Chapter 10 - ABBY

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Everyone was now gathered in the private hospital room. Zayn, Niall, Liam, Louis, Eleanor, Danielle, Perrie, Natalie, Maureen, Kathryn, Harry, his mum and Abby’s parents stood staring at Abby. They hoped she would wake up, or at least move. 

Hi guys! You all didn’t have to come. Thanks guys. 

If she could have she would have smiled. Abby could hear everyone and every sound, but her movements failed to show that. The very most she could do and what everyone started to catch onto, was each time she heard Harry’s name or voice, her eyelids twitched.

It was Niall who then called for Harry.

“Harry mate! You might want to come in here,” he called through the open door.

Harry walked in and stood beside Abby. He noticed her movements at his voice too. He called the nurse over.

“Yes, it maybe a good sign. But, people tend to twitch whilst in coma sometimes. It’s like a muscle spasm. It seems a bit odd it’s only at the sound of your name or voice. However, that could be a good sign dear. But, I don’t want to raise false hope right now. We really just need to wait for more test results.”

The nurse spoke sympathetically and then excused her self to give the family and friends some privacy.

Everyone stayed for a while. Abby made no progress at all. People started to leave as it grew late. Harry never left nor did he intend to leave Abby’s side. He couldn’t stop crying as he stared at the woman he loved with machines, needles and IVs hooked up to her. Tubes in her nose and on her mouth to help her breathe.

The sight of her frightened Harry as the thought of losing her crossed his mind. Everyone had gone now except Abby’s parents whom were asleep on a small couch and Harry’s mum. Anne stayed with her son as he continued to blame himself.

“Look at you, all fragile and bruised. Flower…I’m so sorry. Please forgive me,” he whimpered. 

I do forgive you babe. I hope you can forgive me. I love you. Harry I’m trying to come back to you. It’s so hard, I’m so tired Harry.

Harry took a deep breath; gazed up at the ceiling, then back down upon her.

“Abby please wake up,” he begged. 

I can’t Harry, I’m too weak and so very tired. I need to sleep.

“Harry she needs her rest,” said Anne softly. “Why don’t we get you 

home so you can get some sleep.

“I'm not leaving her!” he shouted quietly. Remembering that Abby’s parents were asleep on a couch across the room. 

Oh Harry, you’re so stubborn. But, so endearing. Go get some sleep love, I’ll be right here, waiting for you all night.

“Ok, then at least go eat something. You haven't had a scrap of food all day.” Anne ordered nicely.

“I’m not hungry.”

“Harry dear come on, we'll both go and get some food. Abby will be right here darling.”

Harry listened to his mum as they went and got some soup and juice. He ate a little bit and was back by Abby’s side right after. Anne left Harry for a moment to grab some more pillows and blankets. 

While she was gone Harry noticed Abby’s bed was a bit larger than a normal hospital bed. Maybe she got preferential treatment because of whom she was. 

Whatever the reason, Harry was grateful as he gazed upon the love of his life and slowly and very gently climbed into the bed with her. Abby felt warm all over. 

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