By SammiBella

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In a story of young love, a girl named Abby is faced with the age old dilemma, 'be careful what you wish for'... More

Chapter 1 - A WISH
Chapter 2 - CHANCE
Chapter 3 - ROOMIES
Chapter 4 - THE BIG APPLE
Chapter 5 - MISHAPS
Chapter 7 - GUILT
Chapter 10 - ABBY
Chapter 11 - BLISS
Chapter 12 - GAME OVER
Chapter 13 - HEARTACHE
Chapter 14 - REHAB
Chapter 15 - HARRY

Chapter 6 - LOVE

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By SammiBella

The next morning Abby woke up next to Harry and she pinched herself just to see if she was dreaming. She looked up at the ceiling, assumingly at a higher presence and whispered, “thank-you, I’ll never forget what you did for me.” She smiled up and then looked down at Harry and did the same. She got out of bed and threw her long hair up in a messy bun. 

Still in her pyjamas, she threw on one of Harry’s hoodies as she was only wearing shorts and a tank top. She was the first one up and decided to make breakfast for everyone else. She whipped up some eggs, bacon and toast, for everyone—and of course a pot of ‘English Breakfast Tea’. 

Abby could hear people stirring and starting to get up. Liam came down first, then Niall followed, and then Louis. Eventually Harry made his way down and Zayn would probably have slept through breakfast, had someone not gone to wake him up. 

Abby thought this would be a good time to let everyone know about her and Harry’s relationship. She waited until everyone was seated, had drunk a cup of tea, and were finishing up their meals. 

“So Harry and I have something we would like to tell you,” Abby said blushing at Harry, hoping everyone would stop chatting and listen. 

They got quieter and Louis kind of brushed it off with a laugh.

“If you’re about to say that you and Harry are finally an item, then it’s about time,” he smirked. 

Abby blushed. 

“Okay, so that went over better than I thought,” she laughed. “Phew, I thought you guys would have something to say about it,” she added. 

“Us?” asked Liam. “Not really. Any one of us can see you two are mad for each other and it was only a matter of time before you both finally realized it.” Liam joked. 

Harry looked at Abby, he pouted his bottom lip and shrugged his shoulders, as if to say oh well we’re together now. 

Abby almost melted at the sight of Harry’s face. Those dimples, soft curls and his bright green eyes; he got more adorable each and everyday. 

“So then, with that being said,” she started. “I think we ought to get to work and see what we can accomplish today.”

They had all finished their breakfast, so Harry and Louis had started to clean up. 

“Thanks for breakfast, flower,” said Harry as he kissed her head.

Abby smiled and went into the living room with Niall, Zayn and Liam. She thought a good place to start would be to write out the lyrics to as many songs as she could remember off hand, then they could go from there. 

She started with ‘What Makes You Beautiful’ as it was probably their most popular and most well known song.

She finished that within minutes—looking up at each member occasionally to picture them singing their parts, so she was pretty confident in that song. 

She went through the whole album in her mind. Making sure she could remember the many song titles, let alone the lyrics to each one, and who sang which part.

Abby didn’t realize how hard this was going to be. Listing One Direction’s songs; sure, any fan could do that. But, to write out each and every song, lyric, and to know who sang what parts and who sang backing vocals was a nightmare.

It seemed Abby was doing most of the work, but when the boys offered to help, she said that they were helping by just sitting there—meaning when Abby was stuck with a verse, it would sometimes help to just look at Liam, Niall, Zayn or even Louis and Harry who had just joined them and it would trigger the lyrics.

A while had passed and Abby felt confident. She now had most of the first album written out, so they all decided to start singing to see how they sounded together.

Abby had written the songs on Harry’s computer so she could print off copies for each of them. She started humming the melody and when it was time for someone to sing their part, she would point to them. 

It sounded pretty good for their first time around. At first the boys were a bit nervous, seeing as most of them hadn’t sung in front of people before; but with Abby there for encouragement telling them just how popular this song was, made them all want to work extra hard and forget their nerves for a bit. 

“Let’s take it from the top,” she pointed to Liam.

“You’re insecure, don’t know what for. You’re turning heads when you walk through the door,” he sung. 

Abby felt like she was at a private concert, since they were all singing and looking at her, it made her feel special.

They finished the second run through and everyone seemed to get the hang of it. Of course Abby had to pre-sing most songs so they could get the feel of the song and understand how it was supposed to sound. 

They practised ‘What Makes You Beautiful’ a few times and then started on a few difference songs. It felt like they had been practising for hours, Abby was starting to forget a few lyrics. That shortly turned into verses and eventually whole songs. 

