family // bnha

By elisimone_

549K 19.4K 8K

bnha x big sister!oc class 1a needs more adult support, let's be honest... AU where eli midoriya, pro-hero, a... More

an exciting (for me) update


4.9K 216 220
By elisimone_

**pls comment guys, they add years to my life; and pls forgive my lousy grammar(i'm tired)

·٠•●♥ Ƹ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄Ʒ ♥●•٠·˙ ˙·٠•●♥ Ƹ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄Ʒ ♥●•٠·˙

All Might beat her this time, by a lot.

Maybe it was because she was moving at Keigo's speed and not her own. It could be because of the amount of time it took to get that collar off or even the time she spent consoling Kota, but it didn't matter because the attention was on her the second she and Keigo made it up there.

Wolfram had the device on, the Quirk Amplification device, making Eli squint her eyes as her irritation grew. Her Quirk was buzzing, and as just amped up her percentage, the more lethal she looked. 

"Oi!" Eli shouted, Wolfram, looking at her with covered fear.

Her hair was floating revealing deadly red eyes, and the scariest part? She had the collar he had ordered to be put on her neck in her hand, her fingers denting the outer side of it. 

"Who the hell told you to put this on me, huh?" she hollered.

She waved it in the air for the man to see, a cruel grin on her face as fear itself festered around the man. She held the collar high, staring at him tauntingly. She quickly got annoyed at his lack of response, and the collar laid in pieces on the floor, the glare on her face locking even harder on the now overpowered man.

That's right, overpowered. What was he so scared for?

With a surge of confidence, the man grunted as he lifted his hand and launched a giant cube of metal at the woman. Keigo gasped, turning his back to Eli's. And Eli smirked, cocking her arms back before her power surged to 200%, holding tightly on to Keigo's hand so that he wouldn't feel the effects of her power too harshly.

She kicked it straight up and particles scattered as the metal brick shattered to pieces.

"I asked you a question, who told you?" she yelled, kicking the collar to the side.

'Somehow, she's gotten even more attractive,' Keigo thought.

He pushed those thoughts back as far as he could as soon as he thought them. Now was not the time.

"You really need to learn how to read the room girly," Wolfram retorted, instantly throwing more at her.

Ice encased the columns, and explosions rang as the columns exploded off to the side. And Eli looked at her students, standing bravely.

"Nee-chan!" Himiko said, waving a knife in the air as she perked up at her presence.

"Eli," she heard All Mights voice say from a little ways away. Izuku was maybe a couple of steps aware of him, beaten and battered.

Hell, all of the kids were.

And man did that make her mad.

She wanted to tell herself that they wanted to be heroes, this is what they wanted, and getting hurt was part of the job. This she all knew, knew very well actually. But that didn't change the malice that began to form in the pit of her stomach. 

"E?" Keigo voiced.

She looked at Keigo only briefly, looking down to see she was still holding his hand. And for a second, two emotions swirled inside of her happiness and anger.

She was so proud of her students. Seeing them hold their own made her extremely happy, and when they got back, she'd planned to cover for all of them since it was still illegal for them to play 'hero' without licenses. But at the same time, she was angry.

Their first vacation with everyone was fucking ruined by the jackass in front of her. Himiko was covered in scratches and her hair was disheveled. She was barefoot beside Ochaco who looked equally as scruffy with her torn dress and dirty bandages wrapped securely around her fists. Eli sparked with pride at that. 

Hitoshi had his tie tied around his fist, the other with just bandages. His once tidy black turtleneck and black dress pants were ripped and shredded, and he had some bruises on him. Katsuki's and Shoto's shirts were ruined almost completely, and they were covered with dirt and scratches. 

Denki was kneeled behind Hitoshi, completely out of whack, and gripped Hitoshi's shirt to stay alert. Lightning sparkled lightly around him as he tried to stay ready for any kind of attack, but he knew his best friend in front of him would protect him if need be. 

Momo was close to passing out, which Eli had to assume was due to Quirk overusage. Jirou supported her weight, but she wasn't doing too much better herself. Both of them were battered, and Tenya stood beside them, limping slightly. His engines must've blown, and he half leaned on Jirou, half leaned on some fallen debris. 

But Izuku looked the worst. He had blood leaking from his forehead. His sleeves were ripped, and he was sweaty and panting. He had a bruise on his cheek and scratches on his arms and face as well. 

