By captivatingluna

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Giving life a second chance is very difficult that to when destiny had given a great downfall join me in the... More

Chapter- 4


1.9K 243 27
By captivatingluna

After dropping Mahir to the school Manik reached his office when he entered his cabin he saw his mother figure that is Swati Khurana waiting along with another woman and Aryaman with an upset yet angry face

Manik- ma you here

Swati- manik you are here ...come

Manik instead of going to the sitting area in his cabin moved towards his desk

Manik- ma please I have a lot of work ...anything else, we can talk about at home

Swati- Manik I am here because the matter is important you see I didn't want to bring this matter home because I am giving mahir time

Manik (sighed)- what is the matter

Swati (introducing the girl)- Manik she is Kaira Gupta...I met their family at the charity event recently, I thought she is perfect for you ...guptas and Khurana have been partners for a long time

Manik- ma you know I am not interested

Swati - Manik please don't be rude Kaira go on

Kaira(shaking hands)- hello Mr. Malhotra it is finally nice to meet you

Manik- same here miss Gupta but I am definitely not glad to meet you

Kaira- well we just met don't draw conclusions yet

Swati- I and Aryaman will leave you guys can talk

With that, she pulled Aryaman with her and moved out of the cabin

When they exited the cabin they saw Nisha rushing to meet Manik ....stopping her

Swati- Nisha please don't disturb them now

Nisha- ma'am it is really important

Swati(not letting her complete)- no whatever it is it can wait

Aryaman- don't behave like this mom ...this might be important

Swati- you shut up and don't interfere and you Nisha if you enter the cabin I will make sure you lose the job...whatever the problem is you find a way, they are paying you for that

Aryaman gave an apologetic look to Nisha

Aryaman- mom stop what if it is actually important and Manik is going to be very angry if he comes to know later( turning to Nisha) tell me Nisha what is the matter

Nisha-sir when I was leaving today I received a call from Mahir's school that he got into a fight with his classmate in the assembly ...they tried calling sir but they couldn't reach him

Swati- but why will the school call you and not me or Aryaman

Nisha- ma'am sir has provided my number in case of emergency

Swati- OK anyway don't disturb him I will go and pick up Mahir

Swati left without giving them a chance to answer

Nisha( to Aryaman) - sir what to do now

Aryaman-i don't know... let's wait till Mahir gets here

Nisha - yes and sir even Nandini went to pick Mahir

Aryaman - why

Nisha-actually sir when I received the call even Nandini was with me so when I told her the matter she left to pick him up

Aryaman (nodded but still unsure )- you carry on will see

Nisha nodded and left

Inside manik's cabin

Kaira - so Mr. Malhotra what should we talk about now

Manik- miss Gupta, I don't like to talk in circles...I will come straight to the point I am not interested in marriage so don't waste your time

Kaira - oh Mr. Malhotra who said anything about marriage... (Manik gave her a confused look) yeah I know Mrs. Khurana brought me here with that intention but I am not here for that, you know I am here for business. Mr. Malhotra, it is not very easy to meet you in fact I am trying to get in touch with you but couldn't so I thought through Mrs. Khurana... why not

Manik( just smiled) - so tell me what is your business

Kaira- I am an event Manager. My company name is dream events( forwarding her card) we are organizing a conference for young aspiring business man's... .we would really love you to be the chief of honor

Manik- oh I really appreciate that you thought I could be the chief guest but I don't think I will be able to make it

Kaira-Mr Malhotra, you are an inspiration for many businessmen out there, this conference focuses on mainly reaching out to investment for those businesses who have problems financially... you are a huge player in that field I think this is going to be a win situation for you

Manik - for now, I cannot guarantee anything since you have approached me I will definitely think about it

Kaira - sure Mr. Malhotra I will send you an official invite... (getting up)it was a pleasure meeting you. And don't worry about the marriage thing...

Manik nodded with that Kaira left...


