought him his second cup of Yorkshire tea.

“No problem Louis. I don’t mind taking care of you boys. After all, someone has too.” She smiled.

She then tended to the rest of the boys, lastly was Harry.

“I know one thing that would make me feel better,” Harry said to Abby boldly as he made a sexual gesture. He laughed and smiled at her.

“Are you still drunk?” asked Abby as she giggled.

“Maybe,” he said jokingly as he pulled Abby into his bed and kissed her softly. Harry got Abby all riled up and they ended up making love again. Since their first time, they had been at it quite a lot, but they knew when to tone it down and when to behave.

They had started to put their clothes back on.

“Abby? Promise you’ll never leave me?” asked Harry genuinely.

He stood there with only his bottom half dressed, trying to find his shirt.

“Harry, of course I’ll never leave you. I simply can’t live without you,” said Abby as she smiled and walked towards him. 

She was dressed in her bra, one of Harry’s shirts and panties, nothing else. She reached up, wrapped her arms around Harry’s neck, and snuggled against his bare chest. Harry wrapped his arms around her and held her tight. 

“Would you look at us,” Harry said as he stepped back. Noticing he had only his bottom half dressed and Abby only had her top half. 

“Together we make one fully clothed person,” Harry laughed and Abby joined in.

“I guess we complete each other,” said Abby cutely as she reached up and kissed him with such passion. 

Harry went weak at the knees. They moved over the couch in his room. He sat down and Abby straddled him. Her thighs clenching his she ran her fingers through his hair and kissed him deeply. 

Harry turned her on her back and they made out on the couch for a while—fooling around and playing with each other. 

Still no one had woken up yet, or come out of their rooms. Abby and Harry fell asleep on the couch, snuggled up together.

Everyone seemed to have a lazy next couple of days. The boys had Christmas off and were leaving to go see their families. 

Abby went back home for Christmas Eve and Day, but spent a lot of time with Harry’s family after that, getting to know them. She fit right in instantly and Harry’s family could see the love blooming between them. They knew this was something special, for both of them. 

After the holidays, everyone came back to the bungalow. Abby and the boys were all in sweat pants and comfy clothes, as it was around nine o’clock and they were about to watch a movie. 

Abby was in yoga pants and a fitted hoodie, her hair was half swept up. Harry was in his light grey sweat pants, a white cotton t-shirt and his beanie. The rest of the boys were dressed in similar attire, except Louis, who was in a onesie.

The phone rang and Abby received some horrifying news. The record label had gone bankrupt, due to some poor investments and One Direction had been dropped, effective immediately. 

They were offered a small deal to become models for trendy shops across London, but Abby didn’t think this was a good route.

“They want you to be models? No! You can’t be models! This is not fair!” shouted Abby after breaking the news to One Direction.

The boys were devastated, as they had hoped Abby’s vision would one day come true. 

Abby was distraught, she didn’t know what else to do. She tried everything she could to help them become the band they were meant to be, but she failed.

“I’m so sorry I ruined your lives boys. I promise I won’t interfere again,” she spoke softly.

She ran into the bedroom and sat on Harry’s bed crying. She felt so bad that her dream to recreate not only her favourite, but also the world’s most popular and loved boy band was over.

Not only was that over, but now she would never hear the true One Direction again. This is the band that helped her through her angry, sad and happiest times. She’d never be able to pop in their CD and sing along. All she had now was a similar sound alike version of ‘Up All Night’ that would never compare to the original. 

Harry chased after Abby into the bedroom. He left the boys, who even though were still sad, seemed more concerned for Abby.

“Abby,” said Harry gently. “Please don’t cry. It’s alright.” He sat down next to her.

“You still don’t get it Harry,” cried Abby softly. “Not only have I ruined all your lives, but the lives of millions of fans all over the world, who will never again hear the voices and see the faces of the boy band they once loved.” 

Her eyes were flooded with tears, as she blinked a few glistened her cheeks.

“You’re right, I may never understand that because I don’t remember it. I can’t miss something I never had or don’t remember having,” he said regretfully.

“And I can’t live with the guilt knowing I’m the one that took away your future,” she sobbed.

“You are my future Abby,” said Harry now getting emotional. His eyes were slightly wet, but he sounded angry. “I can’t live without you, and I’ve told you a thousand times, if I could be in the true One Direction or have you in my life, I will always choose you. You know that right?” 

