Bound to happen

By Madhavi_sneha

87.2K 4.6K 7.3K

Mahabharata There are many beliefs on it, some say it's an epic,some say it's a myth and so much more, but fo... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Sneak peek ( Chapter 27 )
Chapter 27
★𝐎𝐧𝐞 𝐒𝐡𝐨𝐭 𝐎𝐟 𝐊𝐚𝐫𝐧𝐚𝐭𝐚 𝐅𝐚𝐦𝐢𝐥𝐲★
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
𑁍 Adhvika and her Travel bags 𑁍
❀ Adhvika's Aesthetics ❀
Chapter 30
❁Adhvika's Aesthetics-2❁
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
◦•●◉✿ Shri Krishna in Kaliyuga ✿◉●•◦
Chapter 34
༺✧ Questions ✧༻
Chapter 35 (a)
Chapter 35 (sneak peek)
★The Quad's Bet (One Shot)★
Adhvika's Note
Chapter 35(b)

Chapter 26

1.2K 91 132
By Madhavi_sneha

A/n:- Hi everyone!!
Thank you so much for 6k *Author smiling foolishly*  I thank all my active readers as well as my silent readers.

Thank you so for giving my book an opportunity *Author becomes overwhelmed*  Please continue to support me an-- *The Great Adhvika Mahajan enters and cuts off Author*  You all know the usual rant....  So vote more it gives her some kind of supernatural power or something like that..... Yeah that's it. Bye from the baffled Author and Hi from the one and only great me. *Adhvika Mahajan drags the puzzled Author away*.


Do you guys need sneak peek of next chapter? If so then comment me


I was about to turn to the right, when someone held my wrist from the back and lightly twisted my hand and tugged me towards them.



Who on earth has this type of audacity?

How dare they twist the great Adhvika Mahajan's precious hand?

I seriously cannot believe this shameless animal.

My best guess is that this is that Pervert Donkey. Oh!! You just wait and watch donkey I will make sure that you land on Mars without a spacecraft.


Wait, wait I zoned out while still being in the clutches of this person.

I have to free myself first....
I nodded seriously in my mind.

I kicked the person's leg harshly and freed myself from his clutches. In the process of freeing myself my ladoo and peda fell down.

Oh hell no!!
My ladoo and peda.
He is so going to pay for the wastage of my sweets.

For the first time in my life I wished that I should have worn those pencil heels, it would have caused that person more damage.

I whirled around angrily, only to get confounded and halt in my steps.
This wasn't that mindless and pervert of a donkey.
This was




Just kidding. He is not dumb.


This was Ashwatthama.

He was amusingly smirking at me.
I glared daggers at him.

So it was this leech ha!!
Yeah he is a leech, because he has been in this world from the day he was born and will be here till the day the earth dies. Wow!! Isn't it phenomenal?
Also hypocritical.

I know, I know that he doesn't relate with Leech. But by seeing him,it was the only thing that came in my mind.

Nonetheless I have to improve my analogy. 

Anyway this person is the one who received immortality as a punishment.

And those brainless demons did Tapasya for like eternity and did several cruel deeds, yet they received death as punishment. I think this leech definitely is no-1 on their hate list.

I seriously am suspicious that this leech's  children, grand children and so on,are not really fond of him, as he will be there when they are born and he will still be alive when his grandchildren's die and that is a never ending saga.

Heck!! His whole lineage may have wiped out,but nope this leech is still intact on his place.

That's terrifying to be honest. Well Krishna cursed him so....

"My,my you are a feisty one,aren't you?" He smugly commented casually checking me out  as if it was the most fundamental thing to do.

Oh!! You female dog!!
You are so gonna regret crossing paths with the Great Adhvika Mahajan.

Feisty my foot, I am feral and cannibal for leeches like you.

If he is a leech then I am the great Vampire.

That leech was still checking me out from up and down ,I so badly want to pull his eyes out of his sockets.

Disgusting leech!!

"Oh! What am I seeing here? the famous Princess Adhvika being speechless after seeing my handsomeness and physique." That leech cockily remarked.
I internally rolled my eyes.

Oh no no!!
I was planning to make you blind, and handsomeness, Physique?
Did this leech mistook me for some blind person?
I wanted to laugh out loud at this delusional leech. And I know that I am famous .
Ha!! I am just so great that I ought to be famous!

Till now I was speechless by only two people's so far, one was Krishna, I literally wrote a whole para on his handsomeness and physique. Then was Nakul, he was so other worldly handsome that I couldn't even describe him, I so badly wanted to bring Shakespeare with me, so that he could describe that absolutely stunning and a sore to sight male.

