You Were Never Meant to be a...

By FlameDraco360

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Wilbur was tired of being a hero. He liked to believe that he was a good hero, but being a good hero wasn't e... More

Chapter 1: In The Arms of The Enemy
Chapter 2: Where It All Began
Chapter 3: The Nemesis System
Chapter 4: Songbird
Chapter 5: "I Think I Have Trust Issues Now," - Wilbur Minecraft
Chapter 6: A Villain's Gift
Chapter 7: Tower Defense
Chapter 8: Crashing Into You
Chapter 9: Promise
Chapter 10: The Love of A Villain
Chapter 12: First Steps
Chapter 13: The Notes
Chapter 14: What It's Like To Be a Villain
Chapter 15: A New Name
Chapter 16: You'll Never Forget Me Now
Chapter 17: Shorts
Chapter 18: Custody Battle for Tommy Minecraft
Chapter 19: Flock Instinct
Chapter 20: Echoes of The Past
Chapter 21: The Villain's Summit
Chapter 22: Wilbur's Resolve
Chapter 23: A Call To Arms
Chapter 24: Rise- The Reign of Revolution

Chapter 11: It All Comes Back

2.1K 92 422
By FlameDraco360

We return to the present day. This chapter depicts the events that come before chapter one. Keep in mind, this chapter and chapter one happen all in the same night. Chapter twelve depicts the events that happen the next day after the events of chapter one. 

Wilbur was dancing with Ace under the moon in a maze of endless alleyways. Twirling and twisting through the narrow streets as the villain guided him through. The hero was covered in blood, the red substance clinging to his clothes and skin. His nemesis was spotless in contrast, the only blood on him being the gloves that held Wilbur's hands in his own.

The shrike avian smiled at him happily, "I've got you."

The words were both comforting and disturbing, two different tones of voice echoing together.

'I've got you', in a softer, more reassuring voice. Implying that the shorter would be there for him. Would hold him steady.

'I've got you', in a tone that was smug almost. Like Ace had him exactly where he wanted the hero. Like he had won.

Wilbur's not sure why he liked both tones. Shuddering at the darker tone and smiling at the softer one, the taller allowed the villain to dip him, lowering him closer to the ground.

For some reason, he trusted that Ace wouldn't drop him.

He was right to do so, the shrike avian held him without wavering for even a second. Carefully, his nemesis pulled him back up into a twirl, stepping in tune with a melody neither could hear but both somehow knew.

They continued through the maze of alleys until they came upon a large spike jutting out of the ground. There was a body there, one that Wilbur recognized.

The villain that had attacked him a few weeks back.

The one that Ace had killed.

...The one his nemesis had claimed Wilbur had killed.

He shook his head, the blood on his clothes and skin suddenly seeming a lot more real.

There was no way he had actually...? Right...?

The memory suddenly replaced the maze of alleys, Wilbur kicking down hard on the villain and sending him crashing into the streets below.

A thundering crack shattered the memory.

"He was dead on impact, songbird," Ace insisted, still holding his hands as the hero returned to the maze of alleys

"You impaled him," Wilbur said, voice shaking.

"I covered it up," his nemesis smiled at him in a sweet manner. "That way nobody could accuse you, since the spike thing is my signature. They automatically would assume it was me and never investigate further. They'd never realize that the cause of death was impact."

The magpie avian shuddered in horror, but Ace didn't let him linger, continuing to pull him through the alleys.

"It's okay, songbird," he said as they danced again. "He deserved it."

Wilbur tried to make sense of the feelings surrounding Ace.

He found himself leaning closer and letting the villain have full control of the dance.

The hero felt like he could trust his nemesis, his instincts told him the shrike avian was safe. So he let the shorter lead.

It was like flying in a storm.

Relinquish control the winds.

And for a few moments as they twirled and danced, Wilbur could taste freedom in the arms of someone who was supposed to be his enemy.

Wilbur woke up with a slight jolt, realizing that he had fallen asleep on the couch while watching a movie.

After the whole...kidnapping situation...he hadn't been allowed to leave the tower for his own safety. It was the most free time he had in years, and he hated it.

He felt like he was going stir crazy in the tower. He felt anxious, the air in his home heavy and the entire family tense. He wanted to be out there, doing something, but he couldn't because Phil had refused to give him the all clear for hero work again. Techno had been acting strange since the incident, but Wilbur had refused to talk to him.