Nandini reached the school and asking directions she reached the principal's office to see Mahir sitting with his head down and opposite to him sat a woman with another boy

Nandini called out his name and Mahir let all his emotions through his eyes which started pouring the moment he saw her

Nandini reached him but before she could bend down Mahir hugged her waist and nandini started patting his head and whispers calm down

Principal - hello miss

But the women did not let the principal speak

Women- don't you teach your son manners

Nandini- excuse me

Women- no I am just wondering if it is you who teaches him to fight in school ...see(showing his son's face) what he has done to my kid

Nandini(turning to Mahir)- did you do it Mahir(Mahir nodded his head slowly) why did you do it

Mahir- he was teasing me saying that my mom doesn't care for me ... I felt like crying and I didn't know when I started fighting

Nandini- Mahir is not always good to fight ...maybe we can just talk it out ok...sorry bolo

Mahir(turning to the boy)- sorry

Nandini(to the boy)- now come on you also say sorry

Women- why should my son say sorry

Nandini(clearing ignoring the women)- unknowing you have hurt Mahir with your words so that in future you both don't hold any grudge towards each other that is why now come one say sorry

Boy- sorry Mahir

Mahir- no problem

The woman took her son and left the premises

Nandini (to principal)- can I take him

Principal- yeah sure and may I know your name

Nandini- Nandini

The principal nodded because he has never seen Mrs. Malhotra before as soha never attended any of Mahir's school functions so seeing Nandini's attitude towards Mahir so the principal assumed that Nandini is Mrs. Malhotra and Nandini left with Mahir

Soon after the duo left Swati reached the school and went towards the principal's cabin and on talking with the principal

Principal- oh Mahir left with his mother

Swati(shocked)- what

Swati thought that soha picked up mahir so she panicked

In this panic, she called Manik and informed him that soha picked up Mahir from school

And Manik felt like his soul disappeared from him and all the flashbacks about how Mahir withdrew himself from him came like rushing wind ....without giving another thought he rushed...

Seeing him rush Nisha also went behind him .. even after calling him Manik didn't stop and rushed to his car and moved ...without having any option Nisha called Aryaman and informed him

Manik soon reached the school and Swati was waiting for him, meanwhile, Swati tried contacting Soha but soha did not pick up her call ...on seeing Manik coming she rushed to him

Swati- what do we do

Manik- trust me ma ...if she has any bad intention I am going to make sure that she doesn't have a peaceful life

Swati nodded her head sadly

Manik went to talk to the principal ...on seeing manik in the school at first he was surprised ... I mean why not Manik being one of the trustee members and being a famous businessman

Principal- Mr. Malhotra ...what brought you here

Manik- where is my son

Principal- oh Your wife took him

Manik- my wife whose guts my son hates to be with and you are telling me that Mahir went with her

Principal- yes Mr. Malhotra in fact Mahir was very happy going with her

Swati- Manik I think something is wrong why will Mahir go with Soha

Principal- wait now who is this Soha

Swati- Soha as in manik's wife

Principal- no that is not the name of the person who took your son

Manik- then who took my son

Principal- I think the name was Nandini

Manik after hearing the name took a relief sigh

Swati- what is this you send my grandson with some unknown woman

Principal- no Mrs. Khurana Mahir was actually very happy to go with her and the way she handled the matter was great so I assumed her to be Mrs. Malhotra ... I am really sorry for that

Manik- no don't be actually my son is safe with her

The principal nodded that both Swati and Manik moved out

After coming out Manik took a deep breath but Swati was still in panic mode

Swati- manik who took mahir

Manik- someone whom Mahir loves to spend time with

Swati - what do you mean by that and where is Mahir and who is this Nandini who says herself as Mrs. Malhotra

Manik- ma didn't you hear what the principal said he assumed her to be Mrs. Malhotra

Swati- yeah whatever let's go get my grandson

On the way, Manik dialed for Nandini

Manik- hello miss Murthy is Mahir with you

Nandini- yes Mr. Malhotra didn't Nisha inform you ...actually I tried calling but couldn't reach

Manik- not an issue where are you now

Nandini- we are home

Manik- ok will meet you there

 The call ended

Soon both of them reached Nandini's apartment ... all through her way Swati was worried about this new lady in manik's life ...

In front of Nandini's apartment

Before Manik could ring the bell Swati stopped him

Swati- manik how can you send Mahir with just anybody

Manik- ma please calm down there is nothing to worry

Manik rang the bell and soon Nandini opened the door

Nandini- hello Mr. Malhotra i see you are here so fast and(seeing Swati) brought a guest as well

Manik- yeah this is Swati Khurana more like my mother (saying that he entered inside)

Nandini- come inside Mrs Khurana

Swati( also entered)- where is Mahir

Nandini- he is inside

Manik- what is he doing

Nandini- see for yourself

With that, Nandini moved inside followed by Manik and Swati

Seeing Mahir Manik starts giggling to himself and Swati was shocked to see Manik laughing.

Long time, I tried updating sooner, but for some reason, Wattpad was not ready. Hoping that this will not happen, I am updating it.

Anyway, how was this chapter?

The story gets better after this, are you guys ready.

Happy reading.,



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