Not so straight - Jimin x Mal...

By Andrew2796

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Jimin x male reader -Explicit content- Jimin is the vice chairman of a very powerful entertainment company, b... More

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Characters pt.2

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494 20 6
By Andrew2796


I step out of the already familiar elevators and stop in front of Sana's desk. She instantly smiles when she sees me and I let her know that I'm here to see Namjoon, so she calls him to let him know that I'm here. She nods at me while she tells me to come in before sending me a wink, making me chuckle. As I pass through Jimin's office, I see him working on his computer with his door closed. He looks really concentrated on what he's doing. I notice that I stopped walking for some reason, maybe just to stare at him. Well damn. He looks super hot in that suit. I wouldn't mind working in a place like this if my boss looked like that. My breath hitches a little when he suddenly stops looking at his computer and locks eyes with me. His cheeks becoming a little red all of a sudden. I just smile at his reaction and wave a little at him before I continue making my way to Namjoon's office. I knock on the door once I arrive and hear a "come in". I open the door and close it after getting inside the office.

- Hey Nam.-

- Hi Y/N(n)ie. How have you been?-

- Good. A little busy lately, but fine. You?- I sit down in the chair in front of his desk.

- Same. I have a lot of meetings today, so I'm a little in a hurry. Sorry.-

- No. Don't worry about that.- A beautiful woman, who I recognize as Namjoon's assistant, knocks on the door and steps in with a few papers in her hand. She hands them to Namjoon before bowing a little. I smile at her as she makes her way out.

- Thanks, Chaeyoung. Look, this is the contract. I asked Taehyung to send me a copy of your contract at Traander, so they're both really similar. You know the deal. You have to come to the shareholder meetings once every month or whenever we need the shareholder's vote on a big company decision. And that's pretty much it.- I quickly read the contract and as he says, it's just like Traander's. I end up signing it and smile at him as I hand him back the papers. I take a paper with the menu for the event on Friday out of my jacket and hand it to him.- As the entrèe, cured beef-tenderloin bruschetta with red-wine mayonnaise. For the main dish, roast beef with caramelized onion gravy, accompanied with a waldorf salad. As dessert, molten chocolate tart.- He reads out loud.- Well, this sounds absolutely delicious.-

- Yeah? Cool, I'll make sure it's light and well balanced.-

- Great, perfect. I trust you. Thank you so much and we'll see each other on Friday then.- Chaeyoung knocks yet again and steps in to take him to his meeting.

- Sure. See you Friday.-

He hugs me quickly before making his way out of his office to where I suppose the meeting room is. I also walk out of his office and decide to head to Jimin's. I don't know why, but I'm sort of dying to spend time with him, even if it's just a minute. I see he's still very concentrated on his computer, so I knock on his door earning his attention. He tells me to come in and I close the door soon after.

- Hi cutie.- He averts his gaze from my eyes to the floor for a second; I think he got a little flustered. Then he returns to look at me as I sit down on one of the chairs in front of his desk.

- Hi.- He says trying to fight a smile from appearing on his lips.- What brings you here?- I try to hide my smirk, probably failing, as I think of a playful answer.

- Oh nothing. I just came to check you out on that suit.- His eyes widen a little and his face just turns bright red, so I can't help but laugh.- Actually, I came to see Namjoon, but decided to stop by your office to distract you a little from your work.- He laughs since it's true that he's actually distracted.

- You came to sign the shareholder papers?- He asks, making me confused as to how he knows that, but I guess Namjoon must have told him.

- Yep. Looks like we're going to see each other at least once a month now.- I smirk as he makes a fake bothered face.

- Do we have to?- He asks jokingly before he lets out a smile and I swear I stop breathing for a second. I smile back and jokingly roll my eyes.

- You're enjoying that I'm distracting you from your work. Anyway, have you eaten lunch yet?-

- Not really, why?-

- Okay, let's go then. Remember this time is your turn to pick the place and you pay.- I remind him smiling.