He couldn't really be angry at his twin, he would've done the same in his situation. After all, they had been trained under the same lessons. They both knew protocol for Scenario 24.

But there was a part of him that saw it as unfair. He knew that he would've done the same, but his heart ached every time he recalled the look in his twin's eyes. They were family!

The idea of his family choosing to save people they didn't know over him sent a sharp pain through his chest.

Wilbur shook his head, sliding off the couch and heading to his room to change into his night clothes so he could go to bed properly. It was the middle of the night, and the longer he was awake the more he was going to think about it. And he really didn't want to think about it.

The idea of sorting through his emotions right now actively caused phantom pains in his head.

His instincts were suspiciously silent; the box open but not a peep came from his magpie. And even so, he didn't feel like trying to untangle his instincts right now.

Yeah, no thanks. He doesn't want a headache tonight.

Opening the door to the messy state of his room, the magpie avian briefly considered tidying up before just heading for his closet to find something suitably comfortable to sleep in. He eventually decided on his white button up and sweatpants combo, relaxing as he stretched his wings.

His eyes found his desk, reminding himself of the note that still sat in his drawer.

Truly, the hero tried to convince himself that it wasn't worth the headache tonight. But...he felt like maybe he needed it right now.

With a sigh, he slipped on his reading glasses as he sat at his desk. Reaching over and turning the lamp on, he opened the drawer and retrieved the note. Folding open the paper, he found it to be a lot longer than Ace's previous notes (his magpie was still quiet).

My dearest songbird,
By the time you're reading this, you're probably already back at your nest. The purpose of this particular note is to make sure you remember the promise that I made to you, seeing how you were in and out of sleep at the time.

If you are ever hurt, you can come to me. Regardless of who hurt you, or what the injury is, I'll always be here. I don't care if you're a hero, and I'm a villain. You're my songbird, and while I know you won't believe this, it hurts me whenever I see you hurting (a small chirp of approval from his magpie half). You deserve so much better than what hero society has done to you.

Here's your general reminders to make sure you eat and drink something, and try to get plenty of sleep. Take breaks as often as you need them, and no, I do not care what Philza's opinions on the matter are (he chuckled a bit). If you need to rest, you rest, okay Wilbur? Daily reminder that you're stronger than you know and that Techno isn't better than you (his wings puffed up at that statement). Also, don't hesitate to let me know if Smile and Pyro bother you again. They won't get away from my wrath next time. Hell hath no fury like a pissed off shrike.

I will restate that I believe you'd be better as a villain than a hero, and before you skip past this part, just hear me out (Wilbur rolled his eyes but read on). I'm willing to wager that we've gotten to know each other well by this point, and I'm willing to bet that you feel unsatisfied with your current life (was he unsatisfied?). You're meant for great things, songbird. You have the potential to do something amazing. You fight for people to recognize you as a hero. But as a villain, you could force them to remember you. You can make it so they'll never forget your name (he felt a deep rumble echo from his magpie half; why did he like that idea?). I'm willing to help you, Wilbur. You just have to give me the chance to show you what it's like.

They say caged birds fly the highest; how high will you fly, Wilbur? How high do you want to fly? When you're ready to take back your freedom, I'll be here for you. If you ever need me, I'm sure you'll find a way to get in contact. You're resourceful like that.
-Yours, Ace

Wilbur couldn't stop himself from reading the note(read: letter) a second time.

Ace's messages had become something of a strange comfort in the past month or so since he started receiving them. Carefully folding the note back up, he reached for his bottom drawer where he kept the box full of the villain's notes.

It was a small little cardboard box that had been laying around in his room, so he had started storing the notes in it along with the few small trinkets from his encounters with his nemesis.

The hero slowly put the note in the box, observing the poker chips and the deck of cards the villain had let him keep from a few of their encounters. Occasionally Ace would leave the poker chips with his notes, the cards were one of the decks they'd used to play poker. His nemesis loved his games, after all.

He picked up a red chip and twirled it between his fingers as he tried to recall from which encounter this specific chip had come from.

Ah. He thought, holding the circular poker piece with a faint smile. This is the one he legitimately threw at me.

