The Soul Calibur Wielder- red...

By Jedisage

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A redux of my First Soul Calibur Wielder. Don't worry one I get chapters up and running on the old one I post... More

Harem #1
harem #2
harem #3
Chapter one: Reunion
Quick Question
Chapter two: Kuoh Academy, A old friend and A confession
Chapter three: A game of chess and A wild Esdeath Appears
Chapter four: Achievement Unlocked: Icy Yandere Girlfriend attained
Chapter five: Meeting with a Gremory
Chapter six: Ventus vs Kiba
Chapter seven: My Fiancé is a devil?! and a Crazy Pedo Rouge Priest shows up
Chapter 8: We have come to serve you Master. UMU
Harem #4
Chapter nine: Meeting Amy
Chapter 11: Enter Kokabiel
Chapter 12: Truth reviled
Chapter 13:A old student, Meeting an Archangel, angeloids and a duel
Chapter 14: The duel, The Speech and Getting a Icy maid
Chapter 15: Wait she's your what?!!!
Chapter 16: Open house
chapter 17:Rumble at the summit
Chapter 18: The difference and lesson in Strength
Chapter 19: Meeting a old friend and a Foxy Milf
a/n: Ventus children
Chapter 20: Some Late Night Sparing with Esdeath and a sisters Birthday
Chapter 21: Saving what is left of a Birthday
a/n:Ventus Noble Phantasm
Chapter 22: Meeting The devil Princess of Jurai
Chapter 23 Talking with the Devil princess of Jurai, The churches big secret
Chapter 24: She doesn't have cake she has the whole damn Bakery
a/n: Quick question
Chapter 25: Getting a familiar and dealing with a devil Migraine pt.1
Chapter 26: Getting a familiar and dealing with a Devil Migraine pt2
Chapter 27: Getting a familiar and dealing with Devil Migraine pt 3
A/n: Quick question
A/n: Quick question
A/N: quick change
A/n: Poll
Harem redo #1
Harem Redo # 2
Chapter 28: Getting a familiar and Dealing with a Devil Migraine pt 4
A/N: Added allies
Chapter 29: The Beach episode well chapter
Chapter 30: The Cursed Pirate pt 1

Chapter ten: Another player added to the game

1.6K 33 5
By Jedisage

Ventus Pov

Metal clashed against each otherwhile  I was sparing with Amy in the training room with a rapier I gotten for her in which she liked very much even though she doesn't talk I could tell she liked it by the way she smiled.  Anyway we continue to spare and I had to admit she was a pro at using the weapon.

"I'm impressed. Your keeping me on my toes with each attack." I said while attacking she defended and for every attack she did I defended. It was like fighting a mirror. Amy was copying my moves perfectly and flawlessly. After going back and forth for about two hours I decided to call it.

"Not bad Amy you did very well your foot work was perfect and your attack and defense was top notched as well." I said before  Amy hugged me and I patted her head.

"Since I have time before school lets get something to eat shall we?" I asked while the both of us left the training room and headed to the kitchen to make some breakfast for ourselves before Esdeath walked into the kitchen and wrapped her arms around my neck.

"Good morning my Icy beauty." I said kissing her on the lips gently before going  back to cooking.

"Morning my handsome man and morning to you to Amy." Esdeath said pouring  herself some juice from the fridge.

"So I been talking with Nero and Artoria and they told me about their mission and I must say this is all a big mess. I mean if the church would have kept a better on the swords then they wont have been stolen." Esdeath said.

"To be honest I was thinking the same thing but still someone must had knowledge on were they were considering weapons like those are magical protected unless you know the spells to dispel the protection magic." I said  placing the food on two plates and placed them on the table.

"It's one puzzle after another and it's got me a little on edge." I said.

"Well I'm sure we'll figure it out." Esdeath said  finishing off  her juice and washed the glass out.

"Perhaps. We shall see." I said starting to eat my meal.

A little time passed and Esdeath and I were walking outside as when we were approached by the pervert.

"What do you want?" I asked.

"I need your help." Issei replied while we  looked  at him confused before  we were sitting at a café with Saji as he explained his plan.

"I'm a little shocked you came up with that plan with the peanut size brain of yours." I said making  Esdeath laughed.

"Are you serious?" Saji asked.

"Like a five hour boner." Issei replied. I shook my head and thought to myself I can't believe he just said that.

"YOUR INSANE! I'm  gonna help." Saji said getting up and walked away but  Koneko was sitting on the other side enjoying a sundae

"Koneko what are you doing here and how much have you heard?" I asked

"All of it and I would like to help Kiba is my friend and I can't see Kiba upset and want him to come back to Rias." Koneko replied. I had to admit Koneko had a good heart.

"You have a good heart Koneko." I said  I patted her head making her blush a little. After going over the plan the five of us went to search for Kiba before we walked into the park.

