Sacred Decree

נכתב על ידי SnowyWraith

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*Book Two Of The Federation Series* It is said that the moon goddess created supernatural beings that gain st... עוד

•Chapter One• Life
•Chapter Two• The Cookout
•Chapter Three• Premonition Or Just A Dream
•Chapter Four• The Sleepover
•Chapter Five• Birthday Bash
•Chapter Six• Why?
•Chapter Seven• Time Marches On
•Chapter Eight• Living A Nightmare
•Chapter Nine• Finally
•Chapter Ten• The Rescue
•Chapter Eleven• Justice
•Chapter Twelve• Uncertain Future
•Chapter Thirteen• In Darkness
•Chapter Fourteen• Waking Up
•Chapter Fifteen• In Reality
•Chapter Sixteen• Adjusting
•Chapter Seventeen• Uknown Normie
•Chapter Eighteen• His Point Of View
•Chapter Nineteen• Welcome Surprise
•Chapter Twenty• Emergency Meeting
•Chapter Twenty-One• Unforseen Event
•Chapter Twenty-Three• Is This It?

•Chapter Twenty-Two• Abduction

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נכתב על ידי SnowyWraith


Gabriel and I were chatting about our families while standing guard outside the Princess's suite. Ever since the war, Gabriel and I often worked together as a team. From what my wolf has told me in the past about his previous life, it was the same even back when they were guardians of the gods. Perhaps that was why it was so seamlessly to work together, as we had done so all our lives.

I suppose it was inevitable. My wolf soul, along with four others, had been created for the sole purpose of guarding the gods during a turbulent time in the heavens. But when their enemies were defeated and imprisoned, there was no need for us guardians. Thousands of years later the goddess sent our captain on a special mission to this plane, and not long after the rest of us were sent as well.

As moon guardians, later called moon warriors, our wolf souls were special souls who could verbally communicate with us, unlike other wolf souls. My wolf soul Samson, and I had the same personality, we are both calm and laid back. I've never gotten stressed, not even when my pups were young and the house was often chaotic. Samson and I can think quickly and clearly, even under pressure.

Naram and Nephilim, just like their human sides, are twins named Kile and Kale. They seem to be inseparable, and mischievous, yet they constantly fight with each other. The captain, Goliath resided within Elder Mathew. He was stronger and smarter than the other wolf warriors, with a commanding aura that demanded attention. While Gabriel and Giborim, his wolf soul, were like night and day. Giborim was private, but Gabriel was not.

Once we had all been given human hosts, our existence was for the purpose to protect one she-wolf, Silvia. I became her guard as a teen, from the day she began to walk. Mathew's pack was nearly the same size as Silvia's and was close enough to be neighbors. The twins were part of Mathew's pack while I was part of Silvia's pack. My father had been her father's beta. It was the same with our grandparents.

Gabriel was not from either pack. His father was the alpha of a pack in Minnesota. It was strange to us that Gabriel wasn't part of either pack and I often wondered why. Though we later found out that Gabriel's mother had been a member of Silvia's pack until she found her mate. After Gabriel's mother was killed during a rogue attack, his father blamed him for it and made sure his life was a living hell.

Thankfully, Giborim was brought back from the brink of eternal darkness by the goddess during the red river rogue war. Once the war came to an end, Giborim refused to leave the sacred vessel's side. Gabriel was more than willing to relocate to the Moon Warrior's pack, more so once he discovered his maternal grandparents still resided there and asked for permission, which was quickly granted.

It was close to two hours after Silvia had entered the prince and princess's suite when Gabriel suddenly shivered and looked at me oddly. "I just got a cold chill down my back," He frowned as he moved closer to the door and grabbed the knob. "Something's wrong."

Pushing the door open Gabriel walks in with me close on his heels. We look around the empty living area, noticing that nothing seemed disturbed or out of place. The tv was off, which was odd but not alarming. Silvia and the princess were probably in the bedroom. I followed Gabriel to the bedroom door, where we waited after he had knocked. The silence was eerie and moments later we pushed the door open to find the room empty.