That donkey is also delusional that he is smart and Handsome, which is no where near the reality. On the other hand if I could get his brain out of his body, then I would make more money as it's unused, I will be rich.
But for that I need a surgeon and chloroform.
I can arrange Chloroform, Krishna will bring it for me, and Dhanvik is strong enough to carry that donkey.
Surgeon is not a problem at all, my whole family are Doctor's and we have surgeons too so yeah ...

Wait, why do I think I forgot something?
It must be some useless thing as my neuron transmitters didn't pass them...

Back to my plan.
But for selling his organs I have to take him with me to 21st century. Oh!! That might be a teeny weeny bit of a problem!!
Considering the fact that I myself am stuck here.

I should discuss about this with Krishna.

I mean I will be so rich after selling all the organs of that Pervert Donkey. I know that he has to die if I want to take out his organs. I mentally shrugged not really caring about that, nevermind he was going to painfully die someday, so why not just kill him already and then sell his organs.
Great idea.

Do I sound creepy like some serial killer?

It's a win and win situation for both Krishna and me.

The Epic will be changed and I will make a shedload amount of money. Problem solved and that donkey will be of more worth than he ever was.

"It seems like I was right." That leech egoistically stated. I mentally scowled at him. He disturbed me when I was hatching such a master plan .

Oh!! Wait!
This Leech twisted my precious hand, checked me out, said that I was feisty and that his body made me speechless.

Oh this was what I forgot!!
This is not a miniscule thing.

Let's deal with him first, then I will be executing my great plan.

I fake sweetly smiled at him to the point that it was sickening.

"You are right Mr Ashwatthama, you are definitely more Handsome than the donkey. That just made me speechless like no other, and your physique is as good as a buffalo." I sarcastically retorted back.

He clenched his hands and gritted his teeth. I am sure that if he was a cartoon character there would be smoke coming out of his ears.

He is already fuming, I did nothing but said the truth just like Yudhishthir said.

I innocently blinked my eyes with a fake sweet smile.

His jaw clenched.

"Stay in your limits, don't show me this attitude of yours ,just because you are a Princess I am not going to leave you like Mitr Duryodhan did, and what can a mere little Princess like you,can do to me ha? " He snarled at me in a nerve-wracking tone which would have scared the heck out of anyone else but not the Great Adhvika Mahajan.

It's on you leech.
I smiled widely at his threat.

He dared to threaten me? Like me?
This time I burst out laughing,as I couldn't stifle it anymore.

How freaking delusional are these people.

The Leech's face morphed into confusion. He backed up a little away from me.

"Are you mentally unstable?"  He questioned me horrifically.

I stopped laughing abruptly and narrowed my eyes at him.

Oh hell no!!
Did this person just call me the great Adhvika Mahajan crazy?

You leech, you are crazy, your whole ancestors and descendant's are crazy.

I was raging from inside, but somehow miraculously kept my cool and smiled at him.

Will I be sentenced if I kill him here?
As for now he is as much mortal as I am!
I thought carefully..

Well, these people do have jail..
Ah!! This sucks and I don't want to murder anyone.
Anyway I will see you in court you leech.

And this wasn't me joking, as this Leech is still supremely alive in the 21st century. I will sue him for real there.
But for now let's handle him here.

"I cannot be more unstable than you Mr Ashwatthama." I fired back sweetly. He fumed and made his way towards me, before he could even near me, Dhanvik stood in between us. He turned around and  stared at me while holding a covered plate, which I assumed was my sweets.

My mouth watered just by imagining about the sweets.
I could feel myself inhaling the sweet aroma and drooling.

Oh God!! Adhvi snap out of it.

Its a fight and fight situation, not eat and eat.

I glared at Dhanvik.

He knows that I like to fight my own fights.

"Oh! So he is going to protect you, that means you can't do anything except for taunting with that sharp tongue of yours ha!! " I heard that Leech's mocking tone from Dhanvik's back.

You freaking leech!!

I was ready to scream at him, when Dhanvik lightly motioned me to calm down.

I huffed and took a deep breath and supressed my anger.

Dhanvik shot me a small smile and moved aside.

"Princess I am not here to interrupt you, I know that you can handle these miniscule crisis, rather I wanted to ask you if I should stand here, or should I leave you alone?" I smirked inwardly after hearing  Dhanvik's nonchalant attitude and his confidence in me.

