𝐄𝐬𝐜𝐚𝐩𝐞 『 Moon Knight x...

By Craftyrose_

35.4K 1.1K 636

"So, what happened when I disappeared?" Angelina Stark was never like her parents or older brother, she wante... More

𝙶𝚛𝚊𝚙𝚑𝚒𝚌𝚜 & 𝙿𝚕𝚊𝚢𝚕𝚒𝚜𝚝
☾ Art ☽
𝚃𝚑𝚎 𝙶𝚘𝚕𝚍𝚏𝚒𝚜𝚑 𝙿𝚛𝚘𝚋𝚕𝚎𝚖
𝚂𝚞𝚖𝚖𝚘𝚗 𝚝𝚑𝚎 𝚂𝚞𝚒𝚝
𝚃𝚑𝚎 𝙵𝚛𝚒𝚎𝚗𝚍𝚕𝚢 𝚃𝚢𝚙𝚎
𝙶𝚘𝚍𝚜 𝚊𝚗𝚍 𝙼𝚘𝚗𝚜𝚝𝚎𝚛𝚜
𝙵𝚒𝚕𝚎 𝙾𝚗𝚎
𝚄𝚗𝚔𝚗𝚘𝚠𝚗 𝙵𝚒𝚕𝚎

𝚃𝚑𝚎 𝚃𝚘𝚖𝚋

2.8K 97 111
By Craftyrose_

(Take a shot every time ange cries -editor Peyton)

Trigger warning:

Angst, Fluff, Violence, Mention of Blood and organs, Intense situations, etc

(Idk if it's worth a trigger warning but there you go.)

─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───

"I hope you like attention." Angelina says.

Previously On

"You could've told me. You know? What's it's been like for you." Angelina says "About Steven." Angelina adds.

"For what it's worth, I had it under control until you..." Marc couldn't finished the sentence and she knew what he was talking about.

"Blipped." Angelina says.

She hears punching and roars and of course her curiosity gets the better of her and she goes to observe the sound.

The corridors lights go black and the only light is a singular light that flickers.

She quickly sees a sink getting thrown into a wall and the monster try and escape.  She jumps back but gets dragged back in. She continues getting closer.

She looks into the entrance of the bathroom. She notices a cloaked figure drag the monster back into the destroyed bathroom, and starts punching it repeatedly.

The cloaked figure turns around to face Angelina.

"What the Fu-"

"Please, just let Steven out before you blow this." Angelina begs.

"Not a chance. All right, what do you see?" Marc asks and K.I.T. scans.

"Well, the burial practices are in line with that studenwachen texts." Angelina says.

"He said I had a right to know." Angelina says turning her head to face him for a minute and boy did she regret it.

She quickly turned back to the road and mentally praying that Marc didn't notice her red face.

'He is really well built and toned...' Angelina thinks.

"I have no idea." Marc says grabbing a shirt from the back seat. She tries her best to keep her eyes on the road.

"Marc, we need Steven." Angelina says watching Marc as he sighs.

"He understands all of this. I really think it's worth giving him a shot."

"So unless we know exactly what the sky looked like on that date, we're buggered."

Steven takes deep breaths as Angelina watches him as the suit wraps around him revealing the white suit.

"Badass." Angelina mutters.

"Do what I do."

Steven raises his hands in the air and the sky changes to a beautiful galaxy.

"Yeah? Like this?" Steven says and starts do a turning motion with his hand. The sky speeds backwards as we're gifted with the view of the galaxy from years, and years ago.

Angelina prepares K.I.T. for the scan of the constellation .

"This is the night."

"I got it. 29 degrees north, 25 east." Angelina says as she quickly helps Steven up who had fallen. She'd soon realize he's back in his normal clothes.

Suddenly Steven collapses in the sand dragging Angelina down.

"Steven." Angelina quickly turns him over on his back and she cups his face with her shaking hands.

"Hey, Steven? Marc? Come on. Come on." Angelina says moving his curls away from his face as she tries to wake him up. But no such luck.

"Marc? Come on." Angelina says as her voice starts cracking. She bites the inside her of cheek to prevent tears from falling.

"Marc, goddammit wake up!" Angelina says on the verge of crying.

"Marc, please don't do this to me I just got you back. Please wake up!" Angelina says as tears fall down her face and onto Marc's.

"Marc, please.. please don't do this to me, I love you Marc, I fucking love you... I can't do this anymore, I can't lose another person I love..." Angelina croaks out as she grabs his hand and starts rubbing it.

