My First Everything || Edit M...

By fxckjin

57.9K 1.9K 316

it's sad because you were my first ever emotional attachment and i'm constantly stopping myself from falling... More

1- Why I left you
2-New life
3-New Partner
4-Hard Time For Jimin...
5-You again..?
6-Shall we call this a Date?
7- Like the old times
Happy life from now on
News about appa..
You said what!
Back home
My friend's back!
Very Important A/Note
Mark's Party -part1
Mark's party -part 2
Random Tag
Chilling with Got7 in Busan // part 1
Chilling with Got7 in Busan // part 2

Why Me?

2K 86 14
By fxckjin

Hi guys sorry for not updating -' But it's school is almost finish and that's mean A LOT OF EXAMS are coming... BTW guys you have to read A Beauty In A Geek by kouumin


Dad.. You left me..I'm not blaming you for it but you won't be able to see your grandchildren. My mother tried to not cry because she knows that I don't like to see her cry..but how can you not cry in this sort of situation..How can she not cry..she lost the man she love and she can't keep the pain in her.. Someone was crying on my shoulder, I could smell the cologne of Jimin, my poor heart..Why did this have to happen to me. I am innocent girl. Things were getting back in place... My relationship with Jimin is strong as before.

-''I am sorry for your lost'' I heard someone talking in the back

I didn't have the energy to turn my head to see who was it...My dad is gone, I didn't say Goodbye nor a I love you.. He left me with no words. It's just pain...This pain is hitting none hurts. 

My head on my father's hospital bed, I felt some pairs of hands on my shoulder. The person got me up from the floor and made me look at my father one more time before the nurse will take them away from us

-''Is this how my life will go on?''

-12:34 am-

It's been two hours that my father had pass away.. I'm still in the room where my father was yesterday. I didn't want to go back home. My mind won't accept the fact that my father is gone. Jimin is obviously annoyed to see me like this so he called a taxi to drive us home..I don't have the guts to stay there even longer. As the taxi stop at my home... I leaned on the cars window. The starts shining, My dad must be one of them. I closed my eyes to hide the pain for awhile and I felt asleep 

Jimin POV

The taxi told us we are arrive, I saw Kim sleeping on the glass window besides her. I payed the taxi driver and carried my girlfriend in a bridal way like all gentleman do.  I tried my get her keys out of her pockets. I laid her on the sofa in the living room, then I called the boys to come here and relaxe and tried to cheer Kim a bit.. I gave her a last glance before going in the kitchen to make her some food and kiss her forehead

-''Why did this cruel world have to happen to you'' I caressed her hair

I walked in the kitchen, took out the rice pot, soya sauce, carrots, onions and more ingredients. Then I got a phone call from Namjoon. He said they're in front of the door, so I should go and open the door for them. They silently tip toe in the living room

-''Is Kim fallen sleep?'' Jin asked. I simply pointed at the sofa, where she was sleeping on for hours. Seeing her like this is so painful. 

-''Poor Kim... ''Hoseok said while he was trying to keep his tears in

-''I never got the chance to meet him..'' Jungkook added

I told them to met up in her room but everyone had fallen asleep on the ground next to the sofa. Except for me because I am really trying to think what should I do? (It is currently 2am...) I heard someone moving around trying to reach their blanket. I looked around me and it was Kim. She then sat on the sofa, she started to sob. My first reflex was to sit next to her and pulled her head on my shoulder

-''Shh... I am here... just remember this, people cry, not because they're weak. It's because they've been strong for too long'' 

-next morning-

It is 10 am right no, I'm the only one awake, Kim is sleeping in arm. I woke quite of early because in severals weeks, we're performing at MAMA's in Hong Kong. I was planning to buy her tickets to join us but the thing is, her mom will be in Korea alone. 

Few minutes later, I heard Yoongi yawning. He then woke the others up to tell them it's time to take their shower before rehearsal. I told Yoongi, I'll be the first one to go take a shower. As I slowly stood up and place Kim on a pillow, she grabbed my hand

-''Jimin-ah, you're going to practice?''

-''Yeah, you can come. I'll just go take a quick shoer and I'll be back'' 

-''Okay'' She smiled. I know behind that smile. She fakes a smile and says she's okay, but in reality she barely made it trough the night. ''Babe, I'll go visit the hospital and give some extra clothes and food for my mom'' 

-''I'll drop you there, alright'' 

-''I'll be fine, walking. I just want to some fresh air'' 

-''Be safe, please'' 


Jimin is so sweet but I want him to take care himself before me. He went in the bathroom to take a shower. So I decided to make breakfast for the others. I made some Ground Pork and Corn Congee, it's like porridge but it is most often served with side dishes. When additional ingredients, such as meat, fish are added whilst preparing the congee, it is most often served as a meal on its own. 

-''Kim-ah, you don't need to prepare breakfast or anything, you should go rest more. I'll do the rest'' Jin said as he entered in the kitchen

-''You guys are the guest here, plus I am making it for my mom as well, because I'll visit her later. Don't worry about me. I know it is hard to forget but it's part of life''

It's terrible to lose someone we love, but it's even worse to lose ourselves while loving them.. Isn't that true or is it just me?

-skip / hospital-

As I arrive to the hospital..I saw my mother sleeping on the sofa. My poor mother..What can I do for you? I walk towards her with her breakfast in my hand.

