Twenty Four

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Wesley's POV

"You sure you don't want to come bro?" Keaton said to me, he was about to leave for the bonfire but I just wasn't in the mood. Skye hadn't text me back all day, even after I sent her messages this morning telling her how much I was falling for her. I shook my head, "Nah man, but have fun" I said trying to sound as upbeat as possible. I knew why Skye was mad, I should have done more to deny the rumour before it spread, but I was pissed that she wasn't even talking to me, even if it was to yell at me. She had just walked out of the cafeteria after I told her, not said a word after I punched Brad, and wasn't returning any of my texts, I was going insane. I laid on my bed for a while, I wondered if all of this drama was worth it. I thought about Skye, sure she was gorgeous and could turn me on just by walking past me but life was easier back before I considered having a girlfriend. But then I thought about how smart she was, how she made me laugh, how she screwed up her nose at things she didn't like and how she made me feel, I liked her more than any girl I'd met, I had to fix this.

I was interrupted by my phone ringing, it was Keaton, "Hey bro, what's up?" I asked him after I answered the phone. He sounded weird, "Dude I think you better get down here" I waited for him to explain why, "Skye is here and she is druuuuuuunk". He exaggerated the word drunk, my heart jumped into my throat, I hoped she was ok, I didn't like the idea of her being drunk at the beach with equally as drunk guys. He continued, "She was carrying on about you leaving with a girl to have sex", I had no idea what Skye was talking about, I needed to get to the beach asap. I hung up without even saying goodbye to Keaton, raced downstairs and out the front door. It was only a few streets to the beach, I could run there faster than I could drive there, I sprinted until I reached the sand. I sucked back some air and scanned the beach, I spotted Skye walking off down the beach with Brad. I was livid, he was taking advantage of her being drunk and I was going to kill him, I took off after them. I slowed as I got closer trying to read the situation, I watched as Skye stumbled backwards and Brad reached out to catch her. All too fast he lifted her chin and put his other hand under the back of her singlet, I clenched my fists at the sight of him touching her, he pulled her into him. I could see her trying to push him away, I closed the gap between me and them as quickly as I could, as Brad reached down and grabbed her bare thigh where her ridiculously too short skirt ended. I was actually going to kill him.

"Don't make me punch you again Brad" the only thing keeping me calm was the reaction I knew Skye might have if I made another scene. Skye stumbled backwards as Brad let go of her, I reached out to stop her from falling. She rushed to me, burying herself in my chest and clinging to me. I wanted to hold her but I was too mad at her for putting herself in this situation in the first place. "Let's get you home Skye" I knew I sounded mad but I couldn't mask it, I was furious. I kept a fast pace all the way up the beach and onto the path, Skye was clearly drunk, stumbling every few steps. I wanted to just pick her up and carry her home, but I was too angry and probably too stubborn. "Slow down Wesley" I heard her say from behind me, she sounded upset, my heart hurt in my chest. I slowed down but couldn't bring myself to say anything, I didn't want to lash out and regret it. Eventually she spoke, her voice was soft as she thanked me for helping her, "I don't want to talk about it Skye", I said just wanting to get her home and safely into bed so she could sleep off the alcohol. "Your such an ass" she yelled at me, so now she was mad at me, she continued to scream at me about leaving the party with a girl. I questioned her why she thought that, apparently Cory had told her some story, but regardless she didn't seem to waste any time going off with Brad. "Didn't look like you missed me much anyway", I knew what I said was hurtful, she had clearly not wanted to be with Brad but I was so cut by the fact she wouldn't text me back and then still went to the bonfire and to top it all off, got wasted.

Skye sped up, racing towards her house, beating me there and disappearing inside. I walked through the open front door, closing it behind me and heading up to her room. As I entered her room I took in the sight of her laying on her bed, I marvelled at how sexy she was but what was she thinking wearing that to the beach. Firstly I didn't even think it was something she would want to wear, but secondly what was she hoping to achieve by wearing it. I looked from the tiny skirt that showed way too much leg, to her exposed stomach and then the almost singlet, I wanted to know what she was thinking. I sat next to her on the bed, "I didn't want Brad to kiss me. I just couldn't stop him" she said quietly. The image of him grabbing her on the beach was too much, I clenched my fists and gritted my teeth. "Please don't be mad at me" she finished, I relaxed a little, I didn't want her to think I was mad at her, despite everything this wasn't her fault. I explained to her that I wasn't mad about the kiss but that she got drunk at the party without me there to protect her. "And whose fault is that you weren't around" the beer was sending her emotions all over the place. I told her it was her fault, I didn't go because I didn't think she was going and I didn't want to go without her.

She told me she didn't feel well, I hated that she was feeling sick, I knew from experience what she was going through and it sucked. "I'll get you some water" I said before heading back downstairs to the kitchen. I had been through 24 hours of hell because of this girl and still all I wanted to do was make sure she was ok. I hated that we had finally gotten things on the right track and my stupid reputation had ruined everything. I promised myself that I would make it up to her and I would be the best boyfriend ever if she'd just give me another chance. I took the water back up to her and placed it on the night stand. She needed to sleep this off, "Get some rest" I told her before turning to leave her bedroom, I figured I would sleep on the couch so I could be here if she needed anything. "Wesley" she stopped me leaving, I turned around to look at her, she was standing now and we were face to face. I waited for her to tell me whatever she needed to tell me, but she just said "Stay" as she looked at the ground. I was genuinely shocked, I had every intention of staying for her but I never thought she would actually want me to. I put my arms around her, I just wanted everything to be good between us again, we had worked so hard to get there. She pressed herself into my chest, I wrapped my arms around her tighter, she felt so small and the image of her and Brad flashed in my mind, I would never let anything like that happen again I promised myself. 

"Take off your shirt" Skye said interrupting my thoughts, I could feel her warm breath through the cotton of my shirt. I pulled away from her, looking into her big blue eyes, trying to understand why she was saying what she was saying. She stepped away from me, reached down and almost as if in slow motion pulled her white singlet off over her head. I was stunned, she was standing there with a tiny pink bikini top on, I took in all of her bare skin, she was so hot. But this wasn't going to happen like this, she was drunk and there was no way I was letting this happen. She held out her hand for my shirt, I took it off slowly, ready to stop whatever she was about to try. I handed her my shirt, she slipped it on over her head, I breathed a sigh of relief. I watched as she closed her eyes and smiled, the sight of her wearing my shirt was way better than any previous clothing removal scene I had been a part of. I reached out for her, pulling her into me, feeling her warm body pressed against mine, I was happy. She reached behind her and removed my hands from around her, but keeping hold of one of them she crawled across her bed. She pulled me down onto the bed after her, I was more than happy to oblige. I settled in, put my arm around her and pulled her onto me, she laid her head on my shoulder. After all the shit that went down tonight, I was so thankful that this is where I ended up I thought closing my eyes.

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