The Forgotten Gilbert

By Anna05376

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Alexandria Gilbert the twin to the perfect do no wrong Elena. Alex was raised to training to be a killer and... More

Alexandria Gilbert
Act One:
Chapter one
Chapter two
Chapter Three
Chapter four
Chapter five
Chapter six
Chapter seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter nine
Alexandria Gilbert / Hale
Act Two
Chapter ten
Chapter twelve
Chapter thirteen
Author's note! Please read!
Chapter fourteen

Chapter Elven

955 19 1
By Anna05376

A/N: Hey my lovelies! I'm trying something different where Alex narrates the story a little bit if you don't like it lmk. I don't know if I'll do it again so enjoy :)

I looked Tommy "What are you looking at?" he sensed me staring at him. "What's are those marks?" I ask, I know it was kinda unexpectedly especially since this was my first day here but I had to ask.

They were three lines down his rib cage. It looked like claw marks but what scratched him that badly. Tommy chuckled to himself like he got the question a lot. "Werewolf." He said calmly I raise my eye brows "Seriously?" I said with a little laugh.

Werewolves don't exist. They're bed time stories, but of course if I wasn't here at 4:50 in the morning training then I also would of side vampires are made up. Tommy didn't say anything he just took another sip of water.

I look at him dumbfounded. I couldn't actually believe what I was hearing. "It's true." Lucas say joining in on the conversation. He and I guy I think named Johnny were sparring with bow staffs. I haven't meet him before.

But to be honest I wasn't surprised I haven't seen him. This is my first moring training. It's way to earlier and I felt like I was going to pass out but this conversation was like a energy drink.

"Have you never fought one." Johnny said with a little laugh before hitting Lucas in the stomach and making him double over. Johnny pushed him and he fell to the matt. "I win." He said before walking over to us and sitting down to drink water.

"No I haven't. I just recently found out witches exist to." This made all of the boys laugh including the one still on the ground. "Where did you figure vampires came from?" I stayed quiet to be honest I never thought about it.

I was trained from a young age to fight them not care about how they've got to where they are. "You never thought about it did you?" Tommy said relation, I nodded my head he gave me a lightheart smile which I appreciated.

I could tell we are going to be close. He's the only one I didn't feel like punching... yet. He probably was going to do something to piss me of but right now he just seemed like a sweet 13 year old. It's sad to know he's part of this life.

I couldn't wish on my worse enemy let out my brother. Even thinking about Jeremy doing what I've done scares me. He's my little brother I would never want to be part of his life. I'll be damned if he's part of it. I'm going to do everything in my power to make sure he's not.

To be honest though I do wish I could switch minds with him for 5 minutes. I just want to be at peace for a little. Not worry about what's coming up behind me. Or carry vervain and a stake on me 24'7. I've always been jealous of my siblings.

They're going to be the ones going to college, have a family, and never have to worry about the things behind them. Me ha! I'll be lucky to make it to 27. 15 alone is a miracle with everything I've been doing for the past 10 years. I'm surprised I'm still alive. And with all my limbs.

Snapping me out of my thoughts Lucas walked up and offered his hand. "Your turn princess." I rolled my eyes and got up alone.

"Someone's feisty." "Shut up Lucas!" Tommy snips, I like him. Maybe I won't be completely alone at this place.


The new hybrid swung the door open, running into Stefan's house calling out, "Where is that son of a bitch!?" That morning while she was getting ready for the memorial she got a call from Caroline saying a hunter attacked Tyler and they had to run to Stefan and they
needed her immediately.

As she walked in still wearing her red dress she saw Stefan was pulling the wooden bullets out of Tyler's torso with a pair of metal tongs. Caroline was standing nearby, watching, the brunette rushed towards her, "Are you okay?"

The blonde nodded just as Stefan yanked out a bullet, "Please tell me that's the last one" pleaded Tyler. Stefan nodded, dipping the bullet into the water to clean the blood off. Once it was cleaned he held one of the bullets up with the pilers showing them to Alex.

He asked, "Alex take a look at these?" Moving away from her friend she took the pilers from him inspecting them, "These were specially carved; the length, the width. If you were a normal vampire, you'd be dead which I assume was the goal." Alex looked closer to see the symbol.

Stefan noticed her change of face "What is it?" He asked Alex handed him the bullet to test a theory. He touched the bullet, but was burned by it. "Are the bullets spelled," Caroline asked, seeing how it burned him. Speaking up as he passed the bullet off to Alex.