Harry could see Abby was working too hard and it was stressing her out. He decided that they take a break and that’s exactly what they did. They had been practicing for hours, so a break at this point was well deserved. They had a few drinks and sat around while Abby divulged stories of their greatest achievements to date.

“I just can’t believe we were that famous!” exclaimed Niall. “I just can’t, it seems unreal.” 

He was dumbfounded.

“Ha, you don’t even know the half of it,” replied Abby. “You lot literally sold out almost everywhere you had a concert, within minutes. It was mental trying to get tickets, let alone good ones,” Abby explained.

The boys had briefly discussed what each one wanted to accomplish if this band became famous, the second time around. Abby just sat there smiling brightly at them all. 

I bet they were exactly like this when they were the real One Direction. I bet they were this nice, this humble and down to earth, and now they may never get to live their dreams, she thought.

“I’m really sorry I made that wish,” Abby said aloud. “I never meant to take away your dreams,” she frowned.

It hit her when the boys were talking about what they wanted to accomplish as a band and she knew that the real One Direction had already achieved those goals and more.

“Abby, stop apologising,” said Harry. “We can’t miss what we don’t remember, and we have to focus on these new tasks at hand,” he added.

“I know, it’s just…ugh…you don’t know how many girls would kill to be in my place right now. You were literally the most popular band on earth, I can’t stress that enough.”

“Then maybe we’ll be again,” said Niall. “You’ve already done so much Abby. I mean, you found us, put us all together and we’re willing to make the most of what we’re doing now. You can’t ask for more,” he finished.

Abby lit up again and sighed. 

“I think it’s time for a group hug lads,” said Louis as he got up and reached his arms around Abby. The others followed and they all hugged her tightly. 

Everyone sat back down but Harry, he remained stuck to Abby like glue. Embracing her like he hadn’t held her in forever, not wanting to let go. Abby leaned her head against his chest and breathed him in. She looked up at him and smiled and Harry bent down to kiss her. It seemed to Harry as if there was no one else in the room. He looked right into her eyes. 

“I love you, you know,” he smiled.

“Yes, I know,” she blushed. “But I love you more,” she grinned. 

“Ok Zayn,” said Louis to break the awkwardness. “Get Hallmark on the phone. I think we’re having a moment.”

Everyone laughed.

Weeks passed, they rehearsed and practiced night and day until all the songs that Abby had remembered sounded similar to the originals. 

Abby’s favourite song was still, ‘What Makes You Beautiful’, because now when Harry sang his solo, he stood about half a foot from her and sang right to her each time. 

The songs didn’t sound exactly the same—especially since they were only A capella. Since they had no beat but the one Abby would hum in the background to help them keep time. 

To Abby they sounded perfect, but were they album worthy? Abby’s master plan had yet to be put in action. She still needed to figure out how to get One Direction into a recording studio and get them signed. 

The next couple of days she spent doing just that. She was on the phone with every single person, agent and Recording Company she could get into contact with. A lot of them wouldn’t even talk to her. The ones that did kept saying there was no market for boy bands anymore. That boy bands had come and gone. Yes, there were the greats, but they were established and no one wanted to take a chance on a new group. 

Abby wasn’t feeling too good. What if this plan of hers wouldn’t work out after all? What if One Direction didn’t become famous again? Maybe the only reason they did the first time was because of X-Factor and because people heard their pure talent first before they could judge. Now that X-Factor had already started, they would have to wait until next year to take that route. 

However, who’s to say it would work out this time? They had been put together the first time and that’s part of what made them special. 

Abby didn’t know what to do. However, between the phone calls and stress she was dealing with daily, she did manage to take time out for herself and the boys, for some drinks and relaxing times.

They had all really got to know each other by now, and were practically all best friends—including Abby. 

The boys had told Abby they would put one hundred and ten percent into this band and that’s exactly what they intended to do. So when September came around, they all decided to put off University for a least a year. They would take a gap year and see what this band could do for them first.

If they failed, they would all resume their old lives next year. After all, they were all nineteen and older and their parents couldn’t control their decisions anymore. 

A week or two had passed and Abby finally found someone that was willing to invest some time into One Direction. His name was Stu Mydon and he worked for Cray Records. They had set up and interview where the boys would discuss the band and sing some songs. 

Stu thought the boys had a good look and fresh faces. He was willing to take a chance on them, but Abby wasn’t sure. It wasn’t their original record label, but she didn’t think that would ever work out now. So, after much consideration and a group chat, they decided to accept his offer. 

