Thirty Three

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Skye's POV

I looked down at my hand that Wesley was holding as he walked me home, I wasn't sure how but everything felt like it was back to normal. I was actually happier now than before, I think it's because I told Wesley how I feel, it turns out some of my guilt over the past two weeks had been from not telling him how I really felt about him. He had confessed liking me on numerous occasions, he was always quick to put my mind to rest if I ever had any doubts and yet I knew I never fully said everything I wanted to say back to him. I raised my eyes to look at his face, he was smiling and even though he still looked tired, he looked happy. I felt a little surge of pride knowing I did that, I put that look on his face and I never wanted to take it away again. I squeezed his hand, causing him to look down at me and as he did he broke into an even bigger grin, the one that made my heart skip a beat.

"Am I still invited tomorrow" I asked him, not wanting to ruin the mood but I really wanted to go and I wasn't sure if he still wanted me to. "Of course, I want you to see us play Skye" Wesley reassured me, "Who is going?" I asked trying to feel out how many of us would be there and the whole room sharing situation. "Well there will be lots of people at the show, lots of kids from school and what not" he said not giving me the info I was searching for. "I meant who is staying in the what rooms?" I dragged out the sentence, after everything that had happened I wasn't sure I wanted to share a room with Wesley this quickly. "Oh" he said finally understanding what I was really asking, "Well I've booked two rooms. Me, Keaton and Drew are used to sharing one room when we stay in LA, so you can have the other one" he told me and I knew he was just trying to do what he thought I wanted. But hearing him tell me I could stay by myself and he'd share with the guys made me feel disappointed, I wanted to stay with him. I was having a hard time keeping track of my own emotions so I had no idea how Wesley put up with me, I was all over the place. Maybe he didn't want to share with me, that was a horrible thought, but I wouldn't blame him for wanting a bit of time to get over yesterday.

"Do you want to share a room with Keaton and Drew" I asked, I didn't want to just come out and say I wanted him in my room in case he was reluctant. "I don't mind" he wasn't giving me anything to indicate what he would prefer, so I tried again "But given a choice between sharing with me or sharing with them, what would you choose?" I quizzed him. "Hypothetically?" he raised his eyebrows at me, I nodded, "Well I'd want to stay with you of course, but like I said I am totally fine sharing with Kea". I cut him off, "I want you stay with me" I just came out with it, he grinned, "Well it's decided then" he finished. I had to remember that life was so much easier whenever I just said what was on my mind, Wesley always did whatever he could to make it happen, to make me happy. I started to realise that I could tell him anything, as we walked home in the sun holding hands, I knew that he would never do anything to hurt me and I had to just let things happen instead of worrying so much.

When we got home my mom was pleased to see Wesley, "You fixed it!" she exclaimed as we walked into the kitchen. Wesley look confused, I went about trying to clear it up for him, "My mom figured out we had a fight or whatever, and she just automatically assumed it was my fault". Wesley raised his eyebrows at me, implying that my mom was in fact right, "Fine, she was correct, and so this morning she gave me a pep talk, I believe the words 'He's a good kid Skye' were used", I said rolling my eyes. Wesley high fived my mom and thanked her, I wasn't a fan of them teaming up on me like this but I loved that they got along. Wesley really was the best boyfriend, I watched as him and my mom talked about what to order for dinner, it made me smile. Wesley noticed me watching them and sauntered over to where I was leaning on the kitchen bench, bending down to kiss my cheek. "I recorded American Idol last night, do you want to watch it?" I asked him, he nodded so we made our way into the living room. If felt so good to be sitting here with him doing what we had done every week, twice a week for the past 3 weeks.

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