Chapter 4 - THE BIG APPLE

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A few days passed and Liam had an idea. If they pulled their money together, they could maybe fly to New York City and find Niall there. They knew what hotel he was staying at, since the person Liam spoke to gave it to him. 

Therefore, they put all their money together, only to realize there was only enough for two plane tickets and a low-budget hotel for a few days. It would have been a draw, but then everyone seemed to agree that Harry and Abby should be the ones to go, since this whole thing was their idea. 

They moved quickly. Abby and Harry started packing right after the decision was made. Louis drove Abby back to her house to grab a few of her things. Harry bought the tickets shortly after.

Their British Airways flight left at five-twenty in the evening, out of the Manchester airport, which was about twenty to thirty minutes away. Louis decided to drive them so they made good time. They had to connect through Heathrow and made good timing there as well, before they arrived around ten thirty local time, in New York City at the JFK airport. Their flight was smooth. 

They chatted a bit and Harry held Abby’s hand during take off to distract her from the flight. She wasn’t scared of flying but was a little uneasy during take-off and landing. 

They made it to their hotel and were both hungry so they stopped for a bite to eat, at a casual little cafe in the hotel, before making their way to their room. 

After, they decided to change for bed and relax, as it was a long flight after all. Abby flung her suitcase on the king-sized bed; which they both noticed but didn’t want to say anything about, and looked for her pyjamas. 

“Are you kidding me?” said Abby shocked. 

“What?” asked Harry. 

“I forgot my pyjamas! Well, this is perfect!” Abby sulked.

Harry rifled through his suitcase and found a larger baby blue T-shirt. 

“Here,” he handed it to her. “You can wear this if you like,” he offered. 

“Thanks!” Abby gladly accepted. It was better than sleeping in her jeans. 

Abby looked around for the bathroom and saw that the sink was outside and that there was a tiny room for the toilet and shower which you could just barely fit in. 

“Erm,” she looked at Harry. 

“Oh right,” Harry realized she needed to change and like a gentleman he turned around so she had privacy. 

She also turned away from him so they were back to back. 

Out of the corner of his eye Harry ever so cleverly caught a glimpse of Abby’s reflection in the near by mirror. All he saw was her back, but it was toned and tanned as she removed her bra and slipped on Harry’s shirt. It smelled like Harry and fresh laundry. 

Harry quickly wiped the drool from his mouth, as he slipped off his own shirt and jeans. 

Abby, dressed in Harry’s shirt, her face washed with hair down and flowing, turned around to find Harry in just his boxers. 

“Oh, sorry,” she said turning around again. Abby turned a bit red. 

“Ha, no it’s okay. I’m sleeping in these,” Harry laughed. 

“Oh, that’s all you sleep in?” Abby questioned coyly, admiring Harry in his tight fitted black boxer shorts. 

“Well, normally I sleep naked, but I thought I’d go for boxers since we seem to be sharing the bed. That is unless you’d prefer me to sleep on the couch?” He asked sincerely. 

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