“Harry stop, you can’t make that decision, because you have absolutely no idea what you had.” 

Abby looked into his eyes. She had never loved anyone more in her whole existence. She breathed deeply through her tears.

“So what now? You don’t love me anymore?” asked Harry. 

He was now upset.

“Oh Harry, of course I do, more than ever, but I can’t be selfish,” she sobbed and kissed his lips—her eyes sodden with tears.

“I don’t get it,” he said, as a tear escaped his eye. He quickly wiped it away. 

He was upset, he felt like they were breaking up, he also had a funny feeling something was about to happen to him and Abby.

Abby had walked over to the window and was staring up at the sky.

It was a perfect night and all the stars were out. Harry noticed Abby looking out the window throughout their conversation, but he never thought anything of it. 

However, when he saw something bright shoot across the night sky out of the corner of his eye, he knew exactly what was about to happen.

“Don’t Abby!” Harry shouted. He got off the bed and raced to her. His eyes were flooded with tears.

“Don’t do it! I can’t loose you! I won’t loose you!” he exclaimed as he grabbed onto her like she was about to disappear. He held her tight in his arms. 

“I’ll change. I’ll try harder, anything you want! Please don’t leave me!” Harry sobbed.

Abby took a deep breath, realizing what she had done.

“I love you,” she said softly and whole-heartedly as she looked up into Harry’s eyes—tears now pouring out of both their eyes. 

“Please Abby!” he begged.

“I will always love you,” she breathed. 

Harry squeezed her, not wanting her to leave as the night sky turned to black. Harry felt his heart shatter as he looked down at his now empty arms. Abby was gone. 

He could almost feel his heart being ripped away from his chest and he fell to the floor.

She knew why she did it. She just couldn’t bear the thought or guilt, knowing she had single-handedly ruined the lives of Harry and the boys. 

However, Abby had no idea what it would be like to say goodbye to the one that you love. She almost chickened-out when she saw Harry’s reaction and it broke her heart to do that to him, but she knew in her gut it was the right thing to do. 

She knew how much Harry loved her. But she loved him back so immensely, that she was willing to give him up forever—all for the sake of his happiness. 

It was the most selfless thing she’d ever done, but she didn’t think the consequences through. 

What if she went back to her old life and One Direction still didn’t exist? What if everything went back to normal and Harry didn’t remember her? What if it was all a wonderful dream? Was she willing to go back to being just another fan, after all the time and precious moments she had spent with him? 

All she knew at that moment for certain, was that gone forever was the love of her life, Harry Styles.


Abby closed her eyes, her wish in full effect as she surged through time and space, falling. Her heart was broken and pounding, but she tried to focus on Harry and his well-being. She knew she made the right choice and whatever happened due to this wish; she had been willing to accept. 

She felt the wind get knocked out of her when surprisingly all of a sudden, she heard a familiar voice.

“You’re probably just really excited. Look how close we are now Abby!” 

Abby was so confused? Lily? Where was she? She opened her eyes and to her amazement she was back in line, exactly where she had been when she made the wish in the first place. Waiting to meet One Direction.

“Lily!” Abby hugged her.

“Abby?” she asked. “What’s wrong? You’re acting like you haven’t seen me in a hundred years! Get off,” she joked.

“Oh Lily! This is so exciting!” Abby exclaimed.

“Yes, I know, I’m excited too!” Lily was confused but went along anyway.

“Quick, what are the names of all the boys in One Direction?”

“Are you seriously asking me that question,” asked Lily dumbfounded.

“Just answer it Lily!” Abby demanded.

“Liam, Louis, Niall, Zayn and Harry. Why?” 

“Oh this is perfect, and we have a concert after this signing right?”

“Abby are you okay?” Lily asked concerned. “I’m getting a little worried.”

“Yes, I’m fine Lily,” just ridiculously excited.

Abby was in a trance. She was so happy to see that she had been transported back to the exact same time and place she remembered before she made the original wish. 

She was also relieved nothing had changed and that everything seemed exactly the same. One Direction and everything about them was real again. Abby figured since things were the same, that Harry and the boys would definitely remember her. She was so excited to see Harry’s reaction, and for Lily to see how happy he was to see her again.

Abby was about to explain everything to Lily, when all of a sudden they reached the beginning of the signing table. Harry was the first one.

