Dorkules: Hercules Au

By Aquamarinix

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Banished to earth to live as a mortal, Storkules must perform a rite of passage on Earth to prove himself wor... More

chapter 1
chapter 2
Chapter 3
chapter 5
chapter 6
chapter 7
chapter 8

chapter 4

75 3 0
By Aquamarinix

                       From that point forward, Storkules was no longer just some guy (depsite having godlike powers). He was a hero again, the most beloved figure in all of Thebes. Travellers and businesses flocked to the city, selling merchandise by the barrel-load, and Storkules, well he collected his royalties. He built a massive home for himself in the wealthy district of Thebes, complete with a fully equipped training stadium. Gus stood by his side and managed Storkules' affairs, expertly navigating contractual agreements and  finances.

                     Gus did this while Storkules trained and overcame every obstacle placed in his path. As for Hades, he refused to give up. He sent monster after monster to try and dispose of the beloved Stork, but they couldn’t beat him. No beast, not the Nemean Lion, the gorgon, or the Cretan bull, could defeat Storkules. As Hades watched Storkules defeat each of his goons with ease, Hades grew angrier and more desperate, looking for any solution to his little problem.

                      One day, Hades was at a vacant tower, practicing shooting at targets -- all of these targets are vases with Storkules' face painted on them. Pain, Panic, and Donald, are all there with him, watching the scene in the village below.

"Another!" Hades demanded the imps. Pain and Panic obediently throw a vase in the air. Hades blasts it to pieces.

"Nice shootin', bub", Donald spoke in a sarcastic tone.

                       "That bloody wimp of a deity! I sent every powerful and cunning beast at this weakling and he has the AUDACITY to--!" Hades' ranting was cut off by the sound of squeaking shoes. He looks down at Pain to see him wear Storkules -trademark- sneakers.

"What...the hell...are those?" Hades asked slowly in a low tone.

"Uh....I don't know, maybe because they're comfy?" Pain gave his boss a nervous smile. Hades' eye twitched in irritation.

                     Hades inhaled, "I've got 24 hours to get eliminate this imbecile... or the entire plan I've been setting up for centuries, since my banishment goes up in smoke ... and you are wearing his fucking merchandise?!?!"

Hades was about to blast Pain with his pyromancy, until he hears slurping and looks over towards Panic. Panic was drinking from a Storkules -trademark- plastic cup.

"Heh...thirsty?" Panic offered his drink to his boss. Hades yells enraged and blasts them both.

“I don’t even know why I bother with you two idiots anymore!” He exhorted, “And you,” he said, wheeling to face Donald, “Why haven’t you done anything about our little problem?!” Donald shrugged and walked away from Hades.

               “I wasn’t aware that wonderboy was my responsibility,” Donald replied emotionlessly,"Besides it's not like I can be friends with him", he sighed.

"Friends!???" Donald yelped as Hades gripped his cheeks between his sharp, polished talons, “You think you can get to the son of Zeus and he would welcome you with open ARMS? What an Idea", Hades scoffed.

Hades sounded disgusted but his eyes widened a second later. Donald was terrified, but he softened up when a look of incredible insanity appeared on Hades' sharp face.

“What an IDEA!” Hades gasped and picked Donald off the ground, squeezing him in a tight hug, “You BRILLIANT runt!" He chuckled.

                   "How could I forget! Of course everybody has a weakness, even the almightiests of Gods!" Cackled Hades, "That brat must have a weakness! Like Pandora, it was the box incident. Even for The Trojans, those idiots bet on the wrong horse, hah! We simply need to find out wonderboy's weakness", Hades encouraged Donald with a sly smirk.

Donald frowned,"Nope! Forget it! Let your imps do it!"

"Those to fools couldn't handle him after he was done with the final request I tasked him to do", Hades retorted as he gave the imps a look of cruelty.

Hades looks back at Donald, "I need someone who can... handle him as a man", he clarified.

Donald rolled his eyes in annoyance, "Forget it! I won't do it!" Donald turned and crossed his arms. Hades sucked his teeth in disappointment.

"Ooooh! Funny you should say that", Hades joked as his head was over Donald's shoulder,"Because last time I remembered you'd agreed to be my slave in order to save your family's sorry asses, since your dumbass Uncle Scrooge had the audacity to steal from me and my wife, Persephone.

              Donald turns his face towards the opposite direction from Hades. Showing no other reaction to Hades’ monologue. Hades let out an exasperated sigh and ran a hand down his face.

"I'll tell what, you give me Storkules' weakness and I will give you something you always wanted", Donald turned to directly face the tall deity.

"Oh yeah, and what's that?" Donald asked in suspicion.

Hades smirked and whispered  in the duck's ear, "you're freedom", Donald's eyes widened and Hades allowed himself a wider smile of satisfaction as he watched the duck stood there stunned.

