He's so.. {Kubosai Story}

By aboojaga

10.7K 161 144

This story includes fluff and smut so get ready for the trip! More

•Transfer Student•
Just Me And You.
•A day to ourselves•
Fuck. Its happening.
Fucked up.

Forget me.

285 3 3
By aboojaga

•Kuboyasu POV•

Toritsuka definitely was not okay. The bag of peas covering my forehead are starting to melt and I still feel a bit dizzy but I still go up to check up on him. I walk up the stairs, and walk up to his door. I knock. He doesn't answer. I knock again, but a little harder this time. He doesn't answer again. "I'm sorry but I'm coming in.." I tell him before lightly opening his bedroom door. I look around his room. He's nowhere to be seen. He's..gone..? "Toritsuka..!" I worryingly call out. There's no reply whatsoever. I'm getting even more worried now but I force myself to calm down since I'm already sort of ill. I check his bathroom, I check his closet, everything, even his stuff, it's all gone. The only thing that was left was his diary. I remember seeing it once or twice, but privacy is a real thing and you have to respect it, but this time, nothing is stopping me. I quickly grab the diary and flick to the most recent page that has been written on. "Dear Kuboyasu, I know that you're reading this right now and you're wondering, where is this fucking idiot?! Well.. I'm sure you've noticed over the past few months that I..haven't been doing so well. Or maybe you haven't noticed. It doesn't really matter anymore since I'm long gone by now. I don't know why I bothered packing my things even though I'm probably going to kill myself haha. I just want you to know that I uh..love you. A lot. And I really appreciate you, ever since you moved in. You always made my day brighter and longer. I never wanted the days we spent together to end. I just didn't..want to get in the way of you and Saiki though. You guys always seem so happy together, much happier than when I was around but.. I just want you to remember that it's not your fault, okay.? It's mine. Its my fault for ruining your perfect love life. I'm so sorry. I wish you the best. Both of you. Please just, Forget this. Forget me.

Love, Reita Toritsuka." Is what I read in his old beaten up diary. I felt my heart shatter into millions of pieces. I couldn't. I just didn't know what to do. My body is filling up with frustration and and despair. I just.. don't know..! Instead of thinking, I do it all at once. "REITAAAA!!!" I scream out in anger, tears streaming down my face. I look to my right, seeing his window wide open. That's probably how he left. I go up to his window sticking my head out to look for him. There's no sign of him at all. "PLEASE TELL ME YOU'RE JUST KIDDING!!" I scream, even louder out the window this time. "Please.." I fall, back first into his bed that has nothing on it besides his diary. I pull his diary close to my chest and close my eyes. I fall asleep.

Saiki POV•

I've made it home and I feel nothing but guilt in my bones. "I'm home.." I mutter, opening my front door, walking through. "Ku-chan! You seem a bit upset, are you alright?" My mom calls out to me in her happy tone per usual. "Yeah I'm fi-" "No you're not, stop lying." Comes a voice that was clearly my older brother. "Can you just shut up and let me be." I snap back accidentally, causing my mom to gasp dramatically. My brother then grabs me by the collar of my shirt and pulls me to his face. I look away, almost knowing that what he was going to do or say would make me cry. "Kusuo..are you okay?" He asks me, like I said, causing me to explode into tears. He sighs and embraces me into a tight hug. I don't like my brother, and I mean that, I really do hate him, but sometimes, I couldn't appreciate him more than anything else. I sob into his shoulder, only making him hug me tighter. "Hey, it's okay..just let it out." He whispers lightly to me. He lets go of me, bringing me into my room, with me sniffling in the way in. "Do you want to talk about something..?" He asks me in a soft tone that I've never heard from him before. I shake my head, not wanting my older brother to make things worse for me. He doesn't know that I'm gay yet, so that could make things even worse. I feel like I could trust him this one time though..no. I should never doubt myself. "I'm fine now, thanks though." I lie to him, still wanting to curl up into a ball in misery. "I'm gonna let you off this one time since I know you want some space.." he says to me, getting off of my bed and opening my door to leave. He looks back at me with a deadpan expression. "Love you lil bro." He turns back around and walks out of my room. I lay on my bed and I take my phone from out of my pocket and see if Kuboyasu tried to text me. Of course not. *sigh* I really don't want to see him at school tomorrow.