You are so gonna come with me to 21st century buddy, if Krishna allows ....
Well if Krishna allows me first.

That Leech's facial expression turned into a puzzled one.

"Will you leave me alone for few minutes Dhanvik?" I asked him sweetly and he nodded his head with a small smile, while leaving from their I noticed him throwing a subtle smirk at The Leech's direction.

He knows me too well.

I whirled around to face the now frowning Leech and fake beamed at him. I moved closer and closer and closer to him, till we were only three inches apart. The Leech inhaled sharply and was froze in his position, probably shocked by my boldness.

"Mr Ashwatthama,I warned your dear Mitr's Bratha too, but no, no one seems to understand this main point. As this is your first time committing this kind of mistake, I going to only explain it to you sweetly. Okay?, Hmm, See Mr Ashwatthama I know that I look splendidly stunning, I know I am gorgeous and no one can change my opinion, but that doesn't gives anyone permission to reek their disgusting stares on me as if I am some meal, you did something similar, and do not and I repeat do not touch me without permission, and I am never permitting you or anyone else to touch me, and the next time you even think about touching me, I will chop of your ten fingers one by one and pluck your eyes of their socket and you want to know something else? I will chop of your reproductive organ and feed them to vultures, which you won't like it a bit. And never and I mean never take this as me bluffing, because Adhvika never gives empty threats. If you are mentally comparing about our strengths then don't, cause An elephant cannot kill an ant, but an ant can!! Okay, see now I sweetly explained it to you. Next time if you try to be a pervert, I will give you a live demonstration.. I will take my leave then; as my sweets are waiting for me "  I softly and tenderly explained him with an innocent smile and wide eyes.

The Leech gulped a little and looked mortified by my threat. I smirked in satisfaction after I saw this mighty warrior/ Leech frozen in his place like a statue.

That's what you get for messing with me.

I stopped abruptly, when I thought I saw
someone's shadow, but when I took a look after a second there was nothing,null. nada.
I shook my head to clear out my thoughts.
Maybe I am imagining things, or someone is spying on me.

Well this is Hastinapur so the second option is possible more than the first one as I am great Adhvika Mahajan and I don't hallucinate.

I simply rolled my eyes and walked away from there,. I waved at Dhanvik to catch his attention,in which I was successful, I was about to walk towards him, but all of a sudden someone caught my eye, I gestured Dhanvik to wait there and hurriedly walked down the narrow hallway where he went.

Oh God!! why do these people have long legs?

"Mahamahim Bheeshm!!"


BHEESHM'S POV (Suprise 😁)

I was walking down the hallway near our usual discussion place, as Vidhur wanted to inform me something important.

That's when I heard someone calling me from behind.

"Mahamahim Bheeshm!" I stopped in my tracks and turned around only to come face to face with an unknown Princess.

Because she was panting heavily while resting her hands on her knees.

I moved closer to her and stopped at a safe distance and the Princess now stood straight and wiped the sweat on her forehead.

This was Princess Adhvika.

I smiled softly at her. From what I have observed, she is very brave and has great understanding about handling the situations. She is also highly knowledgeable a complete unique Princess. She is not only fierce but witty too. 

"Mahamahim Bheeshm you walk so fastly,I was running yet I couldn't reach you,and I couldn't run more in this heavy attire,so I had to shout to gain your attention." Princess Adhvika informed still gasping for breath.

I smiled at her.
Was she trying to imply that I should walk slowly?
She is something else, no one dared to speak to me so openly as she did just now.

My own grandsons shy away from talking like this.
She is extremely confident. I am impressed by the way she talked, she was directly looking at my eyes with no hint of nervousness. No one dares to do that too.

"How can I help you Princess Adhvika? Are you lost?" I politely questioned her which came out as gruff,as I always talk strictly and sternly.

Princess Adhvika pouted and huffed. She also cast me a look of disapproval.
What happened to her ?

I looked at her in confusion.

"Mahamahim why does everyone think that I always get lost? I didn't get lost, I know my way,I simply wanted to ask you something that's all." Princess Adhvika grumbled irritatedly, while shaking her head as if she couldn't believe something.

What is she saying?
Who else thought that she got lost?

"Yes Princess Adhvika what did you wanted to ask?" I curiously questioned her. She sighed heavily.

"Mahamahim I wanted to ask, what does a guest mean to you?" I was confused by her question,Why would she ask this question?

