Damaged Past

By danka0529

29.3K 501 23

8 years have past since her life was hanging by a tread, after being saved she never looked back. Graduated a... More

Intro and warnings
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chatper 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24

Chapter 5

1.3K 21 2
By danka0529

"So he made Reid go down in the ditch after he got shot in the leg because he didn't want to ruin his new italian shoes" Derek said as everyone started laughing.

"well it sounds like you guys are one big happy family" Gabrielle let out in a laughing tone. They heard footsteps approaching, Celeste emerge from the dark with Aaron fallowing behind.

"There you are, we thought we were going to have to get a search party going soon" Morgan let out, Celeste gave him a little smile as she walked to her spot that she was sitting in before, she grabbed her wine glass that she left there and brought it to her lips and chugged the rest without any hesitaion.

"Whoa there Celeste" Gabrielle let out.

"we should go, it's later" Celeste said looking at her watch.

"It's friday, were do we have to go tomorrow" her sister asked her as she gave her a weird look.

"I'm tired" she said making her way back in the house, Everyone looked around at each other.

"it is pretty late, we have the babysitter to bring home, were going to head out too" JJ let out, everyone agreed as they all stood and made there way inside. Everyone walked to the front door.

"well thank you all for coming" Dave said as he open the door, Emily, JJ, Will, Reid, Morgan and Garcia said there byes and walked out of the house. Dave then turned around towards the twins.

"Thank you for the amaxing everning uncle Dave" Gabrielle said giving him a hug and a kiss on the cheek.

"Don't be a stranger" he said to her, she walked out of the door, it was Celeste turned she gave him a hug.

"Have a good night bella, see you at work" as he hugged her back, Celeste turned and looked at Aaron, who was standing in the hall and looking at her, she turned around and walked out of the door. Dave closed the door and turned towards Aaron with a raised eyebrow.

"What happen?" he asked, Aaron looked at him.

"uh, nothing" he said, Dave shook his head.

"What happen with Celeste? Aaron" he asked as he walked to the kitchen, with Aaron fallowing him.

"we talked" he let out, Dave looked at him as he squinted his eyes at his friend.

"Something happen, both of you acted weird when you got back, I might be old but I'm not stupid" Aaron let out a breath.

"I might have kissed her" he let out as he took a step back, putting some distance between him and Dave knowing well that he's protective of Celeste.

"You might?"

"I did! I don't know what happen one minute were talking and the next I just had this urge to kiss her, so I did" he said talking fast.

"okay, it's okay Aaron, what happen after" Dave asked, Aaron looked at his friend as he ran a hand threw his hair.

"she kissed me back" he said in a low voice. Dave looked at him as a smile slowly appeared on his face as he shook his head.

In the car Celeste was quiet looking straight at the road with both hands on the steering wheel, Gabrielle looke at her sister, then back at the road, then back at Celeste.

"Are you okay?" she broke the silence, Celeste looked straight like she didn't hear her sister.

"Earth to Celeste!" Gabrielle said as she waved her hand in her sister's face, which made her snap out of it.

"What?" she let out, Gabby let out a chuckle.

"what happen tonight?"

"Nothing" Gabrielle let out a laugh.

"Yeah and I'm queen nefertiti, Something went down you acted super scetched out when you two got back" Celeste looked at her sister quickly as she bit the inside of her cheek.

"I kissed him"


"In my defense he kissed me first" Celeste said quickly.

"What the fuck!" her sister let out with a laugh.

"It just happen, and it won't happen again, it can't happen again, he's my boss" Celeste said.

"Yeah! and hes old enough to be your dad" Gabrielle let out.

"GAB! your not helping" her sister let out as she shook her head. They got tot the house Celeste got out of the SUV as quick as she could with Gabrielle still asking qestions.

"Can we please change the subject" Celeste pleaded with her twin sister as they made there way to the front door, Gabrielle rolled her eyes at her sister.

"I was kidding about the whole dad thing, I mean the man is HOT!" Celeste walked in the door and dropped here keys in the bowl and continued to the stairs going upstairs.

"Where are you going" Gabrielle asked standing at the buttom of the stairs and looking up.

"Good night Gab" Celeste let out as she continue up.

"This conversation is not over!" Gabby let out, Celeste let out a little laugh as she made her way to her bedroom.


Celeste sat up in bed, as the door flew open , with her sister showinf up with a huge grin on her face.

"Morninggggg sleepyyy headdddd" she said out.

"God what is wrong with you" Celeste let out as she fell back in bed with her palms on her eyes.

"Woman it's almost ten in the morning, your burning daylight" Gabrielle jumpped on the bed beside her sister, Celeste let out a grunt as she covered herslef with the blankets.

"So I think shopping therapy is in order today" Celeste uncovered herself and looked at her twin, who was had big hopeful eyes and a smile on her face. Celeste let out a deep breath.

"I could get on board with that" she said.

