The Song of the Titan

By bleachanimefan

4.5K 165 21

A human girl named, Azara weathers, has landed into a strange land called the Boiling Isles. A magical realm... More

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten!!
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
The Song of the Titan Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter 20
Chapter Twenty -One
Chapter Twenty -Two
Chapter Twenty-Three
Chapter Twenty-Five
Chapter Twenty-Six
Chapter Twenty-Seven
Chapter Twenty-Eight
Chapter Twenty-Nine
Chapter Thirty
Chapter Thirty-One

Chapter Twenty-Four

92 8 0
By bleachanimefan

"Long time no see, Philip." Azura smirked. "How's the curse?"

"YOU!" Belos was shaken with rage at the very sight of her. "You vile heathen witch!"

Azura snorted, chuckling at his response. "I see that you still haven't changed. You're still the same jerk as ever."

"I've been training Azure's daughter?" Luz gasped as did Amity. The two hugged each other, tightly, squealing with excitement. "I've been training Azura's daughter!"

"No way!" Amity exclaimed. "I can't believe it! It's Azura! THE Good witch Azura!"

"M-Mom? You're-You're Azura?" Azara stammered, still in shock. Azura turned to look at her and her eyes widened as soon as she saw Hunter. She quickly snapped her back towards the emperor, gritting her teeth.

"Philip, what have you done?" she demanded. Belos made a sickening smirk.

"What I've done?" he replied. "I've made a better version of an old friend of mine."

"You sick demented psycopath!" Azura spatted out in fury.

"That's not all," Azara said, before turning towards the crowd who were watching as well as the coven heads. "Belos has been lying to everyone! He's planning on sacrificing you all so the Titan can be revived! He's going to destroy all magic!" Everyone gasped in shock, their eyes going wide in disbelief.

"What?!" Darius exclaimed. He narrowed his eyes over at Hunter and Azara. "Stop spouting such nonsense!"

"I'm not lying! He told me so himself, before he forcibly placed a control spell on me."

"He was just trying to keep you in line." Terra, the leader of the plant coven, retorted.

"I've never wanted to do anything of that!" Azara shouted, narrowing her eyes at her. "I had no control of my entire body. That was not magic, it was pure evil. If you chose to believe him, then you're all fools."

"What do you mean, it was not you're doing?" Darius questioned.

"Oh please, you're not falling for this cheap trick are you?" the plant coven head, scoffed. "You're really going to believe the lies of these wild witches, over our most beloved emperor!?"

"Maybe, we should hear them out? That's all I'm saying." the abomination coven head suggested.

"They've tainted you with their words!" the plant coven head shouted. "If you won't follow, maybe I should put you in your place."

Soon, it was coven heads against other coven heads fighting each other on different sides.

"Has everyone gone crazy?!" Hunter shouted. He tackled Azara down when a stray shot was heading straight towards them. Luz quickly turned to Eda as she fought along with some of the coven heads, who were helping, with Amity.

"Eda! We need to leave now!" she cried out. Eda shook her head.

"Not without Raine!"

"Got him!" Emira called out as she ran over to the two, with her twin brother. Eda's mother was with them as well.

"Yeah, it wasn't easy. Some crazy shrieking little gremlin was guarding him." Edric snickered.

Gwendolyn gasped as she saw Azura fighting against Belos. "It can't be..." she whispered. "Azura Clawthorne. I've heard stories from my great grandmother but I never believe that I would actually met her!"

"Wait a minute, she's a Clawthorne?!" Eda's eyes widened, before smiling. "Well, what do ya know! That means her kids and I are cousins."

Hunter tugged Azara's arm, pulling her up. "Azara, we need to go!"

She looked back at her mother and the emperor who were still battling it out. "Mom, come with us!"

"Not until I settle things." Azura said to her before encasing Belos into a giant rock cage. "I've been waiting a long time for this, Philip. You're going to pay for crimes and everything that you have done!" However, the prison began to crumble and Belos stepped out of it, glaring at her. His eyes widened as he saw that Azura was no longer in the air as she teleported and suddenly appeared right beside him. She punched him squarely in the nose, making Belos drop Azara's necklace as he fell back. He glared up at the witch as she caught it, holding his broken nose with his hand, painfully.

"What, I've done? I'm trying to save humanity from you monsters! You took everything from me!" He roared and shot out several ice shards at the witch. Azura dodged them, riding on her staff before, launching a giant fire ball at him. Belos managed to quickly counter it.

"No, you're the monster. You're the one who took everything from me!" she cried out. "You murdered the man that I loved!"

"He was bewitched by you! If he had only listened to me in the first place, then none of this would be happening right now." the emperor shouted back at her. Azura stared at him coldly with a dark look in her eyes.

"You're delusional." she scoffed as she shook her head. "You're still stuck in your old ways and beliefs. What would he think of you now, if he saw you right now?" Belos eyes widened before he shook his head and started breaking out in a maniacal laughter. Azura frowned as she narrowed her eyes at him, suspiciously.

"It doesn't matter anymore. None of it does. By the time my plan, succeeds. The world will be finally rid of you witches and your barbaric ways." Belos smirked, looking at her as he hummed. "But, I see that there's something off about you as well. Your magic is not as strong as it used to be. Has old age finally starting to get to you?"

Azura gripped her staff tightly in her hands, gritting her teeth. He figured it out! Her eyes widened as she saw him turn towards Hunter and Azara then fired a strand of vines at them. They erupted from the ground, diving straight towards them. Hunter and Azara quickly braced themselves for the attack with their staffs to deflect it. Azura's eyes widen in horror and she quickly darted towards them, knocking Hunter and Azara out of the way of the oncoming attack. A sickening crunch was heard as the vines tore through bone and flesh. Azara's necklace slipped from her mother's hand, shattering into several pieces on the ground.

Azara's eyes grew wide with horror as she was frozen in place, along with Hunter, seeing the witch get impaled through the chest from a secret vine that was uprooted from the ground from where the two had stood.


Everyone watched in complete and utter horror and shock, except for the coven heads that were on Belo's side. The emperor smirked, seeing that his sneak attack had worked in his favor. Eda took Raine from the twins and whistled for Owlbert, who came flying to her as she did.

"We need to leave now!"

Everyone hopped on their staffs and took off, following after her. Hunter quickly ran over to the fallen witch and grabbed the broken necklace, gathering some of the scattered pieces as he could and rushed over to Azara. He grabbed her by her wrist, dragging her along with him, while she fought to get to her mother.

"No, no, no! We can't leave her!" she shook her head, frantically, crying, hysterically. She froze as tears were streaming down her cheeks, seeing her mother slowly turn her heads towards the two.

"Take care of them, my little witchlings." she said softly to them, smiling. Azura fell to the ground, hard with a thud. She was no longer moving.

Hunter hopped onto Lil rascal with Azara in front of him while her palisman was on her shoulder and immediately flew off. The other coven heads tried chase after them, but Belos stopped them and ordered them to capture the other coven heads that went against him. He walked over to Azura and stood over her, looking down at the staff in her hands. He bent down and pryed it out of her hands, snapping it from its interlock and broke it. The green magic flowed into his eyes, consuming it from the palisman, illuminating them an electric blue color. He turned back towards the terrified crowd who were completely paralyzed in fear, not moving from their seats.

"This is what happens to wild witches who go against the Titan's will."

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