"Please say something..." Angelina whispers as she waits for an answer but nothing. That's her breaking point. She wailed and she buries her face in his chest as she weeps and kept muttering: 'I love you.'

─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───

☾ 𝙼𝚘𝚘𝚗 𝙺𝚗𝚒𝚐𝚑𝚝☽

─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───

☾ 𝙿𝚛𝚎𝚜𝚎𝚗𝚝☽

Angelina finally calms down after her confession/mental breakdown you could call it, she gathers herself as she tries once again to wake him up.

"Steven. Wake up. Come on. Wake the hell up!" Angelina gets up and grabs his jacket and starts to try and drag him back to the car, but a spotlight from a car appears on Angelina. Her face quickly turns to fear as the car gets closer.

She lifts him up slightly and puts her arms under his as she starts to drag him but the truck starts shooting at the two.

She falls to the ground and she rolls Steven down the dune along with herself.

Angelina watches the car has ammo bouncing on top of the truck. Her gaze quickly turns to their own truck and she gets up and runs towards it, leaving Steven in the sand.

Angelina quickly hides behind as she carefully heads to the trunk. She opens the truck and she climbs in and she lays down in between all the gear they had.

She tries to quiet down, as the truck comes closer with a spotlight going around the car. She looks up to see the truck stopping at Steven's body.

Angelina looks around for something she can use. She notices a red bag, she opens it and it reveals red flare.

She grabs one and she gets out of the truck and she ignites a flare getting the trucks attention.

The truck turns to face her and suddenly starts shooting at her, she quickly hides behind her car as she drops the first one and she grabs another flare.

She ignites it and throws it on the truck and she runs behind her truck as the flare blows up the invading truck.

She gets up from her spot as she pants from the near death experience. She hears rustling and turns around to face Steven who's woken up. Steven has a shocked expression on his face either from her, or where the car was now a fiery mess.

Angelina looks at him for a good minute as she was just breaking down from him probably dying. But she knows everything doesn't make sense anymore.

"What?" Angelina asks as if this was normal for her. Hoping to put her emotions aside.

─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───

"We can't lose more time. Harrow must be headed back to the tomb. Look, if he is, we're gonna need Marc, yeah?" Angelina says.

"Exactly. See, she gets it."

"No." Steven says mostly to Marc.

"No?" Angelina said curiously.

"No. See, the thing is, we made a deal, Marc and I, that when he was done with Khonshu, he would disappear for good."

"But that deal didn't involve you getting Angelina and us killed, did it? That's not gonna fly with me."

"You guys made a deal? That he would just disappear from mine and Layla's life? And you didn't think that maybe I should've been made aware of that?" Angelina says clearly annoyed that none of this wasn't brought up.

"Oh. Well, hadn't he disappeared from your life already?" Steven says. Angelina takes a deep breathe as she tries to keep herself calm before she punches Steven, or worse throws him out of car.

"Yeah. I mean, whatever. His suit was his best feature, wasn't it? Didn't even have that anymore." Angelina says.

"Steven, give me the body right now. This is a sucide mission."

"Plus, I know him. He'd wanna lone wolf this whole thing. It's not happening. We're not gonna do that." Angelina says clearly determined in this.

"We are not. It's just you and me, and the open road." Steven says getting comfortable. He quickly gets jolted forward slightly as the car stops suddenly.

"We're gonna go on foot from here." Angelina said.

"Yeah, all right." Steven says and they get out of the car. Angelina looks at the canyon. The two head inside the canyon as Angelina watches Steven puts on his hoodie.

They walk through the canyon as the only noises are there footsteps and the occasional bird cawing along with a goat sitting on a overhang.

They finally reach open desert and they arrive at the camp.

"There they are. Let's keep moving. It looks like they're already inside. We'll need to find another way to beat them to Ammit." Angelina says and they climb down.

They carefully walk towards the camp as they look around all the tents, trucks and two Camel's all of which were empty.

"Let's check for supplies." Angelina says and steven nods and they split up.

Steven heads inside a tent and he checks around for supplies.

"You look scared."

"I'm not." Steven says as he looks around the table.

"You should be. Without khonshu, there's no more suit, no more healing, no more power."

"Yeah, no more you, I thought. It's what you said, isn't it?" Steven says putting some flashlights in his backpack. "But believing anything that comes out of your mouth just shows what a plonker I am."

"Look, I wish I could just disappear. I really do. But unfortunately, I'm still here. If you're gonna go through with this, you gotta be smart, for Angelina's sake. I've been in situations like this before."

