Mercy (MGK)

By ColdBastilleMusic

7.9K 177 6

They had blood on their hands when they were young. He took the path that was fitting for who he was from bir... More

Sand Dunes
Watch Your Back
Her Song
Glass House
Golden Dagger


153 3 0
By ColdBastilleMusic

Daniella POV

Was this what I expected when I had agreed to tour with Colson? Not in the slightest. City after city, party after party, show after show, this wasn't home. A sigh escaped me as I stood on the balcony, I knew we were in Vegas, at least for a few days. Most of my wounds has healed, a few new scars finding home in my skin now.

"Hey you okay?" I turned back, flashing a forced smile to Sarah.

"Yeah, just tired. I miss the studio. Hell our company is sitting in LA, yeah we can shoot on the road, but our entire next 3 months was LA." Already I was raising my hands in theatrics. "This isn't my scene Sarah."

"I get it. It's lot. The parties- it's"

"It's not me. It's not who Colson was back then Sarah." I shrugged, returning my gaze to the skyline. "He's different."

"Aren't you?" My mind was pulled from the conversation as my phone buzzed, I gave Sarah a nod before excusing myself inside to answer in private.


"12th floor suite 1207." The line went dead as I scoffed, the voice was Richard, there was no doubt, that and the demeanor gave it away. I shoved my phone in my pocket before glancing to Sarah. She was busy on her phone for her to notice my departure. It was only a few moments before I was on floor 12, clutch in my hand, a scowl on my face. Before I could even knock the door opened, Richard's gaze locked onto my own before he motioned for me to come inside.

"Dare I ask why you're in Las Vegas? Interested in the MGK tour."

"The last thing I'm interested in." He scoffed, closing the door as I wandered to the living room. Various setups were in place, a few people working on computers or laptops, headsets on.

"So then, what's wrong?" It came out weak, whispered, cause I damn well knew Richard. The man lacked emotions, but when he attempted to show them, it was just by allowing someone into his world.

"You aren't safe. Turns out you never were." I looked him, yet he was staring out the window, jaw clenching, obvious by the tension in his cheek.

"Oh?" It was all I could say as I walked to where he stood, yet I opened the door and stepped out onto the balcony.

"A file leaked. Not my files, but the governments. That's how they found you again. They think you're like me?"

"Like you?"

"A criminal. A mob boss, whatever the word is these days." He refused to look at me, his hands shoved in his pockets. "The file is old, I'm ensured the government actually doesn't believe that, but you know the world, they'll believe what they want."

"Yeah." I laughed, grabbing into the railing. "So I'm dead?"

"No, but I need you to understand this Danny. If I say jump, fucking jump." Only then did Richard look to me. "If I say run, you run as far as you fucking can. Cause I can damn well promise you, Colson Baker won't be able to stop these people if they decided to come. They'd kill him for sport. They killed Tupac and never got caught. You think they'll get caught now? No, government is as much in their pockets as they are in mine." I nodded, turning on my heels to leave, yet Richard grabbed my arm, he stared into my eyes as if he was planning to say something, yet let go. A shiver ran down my spine as I gave a nod once he released me.

"Good bye Richard."

"Good bye Daniella." As I left and went back to the penthouse, the memories came rushing back. Tears threatened to spill from my eyes.


"Rich?" I wandered to the balcony, my thin night gown doing little to protect me from the chilly night air, yet the coolness was welcoming in the California summer. Richard had a cigarette in hand, leaning over the balcony off of our master bedroom. "You okay?"

"Yeah. Danny?" He turned, scratching out the cigarette before tossing it into the tray. He always smelled of menthol, his cologne, and what I could only describe as wood burning in winter. Warm yet crisp.


"You know that I love you, right?"

"Of course." He pulled me to his body, his lips kissing the top of my head before he raised a hand to stroke my cheek. His eyes were red, something I'd never seen before on him. "Rich?"

"It's because that I love you, that I need you to go. I need you to move out, hate me with every ounce of your being, and divorce me because I'm the worst thing that happened to you." I knew he could feel my heart pounding, as my chest was nearly flush against his.

"Richard, what's happening?" Tears were threatening to spill from my eyes, yet he shook his head and closed his for a moment to compose himself.

"I promised to protect you and I didn't. We lost our child Danny. I can't lose you, so I'm giving you the only chance at life. I need you to leave, tonight. There is a car coming for you, they'll take you to the court house. You tell them whatever you need to...tell them I'm a scumbag husband...that I cheated or just wasn't there and we have differences that we can't reconcile." He looked at me once more, and I knew. Richard wouldn't change his mind. Whatever it was had made it for him. He leaned down and kissed me, it felt like we stood there forever, my sobs muffled into his chest till I managed a strong face. He let go only when he could tell I could stand on my own, stroking my cheek one last time.

"Good bye Richard."

"Good bye Daniella."

—flashback end—

"Ma'am?" I blinked a few times, a man holding open the elevator door for me. I nodded, my expression was that of stone as I walked into the suite, people were now here, ready for an after party. A few beautiful women and plenty of men.

"Hey! Danny you gotta meet Megan!" Sarah hollered, I forced a smile as she brought the new friend over. "Danny this is Megan as in Megan Fox!"

"Oh what?! It's lovely to meet you. Daniella Clark. Current owner and photographer for vogue." Megan smiled, truth be told she fit right in with us.

"Oh that's exciting! A few friends of mine are here and model for vogue, figured I'd tag along."

"Hey D!" I nearly jumped hearing Colson come up behind me, engulfing me in a hug before he offered his hand to Megan. "Sorry, Colson Baker, you're freaking Megan Fox!" This was just the beginning of something amazing for all of us. Maybe touring wasn't all the bad.

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