Concerned and worried, Gabriel ran to the bathroom while I quickly hurried to pull open the door that led out onto a balcony. Frustration and fear gripped me when I realized that neither female was out there. Closing the door, I turned around to see Gabriel exiting the bathroom with a frown. We both hurried to the last unopened door, the closet, and opened it to find no one in there.

"What the hell?!" Gabriel shouted angrily. "Where the hell are they?"

"That's what I want to know!" I said. Sniffing the air, I could find the faint scent of both she-wolves, as well as two unfamiliar scents. "Rogues!" I growled out.

"How the hell did they get past us," Gabriel thundered. "As well as the pack's defenses with no one sounding an alarm?!"

"I don't know," I say next. "But we need to let the prince and Elder know, now!" I wasn't done speaking when, by the look in Gabriel's eyes, I could tell he was mind-linking someone.



Knowing what Cain was about to say, I didn't even wait for him to finish talking. 'Elder Mathew, Prince Marcus we have a huge problem!'

'What is it, Gabriel?' Prince Marcus asked worriedly.

'What's up?' Elder Mathew asked at the same time.

Opening up the link to include the beta, the delta, and all the warriors, I continued. 'Both the vessel and the princess are missing.'

'WHAT?!' The prince shouted angrily through the link.

'Explain as quickly as possible,' Elder Mathew ordered in a deadly, calm voice.



I decided to step in after the Elder's order. 'Silvia came to visit the princess a couple of hours ago. Just moments ago Gabriel and I noticed it was too quiet in the suite so we entered to find it empty with a faint scent of rogues-" I was then cut off by the door of the suite bursting open, and both the prince as well as his father, running in.

The father, son duo was followed by the werewolf king and every Elder that had been in the meeting. "Rogues?" The prince asked incredulously. "How the hell did they get in?!" Judging by the continuous flashing of his eyes, the prince was close to shifting. Looking at his father, I noticed he was shaking and had his eyes tightly shut, a sure sign that the captain was fighting to get out.

"According to security patrols," Jacob jumped in as he pushed past the Elders gathered in the now, cramped room. "No one has breached our territory. So unless they dropped out of the sky, there is no logical answer for how they got in."

"There is one," An Elder I didn't recognize, stepped forward with an angry expression. "Teleportation magic."



Elder Braden had just finished telling the council about the dangerous rogue sasquatch 'shaman', when prince Marcus slammed his hands down on the table with enough force to cause it to groan in protest and jumped to his feet, startling everyone present. Before I could blink, Elder Mathew slammed a fist on the already weakened table, which caused it to buckle under the abuse, and jumped out of his seat.

"Silvia and Aubrielle are missing," Mathew growled out as prince Marcus, unable to open the locked doors in his haste to leave the room, kicked it open. He and his father ran out amid a shower of broken wood and metal parts. I jumped to my feet, uncaring that we had been in the midst of an emergency meeting, and ran after them.

We ran through the network of hallways, dodging pack members who happened to cross our path until we reached a door. Marcus threw the door open and hurried inside with us following closely. Once I was inside, I noticed two things. The first was that all the Elders had followed us and were now in the room with us. The second was the faint rogue scent that drifted out of the open bedroom door.

"Rogues?" The prince asked incredulously. "How the hell did they get in?!" Judging by the continuous flashing of his eyes, prince Marcus was close to shifting. Without his mate, it would be hard to calm him down. His father was faring no better, he was shaking and had shut his eyes tightly, a sure sign that his wolf wanted to get out.

According to security patrols," Jacob stated as he pushed past the Elders gathered in the now, cramped room. "No one has breached our territory. So unless they dropped out of the sky, there is no logical answer for how they got in."

"There is one," Elder Braden stepped forward with an angry expression. "Teleportation magic."

