Yes, Officer 18+✔️

By MJWrites91

56.6K 2.2K 375


Author's Note
Chapter 1 BROKEN ✔️
Chapter 2 ENOUGH ✔️
Chapter 3 The Officer✔️
Chapter 4 Remembering Him✔️
Chapter 5 Hospitals and Hideouts ✔️
Chapter 6 The Cabin✔️
Chapter 7 Nightmares✔️
Chapter 8 Waking Up Together✔️
Chapter 9 PTSD✔️
Chapter 10 Kiss me Lucas✔️
Chapter 11 What Did I Do Wrong? ✔️
Chapter 12 Carla's Visit ✔️
Chapter 13 Alone Together Again✔️
Chapter 14 High Stakes Checkers✔️
Chapter 15 First Time....Finally Part 1
Chapter 16 First Time...Finally Part 2✔️
Chapter 17 Carla Brings Supplies and News✔️
Chapter 18 Reminiscing ✔️
Chapter 19 Leaving✔️
Chapter 20 Abducted ✔️
Chapter 21 Saving Ruth✔️
Chapter 22 The Aftermath ✔️
Chapter 23 Yes, Officer✔️
Chapter 24 Therapy and Closure ✔️
Chapter 25 Returning to the Cabin✔️
Chapter 26 Wedding with a View✔️
Chapter 27 The Honeymoon ✔️
Chapter 28 Family✔️
Chapter 29 Pregnacy Makes You Crazy✔️
Chapter 30 Parenthood and Sneaking Around✔️
Chapter 31 Tragedy✔️
Chapter 32 Our Story✔️
Chapter 33 Forever ✔️
Bonus Chapter 1 ✔️
Final Author's Note


564 35 2
By MJWrites91


"Dad, give mom's pussy a rest; we can hear you, you know?" Cam says knocking his fist against the bedroom door.

"Ugh, one down, just three more to go." I say pulling away from Ruth.

Brantley left for college two years ago, and soon the other three will be out on their own as well. We still have a few more years with C.R., but she will be leaving before we know it.

"Is it bad that I sometimes wish we had the house to ourselves again?" I ask Ruth.

"Lucas!" She scolds.

"Joking baby. But really, do you know what you're in for when it's just you and me here?" I ask, kissing her neck again.

"Love, we have to get up; the kids have busted us, and I'd rather not have one of them bursting in here while you're on top of me." She says smacking her palm against my chest.

I laugh, rolling off of her. "Fine, they win....again. " I say laughing, getting out of bed, and grabbing my sweats off the floor.

I walk to the bedroom door with my shirt in my hand and open it, pausing and looking back at Ruth, who is now smoothing down her dress and fluffing out her hair.

"We will resume this later." I say with seriousness, pointing at her with the hand that is holding my scrunched-up tee.

She giggles and shakes her head, and I head out to see what trouble the kids are up to today.




I make my way downstairs and can hear the kids arguing in the kitchen. I hear Lucas trying to defuse whatever is going on with his 'dad' voice raised.

He cracks me up when he goes into dad mode, thinking the kids are scared of his raised voice when they know he is a huge pushover.

"What is going on in here?" I ask before entering the room.

Carla-Ruth has Cam in a headlock in front of the stove, refusing to let go, while Renee is trying to pull them apart.

They break away from each other when they hear me.

"Sorry mom," Cam says. "C.R. started it. She came in my room again and was messing with my stuff." He says cutting his eyes at her.

"Yeah, you want to tell mom all about your stash of girly mags, pornos, and condoms you have hidden under your mattress?"

"Well, do you want me to tell dad about the weed I caught you smoking after Jessica came over to "study" the other day?"

"You asshole!"


"Kids!" Luke shouts, and I cast him a look.

"I was just trying to keep them from killing each other, but if they are going to start this shit, I'm out." Renee says waving her arms in the air while shaking her head and plopping down in a chair at the table.

"Cam, Carla-Ruth, both of you have a seat." I say sternly.

They both pull out a chair and sit with their heads down.

"C.R. were you and Jessica smoking when she came over Wednesday?" I ask.

"Yeah, but mom, you've got to...."