"He's here." I said looking around spotting him across a fountain sitting on a bench looking at the ground with a sad look on his face

"Hey Kiba, I said be he looked up ay us gets off the bench and walks over to the fountain with his hands in his pockets with his back turned to us.

I placed a hand on his shoulder and told them that everything was gonna be okay and  told him what was going on.

"How stupid have I been? I've been denying the help from my family and a friend. The ones who care for me." Kiba said  grinding  his teeth and  grabs the front of my shirt angry at himself for his behavior towards all of us.

*short time skip after explaining the plan with Kiba* 3rd person pov

It was coming to nighttime. Ventus called and eventually got in contact with Irina and Xenovia telling them to meet up just outside an abandoned Church building.

The four of them arrived to meet Irina and Xenovia at the front door.

"Alright. You guys know the plan right?" Ventus asked while  everyone nodded.

"We plan to do recon around town. We have disguises ready for you all." Xenovia said giving all disguises which Ventus already had one.

After a few minutes they came across a place Kiba and the others knew to well.

"Wait you feel that?" Koneko asked before all of them look up to see Freed standing on top of the structure.

Freed jumps from the roof and goes for a downward slash on Kiba.

"HAHAHA! Swing!" Freed laughs maniacally as Kiba is quick to react and summons his sword to block the attack and pushes Freed back and then does a back flip to land on the roof of the pillars.

"Well if it isn't the little midget and friends!" Freed said while making a creepy smile while  Koneko glares at him.

"Oops silly me Little lady." Freed said as Ventus grabs the front of his disguise and throws it to the side.

"Oh... and you..." Freed glares at Ventus glares.

"Been awhile you crazy insane stray priest." Ventus said.

" Oh if it isn't the Catholic church! And what's this? No little Timmy glued to your crotch? Progress!   I was really wanting to go on some priest hunting tonight, but I guess you guys will do." Freed said with a smirk.

"I sense the power of the Sword he is holding. Similar to that of Xenovia's and Irina's." Ventus said.

"Ventus, I will take him on." Kiba says while holding his sword forward.

"Alright. Just be careful Kiba." Ventus  said.

"I know. It's the same one he used the other night until he ran away. He won't this time." Kiba said while  Koneko and Saji removed their disguises as well.

Kiba jumps up to Freed then dashes at him. Before Kiba was about to swing at him Freed dodges out of the way with impressive speed behind him in mid-air, going for another downward slash.

"Thanks for playing!" Fred says.

Kiba blocks again while the blade clashes with Kiba's sword, it starts to emit a blue light.

"Some call this Sword the Excalibur Rapidly, but I don't. I call it the Super-Fast Sword!" Freed said.

To Koneko and Saji, they just seen Freed vanish while Ventus still tracked his movements. Kiba had to keep his guard up. Kiba then uses his speed to dash backwards and track Freed again. They clash with immense speed.

"He wasn't kidding he's moving faster then Kiba. If I had a way to slow Freed I can transfer more power to Kiba." Issei said.

"So you want me to slow that bastard down for you?" Saji asked

"That's the point." Ventus replied as Saji nodded his head.

"Vritra!" Saji said when a bright purple light starts to form around Saji's left hand as a Gauntlet then appears around the back of Saji's hand. It was black and looked like it had purple eyes.

"Alright. Line go!" Saji shoots his left arm forward as his Sacred Gear fires a bright blue line out towards Freed.

The line attaches around Freed's ankle while he was in mid-air, pulling him down to the ground.

"Ahh! What the hell is this shit?" Freed asks trying to cut the line with his sword.

"I call this, the absorption line." Saji grins.

"Dammit! This has to be one of those Dragon sorts." Freed blurts out.

"A Dragon one too?!" Issei asked while  his scared gear boosted more before Koneko picks up Issei and throws him towards Kiba and transfers his boosted power to Kiba before landing on his back.

"The power my friend gave me will not be wasted. Sword Birth!" Kiba said while striking the ground with his sword while swords started to come up from the ground around Freed, closing in on him.

Freed started to panic.

"I still can't get this thing off of me!!!" Freed said just when a voice was heard a voice of a man that was coming out from the back of the building.

"A Sacred Gear that can exhibit invincible power based on the user's ability." Said the man who wore a white outfit with a cross on the front.

"Oh Freed. I think your use of Holy Sword need a bit of work." The man said

"Look! It's old man Valper." Freed says while looking down at him.

"That's him. The one behind the Holy Sword project." Koneko glares at him and Kiba glares angrily at him so does Ventus does the same.

"So, one of the key players reviled himself at last." Ventus said

"Oh well if it isn't the Soul Calibur wielder we met at last." Valper said.

"In crimes against the church I'm here to put you to justice." Ventus said

"Valper Galilei!" Kiba shouts down to him while  Valper turns to look up at Kiba.