"While that would explain the mystery of how they got in without being detected," Demetrius spoke up, his eyes narrowed with suspicion. "How did they know where to find the princes and the vessel?" He asked reasonably.

"I suspect they came for the princess," I gave my opinion. "And the vessel happened to come along at the wrong time, so they took her as well. As for how they knew where to find her... I think there's have a spy, maybe two, in this pack."

Unable to control himself any longer, Marcus shifted and tried to leave the suite. "Stop!" I ordered in my Alpha tone.

Though Marcus was an Alpha, not to mention a royal as well, his wolf would not be able to ignore the command of the current king. Though his wolf snarled and snapped, his body couldn't fight for long and he slunk low on the ground baring his neck and his tail tucked between his legs. Whining loudly, his wolf crawled to the bedroom and in seconds, the sound of shifting could be heard.

"We need to return to the meeting room-" I began, then interrupted myself upon remembering the broken door. "On second thought, we need to adjourn to another meeting room and discuss what to do next."

"I'll tell you what we're gonna do," Prince Marcus comes out of the bedroom fully dressed in black jeans and a t-shirt, with unlaced black boots. "We're going out to search for my mate and my mother!" His face was set in stone as he said this.

"No!" I growled out impatiently. "You are still wet behind the ears and I am taking over command until the princess and the vessel have been found. We are going somewhere more private, to discuss what needs to be done, and that is final! Understand?" I ask as I look from father to son. Though their eyes flashed angrily, they both nodded.

"Good," I say with a satisfied smile. "Now tie your shoes so we can go." Prince Marcus quickly ties his boots, then stands up. I could see the anger simmering under the surface but I knew his parents had raised him well so he would do as told without question.

Before we could vacate the suite, word reached us about the arrival of Elder Marcus's other pups and their mates. While the Elder went to greet his pups and appraise them of the current situation, I wrapped an arm around the prince and led the way to another meeting room, and waited outside while Gabriel and Cain, along with Law Enforcers, brought in two more tables and extra chairs for the new arrivals.

"I know how you feel Marcus," I tell him in a sympathetic tone as I pat his back. "I know what you are going through since I went through a similar situation. I promise you, we will do everything in our power to get them back safe and sound." Though Marcus nodded, I could see he was anxious, and right now, he was having doubts about how I was handling things.

"Look, I know you'd rather we went looking for your mate and mother but we can't go half-cocked, we need to be prepared before we go find them." Sighing deeply, he nodded once more.

Minutes later we all filed into the meeting room before the Law Enforcers locked us in. I'd given specific instructions that warriors be stationed at either end of the hall to ensure no one came within hearing distance of the meeting room we occupied. Since we had no idea who the spy was, we didn't want them to catch wind of what we were discussing. Security was a priority for all of us effective immediately.

During the meeting, we discussed our options and what steps should be taken. We decided to call in more Law Enforcers and one more WOLF team. Before we left the meeting room I'd placed the needed calls and was quite happy to learn that the WOLF team I requested had finished the mission they had been on yesterday and should be arriving on Royal Sweet Springs territory tomorrow morning.

Until then, we would do anything we could to investigate what happened here today and where are the sacred vessel and the princess. My hope is, that the goddess will be able to escape along with the princess and find their way to us. But just the fact the sacred vessel was taken without a struggle is not only alarming but also confusing. Just how did they subdue not only Silvia but the goddess too?

Once I was done making the necessary calls, I looked around at the expectant faces in the room. "Alright," I say as I lay out my plan to catch the culprit. "Before we entered this room I ordered a complete lockdown of this territory. No one is to enter or leave without permission. That being the case, I think we should inform the pack about the abduction of the vessel and the princess, as well as our suspicions of a spy."

"Is that wise?" One Elder asked looking at me with a frown.

"I think it's a good idea," The fairy queen cut in. "Especially if we inform the pack we plan on conducting interviews and searching everyone's rooms or homes."