"So have I. It's the same body, isn't it? It's in there somewhere. Muscle memory and that." Steven says.

"I'm not sure it works that way. Just... Whatever. I'm here. You're not alone."

"I know I'm not alone." Steven turns around to face the table. "I know I'm bloody not alone. I've got Angelina. She's got my back."

"Are you in love? Are you in love with my Best Friend?"

"I appreciate your concern, mate. I really do. But we've got it from here." Steven says.

"I swear to you, Steven. I swear..."

"If I need a recipe for a protein shake or something, I'll call you." Steven says.

"If you lay a finger on her..."

Steven exits the tent and the last thing he hears is Marc yelling-

"I'll throw us off a cliff!"

Angelina looks through a tent and finds some flares and she puts a few more in her backpack. After doing one more scan around the tent she leaves it ignoring that there was a crate with blood splatters leading to a blade, covered in blood discarded in the sand.

─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───

"I have to say, I feel like I've been waiting for this my whole life... The adventure, I mean." Steven says as Angelina helps him into his climbing gear, she stands up and she didn't realize how close they were so she just smiles.

"I know. We want what we never had." Angelina says and she looks up at Steven.


"You smell like him. I mean, why wouldn't you, right?" Angelina says as her mind urges her to kiss him.

"Yeah." Steven says and suddenly it's like she lost control of her body as she leans forward to kiss him but Steven quickly speaks up and she backs up.

"Marc's trying to protect you from Khonshu."

"What?" Angelina breathes out.

"That's why he's been pushing you away. He thinks Khonshu wants you for his Avatar, and he won't let that happen." Steven admits "I'm sorry. I just felt like you should know that."

Angelina turns away and she puts on her gloves as she processes this information.

"Sorry." Steven says and it sounds like a genuine apology.

"Why are you telling me this now?" Angelina asks.

"I don't know. I just thought you deserved to know." Steven says and Angelina nods. "Well, it wasn't his call to make. I don't need protection. Trust me I know, but what I need is honesty."

"Yeah. I get that."

"That's more of a 'you' thing, isn't it?" Angelina says securing the harness for Steven.

"What? Being... Honesty?" Steven asks and Angelina looks up and smirks. "Yeah. Being honesty."

Steven gently grabs Angelina's shoulders and he presses his lips against Angelina's gently, Steven pulls away and rests his forehead against Angelina's.

"I love you too." Steven says and they pull away as Angelina's eyes widen as she realizes he heard her confession from when he was unconscious "Wow, holy shit, I, uh was not expecting that." Angelina says.

"I'm sorry, I didn't-"

"Hey, it's okay, it's okay." Angelina says stopping Steven from rambling "Just... took me off guard. That's all." she adds smiling and she turns and looks down the hole.

"I'm gonna go down first."

"Okay. Yeah. Great."

"Before I belay." Angelina adds.

"Thank you. What's 'belay'?" Steven asks and Angelina turns to him and laughs slightly.

"I still can't tell when you're joking or not." She says securing the rope for herself.

"All right." she mutters and she jumps down leaving Steven up there.

Steven watches her with a smile and he suddenly gets punched by Marc "Oh, shit."

─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───

Angelina lands at the bottom and she takes off the harness and she puts on her glasses and they glow teal as K.I.T. turns them to night-vision. Her mind still buzzes with what happened just moments ago.

She looks around then she remembers something, she gets on her knees and she traces a I E in the sand, she quickly turns to the entrance as she watches Steven fall down the hole.

"Are you okay?" Angelina asks helping Steven up.

"I'm aces. Yeah."

"Here you go." She says.

"I wish you hadn't seen that." Steven says as he looks at her face which now have her glasses on and he swore she looks even more beautiful with them on.

"Oh, wow, look at you." Steven says as Angelina takes off his harness, she looks up to face him but she notices his gaze is set on something else so she turns around to face the statue.

"Yeah, there's... Gorgeous, aren't they? They're just, like... been standing guard for centuries."

"Right? Look, I can't even..." Steven says excitedly. "Like, if they just sprang to life right now and asked me a riddle for passage, I'd be thrilled... I'd shit myself but I'd be thrilled." Steven says as Angelina looks around and K.I.T. scans the paintings and she smiles at Steven's excitement.

"What's this? Did you do that?"

"What?" Angelina turns to what she traced "Oh. Yeah. It's for Layla's father. He would've loved to be here." Angelina says.