"The one and only. "Valper said with a  smug grin on his face.

"One and only my ass. Now make yourself useful and help me gets this Lizard tong of my leg!" Freed whines.

"You must pour all your energy into the Sword to make it stronger." Valper replied.

"Really? Well then, one energy cocktail coming right up!" Freed says raising  the sword in-front of him as it starts to light up with yellow and orange aura.

"HAHA!" Freed said and  cheers and goes to cut the line.

"Saji, detach!" Ventus said . Saji is quick to detach his absorption line off of Freed's leg. Freed ends up hitting nothing but the roof he's standing on and turns to Kiba.

"Now, how about you all become prey for my swords!" Freed said dashing  toward Kiba who readies himself to block the attack but just before Freed reaches him, Xenovia comes in to block it with her Sword of Destruction along with  Esdeath comes in and swings her rapier at Freed

""Good, they're here." Ventus says as he looks back to see Irina come beside him

"Yoho!" Irina says while waving.

"Guess you heard the commotion out back?" Ventus asked.

"Yeah. As soon as we heard the clashing, we made our way here." Xenovia replied her sword starts to be engulf in the same color aura like Freed's.

"I have a little score to settle with that crazy bastard myself." Esdeath said

"You both are traitors! You hear me Freed Sellzen and Valper Galilei?! I condemn your souls in the name of our God!" Xenovia says.

"Ewww! Don't you say that disgusting name around me again!!!" "Freed said with disgust and  Kiba goes over the top for a downward slash which Freed dodges and moves to the right side of Valper.

"All you had to do was get rid of these vermin and now they have back up with Holy Sword users. We must leave." Valper said

"Aww, that's unfortunate. See ya losers" Freed said pulling out something from his pocket and  smashes it on the ground setting off a  bright light flashes the area, blinding everyone else. Freed and Valper going past them while Freed used the Sword to get out of the area quickly. As the light dies down, Kiba and Xenovia are quick to jump off from the roof and gave chance after Ventus told them were to.

"Let's go Irina!" Xenovia say's as Irina runs after her and Kiba.

Ventus Pov

After Freed and Valper managed to escape with Kiba, Xenovia and Irina in pursuit. Just then I felt energy from four people  entering the area through two magic circles one belonging to Rias and the other to Sona.

"OH CRAP, OH CRAP, OH CRAP" Saji said  starting to panic while  Rias was standing with Akeno and Sona with Tsubaki beside them.

"Well, well, what do we have you gotten yourselves into?" Rias asked with  her arms crossed.

"This will take some explaining to do I'm sure." Sona said crossing her arms and I could see Saji was scared.

Rias took a seat on a table while Akeno stood to the side. I leaned against the wall arms folded and legs crossed while Sona was across the room with Tsubaki , looking down at Saji who had his head down on the ground on his knees begging for mercy for what was yet to come.

After a long explanation to Rias about the events that went on Rias ask Konenko why she got involved. Koneko  frowns then says she didn't want Kiba to go away and when Kiba accepted our help she was happy before she apologizes while  Rias sighs.

"I understand you guys, but you must know that your choices will have the effect on the rest of us." Rias said.

"I'm sorry Rias." Koneko said. Still leaning against the wall I heard screams coming from the other side of the room and  saw Saji getting a spanking by Sona using her power.  I remembered him saying about the punishment she will give him. Rias gets up from the table and walks over to Koneko and Issei and hugged them both and said that she was worried while Saji was complaining that she was getting hugged while he was getting one thousand spankings.

"This is us Saji. That's them." Sona said continuing to spank Saji.

I look at Koneko who was bent over while  Rias just gave Koneko one spank lightly.

"I have given you one spanking for being so commendable for your actions koneko. You'll receive no further punishment and you Issei you have 999 spankings to go." Rias said while Issei was shocked that  he had it coming.

"May the gods have mercy on your soul Issei." I said while  Esdeath stood next to me before we left.

3rd Person pov

Meanwhile in the woods a barrier was set up while  Irina screamed as she was hit by magic and hit the ground. Freed laughed appearing right behind her.

"Found you little girl. You can run all you want but it seems your all alone now. So who's gonna save you?" Freed asked. Irina tried to attack him with her weapon but Freed was to fast and he dodged her attack and slashed at Irina ripping her outfit.

"Oh right the Excalibur mimic can't leave without that do I?" Freed asked as he ripped more of Irina outfit off before pinning her to the tree choking her while she was gasping saying to let her go.

"What to do with pretty you?" Freed asked when  a voice came out from no where telling Freed to keep her alive even though she was a small fry they still had use for her.

(a/n: And that's that hope you guys like this chapter. Post your comments on this chapter and let me know what part of it did you like and I see you all next time)

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