They had been arguing and in response to one of the hero's taunts Ace had thrown the poker chip directly at his face. He had dodged it of course, and kept the chip out of spite. Ever since, the shorter avian would leave poker chips with his notes spontaneously.

Honestly, Wilbur wonders how it took him this long to start considering where his nemesis was most likely based. He had a solid theory on where the shrike avian's territory was and it was painful how long it took him to notice.

The hero put the red poker chip back in the box before putting the lid back on and tucking it back in his bottom drawer. His thoughts were flooded with Ace's words as he stood up to go and get a glass of water for bed.

How did he feel about the shrike avian?

Wilbur approached the question slowly, despite his earlier determination to not think about it. He was confused on how to feel. And his instincts didn't help matters (should he even bother trying to understand his magpie?)

He couldn't wrap his head around how hands that had rigged explosives that shook the city could also treat his wings with the utmost respect and care. How a villain who had snapped the necks and impaled multiple victims on sharp objects could hug him like he was the most important thing in the world. How words that were wielded like weapons could also be used to make him feel safe and like he wasn't alone (his magpie echoed 'safe' back at him, not leaving the box despite the open lid. Wilbur didn't try to shut it out).

Ace was so unbelievably dangerous.

But the villain had been apologetic about having to gag him. Had comforted him after his brother left him to the wolves.

He tried to push down the traitorous thought, but stopped himself from doing so.

No. He told himself. I need to think about it. I need to...

Wilbur recalls his nemesis's words from a few days ago.

I need to confront it.

(A chirp of approval from his inner magpie echoed in his brain softly; an encouraging chirp).

When he stopped to try and unravel his complicated feelings surrounding the shrike avian, he hesitantly accepted that he didn't truly hate the shorter. Despite all that had happened, he couldn't really bring himself to feel a scrap of hatred for the villain.

His nemesis has made some decisions that certainly toes the line, but he's never done something to actually harm Wilbur in a permanent manner. A couple of knife wounds? Sure. Plenty of bruises and sprains, obviously.

But Ace had never given him a scar. Wilbur had never been hurt by the villain in a way that would affect him long term.

And in any other scenario with the shorter, the magpie avian had only ever been treated with kindness and concern.

Between the healing potion things, the wing care, his promise, and the villain even going as far as to feed the taller, the most malicious thing Ace has done to Wilbur was the kidnapping from a few days ago.

And after it was all over, what did his nemesis do?

Comfort him.

The more he tried to understand it, the more confused he got.

He couldn't understand why Ace was just...nice to him.

(His magpie wasn't confused, it had made its opinion clear multiple times. Deep in his instincts, he recognized that Ace had been trying to court him for a long time now. But he wasn't sure if he was ready to acknowledge that yet.)

Wilbur remembers the semi-confession he had received from the shorter, a blush coming to his face as he reached up into a cabinet for one of the plastic cups so he could get his water.

The love of a villain...

Was the shrike avian being serious when he said that...? Would he really choose Wilbur over everything?

Emotions were confusing, was the conclusion he eventually came to as he filled his blue cup with water.

Hesitantly, he reached for his magpie, asking a silent question to the more primal side of him. His bird chirped back in response, fluttering its wings.

He cares. His instincts told him.

Wilbur gripped the counter tightly, water forgotten for a moment even as it flowed over his hand and into the sink, "Can I really trust him?"

His magpie let out a low trill leading into chirps, fluttering its wings again.

The hero's wings shuddered, understanding. His instincts registered Ace as a potential partner. His inner magpie wanted to court the villain.

He recalls how he showed off his flight to the shrike avian and realization smacks him in the face hard. His magpie didn't just want to court Ace, it had already started.

He chirped softly, eyes widening as he processed that new information. His wings begin to puff up and flutter.

(Why did he like that idea?)

The magpie avian ran a hand through his hair, finally noticing the water and turning it off with a grimace.

Wilbur eventually paused, picking up on a pair of footsteps approaching the kitchen.

(His bird went quiet at the other presence, lowering itself back into the box with a soft hiss.)

He heard someone clear their throat, "Wilbur, we need to talk."

Fuck. Wilbur thought. I hate when people say that.

Taking a breath, he set his cup on the counter and turned.

The taller offered a small smile to his twin, "Yes, Techno?"

The pink haired twin leaned against the wall entering the kitchen. His hair out of its usual braid and the younger wearing his night clothes. Of course, his twin always had his signature dagger on his person (he mentally scoffed at the other's paranoia).