"You knew him?" Steven asks.

'Yeah, when I left home after my brother took over my dad's company, I met Layla and then she introduced me to her father, and over time... he became my father figure." Angelina reveals.

"Oh, yeah? Big history buff, is he?"

"So much worse. Archaeologist on a mission." Angelina says and she walks deeper into the temple and Steven follows.

"And to him it was a dream worth dying for. And he did." Angelina says.

"Um... I'm so sorry."

"Yeah. No it's fine, really. It's not like he actually made me feel like his daughter, unlike my biological dad." Angelina says looking down trying to blink back tears, as Steven grabs her hand in comfort.

"It's fine. Happens."

"I bet that he'd be positively beaming right now, seeing you standing here in the proof of it." Steven says and Angelina looks up and smiles slightly.

"Yeah. I think so. Or possibly mad that I'm not here with Layla." Angelina says and then she sighs.

"Well, it's not such a bad way to go, is it?" she adds then looks at Steven. "Let's find out?" and she walks into the narrow corridor.

"Yeah. Yeah. Let's find out."

─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───

They walk through a narrow corridor and finally they come out into a open room, Angelina looks down a corridor and furrows her eyebrows.

"It's a maze."

"It's a-maz-ing." Steven jokes.

"No, like, there are six paths." Angelina clarifies.

"Yeah, yeah, yeah. Right. Six points." Steven says and Angelina notices shelings from bullets.

"What would they be shooting at?" Angelina says to herself as K.I.T. scans the shelings but nothing comes up. She turns around to see Steven trace something on the what looks like countertop of... a table or a tomb.

"This whole structure is a symbol." Steven says.

"That's the eye of Horus." Angelina says analyzing it.

"Yeah." Steven says putting his flashlight over it and it reflects onto the ceiling .

"Look at that."

"What?" Angelina looks around. "Right.."

"Look, the royal symbol, protection in the afterlife." Steven says.

"I mean, like, the resources needed to build this thing." Angelina says then looks at the symbol. "Her final Avatar was a pharaoh."

"Whoa! A bloody pharaoh." Steven says and Angelina shakes her head slightly "So what? You think it's a map?"

"Yeah, well... Right. So the eye of Horus is also the eye of mind, yeah?" Steven says and Angelina nods. "Representing the six senses, six points. So you got the eyebrow that denotes thoughts. Pupil, sight, obviously. This point here is, uh, hearing. This, smell. Touch. And this long line ending in a spiral. Is the tongue." Steven explains.

"The Avatar would be Ammit's voice." Angelina says looking up at Steven.

"That's right." Steven says as Angelina looks down a corridor and she turns to Steven, and nods as the two head down the corridor.

─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───

The two enter a open room that has a raised level, and a table sitting in the middle of the room.

"Oh, wow."

"Oh. Heka priests." Angelina says looking up at the paintings above them. "Judging by their masks and ceremonial stance. They would've been entombed in here to protect the pharaoh."

"The heck's a Heka?" Steven asks. "Sorcerers of their time. They've been down here for centuries. These must be some of the unlucky souls who crossed their path." Angelina says observing the corpses.

"Right. An impressive send-off." Steven says, he suddenly gags. "Oh, my god. Oh, god. Is that fresh blood?" He asks and Angelina turns to the altar of sorts and K.I.T. scans it. "Isn't that little chunks of meaty bits?" Steven asks as Angelina looks down to see jars, some empty, but some covered in blood.

"Oh." She picks up what looks like a carving tool. "Let's keep moving." She says as she quickly puts down the tool. "Yeah."

They stop when they notice a trail of fresh and old blood trailing into another corridor with bones.

"Um, just a minute. Just a minute." Steven says and Angelina turns around. "I'm just saying what I see, and I see lots of bones and blood going that way. So I'm just thinking, like, what if there's maybe another... There's, like, another..." Steven points his flashlight on the raised level.

"There's an opening up there. You see that?" Steven points.


"Should we check it out?"

"Mhm. All right. You go." Angelina says.


"Yes, you." Angelina says.

"Yeah, all right. Yeah." Steven says and he starts to climb up the raised level with some help from Angelina.

"I did it. I'm up."

"You good?" Angelina asks and he gives her a thumbs up. "Yeah."

"So, according to the ancient texts, Ammit should be bound to an ushabti, statue thingies." Steven says looking around.

"How's it looking?" Angelina asks.

"It's looking amazing. I mean, this... it looks like a freshly filled canopic jar and snake skins, and self-regeneration..."