So, Eli looked at all of those around her, the malice bubbling to her skin. Her Quirk activated as she sneered at Wolfram, staring right into those soulless eyes of the power-drunk man before she smiled so big that crow's feet appeared in her eyes.

"You guys did good, really good," she told them, her eyes stilled pinned on the villain, her stare keeping him in place, daring him to do something.

"You guys can rest now, Himi can patch you guys up," she said.

Wolfram grit his teeth.

"Oh, you little bitch! What, you think you can defeat me!?" Wolfram seethed through grit teeth. The machine attached to him made him more agitated, and the angrier he grew, the more powerful his Quirk would become.

And man was Wolfram ticked.

"You're out of your mind if you think we're sitting this one out Bell," Katsuki rasped, explosions lighting his palms. 

Eli breathed a small bit of shock but snapped out of it as quickly as it came. 

'I don't know why I'm surprised,' she thought

"All Might?" Eli called, glancing at him.

Steam rolled off his body lightly as he glared up at the man before them. But he answered, breaking his eye contact with Wolfram and looking at her.

"Would you help us out here then?" she asked, flopping off her heels as a small smirk grew on All Might's face.

"It would be my pleasure Kinetic-san,"

All Might launched himself upwards. He flew towards Wolfram at rapid speeds, but he put up walls of metal and pipes. That didn't stop All Might from punching through solid cubes and walls coming forth at lightning speeds. He flipped through the air, dodging another, immediately finding himself looking at Izuku, landing near him abruptly.

"Deku, with me," he said before he blasted away from the ground, once again punching away another column. Although stunned, Izuku reacts.

"R-right!" he said. He sparked to light, jumping away from the ground to throw himself towards another column and successfully leaping above it. He was running on 30% of One for All, using the gauntlets to throw powerful punches at anything that stood in his way.

Eli rolled her neck and cracked her knuckles.

"Oi," she muttered, catching the attention of Keigo.

"Yes?" he asked.

"Get the professor," she told him as they began to jog towards the asshole in front of her.

"On it," he agreed, instantly shooting off to get to the Professor without Wolfram noticing. Eli on the other hand had to have at least 6 solid seconds to charge up this percentage.

She grounded her feet on the floor and kept her hands loose. Then, her power shot. A deep crater formed where she stood, but she could only grit her teeth as she willed the percentage higher, hitting 200%.

And the second she hit that mark, she launched herself at Wolfram.

He'd never considered what he'd had in common with Shigaraki, but if he had, this moment would certainly be it. Because he blinked, once, and she was in front of him.

Fist raised, and there was nothing he could do to stop it from coming. He was rocked backward, the force knocking the metal under his control ajar, vulnerable. Katsuki and Shoto acted quickly, destroying as many as they could in his disoriented state.

Explosions of ice filled the rooftop, and Hitoshi and Himiko urged the others away from any ledges.

A shining light seemed to encompass the rooftop as All Might completely obliterate part of Wolfram's armor. The villain could only gasp in pain before a kick from Eli sent him flying to the ground.

He didn't know how hard he hit his head. And he didn't even know why he was still fighting at this point, but his body thrashed about as if on fire, throwing everything he possibly could at them, too distracted by rage to do anything else. He threw wall after wall and twisted pipes into lashes to grab her. 

But Eli destroyed each wall with little effort, punching right through one, shoulder-checked another, and grabbed the lashes he'd created, ripping them apart one by one. 

The only thing that ever changed about her demeanor was that every time he threw something at her, every time he attacked her and the others with everything he had, every time anybody on the sidelines garnered more injuries, her eyes...

the steamed redder, the mist around her grew denser, and the glare on her face grew harsher. Nothing was distracting her from the mission Eli was on. 

A distraction, that's what Keigo needed!

All Might wasn't too far away as he ripped apart the metal legs protruding from his fortress of metal that Wolfram had created. Eli backed up a bit, eyeing the situation before taking a running start towards the villain. 

They weren't damaging it enough, so she had to end it in the easiest way she knew how. Her body rocketed toward Wolfram at lightning speed, completely dodging his defenses and attempts at keeping her away. 

Wolfram braced for the inevitable impact, only for his body to be propelled backward from the force of the impact. But he wasn't the impact. Confused, he looked around for the annoying hero, only to realize that she's plummeted straight into his defenses, and was tearing it apart from the inside. 