-''Mom, I'm here'' I shook my mom's shoulder to wake her up

-''Oh h-honey'' She yawned

-''I brought you food that I made at home and some extra clothes for you'' I gave the bag of breakfast to her. 

-''I have the best daughter in the whole wide world?'' She laughed ''Umh, I also wanted to ask you something very important''


-''I called your grandfather yesterday and explained everything. They said it would be better if we move in at their house at Busan. I actually think it's a good idea but I want you to stay here in our current house. I also want the boys to stay around you''

-''Well if it's what you wish for, go for it'' 

I stayed with my mom for a good 2 hours, we talked about how to keep the house safe and I need to grow up, be more mature. My mom said she will go back home ,pack her things before leaving Seoul. My father's funeral will be attended in 3 days from today.  

I left the hospital and directly headed to BigHit's entertainment. It's been quite a long time I haven't here. So many good memories in that building, I hope I'll make more happy moment in there from now on. 

As I step in the building, the office man greeted me. He asked me if I was Su Kim Han. I obviously sait it was me, he then guide me to BTS's. I was in front of their practice room door, I gently knock on it, and the door opened. It was Mr. Son, who greeted me first.

-''Long time no see'' He smile. I smiled back at him and gave him a friendly hug. ''Go where you belong now'' He laughed. I turned my head to search my boyfriend. As I saw him standing at the other side of the room, I ran towards and jumped on him

-''Hi'' I smiled and gave him a little peek on his cheek

-''It feel good to see you back here''

Being in a relationship isn't about kissing, dates or showing off. It's about being with a person who makes you happy in a way that nobody else can do. 

Jimin POV

Kim went to see her mother, I hope she's still not heart broken about yesterday drama. The boys and I started to pick all of their bags, before leaving Kim's house, to BigHit's building. Jin said it would be better to take the van instead of walking because the neighbour could recognize us while walking in the streets. 

-at the rehearsal room- 

We entered in the room and immediately started to warm up our bodies. I'm always the on who finish the warm up first because I like to dance to my own music before the music that our hyung compose. Maybe that's why I like to freestyle the most of the time when I listen to american music when I am out with the boys.


We've been practicing for maybe an hour already. Our choreographer said to take a 5, he then open the door. We all saw him greeting someone as well hugging her. Who is she?

-''Long time no see'' Mr Son said while wearing a smile on his face. At that moment, I realized it was Kim. She came to visit us.

-''Ineed, it has been awhile'' She hugged him back

-''Go where you belong now'' He said as he made place for her to enter. Kim looked at me, ran to me and jump on me to give a kiss making me fall on the ground.

-''I miss that'' I kissed her forehead.

After our little break, Kim sat in the corner like she used to. (Not in a bad way) We rehearsed about 3 hours because the MAMA's is coming quite fast. Mr Son decided to end the practice here and go chill outside. The boys said it's better to go back home and relaxed or watch movie together. I walked towards Kim where she was the whole time. She was sleeping peacefully.

-''Aww, poor Kim'' Hoseok said as he bend down to look at her. I woke her up by shaking her shoulder. She look at me with sleepy eyes.

-''O-Oh it's done..?'' She said

-''Yes, I have a surprise for you. Here'' I handed her the plane tickets to China..I hope she'll accept the gift.

She slowly open the envelop I gave to her. As she took out the tickets, her eyes widen..I hope it's a good thing

-''You shouldn't have!! This is too much.'' 

-''No worries, I just want you to be at  the MAMA's to support us. The boys and I wanted you to come'' I hugged her from the waist

-''Thank you so muchhh! I also need to tell you something.''

-''Let's go HOME'' Jungkook emphasized the word home

-''FOOOOOOOOD!'' Yoongi screamed as he ran out the door and went to the van downstair.

It really feel good to see them back in my life. It was my mistake of giving up on Jimin so fast. From now on, I need to think straight and make good decisions in my life.


We went to our dorm with Kim. She was looking at the plane tickets, she was smiling all along the ride.

-''Do you like your gift?'' Jin asked

-''Of course, this is my third time going to your concert'' She smiled

{15 minute ride}

Hoseok opened the front door and jump on nearest sofa he saw. I sat beside Hoseok that was tired. 

-''So what was you were going to say earlier?'' Hoseok asked

-''My mom said I'll be living alone from now on...She's moving out with her parents now..She thinks it for her best..Now I am living alone... and wanted to ask if -''

-''WE WOULD BE GLAD TO BE YOUR ROOMMATE'' We all shouted with excitement


-''My mom said I'll be living alone now...She's moving out with her parents now..She thinks it for her best..Now I am living alone... and wanted to ask if -''

-''WE WOULD BE GLAD TO BE YOUR ROOMMATE'' They all shouted with excitement. Omg how did they know

-''THANK YOU GUYS'' I jumped and hugged them all one by one

My life won't be that lonely after all.. :)

Okay sorry for this really boring chapter that you ever read, I'll try harder to work more in details.. Like I said in the beginning, A LOTS OF EXAMS AND HOMEWORK! No enough time to write some chapter for my dear readers. But the amount of readers in this story makes me try to write, so thank you very much :) AND BTW THE MV I NEED U ~ EACH TIME I WATCH IT I DIE !! AND PLEASE DON'T FORGET TO VOTE FOR THEM WE WANT THEM TO HAVE THEIR FORST WIN EHEHEH ~

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