"Steven? Steven?" Angelina speaks up to stop Steven from rambling, she did enjoy listening to him ramble but they needed to find another way through.


"The exit." She says and Steven heads towards the corridor with some light.

"Yeah, yeah. Yeah, we can go this way." Steven says and they suddenly hear gun firing. Angelina quickly backs up into one of the walls but they then realize the gunfire is in the distance.


"What are they shooting at?" Steven asks.

"I don't know." Angelina says and her head quickly turns to a noise coming towards them.

"Hide. hide." Steven says and Angelina quickly hides behind the altar as K.I.T. switches off. The noise gets closer as something drags something heavy towards the altar that Angelina is hiding behind. Angelina's face is plastered with fear as she tries her best to quiet her breathing, as she hears this heavy object get placed on the altar.

Steven watches whatever this; creature was picking up a knife and it stabs it into the person laying on the altar. As Angelina closes her eyes realizing it was a body, and for the first time in a long time... Angelina Stark was scared for her life.

Steven watches the creature take the organs of the person and place them in the jars.

Angelina opens her eyes and she tries her best to move to the other side of the altar without making any noise. Her whole body trembles in fear, she manages to do that but a jar knocks into her backpack, and the creature looks up from what it was doing as Angelina quietly puts the bloodied jar back up right.

She quietly moves away and she closes her eyes as the clicking sound of the creature seems to get closer. The creature looks around the altar.

Suddenly the level Steven's on creaks and the creature jumps onto the altar, it jumps again and Angelina looks up at the creature trying to get to Steven.

The creature slowly climbs the wooden board, and Steven can only see it's hands grasping the plank.

Angelina grabs one of the jars and she throws it at one of the walls to get the creatures attention.

"Run! I'll find you!" Steven yells and Angelina runs into the corridor the creature dropped down from the plank and it goes to follow her but Steven pushes the table off; crushing the creature.  "I squished it. I squished it." he says and he remembers the missions and he runs through the other corridor.

─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───

Angelina runs through the corridor into an open room, and she nearly falls down a narrow path. She soon manages to catch herself. She grabs one of the flares she packed and she ignites it and she lets out a deep breathe as she drops it into the pit and it falls into the empty abyss and the light that illuminated from the flare disappeared into the endlessness of the pit.

She hears a clicking sound from the corridor she came from and she turns around, thinking and praying it was Steven. "Steven?" when she hears no response she looks towards a very thin pathway lined up against the wall, she carefully edges towards the very thin pathway on the wall, and she slowly and carefully walks along the wall.

She stops for moment as some of the path crumbles under her feet. Once she catches her breath she continues going, making sure not to look down as she had a slight fear of heights.

She reaches a gap in the wall and pathway. She carefully grabs onto the rock and with her hand and she puts her foot on the other platform and she quickly boosts her other foot on the platform.  The last platform suddenly collapses next to her.

"Oh shit." She breathes out and she slowly continues along the wall, not knowing something was there in the shadows of these gaps.

She reaches another gap and she carefully puts her foot in a hole in the gap along with her other and she quickly puts a foot on the platform as she hops over to the platform.

She feels something close to her hand, and she turns to see a hand sticking out. She gasps as she lets go of the wall. She luckily falls onto solid ground. But half way, she quickly grabs the flooring and she quickly gets up looking at the pathway she just conquered.

Something suddenly it grabs Angelina from behind, she shrieks as she gets pulled in. She manages to get out of it's grasp as she runs out of the hole but gets pulled back in.

She gets thrown out of the hole and she looks at the arm she managed to rip off of the creature with disgust. As she quickly throws it into the pit. She quickly gets up as the creature comes out of its hole, and she kicks it and she gets ready to punch it when it throws her down at the edge of the pit in a chokehold as she tries and prys it's hand off of her neck,

She grabs the helmet and rips it off the creature and she hits it with the helmet as it tries and stabs her with the bone where it's arm was. She moves out of the way and she grabs it's arm. And it slowly gets closer and she quickly grabs it with her other hand. Angelina tries and grabs its neck to stop it from choking her. She pulls out a flare she had and she hits it with the flare, the flare quickly ignites and stabs the creature in the head. She quickly grabs the creature and rolls it off the cliff, along with herself.

A body thuds as Angelina climbs up the hole. She lets out some strained coughs as she makes it up. She lays on her side panting and she quickly grabs at her face to feel for her glasses but she feels nothing on her face.