"Awesome! I'll make coffee, get your butt ready" Gabrielle said as she quickly got up and walked out of the room. Celeste laid there for another few minutes looking at the ceiling thinking about her boss kissing her and then her kissing her boss. After fighting with her thoughts she got up an made her way to her closet, grabbing a pair of black leggins and a white racer back top with a grey off one shoulder sweater, she paired that with black flats. Getting her hair in a messy bun and minimal makeup she grabbed her phone and made her way downstairs. met By her sister standing at the door with the two coffees.

"Let's go woman, god your slow!" Celeste rolled her eyes at her as she got her keys and opening the door to stop and look down on the mat, where it was occopied by a dozen roses.

"Oh did Ryan and O get into a figh again?" Gabrielle said as she peaked over her sisters shoulder, Celeste picked the roses up and looked at them.

"Probably, there's no card with them"

"Go put them in something, I'll be in the SUV" Gabby squeezed by as she grabbed the keys. Celeste let out a huff as she turned around and made her way to the kitchen. After tending to the flower Celeste made her way out the door and to the booming SUV, she shook her head with a smile as she looked at her sister who was dancing in her seat.

"New clothes here we come!" Gabrielle screamed as Celeste open the door.

"Can you not!" she said as she got in and got buckled in.

"Why are you being such a Debbie Downer?" Gabrielle looked at her sister as she turned the music down.

"I'm not, your just a little to much right now"

"You still thinking about that kiss?" she let out as she wiggle her eyebrows, Celeste backed up the SUV and started driving without saying a word.

"You know tomorrow is going to be seven years since the kidnapping" Celeste said looking at the road, Gabrielle looked at her with big eyes and mouth open.

"OH MY GOD! Celeste hes your prince charming" she let out, Celeste looked at her sister with a confuse looked on her face.

"think about it, you get your dream job, your working with the man that saved you, you two kissed, its all pieces coming together, something is berwing in the universe" Celeste let out a chuckle.

"your such a weirdo"

They got to the mall and started shopping. Going to one clothing store after another they spend the rest of the afternoon laughing and gossiping. they walked out of their last store Victoria Secrets.

"I think I got enough underwear and bras to last me a couple of years" Gabrielle let out as Celeste hummed in agreement.

"Same, but I'm starving now" Celeste said looking at her phone.

"Wanna get food here?"

"Yeah" Caleste said as they started walking towards the food court. As they walked Celeste was answering some text that she got from her mother when Gabrielle grabbed her arm and made her stop in her track.

"What?" she said looking at her. Gabby took a step closer to her sister that she could feel her body heat as she pointed her finger a little in fron of them, Celeste turned her head and looked in the crowd of people trying to see what her sister was seeing until she saw him. Aaron was standing outside of a store and looking down, he had a smile not a smile that Celeste had ever saw him sporting at work, her eyes traveled down and she saw a little boy looking up at him with that same smile.

"The univers is calling, and his name is Aaron Hotchner" Gabby whispered to Celeste who pulled away from her sister.

"Can you not!" she let out. Gabrielle rolled her eyes.

"I have to do everything" she said grabbing her sister by the wrist and started to walk towards the man and his kid.

"Gab no!" Celeste let out in a hiss.

"Aaron?" Gabrielle said as she let out of her sister. Celeste watched as he looked up and looking at her sister, his face changed to a suprise look as his smile wasn't as big.

"Gabrielle" he said as he emmidiatly looked behind Gabbrielle his eyes landing on Celeste.

"Celeste" he said as he tone changed, Celeste saw his body become straighter almost like he got tensed.

"What brings you to the mall?" Gabrielle let as she winked at Celeste who rolled her eyes at her.

"Were just doing a little bit of shopping" he said as he looked down a tthe littleboy. Celeste looked down at the boy who was looking at both of the girls with a confuse look on his face, Celeste crouched down to be at his eye level. Aaron watched her and looked down at his son.

"What's your name?" she asked with a little smile. she watched as he looked up at his dad.

"Well My name is Celeste and this is Gabrielle, I work with your daddy" the little boy looked at her and a smile appeared in his face.

"My name is Jack"

"It's nice to meet you Jack" Celeste brought her hand forward and closed it into a fist, Jack gave her a huge smile and did the same fist pump with her. Celeste looked up at Aaron who was looking at both of them with with raised eyerbrows, she then stood up as his eyes fallowed her.

"So we were going to eat at the food court, do you two want to join us?" Gabrielle let out. Aaron looked down at his son, who gave him a huge smile with a quick nod.

"The boss has spoken" he let out, Gabby let out a laugh like what he said was the funniest thing in the world, Celeste looked at her with a weirded out look.

"Come on little buddy, let's figure out what were going to eat" Gabrielle said as she reached out to the little boy, who let out a little giggle and grabbed her hand. They both started walking away leaving Celeste and Aaron standing together, Aaron looked at her, but she obviously was avoiding looking at him.

