Dark Moon

By Eryzablu

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A remake version of the power of us More



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By Eryzablu

Frost: the gray demons aren't powerful but they are powerful to humans though
Gray: I see we'll give it our all
Frost: -smiles- just be careful
All 3: -running and fighting-

????: why did you betray us
Kaeya: why would we work with you guys in the first place your not even in the right track of mind
???; what are you talking about
???: guys that little boy has the key
???: your right he does
???: over here
Frost: sorry for this but I don't want to hurt you -uses his attacks-
All Holy knights: UGH
Frost: I did try the easy way
Gray: I don't think there's any way to open up their eyes now.....

????; my my Kaeya.....Gray.....I can't believe you betrayed me.......
Kyle: indeed it is and I need that key Zeldris big brother
Frost: if your ever going to get this think again
Kyle: your brother did say you were stubborn so let's try this -gets bead out and throws-


Kyle: ?!
Frost: think again -holding him by the collar and using other hand to stop bomb-
Kaeya & Gray: he really is a demon
Kyle: how come you didn't go with your kind seal
Frost: cause I'm a traitor to them since of a girl I feel in love with but then the seal happened but releasing them isn't the right idea
Kyle: let me go
Frost: if you think I'm going to let you off that easily.....Kaeya! Gray! Hold him now before this bomb grows bigger
Kaeya & Gray: Okay! -grabs-
Frost: -throws the bomb up with his sword up high-


Kyle: and that was from the demon clans bomb
Frost: what were you even thinking of doing this.....and like I said this is always with me
-jumps up then down and all of the holy knights floating-
Kyle: HEY
Frost: leave this place alone -eyes glow and teleports them-
Gray: there gone
Frost: they shouldn't be coming for the time being but what they used was dangerous......how did they get there hands on the weakest bomb
Kaeya & Gray: that's the weakest
Frost: believe it or not but it is........-looking at the sky-
Kaeya & Gray: at least we should rest
Frost: ?!
That's how my demon mark came out from the no where......my necklace was cracked a bit
Kaeya: you hid it......
Frost: I don't really except my powers of the demon side so I use more of my sin and original to fight
Gray: now way that's really strong
Frost: -looking down- yea it is.......let's go back to the restaurant now I should fix this

Gray: why do you still keep it on you
Frost: well I might not accept it in me of the real me but it's still of who I am and I can't escape from it no matter what -smiles lightly-

Zeldris: so he won't give up that easily but I think I'm able to connect to him now thanks to the crack in his necklace even though it's now fix I was able to do something
Mira: that's amazing
Zeldris: thanks now...*mind*

Frost: -blanks out-
Weren't my eyes just open.......
Zeldris: heheheh
Why hello there brother
Frost: how did......the crack......you didn't
Zeldris: I took the time when the little crack was still open
Frost: now why are you in my mind
Zeldris: give up the key
Frost: never.....if you have think you'll get this again on there no......
Zeldris: you aren't in full power also aren't you brother you split it in half
Frost: H-How.....did you......
Zeldris: I am your actual blood brother after all we know about each other
Frost: .......
Wake me up from this crazy dream......-looking down-
Zeldris: ?!
NO -gets kicked out-

Kaeya: Frost you okay
Gray: fixed it -puts it back on-
Frost: ?!
Wha....-crying and a smile- thanks guys I owe you one
Kaeya: no you don't we should be the one to owe you one for always helping us....
Gray: what happened in there
Frost: my brother had gotten in from the crack to get in my mind....it's a spell......that most demons do....and he knows more then he should but then again he is my actual little brother after all
Kaeya & Gray: .......
What happened please tell us
Frost: as you know I haven't used my demon powers in such a long time
Kaeya: did he know something of it.....
Gray: yea didn't something happened years ago of it
Frost: yea.....I've split it in half.....half in the necklace with a seal on and the other somewhere else.....and he knows now......but I can take this seal off if I really need to use it but it's not complete
Kaeya: do you think he'll do something
Frost: I don't know but he can't get that other half since we've had someone guarding it 3 to be in fact and it can only return back to me.....if a except it

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