Breakable (a Wesley Stromberg...

By AmiJBurns

382K 6.1K 279

Skye is an average high school student with no interest in finding a boyfriend, she figures what's the point... More

Twenty One
Twenty Two
Twenty Three
Twenty Four
Twenty Five
Twenty Six
Twenty Seven
Twenty Eight
Twenty Nine
Thirty One
Thirty Two
Thirty Three
Thirty Four
Thirty Five
Thirty Six
Thirty Seven
Thirty Eight
Fourty One
Fourty Two
Fourty Three
Fourty Four
Fourty Five
Fourty Six
Fourty Seven
Fourty Eight

Thirty Nine

5.9K 99 5
By AmiJBurns

Skye's POV

"Hey kiddo", I heard Cory's annoying voice as I walked into the yogurt shop and I cringed, it was bad enough I had to work today but now I had to work with her. I thought about last night and this morning and smiled, the memories of this weekend should be enough to get me through this long Sunday shift with the world's laziest employee. After we left the hotel this morning the boys dropped me home and I barely had time to unpack before I had to leave for work. I was actually relieved my shift wasn't with Ben because I hadn't heard from him after I cancelled our date, and I was thankful it hadn't seemed to affect my job at the yogurt shop. "So how was your night last night? The guys are pretty great right and Wesley is sexy as hell when he sings", Cory's question pulled me from my thoughts, she wasn't looking for me to answer, she was just trying to get under my skin and I wondered how she knew about the show. "I remember the first time I went to LA to see them perform" Cory continued, and I tried not to give her the reaction she wanted. "Yea, they were really good" I said calmly and went about wiping down the counter. My voice didn't reveal that she had gotten to me but the fact I kept knocking things over and being generally clumsy did, I was distracted wondering how many times she had been to LA to watch them. Wesley had told me nothing had happened between them and I believed him, but I still didn't like the idea that she had pursued him, she was so vapid.

I did my best to avoid her and ignore her for the next few hours, she made it fairly easy for me seeing as how she spent most of her time flirting with the male customers. "Well I'm finished" she said as she untied her apron and sauntered out the back. I was so glad she was leaving, until I spotted Ben coming in through the back door. CRAP!! He was closing up with me, I got nervous and my throat went dry, I didn't know how he would act around me now. I reminded myself that Ben was 23, he was good looking and nice and I'm sure he barely noticed one silly 17 year old passing up a date with him. "Hey Skye" he said warmly and my nerves disappeared, he gave me a quick hug and scanned the shop. "Busy today?" he questioned me, noticing that the shop was empty, I laughed as he went to clear a table. "Not really, although there was just enough testosterone in here at most times to keep Cory busy" I told him not even trying to hide the disdain in my voice. We chatted like normal for the rest of the shift, serving the occasional customer, but mainly it was just us two and I was glad we were still friends.

I glanced at the clock, 22 more minutes then some clean up and then home to bed. I was so exhausted after the events of the weekend and now working an 8 hour shift. "Wesley is trouble you know" Ben said seriously, turning to look at me where I was leaning against the counter. I froze, I was not expecting this and I had hoped this topic wouldn't come up, I didn't know what to say. "He's not a good guy Skye", he added sounding genuinely concerned but I didn't need his concern. "You don't even know him Ben" I spat at him, "I know enough" Ben responded quickly. "And I know that if you knew what I did, you wouldn't be with him" he added, my stomach churned at the idea that he might be right. I didn't want to know, Wesley had changed and stories from his past shouldn't affect what we have now. "You know he cheated on my sister?" Ben said, clearly not letting this go, I felt a pain in my chest as I thought of Ben's sister, who was a year below me at school. I didn't know her and Wesley had dated, and I definately didn't know he had cheated on her, I felt sick. "Yea, last summer, he told her they were dating so she slept with him and then the next day he hooked up with her best friend at a beach party", Ben sounded upset, he was close with his sister. "I'm really sorry about your sister Ben, but he's changed, he's a good guy, I swear", I told him, hoping this would end the conversation.