- What? You mean, right now?-

- Yes, now. Come on.- He looks at me and his computer back and forth, clearly thinking of what to do. Finally, he sighs in defeat, passing a hand through his hair. My smile fades abruptly and my mouth opens a little in awe. The scene in front of me just plays in slow motion and I swear it's the sexiest thing I've seen in my life. I swallow hard before I divert my attention somewhere else, but quickly think of something. I cannot show gay panic, no sir.- Unless... - I stand up and lean forward on his desk, leaving our faces kind of close. He swallows notably and stares at me in shock.- You have something else in mind you want us to do.- I smirk at him and I swear his gay panic is intense. Now that's more like it. He finally reacts and pushes me by my chest, so I sit back again, smiling.

- Fine, you win Mr. persistent. Just let me finish up this quick email and we'll go.- He starts to type away on his computer, focusing on the task. I can be really annoying sometimes, so I decide to interrupt him, yet again.

- You know, I think that suit is illegal.- He looks up at me confused.- Well, at least it should be.- He finally understands as he hides his face behind his computer, smiling a little. I love to cause that reaction to him. I hear a knock on the door and turn around to see Sana.

- Come in.- She opens the door and starts walking towards us to end up standing next to me.- What can I do for you Sana?-

- Oh nothing, sir. I just came to see if Mr. Kang wanted something to drink, since I didn't offer him anything when he arrived.- She looks at me and gently rests her hand on my shoulder. I see Jimin looking at her with widened eyes before they turn to a really mad and even sassy look. He looks so sexy, yet intimidating; it's fantastic. For a second I think of asking for a water bottle, but I'm a little afraid, so I'll stick to living.

- I'm okay sweetie, but thanks, though.- I tell her and I see Jimin clench his jaw.

- Ms. Minatozaki, don't you have better things to do than interrupt us?- I smirk as I see him look at my shoulder where Sana is still resting her hand. I got him to be mad and wow, so hot; a little scary, but extremely hot. I'm extremely happy to discover this side of Jimin.

- Yes, sorry sir. Let me know if you need anything hot stuff.- she winks at me and before Jimin can nag her again, she just walks out, quickly closing the door behind her. I try my best to keep my smirk and chuckles for myself. Looks like Sana likes to play with fire, I like her.

Jimin's attention goes back to his computer as he continues to type away that email he said he needed to send in a more calm state. I get a little bored, so I stand up and curiously start to roam through his office. I check out how his office is simply decorated and has a big whiteboard filled with his delicate handwriting consisting of all of his pending tasks. I walk to his bookshelf to see more frames with pictures, different from the ones in his apartment, but with the same people. I wonder why he doesn't have any pictures with his ex. I mean, if she broke up with him and it's still pretty recent, I would expect him to still have a few pictures with her here and there or maybe in the trash, but he has none. I see another picture with his sister and they're both really happy, just like the one he has in his apartment. If they haven't seen each other in a while, I bet they miss one another like crazy.

- Okay, I'm ready. Let's go?- I turn my attention to him as I see him standing up from his chair and fixing his suit.

- Yeah. Let's go.- I send a flirty wave to Sana as we walk to the elevator and I get to see Jimin roll his eyes, making me chuckle. We get to his car and I hop in the passenger seat, buckling my seat belt. Jimin copies my actions, but behind the wheel.

- Okay. Where do we go?-

- Wherever you choose to take me. Just know that if you kidnap me, my family won't pay for the rescue.- He laughs a little at my joke and then looks at me like I just gave him the most difficult task on earth and I smile innocently.- Remember, it's your time to choose.-

- Do you seriously want me to choose a restaurant to take a chef to lunch?-

- Yeah. What's the big deal? Just choose a restaurant that you like and that's it.- He looks at me unsure, but still starts the engine of the car and drives away. After two minutes I have a few good ideas of where he might be taking me and I like all of them.

- I really hope you like it.- I turn to look at him to see a little bit of insecurity and nervousness in his eyes. I laugh a little.

- How picky do you think I am?-

- Well. I don't know the kind of restaurant you work at, but I understand it's a really fancy one. I think it's correct to assume that you must be extremely picky.- I laugh again remembering the other day I bought packaged 라면 (Ramyeon) at a gas station, not because I was starving or anything, but because I was craving that so bad.