The mist from her Quirk protected her once she was inside, and it didn't take her long to charge up her Quirk, even more, the sheer force of it doing damage to the interior of the cube before her arms flailed around, ripping apart anything she saw. And from the outside, All Might and Izuku took care of everything else.

Well, sort of.

Izuku's heart was pumping in his ears as he busted his ass across the endless amount of columns and debris coming his way. He kicked and punched his way through it, dodged and flipped away from it, building up so much momentum that he was able to push his Quirk percentage up to 40% in his legs.

Bursting with speed, Izuku crushed the obstacles around him, his brothers not so far off as red fire etched with searing blue heat flew through the sky, loud explosions rocking the foundations that Wolfram had built.

And as All Might saw Hawks lift David from the almost forgotten helicopter, his body tensed, and power clawed its way to his body's surface. He screamed loudly as he pushed his body beyond its limits.

The next thing he knew, he was in front of Wolfram and Izuku was with him.

"Get down!" Keigo hollered, swooping over most of the students and covering as many as he could with his wings. Shoto gasped, and instantly an ice arch was thrown up to protect them all from the impact. 

All Might grit his teeth as he kept his buff form maintained, the pressure in his muscles building inside him, and he planned to unleash it on the man before him. Izuku wasn't doing the best either, but none of his limbs were broken so he took that as a sign to keep going. 

He had to protect his family, his friends... So when he and All Might were finally in Wolfram's vicinity, they unleashed hell. Powerful winds wafted over the building from the force of their combined usage of One for All and finally, all the defenses that had been thrown at them were no more. 

Wolfram rocketed back, screaming in pain as he landed roughly and painfully. He should've stopped right then, actually, he should've stopped 15 minutes ago.

But he didn't.

So, maybe it was karma coming early, or just pure bad luck because right at that moment Eli came bursting from that useless hunk of metal he'd created. He stilled when he saw her in all her glory, the amount of power radiating off her pinning him to the ground.

His defenses were destroyed, and they laid in waste behind her body, courtesy of Izuku and Toshinori. Wolfram's body froze in terror as she walked toward him, her glare trained on his paralyzed body. 

She just smirked at him before she bent down to thread her hands into his hair, gripping it as tightly as she could, almost laughing as he cried in pain. She eyed the device clutching onto his skull and breathed a small(ish) chuckle before she took hold of it, breaking it.

The severed connection made him shiver, but the man tried to hold on to his pride. Even if he could barely move his body, he forced a fierce glare at the woman in front of them. He pushed all of his energy into it, but what would it do? 

She stared at the man, feeling something close to pity before she released a huff of laughter at the ridiculous feeling.

She thought to ask him another question but decided against it. And as she sneered at the man, she thought about something else, which made her hold onto his head tighter. Her eyes glanced to the side, seeing how her students, children, and friends were getting themselves together after the fight, and decided against it. 

Her brothers wanted to be heroes, and she couldn't set such a bad example by killing the man here and now. But the tears of Kota sparked in her mind, and she was angry all over again. 

As much as she wanted to...

Eli sneered, letting his head go with a thud and he grunted in pain as his head hit the floor before standing up tall. He looked at her with mercy-begging eyes as she raised her leg high above his head. 

Unfortunately, her mercy was already wearing too thin.

Then her foot came unforgivingly down on his head, and he was out like a light.


"BELL?!" Katsuki's loud voice echoed through the debris.

Eli flinched before her head snapped to the side. She hadn't even had the chance to charge up her Quirk when a couple of feathers lifted her up, only for her to land in a familiar pair of arms. She almost laughed as she looked at Keigo, who wore a cocky grin as he flew at rapid speeds towards the rest.

"Nee-chan!" Himiko said excitedly.

Eli was only on the ground for about a second when Himiko jumped toward her. Eli huffed, sighing as she wrapped her arms around the smaller girl.

"You're alright," she said.

A smile came on her face, and she kissed the top of Himiko's head with a small nod.

"Yea, I'm alright," she said rubbing her back.

Hitoshi stumbled over, huffing and holding his stomach, and for once Eli allowed herself to take in the injuries of the kids before her. She could physically see the bruises forming on Katsuki's hands and forearms, Quirk overusage. Shoto's shirt was even more destroyed than he'd anticipated, his hair ruffled in an unfamiliar fashion, and Kirishima was slacked against a nearby piece of rubble with Melissa.