She lost them. K.I.T. Her glasses, and the last thing Tony gave her, were gone. All gone. Angelina a bit empty inside after realizing she lost them. Tears run down her face as she tries and takes a few deep breaths to calm herself but nothing works. Finally Angelina breaks down as she lets out a scream in agony.

Eventually she gets up and she looks to see Harrow standing where she was minutes ago, almost as if he was watching her the whole time.

─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───

Steven climbs through a corridor and he finally reaches what everyone's been looking for. "Oh, my days." he says walking across some stones that were laid in the water.

"First one in. Tomb fit for a pharaoh." he looks around at the statues scattered around "Thutmose II. Nefertiti. Oh, it's gotta be one of the big'uns."

"So, you kissed her and said you love her?" Marc says interrupting the moment, as Steven looks in the water reflection.

"What are you gonna do? Try and drown us now?" Steven asks.

"Yeah, I should. Especially how I should've been the one to tell her..." Marc says muttering the last part.

"But you also told her the truth about why I've been pushing her away. And that was unexpected." Marc says.

"Yeah." Steven says getting across to the middle.

"Wow. Look at that. Look at all these relics. Macedonian? No. What?" He says turning off his flashlight and looks at the runes. "No way. That's not right. That can't be right. That's Macedonian. But the only pharaoh... But, I mean, he insisted on calling himself Egyptian." Steven rambles to himself.

"But..." he gets up and he looks at the sarcophagus. "I think we're looking at the long-lost tomb of Alexander the Great!"

─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───

"You handled that beautifully." Harrow says as Angelina gets up.

"Why do all men like you feel it necessary to be just so condescending?" Angelina says as they hear gunfire in the distance. Angelina turns to walk through the corridor and Arthur speaks egyptian and Angelina stops.

"My little scarab's. Isn't that what Layla's father used to call Layla and you? Even though you weren't his daughter." Harrow says.

"Abdullah El-Faouly. One of Egypt's most unique archeologists."  Angelina said playing along.

Angelina closes her eyes as she listens "He would be so proud of you and Layla if he knew that you were among the first to confirm for the world what he always believed." Harrow says as Angelina walks out of the corridor to face Harrow.

"Egyptian gods walk among us."

Angelina tilts her head at Harrow waiting for him to continue. "The scales achieve their judgment by revealing to me moments of sin and pain. And your best friend, the man you confessed your love to... He is in agony. More pain than anyone could bear." Harrow says taking a seat on the edge of the hole, as Angelina rolls her eyes.

"But he still hasn't told you the truth." he adds slyly.

"Well, you're obviously dying to." Angelina says walking forward. "So why don't you just go ahead? The floor is yours." she says.

"I read his scales. The scales do not lie." Harrow says and Angelina furrows her eyebrow, wondering what he means.

─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───

Steven gets ready to open the tomb but stops himself. "Everything inside me is screaming not to open this thing." Steven says.

"You want Harrow to get to Ammit first?"

"All right, all right, all right." Steven says and he takes a deep breath and he starts pushing the top off, after a bit of struggle he gets it open enough, revealing a mummy with treasures around it.

"Oh, man."

"Where's the ushabti?"

"Well... If you're gonna hide it for all eternity, you'd probably put it in a place where the average looter wouldn't think to look." Steven says.

"So what do you think?"

"Um..." Steven says they realization hits him.

"Alexander was the voice of Ammit." he says and his gaze turns to the Mummy's head.

"All right. I'm gonna try something. I'll do something here." Steven grabs the wrapping on the Mummy's head and peels it off.

"Sorry. Oh, God. So sorry. Sorry, Mr. Great." Steven says worried as the fabric rips off revealing a decayed mummy. Steven grabs the jaw and tries to pull it off.

"All right. Open up. Sorry, Mr. Great. Sorry. I couldn't be more sorry." Steven puts his hand down the mummy's throat. "Ugh! Ew!"

"Yeah, that's it. Get in there. Reach in there, buddy." Marc says as Steven tries to hold back from throwing up.

─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───

"The man you once considered your father was murdered by mercenaries. And no one knows who they were, do they?" Harrow says.

"You're saying that Marc was one of them?" Angelina says praying that it wasn't true "You said it. What do you think?" Harrow says and Angelina processes this information. She steps away and rests her head on the wall.

"Marc remembers everything that happened that day. Everyone who died. But one man stands out." Harrow says as Angelina sniffs and rubs her eyes.