"Would a good guy stop seeing a girl because she wouldn't have sex with him right away or tell her he loves her so she will do it?" Ben kept going, "Or brag about how he's been with nearly every girl in his year and that he's currently working on the last few girls" Ben's voice was calm, like he was just passing on facts. With each new piece of information I felt more and more hurt, the thought of Wesley doing these things was sickening. "Or send naked pics of girls he's hooked up with to all the guys at your school?" Ben was making his point but I didn't want to believe him. "He wouldn't do that" I defended Wesley, he may have been a player but I refused to believe he was that much of a jerk. Ben just laughed, "Do you want me to show you the picture messages Skye, a friend of mine has them on his phone, one was taken not even 4 weeks ago". Tears were forming in my eyes as I thought of Wesley, how could he be such an asshole, how could he have done that only a month ago, we had our first date almost a month ago. He had cheated, lied, been disrespectful and I had fallen for him and slept with him, tears spilled onto my cheeks as I considered that maybe I had just helped him get closer to his goal of sleeping with every girl in our year. I was overwhelmed, it was too much information to take in about the boy I thought I loved, my heart felt broken and I thought I might throw up. Images of last night flashed through my mind, I had given him everything, my chest tightened and I bent over trying to get air in my lungs.

"I'm so sorry Skye" I felt Ben's hands on my shoulders, "But you needed to know", he said as I straightened myself to look at him. My mind was swirling, was Wesley just playing me, did I make a mistake last night, was Ben telling the truth. I looked into Ben's eyes, they were filled with pity and concern and I knew deep down that he wasn't lying, and I hated that he felt bad for me, I am such an idiot. I stood there not saying anything, I literally couldn't believe how much pain I felt and I would have swore my heart was actually breaking apart in my chest. I felt Ben's arms wrap around my shoulders, he stroked my hair and hugged me as I cried into his chest. At this point I was so overcome with regret and pain and disgust that I didn't care that I was a mess. The worst part about everything was that I couldn't just turn off my love for Wesley, I hated him right now but I knew that falling out of love with him would be harder than all of this. Ben lifted my face to look up at his, my eyes still full of tears as he wiped away the ones on my cheeks. "You deserve so much better than him Skye" Ben said softly, I gave him a weak smile, he was being so nice to me even though I was a blubbering, immature school girl. "You are beautiful and funny and smart" Ben said and I was suddenly aware how close his face was to mine, I panicked wondering where he was going with this. "I have liked you for so long" he added, so that's where this was going, I couldn't go anywhere because he had me pinned between him and the counter. Although I wasn't sure I would be able to control my legs even if I could move, I was in such shock and my brain was in overload. Ben's hand was on my neck in a instant, pulling my face up to his and the moment our lips connected I knew I had to stop it. I loved Wesley and regardless of every horrible thing I had heard tonight, I had promised him I would always talk to him and that's what I was going to do.

I pushed Ben away as best I could, "I need time to think" I said to him, then ran out the back door. The cool night air was cold on my wet cheeks as I rode my bike home, I felt bad for running out on Ben, I didn't even finish my shift. But I needed time to clear my head and to talk to Wesley. My biggest fear was that Ben was right when he said Wesley was making his way through the girls in our class, what if that was true? I shuddered to think about how much worse I would feel if my fears were confirmed. What if he had only said he loved me to get me to sleep with him? I remembered how amazing he had been with waiting, was it all an act, had I played right into his game? I sucked in the cool air as I tried to sort my feelings out, Wesley was so sweet to me and never gave me any reason not to trust him, I was so confused. I knew he had a past, I just didn't know it was so recent and filled with so much crap. I just needed to speak to him, then at least I'd know one way or another. I threw my bike down on the lawn and dashed into the house, racing up the stairs to my room. I pulled my phone out of my back pack and flopped onto my bed, my heart raced as I scrolled to his name and pressed 'Call'. My stomach was queasy as I waited for him to answer, my mind was racing and I had no idea what I was going to say.

It went to voicemail so I hung up and tried again, this time it went straight to voicemail but again I didn't leave a message. The thought that he might be out with another girl right now filled my mind, I tried to push it aside but I was so scared it could be true. I sent him a text telling him I needed to speak to him, before having a quick shower and getting my pj's on. As soon as I emerged from the bathroom I checked my phone hoping he had called or text me back but there was nothing, my heart sank. I tried calling him again, I knew it was late but there was no way I would sleep without talking to him, it went to voicemail. I sent him another text, 'Hey Wesley. Please call me, it's really important', I decided not to end with the normal 'Love you' because I was still so mad, amongst all the hurt. Is this the part where the clueless girl keeps trying to contact her 'boyfriend' and doesn't get the hint that she was played, I thought to myself, a lump forming in my throat as tears welled in my eyes. 'Benefit of the doubt' my inner voice screamed at me, I knew I had to give him a chance and not assume the worst. My phone vibrated in my hand, my heart jumped, it was from Wesley, 'Please don't call me or text me anymore. We are done'. I sat there in complete shock, just staring at the text until it became blurred by the tears that filled my eyes. Everything I had ever been afraid of had just happened to me, I felt like I couldn't breathe, I felt like someone had ripped my heart from my chest, Wesley had just broken my heart.

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