Stefan said, "I don't know. They're something." Sure of her answer Alex told them, "This isn't a spell, it's a hunter's mark. My bullets have a symbol on them, not that I really know what it means."

"Your bullets have marks," Stefan questioned her. Alex nodded and she looked at the bullet again feeling as if it looked familiar, "This actually.." From behind her Caroline asked, "What?" Confused Alex explained to them, "It looks like mine, exactly like mine."

Looking at the three of them she added with worried honesty, "Something tells me that, that is not a good sign at all." A memory came flooding back to Alex.

"We write these symbols on our bullets." Thomas told the 15 year old girl. "But why?" She asked, looking at them. "My dad once met a supernatural hunter. These bullets are specially made to kill a vampire." Tommy said joining the conversation.

"She taught me everything I knew." Thomas said with a small smile. Alex never saw him, "My mom." Tommy stated Alex looked at him with sympathy. "She was the first female in the five." Thomas told the girl.

"The five?" Alex asked, "They were a group of five. A group of men who are devoted to ending vampires." Adding to his father's statement Tommy told her, "They say they have tattoos that will lead to the demise of all vampires."

"She was the first woman to ever be part of the five." Lucas said with a smile. "She sounds like a badass." Alex said speaking up Thomas looked at the girl. "She was. Maybe if we work hard enough you can be like her." Alex smiled at him, " Hopefully."

"Earth to Alex." Tyler waved his hand in front of her face. Alex looked around the room. "I have to go." The blonde looked at her, "What is it Alex?" "I have a theory and I need to test it out." Alex starts walking towards the door.

"Tell Elena I won't be at the funeral. And if anyone asks I am grieving so much I couldn't make an appearance." Alex said before walking out of the house leaving a group of confused supernatural beings behind.


Alex was looking for Lucas at the Grill when she ran into a familiar witch. "Luke, hey." The boy turned around and smiled at her. "Alex, what's going on? You look worried. Is everything alright?" Luke said worried laced in his voice.

"Yeah I'm looking for someone." "Boyfriend?" Jealousy laced in his voice Alex let out a small laugh. "Jealous, really Luke?" "Hey, can you blame me?" Alex shook her head, "Luke just so you know I'm not looking for anything right now. I just went through a rocky relationship."

Kol nodded his head, "I understand. Friends?" Alex smiled at him. "Friends."Luke looked at her "Do you need my help? Or want it?" He asked Alex with a smile, "I wish you could but I need to talk to someone. And they are not especially kind to new people."

The two laughed "While if I can just let me know." "Yeah, yeah I will." Then a dirty blonde man walked up, "Alex I heard let's go." Lucas told her Alex nodded at him. Lucas then looked at Luke with jealousy and Luke looked at him the same.

Lucas held out his hand, "I'm Lucas Lahey." Kol took his head and put on a fake smile. "Luke Woods." The two shook hands with fake smiles. Breaking up the obvious tension Alex spoke up, "Alright Lucas we gotta go. And I'll see you later Luke."

The two looked at Alex and nodded. Lucas walked with Alex while Luke stayed put. Pissed that he couldn't go with her. Alex and Lucas walked out of the Grill and to Alex's jeep. Alex gets on the passenger side and Lucas on the driver's side.


Alex and Lucas have been driving for an hour in silence. Finally speaking up Lucas asked, "So you really think these bullets are like my dad's?" "I'm not sure. That's what we're going to find out." Alex told him. Lucas nodded his head.

"So Luke?" Alex let out a sigh, "Lucas now, really?" "Alex, come on. I mean he's a better choice than that Kol guy-" "Lucas stop. Ok just stop. Kol was a bad guy but he loved me. And I loved him and now... He's gone."

Both Alex and Lucas went silent. "Alex I'm-" Lucas began but Alex cut him off, "Lucas I don't wanna talk about it. I'm going to take a nap wake me up when we get there." Alex laid her head against her hands. And let her eyes close.

"So when are you coming home?" Tommy asked through the phone, "What are you missing me?" Alex joked, "Yeah of course. Without you I'm stuck with Lucas." "Hey! Screw you Tommy." Alex could hear in the distance on the phone.

"It's Tom!" "Oh my god you two I swear." Alex yelled at the two.

"Tommy we will always call you Tommy whether you like it or not." Alex paused for a second. "And Lucas stop being such an ass. I'll be home tonight trying not to kill each other."