                  At the temple of Selene, Storkules tells him about his trials.

“You should’ve seen it Selene!” Storkules shouted, “That bull didn’t even stand a chance!” The statue of Selene boomed with laughter.

“Oh! You're doing so well Storkules!” She chuckled, “You’ve done wonderfully dear! I’m so proud of you!”

“Does that mean,” Storkules began haltingly, looking at the ground shyly, “Does that mean Storkules can join you all in Olympus now?”

“I’m afraid not ” The statue responded sadly, “You’ve accomplished so much, but you haven’t yet proved yourself to be a true hero,” Selene explained.

“How do Storkules prove myself then?!” Storkules shouted back, his frustration boiling over, “I’ve beaten every single monster that I’ve faced, I’m a hero to all of Thebes, I’m even an action figure!” Storkules takes one of thefigures out and gives it a squeeze.

“Being famous doesn’t make you a true hero,” She said sternly, “It's something you have to discover for yourself and I promise you will prove yourself, just look inside your heart,” With that, the Selene statue sat back and became unmoving once more and the braziers extinguished. Storkules pounds his fists on the temple floor and cries out in frustration.

                    “At noon we’ve got the meeting with the cab driver,” Gus began, reviewing a schedule while circling the pedestal Storkules was standing on, “and then at two, we’re meeting your new image consultant, at half-past two, you’ve got to meet with those Amazons, and then at quarter to three, you’ve got to do your daily training.”

Storkules opened his mouth to respond, but was quickly scolded by the painter and resumed his position.

“Gus,” He said, trying to remain as motionless as possible, “What’s the point of all this?”

He exclaimed, finally breaking his pose. He throws the club and shield down. The painter angrily brushes all over the canvas, packed his things, and marched out of the room.

"“What’s the point?!” Gus exclaimed, “Do you want to rejoin Olympus or not? Just trust me on this lad.”

"Yes, but why does this stuff doesn't seem to be getting Storkules anywhere?" The muscular Stork whined.

                The gremlin sighed and looked at the Stork.

“Listen Storkules, I’ve been doing this my whole life. It’s what I know. Sure, it hasn’t gotten you to Olympus yet, but if you give it awhile, eventually your moment will come in time.”

“But when?” Storkules began despairingly, “Everyone keeps telling Storkules soon, but— Oh no.” He groaned, he hears loud squeals of rabid fans outside the locked door, “One of the tour groups got inside again,” Storkules sighed as he rubbed his face. 

"We really need better security", Gus grumbled tiredly, " Just hide behind one of those curtains, I’ll lead them away and come get you once they're gone".

Storkules nodded and quickly hid behind the curtains. Gus opened the door to find a crowd of excited fans, eager to meet their hero.

“Alright, come along,” Storkules heard Gus say as he led the crowd away from him, “He’s just over here! On the verandah!”

Storkules was standing behind the curtain, impatiently tapping his feet and waiting for Gus to return when he heard a voice.

“I wonder what’s behind curtain number 1?” A familiar voice asked dryly. The curtain was whipped back to reveal Nick, wearing his trademark smirk.

“I wonder what’s behind curtain #1?” A familiar voice asked dryly. The curtain was whipped back to reveal Donald, wearing a smirk on his face.

                 "Oh, Donald! Hello!" Storkules said nervously, “What brings you here?”

“Oh I saw that crowd sneak in here and I thought there might be a damsel in distress,” Donald responded, earning a shy laugh from the stork, “So this is what heroes do on their days off,” He commented before flopping down on a red couch and surveying the opulently decorated room.

"Oh... Storkules no hero ...", Storkules denied. Donald gave him a sympathetic and walked up to the demi-god.

"Sure ya are, buddy", Donald gently held Storkules' face in hus hands,"Everybody in the world thinks you're the greatest thing since they served cake in wine glass."

Storkules blushed as chuckled,"I know, it's-it's insane, you know, I can't go anywhere without being mobbed, I mean --", Donald shushed him.

"You sound like you could use a day off. Think your nanny gremlin would go berserk if you played hooky this afternoon?" Donald asked, squeezing a Gus action figure and making its eyes pop out.

"Oh, gee. S-Storkules don't know", Storkules said apologetically,"Gus has the rest of the day pretty much booked --".

"Ah, Gus-schmus", Donald said quickly and Storkules closer,"Just follow me -- out the window, round the dumbbells, you lift up the back wall and we're gone", He finished enticingly.

“Okay,” Storkules relented, a smile growing on his face,“Let’s go!”

Later that evening, they were outdoors in a fanciful garden. They were talking and laughing with each other.

"Huzzah! What a day!" Storkules spoke excitedly.

"Yea", Donald nodded in agreement.