Kuboyasu POV•

Apparently..we have school tomorrow. I really don't want to go. I'm so..miserable. He was my fucking everything. He comforted me, he messed with me..everything. He was so special to me..but now..he's gone. How did I not fucking notice.?! It's all because of a pink haired geek called Saiki Kusuo. You know what? I'm going go to school tomorrow just to give him a piece of my mind. He lowkey deserves nothing in life, NOTHING! Oh I just can't WAIT to squish the brains out of him. I get up out of Toritsuka's bed and bring his diary with me. I run down the stairs into the living room, sitting on the soft couch with my knees. I flick back to the first few pages of it, it's about when I moved in. "OH MY GOODNESSSSS!!" it read. (read pronounced as red duh) "So basically, I was on the internet the other day, facebook specifically, looking for new roommates. It seemed just a bit too lonely in my house since it's REALLY big. I posted on my Facebook that I needed an new roommate, no rent needed! (but you obviously need to buy your own food, new sheets, etc.) I posted it a few hours ago but I've already got a few hundred responses. I scrolled and scrolled through my comments and my dms, and nobody caught my eye except for this one dude.. His name was Kuboyasu. The only reason he caught my eye was because he was the only one who asked "Are you sure we don't have to pay rent? Like, I'm fine with that but I still can if you want to.?" It made my heart skip a beat for some reason. I immediately answered him and gave him my number and everything. The next day, (a lot earlier than I expected) he arrived!! I was so excitedddd! He told me his age, but I didn't know what he looked like since I was too scared to ask.. It was about 15:09pm when I heard the doorbell ring. I quickly came the stairs, I'm in nothing but shorts and my favourite pair of white socks. (I don't know why but I just couldn't get myself to put on a shirt..) I opened the door just to see the most beautiful man in history. His luscious dark purple hair slightly covering his eyes with a pair of beautiful framed glasses. I think I've been staring at him for too long because he stares to the side and starts blushing. He looks back at me straight in the eyes. He's slightly taller than me as well. "Hey,I'm Kuboyasu.!" His loud but soft voice says." I stop reading it there. There is another few pages but I'm not bothered to read anymore since I'm already flustered like crazy because if this guy's fucking diary.. I miss him. It's all that stupid pink haired fucking tramps fault. It's all Saiki's fault. I might as well just go to sleep now..wait..my phone.. MY PHONE!! I CAN CALL HIM!! I run back upstairs into my bedroom where I see my phone charging. I grab it and immediately and go to my contacts and ring "Toritsukaaa❤️". It starts to ring.. still no reply though.. It's still ringing..but still no reply.. I sigh. I'm never going to see him again am I.? I put my phone back down and go to sleep.

•Saiki POV•

It's time.. It's time to go to school. I really don't want to go, and when I say really, I mean it. It's because I don't want to do work. Well, that's a lie. It's because I don't want to see him. Kuboyasu.. I feel so guilty after all the things I said to him..but did he deserve it? I don't want to think about that right now, it's too late for that. I grab my school bag from underneath the staircase. "Oh god.." I think to myself. This is really gonna fuck things up even more isn't it? I put my school bag on my back. "I'm going to school now." I call out to my mother. "Ku-chan! Wait!" She exclaims back after me. I sigh and walk into the kitchen. "You forgot your bento box sweetie! Here!" She then hands me my bento box that I'm glad she reminded me of. I definitely wouldn't have survived without it. "Thanks." I reply. She then gives me a peck on the cheek and lets me head off to school. As I'm walking to school, I'm usually caught with the two dipshits, Nendou and Kaidou, but there's only one today, and of course, it's the worst one. "HEY, PAL! How you doing??" I sigh as Nendou quickly approaches me. I speed up as I don't want him to catch up with me. "Oi pal, OI pal, OI Pal, OI PAL!" He continuously screams after me. Thank god we were right outside of the school, otherwise I would've blown him to Mars the second he would've said another "Oi pal.". Well, here we are now. Now though, time to figure out how I'll deal with this day.. I've gotten a text on my Nokia Block 3000 the moment I step onto the school grounds.