"Guest is like a God for us Princess Adhvika, Athithi Devo Bhava. We look after our guest with utmost care and we try to provide them a comfortable environment. We will do everything we can to keep our Guests happy. They are our main priority. This is what the Guest are for us Princess." I was confused by her question, nevertheless I answered her with a small smile. She smiled at that and nodded her head.

"I knew this Mahamahim, My Father said the same thing when I asked him the same question. But Mahamahim I have another question. It's not just about guest, but about a women." Princess Adhvika said in complete seriousness.

I nodded my head at her,and assured her to keep going.

She passed me a small smile which lasted only for a few seconds.

"Mahamahim what do you think will be your reaction if a male checks a female out and makes her feel uncomfortable and also,that same male tries to touch the same female inappropriately while the female was unconscious due to heavy fever, what will be your actions against that male Mahamahim?  " Princess Adhvika questioned me intently. I frowned immediately after listening to her question. I felt anger pulsating in my nerves. This is unacceptable. It's a sin.

"I would have severely punished that male and would have shown him as an example for anybody who dared to even think about committing such a disgusting thing. It's a sin, We should give female the same respect as Devi. They have the power to create a new life and they endure so much in their life. Also anything which is non-consensual deserves a severe punishment.  " I sternly stated and I don't know why but I felt Princess Adhvika doubting my words. Why would she do that?
Maybe I am miscalculating or overthinking this .

"Will you punish anyone without taking into notice about their rank and power?" Princess Adhvika challenged me and I nodded in determination.

"Then you should start taking action Mahamahim as what I said wasn't a made up fact, it happened to me in reality and that too in here and the said male was none other than Prince Dushasan." As soon as these words left Princess Adhvika's mouth, I felt myself froze.

How could he?
I sighed helplessly and apologetically gazed at Princess Adhvika .

"Princess Adhvika I sincerely apologise on behalf of Dushasan and I will also make sure that he gets what he deserves. I apologise once ag- "

"No Mahamahim you shouldn't apologise to me, I am a lot younger than you, and moreover you weren't the one who wronged me. I will be happy if you would take some actions against Prince Dushasan. Also don't get angry, but I may have called Dushasan more dumber than a donkey on his face. " Princess Adhvika cut me off politely and mumbled the last words sheepishly, while scratching the back of her neck, but without an ounce of regret. She meant what she said.

She knows how to respect her elders. 

Dushasan deserved to be called much more.
I smiled at her, which she returned with a wide one.

"Ah!! Maha-"

"If you don't mind, then you can call me Pitamaha, Princess Adhvika." I cut her off and proposed the idea. She smiled brightly.

"Ofcourse Pitamaha, and you should also call me as Adhvika, not Princess." Adhvika said trying to sound stern, contrary to what she would have thought, she didn't look stern, rather she looked adorable with those big wide sparkling eyes.

I smiled and nodded my head in affirmation.

"Um!! So then I will meet you some other time, as my sweets are waiting for me. I will take my leave now.."  She excitedly blabbered and turned around to go, I was about to walk away from there, when I heard Adhvika's voice yet again.

"Hai Mahadev!! Pitamaha Pranipath, I forgot to say it at first, ok now I will go." Saying this she waved at me and literally waddled away.

I chuckled softly at her antics.

It would have been wonderful if she would  agree to marry one of the Pandavas, as Kauravas are out of question,all thanks to Dushasan.

I am the only one except for Vidhur who knows the real reason behind them rejecting the marriage Proposal. Maharaj Chiranjeev despises anything related to Hastinapur or  north Kingdoms as a matter of fact.
It also explains why they not only rejected Dushasan's Proposal but Dusshala's too. It's a miracle that their beloved daughter is staying in Hastinapur without one of the Prince's presence. If Maharaj Chiranjeev  comes to know about Dushasan misbehaving with Adhvika.... 
I massaged my temples, here goes nothing.

Dushasan needs to be punished.

I sighed heavily and walked away from there.



I was going to Jesht's room when a sweet delicious aroma caught my attention.

I felt my mouth watering and I licked my lips and started greedily inhaling the delicious aroma.

I followed the delicious aroma and stopped near a man who had the same height and weight as Arjun, anyway that wasn't what caught my attention, he had a big thali which was covered by a silk cloth, the delicious mouthwatering aroma which was coming from that thali enveloped my whole senses. I completely forgot that I had to meet Jesht.

I felt my stomach growl.
Hmm, let's fill my stomach.

But why was this man standing here in the hallway while holding that thali?
I mentally shrugged not really caring about that silly thing when I had my delicious sweets just a few seconds away from me.

