Broken Souls

By KattraKnit

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What if thinks went just a little different when Error fell? What if someone really loved him? What if he lov... More

Broken Souls
Broken Souls Prologue
Broken Souls 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23

Chapter 8

1K 48 26
By KattraKnit

=True Lab Something Different =

"So who is going to get glitchy bruseph back?" Fresh watches as everyone goes tense and silent at his question.

Classic finally answers. "The portal generator has limited capacity so a maximum of eight coming back counting Error.  We should send less than the max in case Error needs to bring back a friend or pet.  It has been years after all."

Blue nods, "five maybe two from Nightmare's team, one neutral, and two council.  Enough friends he should feel safe, representation for all parties, and an odd number so there cannot be a party vote that has the majority. Someone always has to vote outside their party to make a majority."

No one really argued with him, it made sense.  Classic raises a hand. "Who though, there are a lot of restrictions on who can take that kind of risk. I figure I am off the list for the same reason I was not allowed to fight?"

"As much as we need a balanced team, I can't allow anyone besides myself from my team to go.  Dust is pregnant, Horror's health has always been compromised because of his AU, Cross has responsibilities with the Chara support system, and Fresh already lost a brother. I won't risk taking away his boyfriend as well." Nightmare crosses his arms and refuses to look at anyone.

Horror steps forward with a nod, "I am going, David and I already talked about it."

Outer raises a hand glancing around, "as one of the few on the council to not physically fight Error I should go."

FlowerFell Sans raises his hand as well, "I can be the neutral Error was always welcome in my copies even prayed for."

There was an exchange of looks after that they needed one more from the council to make this work.

A relatively unknown Sans steps forward, "I am Bit from BittyTale #2, if Flower was a council representative and I could be the neutral.  After all, BittyTale was never part of the council and both sides mostly left us alone or helped with Bitty rescue."

Classic finally nods, "that works. All sides are represented, the health of the multiverse is as protected as it is going to get in this situation, and the retrieval party is the least likely to stress Error that we can come up with."

Nightmare looks away, tentacles twitching, "so who is in charge of the party?"

Everyone not from his group or the neutrals exchanged puzzled looks but it was Dream who finally spoke up, "what party brother?"

Killer snorts, "what Glowbug do you think we went on any dangerous missions without a party first? What do you take us for empty shells we always knew that a slip, a misstep, a moment of fucking distraction or bad luck and we might not come back.  We never wanted our brother's last memory of us to be anything but good.  All of us came from fucked up AU where we lost our biological sibling right in front of us.  Are you telling us you didn't make arrangements to protect your team's mental and emotional health?"

"Enough Killer you are forgetting that Ink was in charge of their team until after we abandoned the balance to their consequences."  Nightmare gives Killer's skull a soothing rub with one tentacle even while gently reprimanding him for his cutting sarcastic comment to Dream.

"So we are throwing a party before you leave?" Classic smiles slightly admitting to himself that he likes Nightmare's management style a lot more than Ink's.  It felt better to work with someone who looked after his people and didn't forget what he was doing every few minutes.

Nightmare nodded, "Cross you are in charge of getting the Karaoke machine from home and everything that goes with it.  Horror you and Chef Papyrus from RestaurantTale are in charge of food.  Killer decorations, Dream location.  Dust set your pregnant ass down."

Blue chuckles watching Nightmare take charge like he hadn't just asked who was in charge.  "Hey Dream, how about DanceTale? Last I checked they never reset much and get enough visitors for dance parties that they are mostly multiverse friendly."

"No can do Blue.  Boss got banned from all DanceTale copies and the original after he and Error swept every dance contest in DanceFell on a dare.  Apparently the ability to dance on transparent strings or have extra limbs at will is too much of an advantage." Killer shrugs with a grin.

"They were just sore losers. Muffit has extra arms and webs." Horror grumbles as he looks around for RestaurantTale Sans or Papyrus.

There is an awkward silence as several shoot glances at Dance for never saying anything about this.  Dance looks embarrassed, "I was told they cheated and intimidated the judges.  I mean Fell Contest Judges would you let someone who could do that have a party in your AU?"

Classic gives Dance a tired look, well more tired than usual. "Did you never think it was significant that they complied with the ban? Instead of doing whatever they wanted?"

Fresh shrugs, "to be fair to Dance, why would anyone party there when they would have to work the whole time to keep the DJ from running away or the bartender from poisoning them.  It would be a drag."

Everyone was quiet after that contemplating the difficulties of doing everything from shopping to dating when the multiverse was hostile to your every move.

On that rather grim note the meeting broke up with the party planners moving off to talk among themselves.  Dream kept glancing at Nightmare as everyone dispersed, noting how he just sat there staring into the middle distance once he didn't have anything to do. "Is Nightmare okay on his own like that? He seems so... hollow and tired when he isn't doing anything."

Blue frowns at Dream, "you know he isn't Dream.  I know you convince yourself everything is okay so long as things are moving forward in what you think is a positive direction.  But pain and depression don't just go away, it takes time and work to heal.  That is why amping up your aura doesn't fix negative AU, they just go back to the way they were when you leave.  Nightmare took years to heal his team.  While his leaving will hurt, the healing was real and they will remain stable without him.  I know Ink always acted like a new coat of paint and some magic could fix everything, but people just don't work that way."

Dream lowers his head, staring at his hands and flushing gold at being called out on his habit of diluting himself with wishful thinking.  "I know Blue but he seemed so focused and motivated I thought... I don't know what I was thinking that knowing Error was alive would be enough."

Dust stands wandering over to sit with Nightmare leaning on him.  "Hey dad, how are you holding up? You are acting spaced out."

"What if he doesn't want to come back? What if wherever he is, is better for him?  We were not enough to make him stay before.  Dusty, he jumped into the ducking VOID!" Nightmare slumps a little after his outburst like even holding himself up was too much effort.

Dream having heard most of what Nightmare said because of his voice rising with stress.  Stands walking unsteady over and hugs Nightmare.  "Then you stay and build a life with your SOULmate brother.  This multiverse and it's judges earned our consequences.  If you can't bring him home in ten years then we will send the rest of your team to 'help you.' You and Error have suffered long enough for our mistakes. If he doesn't want to come back then. I don't know, get married and plant a garden together or something."

Dust chuckles, "for once I agree with the Glow Bug your first priority should be Error's well being and your own.  Dadmare, you made sure we can take care of ourselves so if you need to stay we will be okay and catch up to you later."

Baker RestaurantTale Sans, having stayed to talk with Horror about the catering for the party before calling his bro, listened alarmed but not exactly surprised.  One's soulmate always came first, and Dream had straight up told them he was in this for his brother.  They would just have to wait and see, even his team didn't know what would happen. They just had contingency plans unlike the rest of them they had probably always expected this to be a possible outcome.  He flinched when Horror put a hand on his shoulder.

"Come on buddy let's go talk about food.  We should also plan for the welcome home party.  Error hasn't spent millennia keeping the multiverse going to just give up.  Sure he occasionally tries to off himself but he always regrets it when he calms down."  Horror grins at Baker's horrified look and firmly guides him over to a corner of the break room out of hearing range of Nightmare's conversation with Dust and Dream.

Even as Horror led Baker away the group broke up to their assigned tasks.  Leaving Nightmare to Dust and Blue.

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