"First," Techno said. "How are you holding up after all that?"

"Fine," Wilbur responded.

"Are you sure?" The younger twin asked. "You didn't look like you were fine after you managed to get out-"

"Techno," the brown haired twin interrupted. "I'm fine now. It was my first time being in a situation like that. And it won't happen again."

The combat hero was quiet before fidgeting with his dagger a little, "Yeah... it won't happen again."

His twin stood up from the wall, standing up straight as he crossed his arms, "There's something I need to tell you."

The older raised an eyebrow, gesturing for him to continue.

"I've talked with Father and a couple of the higher ups," Techno started. "And we've come to the conclusion that it would be in everyone's best interest if you were removed from the Ace investigation."

Wilbur froze, his thoughts halting as he processed, "What?"

(His instincts shot up from the box; eerily silent as the magpie observed Techno with unblinking eyes.)

"We've already made preparations," his twin continued, not making eye contact. "For the time being, I'll take over the case. In the morning, the police chief is going to bring over some paperwork for you to sign and-"

"No," the rescue hero stated, cutting the pink haired twin off (the bird had begun to hiss).

"No?" Techno repeated, glancing at him in confusion.

"No!" Wilbur declared, clenching his fists. "He's my nemesis. I'm the authority on the investigation. You can't just...remove me from it, Techno. You can't just bypass the law like that. He chose me, there's nothing you can do to change that."

"Actually," the combat hero stated. "There is a method. Listen, Wilbur, I know you're really determined to handle the situation yourself; but Ace is way too dangerous for you. I was willing to let it slide at first since you were doing a good job with him. But now... I feel like maybe you should stick to what you're good at."

The older twin couldn't help a small, dry laugh, "You are not fucking doing this right now. Are you implying that I can't deal with him?"

"Wilbur, you needed to be saved-"

"I saved myself!" The taller snapped, taking a step forward (his magpie was rising from the box, puffing up its feathers as it continued to stare at Techno with cold, unblinking eyes). "I've been able to handle Ace just fine without your fucking interference or concern. When will you get it through your thick skull that I don't need you to fucking protect me!?"

His twin sighed, shaking his head with a small facepalm, "You're getting worked up over nothing. We're brothers, Wil. We protect each other. It's just that I'm more suited for fighting villains. You should stick to your rescue work, you're really good at it."


Both twins paused at the sudden noise.


(His magpie was out of the box, bringing itself to its full height as it opened its wings wide, talons scraping each other and gleaming.)


Wilbur's voice was cold when he spoke, "So, I'm still not good enough, is what you're saying?"

Techno glanced up and down his twin, eyes calculating, "I never said that-"

The avian clicked again, the sound echoing deep from his chest as he slowly advanced on his brother.

"Don't," the taller hissed, opening and closing his fist as his talons sharpened. "I told you once, I'll tell you again. You can have every villain in the fucking world for all I care, but you stay away from Ace. The TNT Villain is mine. He is my nemesis. I am the authority on his case. You are not fucking taking this away from me!"

"Why the hell are you getting so defensive about this?" Techno asked.

"Because I'm not your shadow anymore!" Wilbur snapped, slamming his talons against the counter, dragging them along it as he walked and leaving a deep gash there. "Because of Ace people are seeing me as more than just a nameless rescue hero or as your brother! I have a name damnit! Do you know how many people call me by name outside of the family, Techno? ONE. ONE SINGULAR FUCKING PERSON. No, I refuse to listen to this shit. You aren't taking me off the case. I'm not signing over the investigation to you."

The combat hero tapped his foot angrily, not reading the warnings on the wall, "The decision has been finalized. You're signing those papers whether you like it or not. The higher ups have deemed that you're at risk of becoming a Fallen Hero based on my report of the kidnapping incident. The way Ace was acting around you isn't normal villain behavior. The interest he's shown in you isn't a normal nemesis dynamic. He's not treating you like an enemy, which means he could be potentially trying to recruit you. We can't chance it."

"So I'm untrustworthy," the avian growled, clicking aggressively as he flared his wings out and removed his talons from the counter. "Y'know something, Techno? I have a lot to fucking say to you."

He advanced, drawing up to his full height and looking down at his brother as he used his wings to appear even bigger.