•Kuboyasu POV•

I'm finally at school, and I promise myself not to get into any situation with Saiki and his dumb friends.. "OH, HEY, KUBOYASU!" Came a voice from behind me. It's Hairo. I personally really like him and I don't think he would be stupid enough to hang out with a guy like Saiki. I turn around to greet him. "Hey Hairo. What's up?" I say to him with a smile on my face. "I was just wondering, do you want to play a game of rounders at the pitch since you're like..really..REALLY...In shape..?" He looks at me straight in the eyes, his eyes brighter than my fucking future I swear to god, with a slight smirk on his face..but I completely ignore it and take the compliment. "Yeah of course." I reply, "I do really enjoy rounders.". He looks at me with a devious smile. "Alright cool! See you in an hour!". He walks off scratching his head for some reason.."Weird.." I mutter to myself. As soon as he leaves, the bell rings for the first semester. Saiki's usually not in first semester, but when he was "in love" with me, he always used to skip his first class to be in mine. As I walk to class I feel this weird eerie presence..almost as if someone is watching me. I don't want to think that it's Saiki though because..ew..I just don't want to think about him..Fuck sake. Without reading my time table I get to my class, not realising what subject it is. It's geography. The only FUCKING class I have with that pink haired neek. Whatever. I don't make eye contact with anyone as I enter the classroom but as I sit down I realise that he isn't even here. What a pussy.

•Saiki POV•

I'm no fucking "pussy". What the fuck is up with him.!? He's such a fucking douche, I hate him. Guilt runs up my spine as I contemplate on whether I should skip class or not. Yeah, fuck this, I'm not going to "ruin my education" (even though I know literally everything in the whole wide fucking world) just because some really smart, handsome..sexy..arrousin- FUCK. No. I don't like him anymore. Anyways.. just because HES mad at me and that I'm mad at him doesn't mean I should skip class. I'm going in. Fuck him. I come out from the bathrooms pretending that I wasn't doing anything suspicious at all. I sigh, but eventually I make my way to geography class. But shit. Of course when we were all lovey doves together he wanted to change seats and sit beside me. And it looks like the teacher is stuck on that decision because he hasn't changed back to his original seat yet. Well, fuck it, I guess I just have to ignore him. I proceed to walk over to my assigned seat and, of course, sit down. Within a few minutes I'm already sweating. I pray to the fucking lords/myself that the teacher doesn't let us do any pair work or else I WILL combust. I decide to tease him a bit by putting my FAKE block ring on so that he thinks I'm not reading his thoughts. Yes, that is very childish of me but I don't want him to think I'm any suspicious. I put the ring on my finger and I can see him looking down at my hand and rolling his eyes.

•Kuboyasu POV•

Does he think I'm a complete idiot? This dumbass really thought I forgot that he has a fake ring? Wowza.. This guy REALLY likes to underestimate me. That's fucking infuriating. I sigh for the 100th time today and roll my eyes as I watch him put on the stupid fucking ring. I'm not thinking these thoughts right now though, I'm whispering to my self so he shouldn't be able to hear me if I look the other side. Actually, you know what? Let me not pay attention to him at all, I'm just going to completely ignore the fact that he has a fake ring on and try and focus in this boring ass class.. I sit up in my chair and face the board the teacher is pointing at showing us the different tectonic plates around the world. I won't lie it's a bit interesting. "Alright class, today we'll be going in pairs to draw the map of the world and where the tectonic plates are." FUCK. I hate this teacher. I hate this class. I HATE THIS. "You may chose whoever you want to be your partner." I love this teacher. I love this class. I LOVE THIS. Hm, now that I look at it, I don't really talk to people that much.. I'll go with a stranger then because I am NOT going with Saiki. I look over at where Hairo usually sits and there's a bunch of people huddling around him for them to be his partner. He looks a bit overwhelmed and then he makes eye contact with me. "Haha, sorry guys I have a partner already." He politely declines all of them and gestures his hand for me to come sit next to him. Shit? Wait? Does he like me?

•Saiki POV•

What the fuck.. Why is he.? Why is he sitting beside Hairo out of all people? Huh..weird.. not like I care though lol. I like working by myself anyways so..yeah.. They're probably barely going to talk anyway.. Kuboyasu always said to me how much he find Hairo annoying haha..so..I don't care. "Does everyone have a partner?" The teacher announces. He then looks me in the eye and shrugs his shoulder and walks back over to his desk. Whatever. I WILL just work by myself. I can do this stupid project in a matter of seconds, but, I cant look too suspicious. I raise my hand and ask if I can go to the bathroom. "Yes Saiki, You may go." I would've manipulated his thoughts to make him say yes anyways but thank the lord that I didn't have to go through all of that effort. I stand up and push in my chair and leave the stupidly crowded classroom. Of course, I'm not going to the classroom, I'm going home. Just to think for a while that's all really haha..

2850 words ✊🏿

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