So I hastily walked near that man.

He bowed slightly upon seeing me, I just nodded at him without really giving him any mind. As I was gazing hungrily at the thali.

I was about to open the cloth but he quickly backed up.

I glared warningly at him and tried once again, but much to my displeasure he moved away.

I growled angrily at him, but he just stood there calmly not a bit affected by me.

What on earth?
Nobody can separate me from my precious food.

"Who are you? You don't look like a servant nor a Prince. And give that to me." I questioned him irritatedly.

His face was void of emotions, I instantly figured out what his rank was.

"I am Dhanvik,Princess Adhvika's bodyguard, I apologise Prince Bheem, but I cannot give this to you, as it's for Princess Adhvika." Dhanvik exclaimed bluntly. I was surprised by his bravery.

All the Bodyguards I have met are scared of me, and they always answer me with their eyes down-casted or their head bowed down. But he was informing me in the most casual way a Bodyguard could never talk.

I think it's because of Princess Adhvika or the people in Karanta dynasty are more fierce than the rest of us maybe.

But still the little Princess can never eat so many sweets now can she? She is so tiny, how will she eat all of this by herself?

"Listen here Dhanvik,your Princess cannot eat these many sweets, so I can take some from this right!" I said being reasonable. his lips twitched slightly,but he shook his head in negative.

"I really do apologise Prince Bheem, but I cannot give you this without Princess Adhvika's permission and there are more sweets, if you want I can ask someone to bring it for you."  Dhanvik politely declined and suggested me.

I frowned at him, I am not a guest and this is my Palace . I know that there is more sweets but I want to eat from this particular thali.

If it was anyone else, I would have ordered him to give me the thali, this was not just someone, As he was Princess Adhvika's bodyguard, if I take this now she might just hunt me down and threaten me in the most weirdest and scariest way possible.

I still cannot believe that I am being cautious of a little Princess. She doesn't even reach my shoulders.

But I have learnt my lesson after seeing Jesht's condition. He was in some other universe for a long time.

I almost thought that Princess Adhvika broke our Jesht, but thanks to Mahadev he was completely alright.

I don't want to embarrass myself infront of Princess Adhvika like Jesht and Sahadev. They are suffering enough embarrassment already and I don't want them to tease me.

Hmm, but I still want to eat the sweets.

"Why are you drooling over my sweets Prince Bheem?" I flinched a little at the sudden intrusion and hurriedly closed my mouth.

I saw Princess Adhvika approaching us.

She stood in front of me and narrowed her eyes at me in suspicion.

Talk about the dev-- Ah ! Princess Adhvika and she is here.

" Princess Adhvika I was passing by and saw him holding the thali and I questioned him about his whereabouts and when he informed me that he is Princess--  Ah!!I mean Your Bodyguard and also he informed me about the sweets, so I thought to help you eat this as it will be difficult for you to finish it all alone by yourself." I rapidly answered making up my own story and discreetly glared at the Bodyguard to not open his mouth.

After hearing my words Princess Adhvika raised a brow at her bodyguard, who just nodded his head in affirmation.

She smiled at me, I don't know why but I suddenly got flashbacks about that day, the extremely sweet smile she had when she was talking to Jesht.

Um!! Am I in trouble?
I smiled innocently and Princess Adhvika's smile widened.

"I totally believe you ....... if you expected me to say that then you are so wrong, No, I don't believe what you said was the truth. As the nod that Dhanvik gave me was not for confirming your statement, it was the nod for confirming my  suspicion." She sweetly informed me and crossed her hands.

My mouth fell open at this, however I hastily composed myself and glared murderously at that Dhanvik.

Who gave me a fake apologetic look,as his eyes held amusement in them.

Oh God!!
Princess Adhvika's bodyguard is behaving like her except the expressions and his physique and height... Oh well gender.

"Prince Bheem stop glaring at my Bodyguard and just tell me that you wanted to eat my sweets. Didn't you? And you stayed quite only after knowing that he is my Bodyguard am I right?" I gaped at Princess Adhvika who guessed it right.

Can she read my mind?
Hai Mahadev!!


Princess Adhvika burst out laughing. I gazed at her in confusion, was something funny?

"Sorry,*laugh* I cou- *laugh* couldn't stop *laugh* myself." Princess Adhvika said inbetween laughing.

I gave her an awkward smile.

"Haha.. it's okay I guess." I said still puzzled by all of this.
Why Mahadev why?
I just wanted to eat sweets, I didn't wanted to participate in any drama.