"It just might scare the spy enough to try to flee," I agreed. "If that doesn't work, then we can always interrogate every single pack member with the use of TS-09. Not many know about this new serum, so they might think it's TS-99 which will work in our favor."

TS-09 is a truth serum specifically made for werewolves. It was safe to use but would cause excruciating pain if the wolf is foolish enough to lie. The serum was fairly new and because of that, it was rarely used. The previous serum, TS-99, was unstable and known to cause severe, paralyzing seizures, and in some cases, acute dementia. It was widely feared by the werewolf community.

"I won't allow the use of a dangerous drug on my pack," Prince Marcus said firmly. "It isn't right. Besides, I know Bree would be furious if she found out and would likely skin me alive."

Laughter filled the room as all those present laughed. "Don't worry," I reassured him. "TS-09 is a new serum and is safe, though it will cause immense pain when someone is being deceptive."

"In that case," The prince concedes. "I agree with this plan. When do we put it in motion?" He asks.

"As soon as we can gather the pack together," I tell him and he nods, then mind-links the pack to meet in the dining room immediately.

"Shall we?" Prince Marcus asks as he pushes his chair back and stands.

"We shall," I reply before bringing the meeting to an end, and we file out of the room.

The pack was quite shocked and appalled by the news, then bothered by the thought of a possible spy among them. We omitted to tell them the pack was on lockdown, hoping the culprit will try to make a break for it. For the next hour, we made a big production of searching the guest house for clues. We were eating lunch twenty minutes after the warriors began their search when I got a text.

"I think we just got a bite!" I say as I throw the napkin I'd just used to wipe my mouth and hands on my half-eaten plate of food. Leading the way out of the building, I remain silent until we have piled into vehicles, and driving to our destination. "A she-wolf was just caught trying to sneak past a security point."

The SUV in the lead contains one WOLF team and two Law Enforcers, the same as the one behind us. Prince Marcus, Elder Mathew, Demetrius, Gabriel, Cain, and I occupy this vehicle, with Gabriel at the wheel. We drive for about fifteen minutes when the security checkpoint comes into view. We pull into a ten-car parking lot to the left of the road and step out onto the blacktop, then walk the short distance to where the warriors wait.

As we near the mid-sized guard building, one burly warrior steps out of the building pulling a she-wolf with him, by the upper arm. "What do we have here?" I ask, causing her to snap her head up and look at me with trepidation.

"Sheila?" Elder Mathew asks incredulously, and her head snaps in his direction, her eyes growing ever wider.

"Who's she?" Prince Marcus asks confused, making her head whip in his direction with horror before I see anger grow in the depths of her eyes.

"Are you serious?!" Sheila cries out incredulously, looking at him through narrowed eyes. "You don't even recognize me now that you mated that whore?!" Her words elicit a chorus of ferocious growls from all of us, causing her to drop to her knees and cover her head as she trembles in fear.

"How dare you call my mate a whore?!" The prince growls out in fury, his anger coming off of his body in waves of heat. He took a threatening step toward her but I stopped him with a firm grip on his shoulder.

"Your words alone warrant imprisonment," I inform her coldly. "Not only are you speaking of a royal, but you just disrespectfully addressed the prince! Have her taken to the dungeon, where she will be interrogated soon." The guard that had been gripping her arm when we arrived, reached down to once more grasp her arm and began dragging her inside where she would wait for an escort.

"No!" The she-wolf shouted as she struggled in vain. "Please your majesty, have mercy! I'm sorr-" Her words were cut off by the closing of the door as she was dragged into the building.

As we climbed back into the SUV, we watched as a van drove up and stopped in front of the building. Moments later Sheila was dragged out with shackles on her wrists and ankles, then secured in the back of the van. The van drove away and we drove off seconds later while I watched the van drive ahead of us at five to ten miles over the speed limit.


Plz vote and comment. Let me know if u catch any mistakes I missed and thanx for reading! :)

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