Stu became their producer and Dan Helms became their manager. However, Stu was so impressed with the hard work Abby had done in writing the songs and getting them together, that he appointed her co-manager with Dan, to which she gladly accepted. This way if they did get famous she could be with Harry all the time.

She didn’t want to take credit for the songs she knew she didn’t write, but they hadn’t technically been written yet, so basically she had written them.

The boys were over the moon and excited to have been signed. Even after all the rejections they had gotten, this was their first in person audition so to speak and they nailed it.

Abby was taken in one room to go over a lot of legal documents and the boys in another to discuss many things regarding the band, imagine and how they wanted to be portrayed as a group. The boys seemed to really like this record company, as Stu let them have a large say in what happened. 

Abby felt like this was all happening so fast and didn’t know if jumping into the first record company that offered them a deal was a good thing or not. She was willing to give it a go however, since it seemed to make the boys so happy. After all, if she hadn’t known about the original One Direction, this day for any other band would be considered amazing. She quickly realized what the boys must be feeling at this moment and decided to put her worries aside for now, and go with the positive instead of negative.

They had been at the studio for what felt like hours, when it was finally time to go home and everyone including Abby was ecstatic.

The ride home was filled with screams, yells and laughter of the boys in utter shock of what just happened.

“That didn’t just happen!” said a shocked Niall.

“Do you realize what this means?” said Liam equally as surprised. 

They were so thrilled that when they got home they all ordered pizza and had some drinks to celebrate. 

Abby had eaten two pieces while Niall was working on this fourth and didn’t look like he was slowing down anytime soon. 

Abby laughed. 

Then she realized that she maybe had a few drinks to many and was starting to feel it. She was letting each member of One Direction know just how special they were to her and how she appreciated each one.

“You Louis…are sooo hilarious,” she slurred. “I just love you’re sense of humour. She leaned in and kissed him on the lips.

They were all a bit tipsy at this point, so Louis went along with it against his better judgement. Harry noticed but didn’t think anything of it since he was a bit sloshed too. However, what Harry did notice was that Abby was making her rounds, complimenting each guy before planting one on his lips. She had now kissed Louis, Liam, and Niall and was right about to kiss Zayn when Harry got a bit angry.

“Abby, just what is it you think you’re doing?” he stated sternly.

The boys stopped talking to focus on Harry and Abby.

“Oh Harry, relax. We’re just having fun,” she replied innocently. Not noticing how her behaviour was affecting him.

“Yeah well it looks like you’re having fun, and I don’t want to be around to see what happens next,” Harry stated loudly he glared at his friends before walking off into his room and shutting the door.

Harry was genuinely upset. Abby had no feelings towards the other members of One Direction; she only loved them as friends. As her buzz now started to wear off, she realized she might have gone a little too far.

She walked off after Harry to find him sitting on his bed quietly—doing nothing, just sitting there.

“Go away Abby, I don’t feel like chatting,” he mumbled as he saw her walk in.

“Oh Harry, you know that was all fun and games. The kisses meant nothing,” Abby stated bluntly.

“Sure,” said Harry he rolled his eyes. “It didn’t look that way to me,” he sulked.

“Hmm,” Abby breathed. “It’s not that big of a deal, I wish you’d let it go.”

"You kissed my friends in front of me Abby, all three of them and you would have kissed Zayn too had I not said anything,” He was angry but he didn’t shout at her.

“Those kisses meant nothing! What else can I say?” She said—still neither was shouting, but each one a bit angry and upset.

The rest of the boys didn’t think too much of it. They decided to give Harry and Abby some alone time and continued with their celebration.

“Prove it!” stated Harry abruptly. He got up off the bed and was facing Abby.

Abby didn’t know what Harry wanted, but she knew how she felt about him and that she loved him a million times more than anyone else in the world. She stared into his gleaming green eyes and she didn’t really think about what she was doing, she just did it. She walked forward, leaned in and kissed him so passionately that Harry seemed to forget how he felt just then and embraced Abby like something amazing was about to happen.

At first she kissed him roughly like she was trying to prove a point, but when her lips met his for a second time, she couldn’t help but feel an amazing desire run through her.

She knew she wanted him in a way she hadn’t had him before. She wanted all of him fully and completely. She could tell Harry felt the same, if not, his urge was more intense.

