Your Essence

By Risshu7

1.1K 78 117

. . . While, his right hand rested on her slim waist, his other one reached for her nape. Caressing her in... More

Chapter - I
Chapter - II
Chapter - III
Chapter - IV
Chapter - V
Chapter - VI
Chapter - VII
Chapter - VIII
Chapter - IX
Chapter -XI
Chapter - XII
Chapter - XIII
Chapter - XIV
Chapter - XV
Chapter - XVI
Chapter - XVII
Chapter - XVIII

Chapter - X

53 4 8
By Risshu7

" What do you conclude, doctor? " The creases on the temple of the khakhi dressed officer didn't got unobserved by the doctor, as he was exuding the same tension like him. The air was fresh and cool, still it made them feel stuffy.

" I have to examine thoroughly. It is devoid of a single drop of blood. " Doctor dabbed his handkerchief on his head. It was so unnatural to sweat at the early morning hours, in between the woods.

" Who found the body? "

" An adolescent. He was jogging, and heard a scream, at the break of dawn."

" I hope, it's only a hunt of an animal."

" I don't think an animal can suck an every drop of blood from a human, leaving it's flesh to rot. "


Can we meet at the Daisy's at 6 p.m.? if you are free! ~ Haseena Raichand

Piya re-read the message and took a sip of water.

It had been two days since Abhay had entered the Drama club. She felt different, whenever she had to rehearse with him.

It was like, something has changed.

Something that felt right as well as at the same time unfit.

Owing to her faded memory, she wasn't able to pinpoint the reason behind her emotions.

It was 6. And she was waiting for Haseena to arrive.

If she would truly admit, she was anxious right now. It was out of blue that Haseena wanted to meet her. Having heard many speculations about her, Piya felt much nervous then she had thought before.

" Piya. Glad that you could make it. " Haseena's smooth voice caught Piya's attention and she looked up and met her gaze.

" How are you, aunty? " Piya smiled and stood up in gesture to get comfortable, as she was cracking inside out of nervousness.

" I am fine. What about you? " Haseena returned a warm smile, and gestured for Piya to sit.

" I am good too. " Nodding her head, she again took the sip from half filled glass.

" So, how is Madhu, Arnab and your sisters? "

" They are all fine, as usual. "

Haseena smiled. And then the warmth on her face became dimmed like a fused bulb, and she became bit tensed. Clasping her hands together on the table, she asked.

" How is Abhay at college? I mean- " Her sentence was cut short by the waiter.

" Your orders, madam? "

Haseena sighed, and looked at him in the eye. " A cup of coffee. "

" An iced latte for me. "

Waiter noted their orders and left.

" As I was saying is-"

Piya's hands became clammy.

" How is his behaviour? I don't know Piya, but it is necessary for me to ask. You both have suffered since that horrible day, and we do not know what had happened, between you two. You lost your memories, and he was in the coma. I am asking you because, you were close to him. You knew him more how he was actually, than anyone else. "

The concern on Haseena's face didn't go unnoticed by Piya.

" If I tell you honestly auntie, he feel different. I don't remember his past self. But whenever I look him in the eye, I feel like he has became something new. I do like him, but he seems like he wasn't that way before. He is passionate. He is aggressive. He broke Jeh Khurana's leg to participate in Drama Club. I don't know what it is in his aura, that I fear him. I do like him, the way he takes care of me, the way he treats me. But still I fear him. "

Haseena's demeanour became more tensed, and she reached out and took Piya's hands in hers.

" I understand. He is so passionate for you, Piya. He has loved you from the day one, you have met him. " Piya's cheeks turned crimson by Haseena's sentence.

" I want you to keep an eye on him. " Piya became confused by this demand.

" I mean about his behaviour. We have to again consult our family doctor, about his health that's why. "

" Okay. "

Their drinks were served.

" So how is he? Is he good in the play?"

Piya's gaze became distant and a smile crept up on her lips.
" He is. "

She recalled the moments of their dance together.

She had felt right in his arms, swaying on the sweet melody of music. Drowning in the deep waters of his eyes. And surrounded by his manly scent, had made her forget the other world present around them.

All and all, it was magical.