"No 'buts' young lady; I appreciate your honesty, but that kind of behavior will not fly, especially from a thirteen-year-old."

"I know, mom, it was only one time I promise, and besides, pot will soon be legal."

"One time or not, C.R. you realize your father is a Detective, right? How do you think this would look for him if it got out that his daughter was experimenting with drugs? And even if it becomes legal tomorrow, you know that it will still have an age requirement."

"OK, I get your point. It won't happen again; besides, I vomited for like an hour straight after hitting it twice; not a great experience."

I am silent for a few minutes, taking everything in. Raising teens is not for the faint of heart. I look at Luke, who looks like smoke is about to start billowing out of his ears; he always takes the kids antics way harder than I do.

"Are we just going to ignore the fact that Cam has porn and condoms? Or are we allowing teen pregnancy but drawing the line at weed?" C.R. replies with her typical attitude.

"Condoms prevent teen pregnancy C.R. or are you too dumb...." Cam starts before Luke cuts him off.

"Cam, come with me, son." Luke speaks, looking at Cam, who now has a look of fear in his eyes.

They stand and go to exit the kitchen. I stand from my seat and grab Luke's arm, stopping him.

"Don't be too hard on him, Luke; remember they are just kids."

He nods and kisses my cheek, assuring me he is just going to talk to him about responsibility.

I decide that I will go ahead and start on dinner and implore the girls to help.

No matter how much trouble they are in, we always find peace in the kitchen. They love to help cook, and I not only appreciate the help, but it is a great way to teach them life skills and bond with them.

"So mom, have you ever smoked pot?" Renee asks as we chop up some veggies for a salad.

"Nope, never." I answer truthfully. "But your dad did a few times when he was in high-school." I say laughing.

"What?" Carla-Ruth and Renee both ask with shock in their voices.

"Really? Dad? Our dad? Mr. 'you can't take Nyquil because it has too much alcohol in it', was a pothead?" C.R. asks. 

I can't help but laugh because she isn't wrong; Luke is generally so straight-laced that it is hard to imagine. "I'll let your dad tell you about that some other time." I say going back to our meal.


That Night

I lay in bed, cuddling up to Luke. Surprisingly,  he and Cam had returned from their talk, both smiling and laughing with their arms around each other's shoulders earlier. I couldn't help but be curious about what exactly he had said to him.

The rest of the evening went smoothly, aside from when we sat down to eat and Luke nearly choked on his steak after C.R. had said, "So dad, mom tells us you were quite the pothead in high school." He decided to go ahead and tell her about his experimenting with it when his dad had been deployed and one of his buddies brought some to a party. I noticed how he left out how much he enjoyed it and how he had done it multiple times, but his response seemed to satisfy her curiosity, and he declared that none of us were ever allowed to bring it up again.

I roll over on the bed and lay my head against his naked chest, tracing his tattoos with my fingertips. "So, what exactly did you say to Cam?"

He clears his throat and lets out a small chuckle. "Well, we made a deal."

"Deal? What kind of deal?" I ask.

"Since he is technically an adult, as long as he and Susan use protection and he promises to be safe and responsible, I won't say anything to them as long as..."

"As long as what,Luke?" I ask leaning up to look him in the eyes and cocking my eyebrows at him.

"As long as he promised to quit interrupting us." He laughs.

"You didn't!?" I ask.

"I did." He says nonchalantly. "So now we can finish what we started earlier." He says leaning down to kiss my neck.

I smile and roll to my back, pulling him on top of me. I can feel the wetness pooling between my legs as he kisses down my chest, cupping my breast in his hands. A loud, needy moan escapes my lips as he moves his hip, pressing his hard length between my legs. I reach my hand down between us, into the waistband of his sweats, gripping him tightly.

He moans loudly in response as I begin to stroke him. We begin getting lost in each other when...



A fist hits our bedroom door.


"I SWEAR YOU GUYS ARE LIKE FUCKING RABBITS." Renee and C.R.'s voices holler out.

Luke lays his head against my chest in defeat.

"Fucking teenagers." He laughs, placing a kiss against my forehead before rolling off of me.

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