It was aggressive yet gentle, each one knew what was about to happen. Harry was so into the moment that he pressed Abby up against the wall, their hands intertwined. He pinned her arms to either side of her head as he thrust his hips into her. Abby could feel the bulge in his pants becoming increasingly hard. Harry kissed her neck right under her ear—Abby’s sweet spot. He roughly licked a strip up her neck before sucking and nibbling the spot over and over.

Abby was panting, her head rolling to the side to ease Harry’s access.

He thrust into her again, his bulge hitting her just so, causing her to whimper and become aroused. He hastily wrapped his arms around her backside and lifted her up—her back still against the wall, as she now wrapped her legs around his waist. He carried her over, placed her on the bed as he hovered over her instantly. Their breathing became increasingly heavier. 

Harry tore off her top in such lust and threw it on the floor. He then removed his own. He removed her bra and they each removed their pants and underwear.

Finally, their warm naked bodies once again pressed against each other—each one yearning to be closer. Harry kissed every inch of Abby’s skin, taking in her every dimple and imperfection. He quickly grabbed a condom, slipped it on and slid inside Abby, like a hot knife through butter.

Abby moaned.

Harry was thrusting into Abby deeper and harder, but careful not to hurt her.

Abby sucked the air sharply.

“Are you okay?” Harry asked, his breathing uneven as he gazed down at her.

She bit her bottom lip and nodded as she wrapped her legs around him again, pulling her closer to him.

She moaned as she reached her arms around him and grabbed his back. Her nails digging in slightly to help exude the pleasure she was feeling.

They quickly changed positions so that Abby was now on top, straddling Harry, she wanted him to feel as good as she had. She rocked her hips back and forth while bending down to kiss him. She had never felt this kind of passion before. She knew Harry was close and she moaned so loudly she thought the boys might have heard her over the music. She giggled, as she was about to enjoy the best part. Eyes closed, as she began to ride out her orgasm. Harry gently cupped her chin.

“Look at me,” he instructed softly. “I want to see those beautiful eyes.”

Abby’s eyes fluttered open in compliance, as she gazed into Harry’s bright green orbs. Their hot breath exuded from their mouths against one another, as they panted and moaned. They both climax together and Abby felt Harry shake as he released his warmth inside the condom. Slightly out of breath, they were now both lying on their backs.

“Wow!” Harry exclaimed as he caught his breath.

“I second that,” said Abby as she caught hers too.

Harry turned his head towards Abby.

“You’re so beautiful,” he stated. Abby smiled and blushed.

“I love you so much Harry, now more than ever,” she said as she turned over and rested her head on his chest—now lying on her stomach. Harry put his arm around her and leaned his head towards her.

“I love you more,” he replied.

They held onto each other until morning—irrevocably in love and loving each and every moment.


The next morning, they both woke up around the same time. They wondered how they slept through the loud music Louis, Liam, Zayn and Niall were playing and singing along to. Nevertheless, Abby opened her large glossy hazel-brown eyes, looked at Harry and he was already staring back at her smiling.

“I’m so glad you made that wish,” he said.

“Ugh, if you only knew what kind of a life you had before, you wouldn’t feel the same,” she sulked.

“I really wish you’d stop saying that Abby. Do you honestly still not know how much you mean to me?”

“Harry…” Abby began.

He cupped her face in his hands.

“Seriously flower; I’ve never loved anyone as much as I love you.”

He kissed her cutely puckered lips. 

“You have to know that no matter what the real One Direction had, it can’t possibly compare to you.”

Abby felt so special at that moment. If Harry were the real Harry, she would be the envy of every girl in the world right now and Abby smiled brightly at that happy thought. But even though he wasn’t famous, she still felt special and that was a hard feeling to let go of when she was around him.

“You would trade money, fame and popularity all for me?” Abby asked sweetly.

“In an instant,” Harry replied without missing a beat. It was as if he didn’t even have to think about it. It came straight from his heart and Abby could tell it was genuine. 

“I mean it would be nice to have those things and travel the world,” Harry started. “But it would mean absolutely nothing to me, if I didn’t have you.” 

He smiled and pulled her in for a cuddle. Abby found his hand and held it, their fingers intertwined.

“I love you Harry, I just hope you don’t regret it one day…or me,” Abby thought aloud. 

“Never—loving you is like breathing. I think I may die if I stopped,” he squeezed her body against his, taking in her smell.

They lay there for a while, before deciding to get up and have a shower. Since none of the boys were up yet. Harry and Abby snuck into the bathroom and showered together for the first time. It was a new experience, which they hadn’t shared yet. Abby was beginning to think that every new experience with Harry would be a wonderful one.

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