Haseena smiled. And she was genuinely happy for Piya. She knew the hardships, Piya and Abhay had faced weren't clear as the battle between two kingdoms. It was between two natures. The night and the day.

Now, she only wished for their happiness.

They talked for half an hour and bid adieu at 7.

Piya felt relaxed, to talk out her real feelings. It felt correct, at least she didn't had to keep it all bottled up.


" Why is it, different with you? That I feel alive when I am with you. Am I falling in love with you? "

Two hands circled around her thin waist.

And Piya gasped in shock.

" It can be love. For I have fallen in, with you since I had seen you first. The maiden dressed in simple white dress, in the middle of the woods. "

Abhay's heavy accented voice, did sinful things to Piya.

She had her dinner already and was practicing the lines, in her dimly lit room.

He was really here. In the her room, casing her in his arms, reciting their play lines.

Coming out of shock, she turned around and her eyes met his dangerous grey ones.

" Abhay! " She whispered his name.

" Piya! " Abhay mimicked with a playful smile on his face.

" Why are you, here? " Placing her palm on his bicep to stand properly, she asked him.

" I missed you. " He reasoned out.

His honest and straightforward sentence made her cheeks warm.

He loved her all. The way she would say his name, the way her face would go red, the way she carried herself, with her strong will and prideful self, despite her beauty accentuating her delicate features. He loved her all. And their was no reason for, why he loved her.

" You can't be here! " Looking at the double doors of her room, she met his gaze and exclaimed.

" It isn't the first time. " Abhay caressed her face. The coldness of his palm, gave Piya's racing heart a sense of peace.

" It isn't? " Abhay denied.

" When was the first? " Piya enquired, drowned in the feel of his palm.

" You had some subtle, life threatening crisis. " His hand now moved to the nap of her neck. His touch was so sensual, for Piya to think straight.

Right now she wanted nothing, but to lock her lips with him.

" Piya!!! " The knock on her bedroom door jolted her out from her bliss, like she had an electric shock.

" Open the door! " It was Panchi.

" Leave me Abhay! " He was still unfazed by the intruder.

" Why? " He kissed her cheek. In this cramped moment he liked it more, to see her frustrated. That was another thing that was new in Piya.

" You know why!!!! Now go and hide! " She hissed, as the knocking came again.

" What? Where will I hide?! " He said looking around.

" In the bathroom. " Piya replied walking towards the door.

She looked behind before opening the doors, and found Abhay entering into the bathroom.

" What were you doing? " Panchi asked as soon as she entered Piya's bedroom.

" I was using the loo. " Piya swept the sweat out of her head.

" Hmm. Now try these. " Panchi passed her the paper bags.

" What are these? "

" Your costumes. "

" Okay. " And she was going to keep them in her cupboard.

" Wait!!! What are you doing?! "

" Keeping these aside! "

" I want you to try them now. "

Piya couldn't breathe, was Panchi serious, she thought.

Panchi's stony face cleared her all doubts.

" Okay. "
She took one bag and took the dress out. It was white, and light in weight.
The very one from the scene she was practicing minutes ago.

" Okay turn around. " Piya's voice came low.

" What?! No. Go inside the bathroom and try it! "

Is this seriously going to happen!

Taking small steps at a time Piya opened the bathroom door, and found Abhay leaning against the wall with a smirk pasted on his lips. This time Piya wanted to wipe it off, so harshly.

" Turn around, I need to change. ", Piya said in a hushed voice shutting the door close.

" Relax. I haven't seen anything in past and won't cross my limits. " His voice was low, but his statement held a promise which made Piya's inside flutter.

He turned around and turn by turn, she tried every garment and showed it to Panchi.

It took them 45 minutes, and after Pachi left her room she sighed in relief.

God! I am tired.

" You should go to sleep. I will leave. ", Abhay said, after he saw her worn out frame.

" Abhay! Thank you. " Piya approached him. She was never going to get tired of watching the shades of his ires.

" Piya, you do not need to. " Abhay took her waist in an embrace and smelled her calming flowery scent. It felt more stronger after coming once again to 'life'.

" Goodnight. ", wishing so he was out of her bedroom window, but not before planting a kiss on her temple.


I am back.
And I hope you all are doing well.
Happy Reading.

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