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Xyz mall

Nandini wanted to buy clothes for the baby she still doesn't know the gender of the baby so she opted to choose neutral and Mahir helped her with the selection of the clothes.

Nisha can clearly see the budding relationship between them and can't help but feel literally happy seeing their happiness

Soon they finished their shopping with Nandini buying clothes and toys for the baby as well as for Mahir, though he denied it at first, he can never say no to the baby

 Nisha received a call from the office so she went to attend it and told Nandini to meet at the entrance of the mall.

Nandini and Mahir paid the bill and exited the store only to see the face or maybe faces she never wanted to see in her entire life.

There she saw fab 5 ( yes even cabir) along with navya was dining in the restaurant.

Nandini did not want them to see her but for her bad luck navya did see her ... navya started to move towards her whereas fab 5 didn't notice Nandini and continued with their food. Navya reached toward Nandini ...Nandini know that avoiding her will only bring more stares

Navya- wow Nandini you look really great for a divorcee

Nandini(chuckled bitterly)- you don't look bad yourself for a homewrecker

Navya- you...ok let's all forget that you know that we can still be friends right

Nandini- you will be really mad if you think I want to be friends with you (  Mahir was just looking at them ...and Nandini know that it is not good to extend the drama) so I will be leaving

Navya- not so soon my dear ...who is this child

Nandini- that is not your concern

Navya- well it is mine ... did you forget I will make sure, I will be the only reason for you to break down know I should have just had to abort this baby because I think this is going to be the reason for your happiness

Nandini's hands subconsciously reached her belly and Mahir understood that the topic is on baby

Mahir- what is abort

Nandini was about to answer but navya cut her

Navya- killing the baby

Mahir (screamed at her)- one will touch the baby

Navya was shocked seeing the child caring for this unborn baby

Navya-  baby,  why should this baby come to this world she or he doesn't even have a father

Nandini- stop it navya ...don't go overboard

Navya- I didn't even start yet...( bending down) you know this baby is going face so many problems because of not having the father so it is better to abort

Saying this navya came up to talk to Nandini but before she can complete she was on the floor

Well how can we forget Nisha ...after completing the call Nisha was waiting for the duo but they did not arrive so she came looking for them though she didn't hear the entire conversation she did hear what she told to Mahir

By now hearing the commotion even fab 5 rushed out of the restaurant

Cabir was the first one to react seeing him move forward, fab4 thought that he was going to navya Maddy rushed behind him

Nisha saw cabir coming towards them but she turned towards Mahir who was on the verge of tears and hugging Nandini's belly tightly

That hold of Mahir on her told her how much Mahir loves the baby

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