"Man with a fuchsia scarf. Scarab details. Handmade. Made by his two girls perhaps." Harrow says digging deeping and Angelina tries so hard not to break down in this very moment.

"Are you done?" Angelina asks as her voice cracks and a single tear falls down her cheek as she turns to face Harrow.

"I do hope you and Layla find closure." Harrow says calmly and Angelina leaves, and she hears Harrow say one last thing.

"Wake up!"

Angelina stops half way through the corridor as she thinks of what Harrow said and how it all lines up, her heart tells her not to believe Harrow but her mind tells her to believe him.

No.. Angelina needed answers.. Not from Harrow, not from Steven... but from Marc Spector.

─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───

Steven feels something and he grabs it and pulls out the ushabti. He hears a thud and turns to the source of the sound, and Angelina walks out and he shows Angelina.

"Angelina, look. We won." Steven says excitedly but Angelina doesn't say anything as her face clearly is showing signs of sadness and betrayal, but Steven doesn't seem to notice.

"And the ushabti goes to us. I had to go digging down old Alexander the Great's gullet, but I found it." Steven says and he finally notices Angelina's face and the tears in her eyes.

"You all right, love?"

"Can he hear me?" Angelina asks.

"Alexander? I don't think so. God, I hope not." Steven chuckles.

"What happened to Layla's father?" Angelina says as she walks up to Marc. "I'm talking to you."


"I'm talking to you, Marc!" Angelina says rather harshly and Steven doesn't say anything and suddenly his eyes roll back in his head, and Angelina knows Marc is in control.

"Come on. Let's go, let's go." Marc says grabbing Angelina's hand, but she rips it away from his. "No."

"We need to go right now." Marc says grabbing her waist and she tries to push him away. "Marc, no. No."

"What happened to Layla's father?" Angelina asks.

"Listen to me. We need to leave right now. I will explain everything, I swear. But we have to go." Marc says and Angelina shakes her head stepping away from him.

"Did you kill Abdullah El-Faouly?" Angelina asks.

"Of course not. Of course I didn't." Marc says and Angelina shakes her head.

"But you were there." Angelina with an obvious pain in her voice.

"....You were there...."

"I..." Marc grabs Angelina's hand trying to calm her down. "Yeah, you were there."

"I was there. Yeah, I was there." Marc says softly and Angelina nods wiping a tear away.

"Yeah. And how did he die?"

"My partner got greedy and he executed everyone at the dig site." Marc says and Angelina turns away, tears start rolling down her face "I tried to save Layla's father, but I couldn't save him. And I..." Marc says as he himself tries not to cry as he broke his heart seeing Angelina like this after she's already suffered through so much.

"No. But you brought a killer right to him. Right?" Angelina says pushing him back roughly.

Marc closes his eyes. "Yeah." He says. "He shot me too. I was supposed to die that night. But I didn't die that night. And I should have." Marc says and Angelina holds the bridge of her nose as she quietly cries.

"Angel... I've tried to tell you and Layla since the moment we met." Marc says softly, and Angelina laughs derisively.

"I just didn't know..."

"Oh, my God." Angelina says rubbing her hands down her face to hopefully wipe off any dirt or tears. "That's the reason that we met. The reason why you married Layla, The reason why we're even friends." Angelina says "You just had a guilty conscience." she adds with a shaky laugh. "God, I can't believe I admitted my feelings to the killer of the one person who made me feel like I belonged." Angelina says shaking her head.

"Angel..." Marc says trying to grab her hand but she pulls away as she takes a step back. "No... You don't get to call me that anymore. You don't get to call me Angel or Ange or any of that!" Angelina says and Marc's heart shattered hearing these words coming from his Angel's mouth. "I don't wanna hear nicknames or any of that shit from a murderer." she says voice cracking as it was painful even for her to say these words.

The two hear a thud and they turn to the ruined entrance. "They're here." Angelina looks around for a way out as Marc takes off his backpack. "There must be another way out." she says looking around.

"Okay. Go, find it. I'll hold them off." Marc says grabbing the axe from the sarcophagus, as Angelina hides behind one of the pillars.

"Come on!" Marc yells out, and suddenly Harrow's men come out guns pointed at Marc and Harrow walks out of the ruined entrance.

"Just you?" Harrow says as the Scarab collapses back in it's holder.

"The rest is silence." Harrow says. "I remember the first morning I woke up knowing that Khonshu was gone. The quiet was liberating. You're a free man. And, of course, with that freedom comes choice. And right now, you have a very important decision to make."