The brothers high fived. "I heard that. Bye boys see y'all tonight." Alex hung up the phone. On the other end of the boys were celebrating. "Come on, we gotta hurry up and hang the banner." Thomas said, both boys nodded.

"Are you sure Alex will even like this? She hates surprises." Tommy asks Lucas, "She's officially been living with us for 3 years. She deserves a little bit of a celebration." Lucas says "Yeah she's been dealing with your ass for 3 years." Tommy added.

"Oh fuck off." "Boys please. Now we're gonna decorate this place and we're gonna celebrate Alex. She deserves it." Thomas told the two boys before walking out. The brother looked at each other, "And we thought you were the golden child." Lucas said.


I woke up to the car on gravel. Just from that made me realize we're here. Lucas drove a little more and parked. Before he could wake me up I was already getting out of the car. I heard him let out a sigh and got out as well.

What can I say I'm still pissed. He pissed me off. I know Kol was a lunatic vampire on the outside but he was completely different from me. To be honest I don't know if it was actually love. I think I just saw something in him I saw in me too. The thing so many people judged me for.

But he didn't and that's what made me fall I guess you could say. But hey I'm a 18 year old girl who just found out there was a werewitch. The standards for my love aren't exactly at a high right now.

We both walked up to the door and I felt so much deja vu. The last time I was here Klaus kidnapped me. I still remember how hard he fought but he barely used any effort. I went down in little then 30 seconds.

I wonder if I just went inside when Lucas called me I wouldn't have found out everything. I don't know if that would be a good or bad thing.

I wish I did. Because maybe then I would have some peace of mind. Not knowing is the worst thought to me. I wish my mom was here. She would give me some wise advice. I know she only asked Abby to put a binding spell on me to keep me safe.

It still hurts though. Knowing apart of me was locked away for so long. Jack told me a little bit about turning. He said it hurts at first, it feels like the pain will never end. But when you let the pain in and it consumes you and you fully turn...

You feel free.

He said it was hard to explain but he tried his best. He told me that when you run and feel the wind on your face running free like no one could stop you. Like every problem you have every fear, every thought, everything goes quiet. And it's just you and the wind. It's like a feeling you never want to stop. You dread the pain in the beginning but when you let it take over it's worth it.

Jack told me he first turned when he was 15. He never told me how he broke the curse I didn't expect him to. That was personal. I mean I don't remember who that lady I killed when I was 3 was but that will be something I will be stuck with.

I haven't told anyone yet about it. I know they'll look at me differently... More different than they already do. I can't handle that. I've lost so much. I try not to think about it. But it's hard. I know it will catch up to me at some point. I just hope it's not anytime soon.

Snapping me out of my thoughts Lucas knocks on the door. I look up and get a flashback.

Tommy opens the door and he has a bright smile on his face. I laugh a little wondering why he has such a big smile. "So are you gonna sit there all day or let me in." I ask, crossing my arms the smile of his face just grew bigger.

I was seriously considering just turning around and getting back into my jeep.

I loved my jeep. Thomas gave it to me for my 16th birthday. It was his but he got a new car and was just going to throw it away. Instead he gave it to me. I had to do a hell week just to drive it for the first time... But it was so worth it.

Even if it breaks down on the side of a highway. I got a tool in the back for a reason.... And lots of time that reason was for Lucas having to come get me.

I may be a badass vampire hunter but I know nothing about cars. And I don't really care when I have both the Lahey brother and Thomas to fix my car.

I know that sounds bitchy but I don't really care.

"Tommy tell me what's going on before I walk back to my jeep." I told him. He pulls a blindfold from behind him. And just seeing it makes me let out a sigh.

See the thing is I hate surprises. Always have and probably always will. Just the way you're so nervous and or excited. You're always let down in the end by it most of the time.

"Tommy you know-" "Yeah yeah I know you hate surprises but just this one time." I let out a breath and nod as a sigh of giving in. He smiles and goes behind to tie it on. Before he does I stop.

"But Tommy I swear to god if there is some kind of sneak attack or something I will kill you." He lets out a chuckle. "You're so overdramatic." He says as he ties the blindfold around me. And grabs my arms to lead me into the house.

"Hey, Thomas. We have to talk." I tell him as he opens the door.

A/N: Hey my lovelies sorry it's been so long since I wrote anything or update. I've been going through some stuff and I've been really detracted. I didn't forget about you I've just had some writer's block so that's why this chapter is short. I wanted to get something out for you guys. But I promise I'll try and get more out soon. But I love you guys! And get plenty of protein!!

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