Change Me

Von DarkSoulFloating

246 20 25

Emma, known as the perfect girl in her old school, has just recently moved into a new school, more specifical... Mehr



50 6 4
Von DarkSoulFloating

Luke's P.O.V:

"Here?" I questioned curiously as I parked in front of a large.. More like hunted house, She can't be living here right?

"Yup. Thank you" she smiled slightly avoiding the eye contact in this cramped space between her and me in the car. I nodded still running my eyes over all of the sides of the house imaging every design from inside but the sound of the door's lock opened pulled me out.
"You live in that house?" I turned off the engine as i finally dared to make the eye contact with her waiting for her eyes to meet mine
"Yup." She looked over the silent place addressing the whole silence and feeling the slight of wind hitting her bare arm skin once in a while. "Alone?" I questioned again searching for any sign of turned on light or human in this humid weather
"Well yeah.. But! If you consider my little five year old sister as a person then yup, cause people usually don't" the thinking look was on her face as her eyes caught something in the empty space. "And my parents.. They're not here but they said they'll come back"

What does she mean?
Are they.. Are they dead?!

"What's your sister's name?" Okay I'm noticing I'm getting a little Nosey but she has just seen me on the average of breaking down, I need to know few things about the real her !
"Emily.." She said quietly smiling at her self.
"Can I..?" I was cut off by her action getting her leg out of the car, ready and set to hop out. "Erm.. I- I need to go now, bye!" She hesitated in every word came out of her mouth, she was more like lying, I couldn't push on the girl more so I just nodded in confusion and waved her off, I watched her slowly getting into that big house and closing the door shut in my face.. Ouch.

After couple of seconds digesting what exactly has happened in those past few hours, I turned around the key turning back on the engine again, I waited for the car to heat up and went straight to the house.. Well not really, I stepped halfway for ice cream, don't mock me! Every guy has this creamy side in him...

I finished my ice cream before I reached my house, I looked up to the garage finding no sign of dad's Mercedes.. Come on Barbie, let's go party!

I hopped out of my car then I remembered.. My weed! I also remembered what Emma said. But laugh out loud, I could care less.
Just when I grabbed my weed package and was about to get into the house I heard a car's horn beeping so close to my ear I could cuss till the end of the year. Oh that rhymes

I turned around to find that skitch


"Aw the little girl Is stepping on her own death wish" I said sarcastically as I slipped my hand in my pocket to pull out my keys

He hopped out of his own car acting like he's some stinky ass hot model and walked over to me, his eyes caught the weed package I was holding in my left hand, his eyes wandered from me to the package.

"Dude.. Quit that shit already, like Emma said" he smirked at the mention of Emma as he looked straight at me this time. How did he even know about Emma telling me to quit those?!

"You little ass stalker" my temper raised so did my tone as I got my right hand out of my pocket and grabbed his neck with the palm of my hand, I dug my nails into his skin hearing the painful moans escape his lips

"Hello Mr. Franta" he coughed cause of the lack of the air caused by my grab, he forced a smile as he looked behind me at the doorframe

There was Clark..

Immediately my grab had loosened and my hand slipped to my side at the thought of my dad behind me, that prick's car wasn't even parked! Did he got out of the underground?

Harry as well with his evil smirk fixed his clothes and looked up to my dad and soon enough to my realization they shook hands

Well yeah they both are assholes, which make a good match, hah.

"Hey son why don't you come in and eat lunch with us?" Clark asked him with a soft tone that he never used with me. My eyes widened at his question, is he really going to get this gay under the same roof I live in? Not on my dead body.
"That gay isn't going to go anywhere near this house" I glared at both of them hoping I frightened someone.. Well at least harry
"Actually sir.." Harry scoffed and looked at me with a pale glare, I expected he'd reject clark's offer and run like a chicken which about to lay an egg "I would love to have lunch with my best friend, and the one who brought him" he faked smile and faked squeezed me into a hug, I soon pushed him with a punch on his chest, I can tell it was more forceful that it looks like
"Luke!" Oh here comes dad nagging about it like I'm a five year old kid who hasn't been raise well, yup break the record Clark
"He's not getting in!" I stated again my point with this fussy head of mine
"He is, and if you don't like it then leave, no one wants you" that sheepish reply just hit my mind and heart and got almost in the «can't be erased list»
Wow he's kicking me out to have fun with the gay version of Prince Harry
"Well who's said I'm going to stay anyway?" I laughed sarcastically, punched harry against the wall, couldn't bother more, I got back into my car and set it off to the furthest place that that piece of metal can drive to.. With no intention in coming back.


Just when I thought I would jump off a cliff with this car or fly or something weird like that to run from people's shits, I found myself parking infront of Emma's house. Expectations VS. Reality.

I was surprised I ended up stopping here again, infront of that huge house which she mentioned she lives in. I can't believe I kind of.. Need her.

No, no, I don't need anyone! Fuck everyone else! No one cares and I care about no one but ugh.. I need to see her.

While I was hesitating every step I take and taking it back as soon as possible I was right infront of the door still frozen and not willing to hit the doorbell.

"Um sir?.. Are you going to stand here all day?" A little girl's voice hit my head as an object kept pulling the end of my shirt.

Well friendly reminder I'm 6'4 so technically I'm a shrek for her

I turned my head around, and got my vision down at her, there was a little brunette girl with blue eyes staring right at me with more confusion than I had
Just for a second I thought.. I thought she was my own sister ..
"Emily?" I questioned as I remembered Emma saying her sister's name was Emily
"Do I know you?" She asked cheekily as she blushed once I smiled at her
I picked her up with both of my hands as she screamed slightly from joy, I hold her with one hand against my chest and the other got her a TWIX from my jacket pocket, well yeah I always have stuff like that. Don't judge a book from its cover.

Breaking our bonding moment, the door swung open and there was Emma standing as she caught Emily then .. Me

"Luke?" She asked in the most awkward tone ever.

Well duh it's me, do you know two men as handsome as me? Okay just kidding, never mind.

"He's so kind Emmaaaa!!" Emily yelled full of joyful laugh at Emma as she grabbed the TWIX I gave her and opened it to start eating it.
"Didn't I tell you not to talk to strangers?!" Emma asked now getting serious and furious.. Ouch I'm a stranger now?
I put Emily down and she immediately ran inside and soon she was out of the sight.

"I'm sorry I suddenly came here.. Again but.." I was cut off by her action stretching her arm and pulling out the weed package which were halfway showed.. Fuck I'm an idiot

"Don't ever come here again with your toxic shits"


It's been a week, since I got called stranger and got kicked out from the only two people who truly know me, life is cruel Huh.
Since then I used to be the one who bullied people but right now you can't say the difference between me and the nerd.
I barely talk to anyone and I barely do anything. Even though I quite changed my attitude towards people
There still Emma, preferring to stay with Harry and not making a single word with me, she's been avoiding me, ignoring me, staying away from me. Whatever is possible to not talk to me.
I don't know why the fuck she was behaving like that? It's just a dammed package of weed and no one even noticed it!
Ugh I slammed the door opened in the guy's bathroom and got in as usual found Jai and Josh smoking shit and giving themselves syringes shots
"Oh oh look who needs us now" Jai smirked as he shot his red eye towards me, I can't tell whether he was actually looking at me or something else, he was just extra fucked up.
"Give me anything the can make me forget." I murmured remembering every scene between me and Emma and how when I badly needed her she treated me like shit.
And I still.. I still can't see her in pain or something's bothering her
I still want her happy.. Happy with me, I guess?


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