"And then that play, that ... Oedipus thing? Oh! And I thought I had problems! They both chuckle and next to them were two little birds  sitting in a bird bath.

                  Both of them turn into Pain and Panic to speak to Donald.

"Psst! Stop foolin' around!" Panic hissed.

"Yeah  Get the goods, dummy", Pain agreed. Storkules turns again and the two imps turn back into birds, tweeting innocently.

"Storkules didn't know playing hooky could be so much fun", Storkules laughed.

                   "Yeah. Neither did I", said Donald softly as he watched the birds fly off.

"Thanks, Donald", Storkules spoke dreamily.

"Oh ... don't thank me just yet. Oh!" Donald stumbled down the last few steps. Donald squacked as he falls into Storkules' arms.

"Oops -- careful."

"Sorry. Weak ankles."

"Oh? Well maybe you'd better sit down", Storkules carries the blushing Donald over to a bench, puts him down, then sits down beside Donald.

             "So ... uh ... do you have any problems with things such as this?", Donald asked as stretches his leg and holds his webbed foot right in front of Storkules' face, "Weak ankles I mean".

Storkules blushed and carefully moved Donald's leg away.

“Not really", Storkules replied.

“Nothing huh?” Donald asked, sitting back up and leaning in closer, “No trick knee, no pulled muscles, no easily injured appendages?”

“I’m fit as a fiddle,” Storkules responded, flustered by the Duck's face just inches from his. Donald pulled away and looked at the muscular Stork once more.

                    "Wonderboy, you are perfect", Donald sighs.

"Thanks", Storkules got up, picks up a rock off the ground, and skips it in one of the reflecting pools. It knocks into the statue of Venus in the middle, knocking the arms off it, as in the famous statue.

"Whoops", Winced Storkules as Donald comes over to join him.

"It looks better that way. Nah... it really does", Donald chuckled as the Stork blushed. 

                  "You know, when I was a kid", Storkules began without warning, "I ... I would have given anything to be exactly like everybody else."

"You wanted to be a petty and dishonest?" Donald asked dryly.

"People aren’t like that, Donald,” Storkules spoke softly.

"Yes they are", Donald replied venomously.

"You're not like that", Storkules said tenderly, sitting down beside the short male.

"How do ya know what I'm like?" Donald scoffed.

                       "All I know is ... you're the most amazing person with ... weak ankles I've ever met and I care about you". This causes Donald to take a step backwards and is pricked on the arrow of a small statue of Cupid. He exclaims in surprise and looks down at it, then back at Storkules.

           "Donald... when I'm with you, I-I don't feel so ... alone", Storkules lovingly cups Donald's face with his hand.  Donald gently pushes him aside and stands in front of the pool, looking directly at his reflection, gloomily.

"I could never be what you need, Storkules", Donald sighed. Storkules walked up next him, closely.

"Well, perhaps you should let me decide before pushing me away, Donald".

Donald looks almost pained, until Storkules nuzzles him. Donald let out a surprised look.

                "Storkules is yours, forever and always", Storkules swore, "Should you ever realize you are so much more than how others treat you".

Donald smiles at him warmly. They looked at each other lovingly and they both slowly leaned in for a kiss, until a bright light startles them. They look up to see Gus shining the light in their faces and riding on the flaptter, while he holds a microphone.

"Alright! Break it up! Break it up! Funtime is over! I've been searching all over this town!" Gus scolded, and landed the flaptter next to Storkules.

                "Calm down, small fry, it was all my fault!" Donald snarked.

"You sir, are already on my list-- so don't make it worse!" The gremlin scolded the duck. He then turned his glare on Storkules.

"And as for you, you scoundrel," Gus shouted,"You're going go to the stadium and you're gonna be put through the workout of your life! Now get on the flaptter!"

"Alright...alright", Storkules responded timidly.

"I'm sorry", Donald dropped his head down, while keeping eye contact with Storkules.

              "Don't worry, he'll get over it" , Storkules reassured him. He reaches up and pulls almost a whole tree down to pick a flower. Storkules gives the flower to Donald and kisses him on the cheek.

"Enough mush! Let's get a move on now!" Gus grew impatient, until Storkules got on the flying machine and took off flying in the air.

Storkules kept staring dreamily back at Donald from the front of the flaptter as they flew.

"Whoo!", Gus dodged an incoming branch, "Keep your goo-goo eyes on the --", A branch hits Gus and he falls off the flaptter and into the bushes. His hand appears from behind a rock.

"That's it! Next time, I drive", Gus passes out.

And the world's best boss of the Year Award goes to....

Anyhoo, Selene has returned! I missed this woman so much! Good thing we'll see her again soon in the later chapters. It's late, and I've been interested in other things..... Here you go!
More dorkules interaction for you all! Poor Gus! That li'l man needs a break!

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