- I'm really not, but you'll see.- About a minute later, we stop at one of my guesses and I smile proudly as I read the little rustic sign next to the door "L'angolo dei Sapori". I can't help but smile at all of the memories this restaurant gives me. We both get out of the car and walk through the doors of the crowded restaurant to be received by a really good friend and waiter.

- Chef Y/N!- He shouts and hugs me.- It's been a while. Come in please, come in.-

- How have you been Seungmin?-

- Great, great. Thanks. Hey Felix! Look who's here.- He calls the attention of the other waiter and he runs towards me to hug me too.

- Chef Y/N! It's so good you're here. The chef is in the kitchen.- I turn to look at Jimin whose face is filled with surprise. With all the noise, the chef walks out of the kitchen to see what's happening and opens his arms for me to hug him when he sees me.

- Chef Raffaele.- Jimin's face gets even more surprised at how I also know the chef.

- Chef Y/N, benvenuto a casa tua (welcome to your house).- We hug each other like we haven't seen in years, when in reality we saw each other a few weeks ago.- Aspetta un secondo (wait a second), did you bring somebody?- He asks, completely shocked as he looks at Jimin; Seungmin and Felix also realizing that I'm with someone. I normally either come by myself or bring my mom and brother.

- Yes, this is Jimin. Actually, he brought me here.-

- You look familiar, you've come here multiple times before with a young lady, right?- Jimin smiles sweetly at the mention of the girl.

- Yes, she's my sister.-

La famiglia (the family) is the most important thing. I always say that. Well, come in. Welcome. Let me set you our special table for you two.- He starts to lead us to a special table that is a little hidden in a cozy corner near a window. We both sit down and smile gratefully at him.- I'll bring you our best wine and some delicious focaccia as I cook you guys a special dish.-

- Thank you chef. I must tell you, though, Jimin doesn't eat seafood.-

Dai! Veramente? Va bene, va bene (what! Really? It's fine, it's fine). No seafood for you. Seungmin, treat Chef Y/N and Mr. Jimin attentively. They are my special guests, va bene?- He nods and starts serving us the delicious wine as the chef heads to the kitchen. Seungmin walks away after reminding us to call him if we need anything.

- Why did you tell him that I don't eat seafood? I think he got mad at me.- Jimin says in a slightly worried tone.

- No. He was just surprised and just a tiny bit offended, since he absolutely loves seafood. I had to tell him because I assure you he was going to bring us something containing seafood.- Jimin starts smiling and laughing a little to himself, making me curious.- What?-

- How stupid of me to expect you not to know this place. Turns out you know everybody.-

- Well, I do know all of the restaurants in this city. Not just because as a chef I have to, but because I like to discover new places to eat.-

- So you like to check on the competition?-

- I mean, I have to. But I love to explore the restaurants and see the different interpretations each chef can have on each dish; it's really interesting. I can assure you, though, Chef Raffaele is not my competition. Our restaurants are completely different from one another.-

- So how did you get to know this place?-

- Chef Raffaele is actually one of my mentors. I worked here in his kitchen for years. He taught me a lot. Really a lot. From the basics to some of the most complex techniques. I basically owe all of my cooking career to him. I admire him a lot. You know? He has the potential to make this place a much fancier restaurant and sell his food at a much more elevated price, but he's not interested in that. He has always wanted his restaurant to be a space where you come and eat with your family; a place that's inviting and cozy.- Jimin looks at me attentively as I explain everything to him.- Do you know what "L'angolo dei Sapori" means?- He shakes his head no, still focusing his gaze on me while he takes a sip of his wine.- It means "the corner of tastes". The chef named it like this because he always assures you that the flavor is going to be immaculate. The presentation perhaps not so much, but he wants that every bite you give to his dishes transports you to the little village his family is from in Italy where he used to cook with his grandma these big and delicious dishes for the whole family.-

- Wow. I had no idea, that's very interesting. He really does care about family a lot.-

- You have no idea. I've brought my mom and brother here to eat a couple of times and he always cooks these abundant, delicious dishes for us.-

- What about your dad?- He curiously asks.

- He never has time for these things.- I shrug.