After seeing my reaction she started wheezing once again.


Ten minutes later.

Now we were sitting on the floor.
Yes, yes, we all were sitting on floor as it would have been rude to let Princess Adhvika sit alone. It's kind of weird as we are sitting in the side of the main hallway and every passerby is looking at us as if we have gone mad.

I seriously wanted mother earth to swallow me whole when Duryodhan entered the hallway, but much to my surprise he didn't mock me or taunt me, rather he walked away without even glancing at us.

I seriously think that it has something to do with Princess Adhvika, otherwise it is so unlikely Duryodhan to leave such a golden opportunity to mock me.

If anyone is wondering why we are sitting on the floor then,it's due to Princess.

Princess Adhvika laughed so hard that she could no longer stand so she sat down on the floor without a care in the world and started to calm herself. Her Bodyguard was the first one to sit beside of her hastily might I add, as if he was afraid that someone might take his place, I internally scoffed at that, it was nearly impossible as half of the people here are either terrified of Princess and another half might be hated by the Princess so. . . . anyway I sat down in front of her, all while hoping that maybe she would share her sweets with me.

"So you want to eat my sweets Prince Bheem?" She questioned me in sheer amusement. 

I nodded my head repeatedly saying yes, she chuckled loudly.  Please don't start laughing, if she starts laughing again then I have to wait more for eating these sweets. 

I should have just compiled with Dhanvik's proposal, which comprised of him asking someone to bring me my own thali of sweets.  I would have been with Jesht now. However it's too late to whine about that.

"Why would  I give you my sweets Prince Bheem? What will I get in return? " Princess Adhvika slyly questioned me while slightly tilting her head to her right and clicked her tongue as if thinking about the profit. 

I was astonished by her question. I would have easily compiled without giving it much of a thought, if it was someone else. However this was not just someone, this was Princess Adhvika we were talking about, and she is definitely not someone who should be underestimated.

Upon seeing my suspicious look Princess Adhvika giggled and her Bodyguard pursed his lips tightly as if he was stifling his laughter.

These two are something else. I casted them a look of disbelief.

I am not going to ask one of your organs Prince Bheem if you are worried about that. No need to worry, I am not heartless, my heart beats just like you all lub-dub." Princess Adhvika jokingly assured me, I certainly didn't miss the mischievous glint in her eyes.

Then what do you want Princess?" I asked her while contempt-ly waiting for her answer.

Not now Prince Bheem, I will ask you when the time comes. Don't worry it won't be bad." She reassured me, while I seriously tried to smile but failed miserably, as I don't know why but I felt like I was selling my soul to her. I shouldn't have been lazy and greedy for sweets in the first place.

"Ok then I will give you some as you are returning my favour and even if you didn't agree before, I would have still given you, as I don't want my precious self to have a bad stomach, because you were down right drooling over my sweets. "  Princess Adhvika nonchalantly muttered with a teasing smile, while my jaw fell on the floor and my eyes widened comically.



What did I get myself into?
I want to bang my head on the Pillar next to me.

I saw Princess Adhvika opening the silk cloth and the thali was covered with another thali on top,

Why do I have the feeling that she was purposely opening that thali in slow motion?

After painfully waiting for God knows how many hours, I got to look at my life.

There was varieties of sweets, which occupied the whole thali, I licked my lips as my mouth watered and gulped hungrily  when I took in my favourites, which is every single item.

Prince Bheem I will divide this in three equal parts one for me as it was mine to begin with,one for you as you are willing to return this one day in some other way, and one for Dhanvik as he brought this and held this for Mahadev knows how long. I hope it's fine with you." Princess Adhvika explained thoroughly, and in any manner it didn't look like she was asking me, on the other hand it looked like she was daring me to oppose her or question her.

I hastily nodded my head in agreement.

She smiled happily.

Ok ,then your share of sweets will be placed on this thali, mine and Dhanvik's on that thali."  She exclaimed while raising her brows at me. I nodded my head in affirmation.

She nodded back and started dividing equally.


So now we are in a dilemma after dividing 19 - 19 sweets for us three, we are left with two extra sweets, and I have decided that I will give them to Prince Bheem as he has struggled a lot for this, only if it's alright with Dhanvik ." Princess Adhvika announced and asked Dhanvik who nodded his head in agreement.

I was smiling happily at this thought. Princess Adhvika is so kind hearted. I don't know why but I feel overwhelmed like I won a war against all evils without the need to raise any weapons.