Techno took a step back.

(The magpie lunged, its beak snapping on its prey.)

"You and Phil have never seen me as my own person," Wilbur's voice was eerily still, cold as ice.

But his eyes burned like an inferno.

"You've never treated me like I'm strong enough to handle myself," the magpie avian stated. "To you, I'm just someone else you need to save. Someone you need to protect. And yet you still didn't choose me. You would sacrifice your twin in a heartbeat for a scrap of more glory."

The combat hero looked distinctly ruffled, "Wilbur I was just following protocol-"

"Shut up!" The older twin's voice shook with anger, pain stinging his chest. "You never fucking listen! You and Phil never listen to me! I'm just another family member, I'm not even my own person to you guys! I'm just another son to Phil! And you? I'm just inferior to you in every single fucking way! No matter what I fucking do, you're always better than me. Phil is always so fucking proud of you, and he's never proud of me! I do everything asked of me, I shut my mouth and I listen and try my hardest to make people want to keep me around. I want so badly to be recognized and the fucked up thing is that the only person who sees me as my own person is a fucking villain!"

His twin opened his mouth to speak, but Wilbur didn't let him, "No! It's your turn to shut up and listen! I'm so fucking done with your bullshit! You and Phil never respect me, you never treat me like I'm an adult who can make my own decisions. Techno, we went through the same training! What makes you think that I'm fragile, huh!? Because I don't have a fancy regeneration power!? Because I'm a rescue hero!? You want to know something, Techno? I can fly through a fucking tornado! I've dived into burning building after burning building! I've struggled to save an entire ship of people from a tsunami! Earthquakes! Explosions! Go ahead, name another disaster for me! I can bet you I've saved someone from that disaster!"

"You think you're better because you can punch a villain harder!?" The older raised his voice, tears building in his eyes. "I WANT TO SEE YOU DO HALF THE THINGS I'VE DONE! Have you saved more people? Yes! But I can adapt to any situation thrown at me! I'd like to see you fucking try to do that! And you know something, oh dearest twin of mine? Nobody has ever beaten me in an aerial fight. You can ask Ace, he has scars from the last time he tried. I'm willing to bet that even if you had wings like the rest of us, I'd still be the best at what I do."

Just maybe, Ace had rubbed off on him with those gambling metaphors.

"Wilbur," Techno grit out. "You're talking like a villain."

"I'm speaking my fucking mind for once in my life!" Wilbur said, stepping forward with more aggressive clicks as his twin backed up. "I'm sick and tired of being your shadow! I'm tired of being treated like I'm just a 'rescue' hero as if that makes me lesser than you and Phil! I have one thing going for me. One thing that is making me recognizable as my own person outside of how I relate to you and Phil. And that's my nemesis. Being Ace's nemesis has shot me up in popularity. I refuse to go back to being a nobody. You cannot fucking stop me. I won't sign those papers."

"You don't get a choice!" The combat hero shouted back.

"I NEVER GOT A FUCKING CHOICE!" The magpie avian boomed, slamming his talons onto the wall and sinking them in. "I never got the choice on whether or not to be a hero! I never got a choice on how I was trained! I never got a choice on going to that damn training program! Phil has never let me make my own decisions! You have never let me make my own choices! Of course you never take into consideration how I feel! You NEVER have! Because all I am to you people is an extension of this family! Do you even see me as your brother anymore Techno, or am I just someone you're obligated to protect!?"

The question caused his twin to freeze, shock overtaking his features. The younger seemed to think it over, and the taller twin grit his teeth.

"Of course you never thought to consider that either," he scoffed. "I bet you never even thought for a second that your actions were only hurting me."

(The magpie's beak closed shut with an audible snap, glaring viciously at its prey.)

"You never considered that you've been a bad brother, have you?"

And there was a tense silence.

A door slammed shut and the ruffle of wings was heard, causing both twins to tense up. Phil came storming into the kitchen with an unimpressed look on his face.

"What's with all the shouting?" He questioned, glancing at Techno rather than Wilbur.

The younger twin didn't respond, glancing away. The magpie avian scoffed again, removing his talons from the wall with a few clicks. Their father's eyes locked on his actions immediately.

"Wilbur what the hell? Why are there talon gashes on the counter and in the wall? I thought you were staying on top of trimming them," the older avian questioned. "Also, what have I said about bird noises young man?"