“Just wait Lily, just wait. This is going to be so cool. You're going to freak out!” 

“What?” Lily wondered. She could barely hear Abby over the screaming fans.

Abby was ecstatic to be able to show Lily that she knew Harry and all that happened was real. When before she realized it, for the second time in this life, she was standing directly in front of Mr. Harry Styles.

“Hey you!” Abby said cheekily.

“Hi!” said Harry smiling at Abby.

Abby could hear the security guards asking people to move down.

“Can you move down the table please?”

Harry signed Abby’s CD.

“It was nice meeting you,” he said genuinely.

“Ha-ha, very funny,” Abby joked.

“Sorry?” Harry asked confused.

“Nice meeting you? You don't remember me?” she asked puzzled. Her head started to spin.

“Sorry, have you been to a signing before?” he asked, completely oblivious.

Harry was being genuine and sweet but he seemed to have no idea who Abby was. She was heartbroken and at a loss for words. She looked up at him.

“Harry? Don’t you know me?” she asked endearingly as a tear rolled down her cheek.

Harry could sense she was devastated just by her look and he felt bad that he didn’t recognize her. She laid her hand on top of his and sighed.

“It was nice being your flower, even if only for a little while,” her eyes wet with sadness as she moved down the line to meet the rest of the boys. 

She blinked, and the tears that flooded her eyes, streamed down her face. She knew there was a possibility of Harry not remembering her and she had been willing to accept this consequence before. She just thought it would work out in her favour and hadn’t thought of it being this heartbreaking. 

Abby had passed by the rest of One Direction. She chatted a bit with each of them, to see if any of them remembered her, but it was no use. 

Abby reached the end of the table where Niall was sitting. She said goodbye as a few more tears rolled down her cheeks. No one really noticed because many girls were crying. Everyone just assumed she was another crazed fan, who was extremely happy to meet One Direction. 

She was on her way out of the line up with Lily, when Lily’s mood had changed from excited to concerned. She was so focused as to why Abby was upset and she kept asking her, but Abby wouldn't answer. She just wanted to go home and wake up from this nightmare. At least she had her memories.

Lily looked at her friend. I wish I could make right, whatever’s making you sad, she thought. Knowing her friend for so long, she knew it wasn’t just nerves and excitement for One Direction. She knew Abby was genuinely unhappy.

Broken-hearted, Abby was walking towards the exit doors with Lily, when suddenly Harry looked down at his hand. He felt a slight tingle where Abby had touched him minutes ago and he shuttered like he now had gotten the wind knocked out of him. He got up and stood on his chair, frantically searching for someone in the sea of girls. 

Everyone was staring at him. They were wondering what he was doing, screams erupted, when suddenly he spotted her. He locked eyes on her, and shouted to her as loud as he could over the screaming fans, “ABBY!” 

Abby stopped dead in her tracks, her eyes grew wide. Her hand literally on the door about to leave the store, as her heart started racing. She knew exactly whose voice it was. A million emotions flooded her head and she chose to ignore them all. She turned around without even thinking and ran as fast as she could towards the love of her life. 

She ran straight through the masses of screaming fans and didn’t stop or even look back for Lily. Harry had just gotten down off his chair as Abby finally reached him, leaped into his open arms, and hugged him. 

“Harry you remember,” she said breathlessly, tears glistening her cheeks. 

“I'm so sorry flower,” he said sincerely. “How could I ever forget the love of my life? I'll never forget you again, I promise,” he squeezed her tightly not wanting to let go as a rush of memories overcame him. It was as if a film was on fast-forward in his head. Within seconds he remembered everything and he looked down at Abby.

“You have no idea how happy I am to hear you say that,” Abby breathed through her tears. “I love you Harry Styles.” 

“I love you so much more, Abby Stuart.” 

Just then, Lily who had run after her best friend and had just witnessed all of this was very discombobulated. 

“How on earth do you know Harry Styles!” she said loudly. “Why have you not told me?” she said half serious half star struck to be standing in front of Harry. 

“Oh Lily,” Abby said laughing, wiping the tears from her eyes. “It’s a LONG story.” 

She looked at Harry and he laughed too. Then they looked into each other’s eyes, smiled brightly and kissed each other like they had been apart for years. Harry wrapped his arms around Abby and swept her off her feet, never wanting to let go.

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