Princess Adhvika passed me my thali with a wide smile, and I grinned merrily at her and hastily took the thali and picked up a Ladoo and just when I was about to devour the sugary sweet delicacy,

I apologise for interrupting Prince Bheem, but Prince Yudhishthir has asked you to immediately meet him in his room." A soldier informed politely, while I felt my whole world crashing down.

I stared at the ladoo in my hand, and internally wailed like a toddler.
Oh God!!
Why me?
After struggling so much and literally selling my soul to Princess Adhvika I got these sweets.

After all this hardwork I couldn't even eat my sweets.

Princess Adhvika cast me sympathetic look and nodded at me in reassurance.

I nodded back half heartedly and placed my ladoo back on the thali and got up with the thali,Princess Adhvika passed me the silk cloth and smiled assuringly.

I passed her a small smile and excused myself from there and walked towards Jesht's room grumpily.



I felt really sympathetic for Prince Bheem, poor him couldn't even enjoy the fruit or sweet of his struggle.

Dhanvik chuckled softly from beside of me.
I passed him a questioning look,he just shook his head and got up.

He helped me to stand and we started walking ofcourse with the thali of sweets which Dhanvik was carrying.

Dhanvik I feel really bad for Prince Bheem, he couldn't even eat the sweets for which he basically sold his soul." I mumbled sadly.

Dhanvik chuckled lowly in response.

You know I wouldn't leave my sweets  hanging halfway if one of my Brathas would have called me like this. Prince Bheem is an obedient and faithful little brother. He loves food, still he left his love for which he struggled so much just because his Jesht called him." I commented already having known that this would happen.

These brother's will do everything and anything for their Jesht. After knowing Mahabharat, who won't know the extent of love and respect these Brother's have for their Jesht.

Princess your Brathas had to drag you from your room because you wouldn't come even after an hour of continuous calling, just because of the great reason that you were eating fruits." Dhanvik exclaimed in amusement. I simply rolled my eyes at that.

What he said is true though. Also it's not my fault that they always have an emergency meeting when I am eating something.
My great life, No rules.

Dhanvik whom do you like here?" I questioned him genuinely interested in knowing about his liking.

Princess what are you saying?" He questioned back in a squeaking tone his face screamed embarrassment.
I glanced at him and casted him an unamused look, is this man kidding me?

My almost stone of a Bodyguard was blushing.  Real mature Dhanvik real mature.
I shook my head at this person.

Oh God!!
I was talking about liking in general not in a romantic way. You double meaning Bodyguard.

Dhanvik I was asking in a general way, not romantically." I chided at him in a flat tone and casted him a droll stare. He gave me a sheepish smile and scratched the back of his neck in embarrassment.

I rolled my eyes and repeated my question.

I like Princess Dusshala, Maharani Gandhari, Rajmatha Kunti, Angraj Karn and Prince Bheem so far." Dhanvik answered honestly with a smile on his face which lasted for more than 10 seconds.

I hummed in response, well he doesn't really know any of their secrets, past or future.

So he just liked their personalities. Hmm, good.

I kind of like all the Pandav Brother's as they seem more generous, humble and respectful in comparison to the Kaurava Brother's, so far I have met five of them though."Dhanvik added thoughtfully, I hummed in agreement.

That's so true Dhanvik, so true, you are becoming great just like me..
Ofcourse he will have great thinking as he has a great teacher like me.

We reached my room and we entered my room and I plopped on the nearest couch thingy, what can I say these attires take up half of my energies and rest of it is taken by walking in this god damm enormously gigantic Palace.

Dhanvik sat down next to me, we started eating the sweets, after 5 sweets, I was done.

Dhanvik ask one of the maids to give these sweets to Avantika and Subhadra." I said placing seven of them in one small plate and another seven of them in another plate.

After arranging them properly and in a presentable way, I sighed happily with satisfaction and gazed at my creative abilities, I am so blessed.
Gosh!! I love myself.

I turned towards Dhanvik so that I could show him great skills. But he was staring intently at me in disbelief.

I raised a brow at him in question?
I was puzzled,what happened?

If you wouldn't eat these many sweets,then why did you behave as if you would eat all the 59 sweets infront of Prince Bheem?" Dhanvik inquired in sheer curiosity and a slight disbelief. I rolled my eyes at his question.

Dhanvik I don't want my teeths to rot by eating these many sweets, and neither does my stomach would approve of that. If  I by any chance eat these many I would for sure never touch any more sweets for a year or two. I just wanted to play and tease Prince Bheem a little." I answered casually and gave him a look of disapproval.