- So, aside from your mom and brother, you don't bring someone else here?-

- Someone else?- I look at him suspiciously, since I feel he's hinting something.

- Yeah, like a boyfriend or something?- Oh, would you look at that. He wants to know if I have a boyfriend. I laugh a little at his subtleness.

- No. This place is too special for me to just bring any random guy.- I look at him in a certain way, hoping he understands the innuendo as he just smiles cutely.- But anyway, you've come here a lot too, right? With Chaeyoung?- His big smile never misses the queue to appear whenever her name is mentioned.

- Yes. She actually discovered it. We were hungry and I told her to pick a place to eat. A friend of hers recommended it, so we decided to try it and ended up loving it so much that every time she's in town, we eat here.- I feel really touched that out of all the places he could've chosen, he decided to take me here; the special place he shares with his sister.

- And why did you bring me here?- I ask curiously. He lets out a sigh.

- I don't know. This place has some of the most delicious food I've ever eaten, so I thought you'd like it.- I smile at his comment and Seungmin returns with the delicious focaccia made from scratch, so we start eating.

After the focaccia, the appetizer, the main dish, the dessert, and the bottle of wine, our stomachs are already full, maybe a little too full. Jimin asks for the check, but Chef Raffaele refuses to let us pay. After a rather short discussion, Jimin agrees. I am so extremely grateful with how much the chef has taught me that I always send him the best cheeses and wine that I can find because he's a big fan of them. That's why whenever I come to eat here, he always insists for me not to pay. We both say goodbye and hug everybody before exiting the restaurant, me opening the door for Jimin of course.

- Do you want a coffee?- He asks me and I chuckle thinking he's in a big need to actually pay for something, but I'm really happy that he decided to extend our little escape.

- Sure.- I follow Jimin to a nice little coffee shop. We both order our coffee and as promised I let him pay. We grab our order when it's ready and sit down on some couches.

- Thanks.- Jimin says out of the blue. I laugh, a little confused.

- You paid, I think I should be the one thanking you.-

- No, I meant for dragging me out of that office. I have so much work that I probably would've just skipped lunch.- I bring a hand to my chest and my face distorts.

- You skip meals? I can never do that. I love food way too much for me to just forget about eating. It's literally one of the best pleasures in life.-

- I know. I just get too focused on my work that time just passes by without me even noticing it.- I look at him a little worried and suddenly think of something.

- How good are you with keeping promises?- He looks at me confused before answering.

- Really good. I always keep my promises.- I lean forward and extend him my pinky.

- Okay then, promise me that you won't skip meals again.- He hesitates way too much, making me lose my patience.- Do you really want me to drag you out of your office every time you need to eat?-

- You wouldn't do that.- I smirk.

- Oh really? Try me.- He looks a little scared at my commitment.

- Okay, okay I promise.- He locks his pinky with mine and I notice how small and cute it is. Really, how cute is this man? I lean back into my seat taking another sip of my coffee.

- Can I ask you a question?- He tenses up at my words, probably guessing I'm going to ask him about his ex. I decide it's best not to bring up the topic just yet.

- Sure.- He tries to sound like he's not giving it much importance, but I know he is worried.

- Why don't you see your sister more often?- He relaxes at my question and lets out a sad sigh.

- Well. She stayed in Busan because that's our hometown and she got an amazing offer for this great company. She lives about three hours away from here, so we can easily buy train tickets to see each other or simply drive there, but our times simply don't match. We're both too busy.- I nod trying to understand the situation. So he's from Busan? I had no idea.- Oh sorry, I think we should go, I have a meeting in 20 minutes.- We get up from the couches and head to where his car is parked. We both hop in and within a couple minutes, we arrive at Amusic again.

- Good luck at your meeting and thanks for the coffee.- I tell him as I accompany him to the elevator. I push the button for him.

- Thank you for distracting me from all this.- I give him a smile as he enters the elevator.- See ya.- Without giving it much thought or any thought at all, I step into the elevator and leave a short but sweet kiss on his cheek. I step back as I see his face turning extremely red.

- Bye cutie.- I manage to say right before the elevator doors close. I head to my car smiling and head to Jungkook's apartment.

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