Hitoshi, Jirou, and Ochaco had taken to protecting a battered Melissa, an out-of-commission Denki, and an exhausted Momo from the tons of debris that had fallen in the battle. 

Not to mention the fact that Izuku had broken the band created by Melissa as well, but he was off to the side protecting All Might from being seen in his smaller form.

She even felt Himiko slack against her tiredly and looking down she saw how she kept part of her weight off of her right ankle. Eli took a deep breath before lifting Himiko off her hurt leg and looking to Keigo who understood very quickly.

"Let's get off this roof, huh guys?"

·٠•●♥ Ƹ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄Ʒ ♥●•٠·˙ ˙·٠•●♥ Ƹ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄Ʒ ♥●•٠·˙

Touya really did try to calm down Kota, he really did. But unfortunately, no amount of jokes, awkward hugs, and uneven whispers of comfort would soothe the boy. His hands were balled into tiny fists, creating small crumples in Touya's suits.

He held on so tightly, and the man could only pat the child's back and rock back and forth as he silently panicked.

"Come on little guy, she'll be back I know she will," Touya tried, sighing as the boy only cried louder.

"Kota, Kota!" Touya finally shouted, calling unnecessary attention to them, but the man could only ignore it as he set his focus on the boy before him. Kota stilled, staring at Touya with wide, teary black eyes.

"Eli is coming back alright? Has she ever lied to you, huh?" he asked. He was a little more aggressive than he intended, but Kota didn't seem scared. Instead, he sniffed weakly and shook his head. 

"Then why the hell would she lie to you now? Look kid--" Touya cut himself off with a sigh, walking off to a small corner where he could talk to the small boy in his arms. He also kind of forgot about the no cursing around Kota rule. 

"Look, Eli loves you okay? Has she told you that yet?" Touya said. Kota's eyes bulged out of his head at the statement. 

Kota had known that Eli had cared for him, but love? Love was supposed to be really special right? But then again what could a five-year-old know about love? Like, he loved his mom and he loved his dad, that kind of special. 

Did Eli really love him like Touya said she did?

Sniffing, he replied. "Really?" he asked. 

Touya almost snorted at the child's question, but pursued his lips and put on a smug smile, and nodded. 

"Yeah really. You haven't even slept in your own bed since you got here little guy," Touya teased him. Kota blushed, looking away from the man, but the child couldn't help the small glances he gave him. 

Kota gulped a bit and wiped away his tears. He sniffed and tried to compose himself before he sighed and looked at Touya. 

"Do you love Eli?" Kota asked. 

Touya almost dropped that damn child. 

"I'm sorry, what?" he asked. He must have heard the kid wrong, he had to right? 

"I asked, do you love Eli?" 

And there it was again. Touya's ears burned red, and he couldn't even bring himself to look at the boy before he let out a loud huff. He glanced at Kota just for a bit before looking around and bending down close to Kota's ear. 

"Yeah, I do, but you can't tell her okay? That's my job," he said finally, swallowing his pride and forcing his gaze back to Kota. 

"Does that mean I have to tell Eli that I love her?" Kota said pointing at himself in actual distress. Touya almost laughed honestly, but instead, he breathed a small chuckle and shrugged his shoulders. 

"You can if you want and if you're not ready, you can find a different way to show her," Touya told him, patting his head. 

Kota looked at Touya in confusion. His cheeks and eyes were still red from all the crying he'd done, and even his throat hurt, but that didn't stop the small idea from popping into his head. He blushed at the thought, I mean he couldn't possibly call her that. 

"And whatever it is you're thinking of, I'm sure Eli will love it okay? It's from you," Touya reassured. 

'She was right, I am going soft,' Touya thought, thinking back to the time Eli called him out on it when he first called Shoto 'squirt'. 

Kota sniffed again, thinking quietly before sighing and settling his chin on Touya's shoulder. Touya huffed out a small laugh as he glanced at him. 

"What? Is thinking too hard?" Touya teased again, patting the boy's back, he'd seen Eli do it a million times. 

"Shut up, I'm contemplating," Kota said raising his head with a glare, making Touya smirk wildly at him. 

"Can you even spell 'contemplating' little man?" he taunted lightly, Kota blushing again before he glared even harsher at the man carrying him. 

"Can you even spell?" Kota shot back. Touya actually laughed this time and grinned at the boy. 