How can he not know about this already.

Dhanvik whose Bodyguard were you before mine?" I questioned him in curiously, while I shrunk myself deeper on the couch thingy if it was possible.

Your Bratha Sathvik's." He answered with a smile. I blinked owilishly at that. What Bratha Athu needs a Bodyguard?
Well that's mandatory.

What do you do when you have nothing to do, I mean when we are in Karnata dynasty, as there we don't need a Bodyguard" I inquired once again as this thought never crossed me before.
Dhanvik's lips twitched a little and he shook his head.

I train the new soldiers Princess,that's all." Dhanvik informed me as if it wasn't a big deal.

Oh God!!
He trains Soldier then he is a trainer too.

Dhanvik then why didn't you try to teach me Dhanur Yudh ?" I curiously asked him. Dhanvik's eyes widened comically. He sat a little far away from me and gulped hardly.

Princess, I know that it is hazardous and extremely foolish thing to do, after witnessing the destruction that occurred the first time someone tried to teach you that.." Dhanvik blabbered and chuckled nervously.

I crossed my arms at that raised a brow at him.

Are you insulting my skills Dhanvik?" I queried him sweetly extremely sweet and he knew better than to agree with me on this.

He hastily shook his head in negative.

You are getting this all wrong Princess Adhvika, I didn't mean it like that,you are great, but there is some mistake with that bow and arrow. " I internally chuckled at his answer.

Is he even for real?
I couldn't control anymore and burst out laughing.

I know that I am absolutely worst when it comes to Dhanush and every other weapons except for Sword. Dhanvik I know about my weaknesses very clearly. No need to praise my weaknesses or find defect in the weapon. " I informed smiling widely and Dhanvik smiled at that.

But that doesn't mean that I am not great, I am still The Great Princess Adhvika understand?" I fake sternly stated and he fake seriously nodded.

Yes Princess." I nodded at him and got up and made my way towards the washroom.

I thought to call Krishna before bathing.




The God you have called is out of reach, please leave a message or try again tomorrow.

I pressed my lips in thin line unamused.
Is this God mad or what?
I shook my head in disbelief.

My Dear Sakha, We aren't speaking in a smartphone!!
I said while rolling my eyes at the sigh on the other side.

I tried though right!
Anyway Vika talk to you later Bye.
Krishna hastily said and this Dramatic God even linked me a hung up sound.

I rubbed my temples in irritation and started looking for some light clothes.



  (After Bheem made his way towards Yudhisthir's room)

We were all sitting and waiting patiently for Bratha Bheem in Jesht's room as ordered by Pitamaha,

All had different reactions. Expect for the two. Jesht and Bratha Arjun, both were shooked to core, I don't know why but I have this gut feeling that it has to do something with Princess Adhvika. Nakul was his normal self,as usual he was styling his hair in reflection of the water. I shook my head at my twin, nothing can be done about his obsession with himself.

Then Pitamaha was angry,I don't know who made him this furious.


The door was opened with such a force that I flinched back a little.

Bratha Bheem!!

He was fuming, now who angered him ?
He also had a covered thali in his hand.

By the sweet aroma coming from it, I guessed that it contained sweets. I chuckled lowly at this.

I believe that we aren't getting a share in it.

Putro, as you all are here, I wanted to discuss something important, Princess Adhvika brought to my notice an incident which happened to her, I am ashamed to even say that Dushasan misbehaved and tried to touch her inappropriately whilst she was unconscious, it's a sin a heinous act, I want to punish him severely, but for that we will need proofs, as Dhritrashtra won't believe or punish his son without proofs. Till then I need you all to protect Princess Adhvika. I trust Only you all with this."  Just as Pitamaha finished this, we all got up from our seat,my mouth fell open, yes I was furious and ashamed about what Bratha Dushasan did, but protecting Princess Adhvika?

Is this a joke?
I glanced at Jesht, he had clenched his fists tightly but his face was as calm as before.
Ofcourse he ignored the word protecting the Princess.

Bratha Bheem was more furious,I seriously think that I saw fire coming out of his nose. ...

Bratha Arjun and Nakul were no better, all were fuming.

Hai Mahadev!!
Why, why?
How can we protect a raging fire and freezing ice at a same time.

After dropping such a big dangerous mission, Pitamaha exited out.

Dushasan was going to be punished, severely punished, but why were we being Punished?

I plopped on my seat and prayed mother earth to keep a hole ready for me so that I can just fall into it.
Here goes nothing!!













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