"uh...How are you?" he asked, she quickly looked up at him.

"I'm good" she quickly replied as she started walking, Aaron shook his head a little as he let out a breath as he fallowed her. Once they seperatly got some thing to eat they met up with Gabrielle and Jack who were sitting at a table.

"How much do I owe you for his food" Aaron asked looking at Gabrielle who shook her head.

"Don't worry about it" se said. Celeste looked at Jack who was enjoying his fries as he was sitting beside her sister and humming to himself, Jack Hotchner looked like a mini version of Aaron all the way to the politness.

"SO i have a emportant question to ask you Jack" she let out, the little boy looked at her in all seriousness.

"who's your favorite superhero?" Celeste asked, Jack gave her a big smile.

"That's easy it's Captain America!" he shouted, Celeste let out a laugh.

"That's a good one" she said, Jack nodded.

"He reminds me of daddy" he then said, Celeste quickly looked at Aaron who glanced at her.

"I see it" she said as she watched Aaron turn a nice shade of pink as he looked down at his food. Celeste continue asking little questions to Jack who was happy to answer, she found out that he loves soccer and that Aaron is their coach. Gabrielle made unnecessary comments to her sister, who would make Celeste shake her head. Aaron looked at his watch.

"Hey bud, we should be heading out" he said, Jack looked at his dad as he gave him sad eyes.

"well if that's not a Hotchner look I don't know what is" Celeste let out, Aaron looked at her a gave her a side smile.

"Let's walk out together" Gabrielle let out, Jack nodded to her with a returning smile that appeared. everyone got up and started making there way to the exit. Gabrielle and Jack were walking a few feet in front of Celeste and Aaron, both laughing and having a good time.

"He likes the two of you" Aaron broke the silence, Celeste smiled.

"hes a wonderful kid"

"He is" as they both watch as Gabrielle was holding Jack's hand and they were jumpping on the square tiles.

"she's good with him too" Aaron said, Celeste let out a little laugh.

"Gabby is still a kid that's why" Aaron looked at her and let out a chuckle.

"what does that make you?"

"Whatever you want" she quickly replied, they both stopped walking Aaron looked at her as Celeste turned red in ambarrassment.

"God, I shouldn't be allowed to talk to people" she said looking down at her feet, Aaron let out a laugh.

"Your fine" he said smiling at her, Celeste looked up at him their eyes connected that feeling they had on the bench was coming back. Aaron cleared his troat as Celeste took a step back. they both strated walking again, making there way out of the mall.

"Alright buddy say bye to Gabrielle and Celeste" Aaron let out as he turned towards Celeste.

"Have a good rest of your day" he said, Celeste nodded to him with smile. Jack waved to Celeste as he started walking with his dad, Celeste walked up to her sister who was still watching the Hotchner boys.

"well that has to be the hotest dad ever" Gabrielle let out. Celeste let out a laugh as she walked away from her.

"Can you stop it!" she let out. Gabrielle started laughing as she fallowed her sister.

The twins night proceeded with chinesse food and drinking a bottle of wine while Gabrielle insisted of watching "Captain America", both passed out on the couch the sound of a phone started ringing loud in the living room.

"UGH shut it up!" Gabrielle let out hiding her head with a pillow. Celeste slowly got up and stubbled to her phone, gabbing it and not even looking at the caller ID.

"Yeah?" she let out in a sleepy voice as she rubbed her face with her hand.

"Celeste?" the voice said on the other side, relizing that its her boss, she stodd up straighter like he could see her in the phone.

"Sorry Sir"

"We have a case, got straight to the jet" he let then the line went dead, Celeste looked at her phone, then took a few seconds to procees what she needed to do.

"I'll call you a uber" her sister said in a muffled tone from the couch.

Celeste got to the tarmac, getting out of the Uber Dave was there she looked at him as he was leaning againts his car.

"Hey kid" he said, she gave him a tired smile.

"Do you know what the case is about" she asked, Dave shook his head as they both started walking towards the Jet. before Celeste went up the stairs Dave gently grabbed her forearm, she turned and looked at him.

"I know today is the Anniversary, if you need a moment today at any point, let me know" he said, Celeste looked at him. In the mist of everything she completly forgot what today was, she swallowed hard as she looked away from him.

"I'm fine" she whispered, Dave let her arm go as she pulled away and started walking up the stairs. In the jet Celeste took one of the single seat in the back, putting her head back and taking deep breaths in and slowly letting them out.

"You don't have to come on this case" Dave let out as he sat at the table.

"Just give me a minute, I'll be fine" she let out. the jet stayed quiet until the rest of the team started showing up. Hotch was the last one to show up.

"Alright guys let's start" he said as the door closed and the jet started moving.

Hey Peeps!
Another long Chapter, I love writing for you all and absolutly love who Aaron and Celeste realationship is taking flight, it's going to get spicy. so stick around


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