"Oh, ho ho, I see you've been hanging out with Eli's brothers have you? Warming up to everybody now aren't we?" he teased again. 

Filled with embarrassment, Kota opened his mouth to retort something he'd overheard Katsuki say, but he was cut off by the ringing of an elevator bell. He paused, looking back with wide, hopeful eyes, completely forgetting about Touya's smart ass mouth. 

And out shuffled Eli and everyone else. 

Kota pushed Touya so fast that he made that grown man stumble. He rushed over as fast as his small legs could carry him. Eli seemed to be looking around the room, so she was surprised when a pair of small arms wrapped themselves around her legs as tightly as they could. 

Smiling, Eli faked a groan as she wrapped an arm around the boy since the other hand was kind of occupied. 

"There's my boy, huh? Didn't I say I'd be right back?" she said lightly, kissing the boy's cheek softly. 

She was a little surprised when Kota wrapped his arms around her neck without some type of reaction or response, but it was coming. Touya said he had to tell her, and if he couldn't, he had to tell her in his own way. 

He didn't know what 'his own way' was yet, but he had an idea. And if Touya was right, she'd love it, but if he was wrong...

"Mama, can we go home now?" 


Eli's breath caught in her throat, almost choking her. 

'Did I hear that right?' she thought. 

A kiss on the cheek snapped her out of his, which she'd gotten from Kota, making her look at him with wide eyes. The first thing she saw was the fear in his eyes, then she saw how red his cheeks were, how puffy his eyes were getting, how his bottom lip quivered just a little...

So, that meant Eli would handle her shock later. Instead, she looked at him and smiled, and a thud sounded behind them as Eli let go of her hold on the neck of Wolfram's clothes, who she'd dragged downstairs. 

"Yeah... yeah baby we can go home," she said, and maybe she was overreacting, but tears pricked her eyes. 

When Eli said that she'd never thought about having a child, she was telling the truth. But looking at Kota, it was like something hit her. Her parents really never wanted her to feel this way, did they? 

And as she looked over at her siblings and her students and friends...

This... this is how things were meant to be. 

She was meant to be Hitoshi's sister, just like she was supposed to meant to be Katsuki's, Shoto's, Himiko's, Izuku's sister. She was meant to be Ochaco's, Tenya's, Denki's, Momo's, and her student's TA. She was meant to become best friends with Shouta, Hizashi, Toshinori, and Nemuri. Meant to become close with Keigo and Touya. 

So that means... that means that she must've been meant to do this too. 

And Kota smiled at her response, his embarrassment lifting into a happy, giggly smile. So, turning to her group, which was everyone at this point, she smiled and put a hand on her hip.

"Alright yall, baby wants to go home, so let's go guys," 

"Ugh, finally, a good idea," Hitoshi complained sarcastically, raising his hand to ruffle Kota's head with a chuckle. Denki was behind him, and he was holding his friend's hand as the blonde boy stumbled around tiredly, almost completely worn out.

"That's the best thing that's ever come out of your mouth brat," Katsuki said next, doing the same as Hitoshi but a bit more on the aggressive side. His other arm was preoccupied with Kirishima since the boy was thrown over his shoulder since the redhead had worn himself out quite a bit. 

"Let's!" Himiko said, limping over. Touya plucked her up by her stomach though and held her underneath his arm like he was carrying luggage, and Eli gave him a grateful nod. 

Izuku was passed out on All Might's back, along with Tenya who could barely walk at the moment, and how Toshinori was even still maintaining that form, Eli had no clue. Keigo was carrying the Professor and was helping a limping Melissa as well with his feathers, while Jirou helped Momo stay upright. 

It was without a doubt, one of the shittiest weekends any of them had ever had, and the chances of any of them ever returning to I-Island again were slim to nothing, but it was their first vacation together. 

Next time though, maybe they'll just go to the fucking beach like a normal family. 

4265 words. 

i'm running off a cup of coffee and a bowl of goldfish crackers rn 😈

anyway, i have very long term papers to write so i thought that i'd finish up this chapter before anything else. 

i love you guys, like i really do so don't be like me and eat and drink water if you haven't. 


also im fighting the urge to make a villaindekuxsister!villainoc

i feel like it'd be so funny idk. if you couldn't tell, i like oc's who are related to main characters, they're can be such pure yet complex relationships idk

anyway, i meant what i said

i love yall  < 33

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