He felt the way his instincts shifted uncomfortably at Phil and Techno's presence. His inner magpie backing up and hissing at them.

Not safe. It clicked, eyes locked on his father and brother.

Wilbur's wings locked up as realization struck him once again.

His instincts didn't register Phil and Techno as his flock anymore.

It was such a surprising realization. For as long as Wilbur had been alive, his family was his flock. They were safe, comforting. People he'd protect with his life.

And now, all of a sudden, all his instincts to protect them were gone. Everything that told him to trust his father and twin had vanished. He didn't see them as safe anymore.

The tower was no longer his nest. It was no longer home.

And it caused him to laugh dryly, tears slowly escaping his eyes.

"I will never," Wilbur began, voice breaking. "Be good enough for you. Will I?"

His wings shifted, ready to take off. Anger and sadness twisting in his gut like a vicious storm as more tears fell from his eyes.

"No matter how hard I try to be perfect," he chuckled. "I will never meet your standards. I will never be the hero you wanted me to be. I will never be old enough to make my own decisions. To you guys, I'll never be my own person. When I'm here, I never feel like myself."

He felt the honesty of the statement stab him in the chest brutally, bringing more tears to his eyes. He laughed again, because really, what else could he do in this situation?

"I'm never 'Wilbur' to this family. I'm Magpie. You call me by my name, but do you really mean anything when you say it? Or is it just an obligation?" Wilbur wiped at his eyes with his wrist, keeping his now pointed talons away from his eyes. "God I'm so fucking tired of all this."

Another door clicked shut somewhere else in the tower, the sound of footsteps running to the kitchen. Tommy slid into few, his wings puffed out.

"What's happening!?" He asked, eyes darting around the area before locking on his family.

It was, again, a stab to the chest for the magpie avian. Because here was his little brother, alert and in 'hero mode' despite only being in training. He was a kid, he should be hanging out with friends and making bad decisions. Not training to be a hero. Not training to be a machine of violence and war.

Because that's what Wilbur was, wasn't he? That's what Techno was too. They were child soldiers. And while they may be adults now, they were put in training at fourteen. Fourteen.

Damnit, how is he just now realizing how fucked up everything is?

Ace was...Ace was right.

Hero society was wrong on a fundamental level.

"God, it's all fucked," the rescue hero muttered. "Everything about society is fucked. How we're trained is fucked. This family is fucked. How did I not see it before?"

"Wilbur, what the hell are you rambling on about?" Phil asked, crossing his arms with a pointed look. "Techno, did you tell him the news?"

His twin nodded, still avoiding eye contact.

"What news?" Tommy questioned.

Wilbur was relieved when his instincts still registered his younger brother as flock. He still wanted to protect his little brother.

But right now, he needed out.

(His magpie spread his wings with an affirmative trill; it was time to fly.)

In a flurry of feathers and wings, the magpie avian launched himself over the heads of Techno and Phil. Both shouted out in surprise, trying to grab him as he went. Wilbur's eyes locked on an open window and he flew for it, pounding his wings to try and shoot out as fast as possible.


"NO!" His younger brother shouted back.

He's said it once, he'll say it again; he's willing to die for that kid.

The rescue hero promises himself that he'll come back for Tommy. He won't let his brother go through the same shit he did. He swears it.

But he needs to escape first.

He flew out the window, Techno calling out for him to come back as his father gave chase.

Wilbur knew he wouldn't be able to lose his father in the city, so he flew up. He flew as high as his wings would take him and disguised himself in the darkness and the clouds.

Most importantly, he kept moving. His instincts pulled him in whatever direction it wanted, not needing his input as he was focused on making sure he wasn't followed. He's never seen Phil fly up this high, so he's hoping the crow avian simply wasn't able to go this far up or would give up halfway through chasing him.

Once he was certain he could hear wingbeats behind him, he relaxed.

He still didn't question where his magpie was taking him, but he didn't really care that much right now, lowering himself below cloud level. He probably should care, and he recognizes that. But honestly, he just wanted away from the tower.

Away from the suffocating presence of his twin and father. Away from his hero work.

He needed a break.

Tears still fell from his eyes as he flew, despite his best efforts to wipe them away.

He is so fucking done with this bullshit.  

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