Marc looks around then back at Harrow. "Okay." he says quietly, and Harrow nods as one of his men comes towards Marc. He then grabs the gun from the man's grasp and strikes down the man with the axe and Marc, takes out another man with the axe as he throws it in someone's chest. Harrow takes out a pistol and shoots Marc.

Marc gets thrown back, Angelina's eyes widen as she covers her mouth with her hands so she doesn't let out a scream.

Marc stumbles back as Harrow approaches. He shoots Marc again and Marc falls back into the water surrounding the sarcophagus.

Tears spill down Angelina's face as she watches Marc's body lay in the water. She didn't know what to do as she stood frozen. He couldn't be dead... yes he killed Layla's father, and lied about it for years. But that didn't stop her from caring for him... from loving him. She prayed this was all a dream. That he would spring up from the water, alive and well and brush it off like nothing even happened, but he didn't... and it was at that exact moment Angelina realized.

Marc Spector, the man she fell in love with, was dead.

─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───


Two people walk through a jungle and they reach a dead end, the younger one rests his hand on a button, and the button activates and a skeleton falls down scaring the two people. The older one pulls out a blade.

"All right, Rosser. It's all right. Those old bones can't hurt you." The older man says observing the skeleton.

"Well, at least now we know what happened to poor Montalban."

"Yes, and to anyone who chooses a path of greed." The older man says pulling his blade away from the skeleton.

"Does this mean the treasure is gone, too?" Rosser says.

"Oh, I think not." The older man looks at his compass and looks up at a statue.

"Do you notice anything unusual about that statue? The statue of Coyolxauhqui, lunar god of the Aztecs." The man says placing his blade into the ground.

"No, but I'm just a lad trying to do my best. You're Dr. Steven Grant." Rosser says.

"Maybe so, but you've got pluck. Now, let's see what we can find on our friend here." "

The TV speakers played loudly with the old motion picture continues playing.

"Next one. We've got B-22, everyone. B-22." A bingo announcer yells into an open white room.  "B-22. Anyone got B-22? Don't be afraid to speak up. B-22. Come on, everyone. Don't fall asleep on me now. It's just getting good. B-22."

A doctor walks to Donna who was cuddling a plushie of a scarab. "How are you doing today, Donna?" the doctor asks.

"Be a bit happier if he pulled some bloody O's."

"Moving on. G-15. Anyone have a G-15? G-15? No? Well, 16. Sweet 16-T." The bingo announcer yells out as a doctor hands out a cupcake to a woman who was drawing random things and the latest one was a hummingbird with a large skull for a head.

"Wow. Show me. Let me see." the doctor says and the woman shows him "This is beautiful. Very impressive."

Everything seemed to be normal in the room except one man who sat, bounded in a wheelchair facing a tinted garden.

"Right, young man. Brakes are on. Your favorite spot." The doctor says stepping in front of the man.

And that man was none other then Marc Spector with a face that just started giving signs of consciousness.

Marc looks around as a woman approaches him. "I changed the movie, okay?"


The woman puts up a picture that goes with a bunch of other photos and some very complex drawings. "It's been five times this week. It's a lot. Right." The woman says who is none other than a now more energetic Layla.

Marc tries to say something but no words come out.

"Did I startle you? No. I'm sorry. I'm sorry." Layla says.

"I-2. I-2. I-2, anyone?" The bingo announcer says and Layla's head quickly turns to him.

"Look at that. You won." Layla says, showing the scorecard to Marc ."We won." Layla grabs the scorecard and shows the announcer. "I won."

"We have a winner."

"I'll share it with you this time. I swear." Layla says and she leaves to get claim the price.

"Steven?" Marc manages to get out as he stares in the reflection of the glass.

"Steven?" Marc gets up from the wheelchair and steps forward but he collapses and the makeshift toy of Moon Knight falls out of his hand, he turns to look to see his ankle is cuffed to the wheelchair.

A doctor comes over and helps him up ."You're all right. Come on. Come on. There you go. All right." The doctor gets Marc back in the wheelchair.

"Marc, you can't keep doing this." The doctor says and Marc nods slightly, as he keeps his gaze on the toy.

─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───

Marc blinks, he soon finds himself in the Therapist office.

"I know that you're having a great deal of difficulty being able to differentiate between what's real and what's in your head. I hope you don't mind but I took the liberty of borrowing the film you brought." The doctor says sliding the box titled Tomb Buster towards Marc.

The doctor chuckles, "It was fun to see that my old VHS player still worked." Marc's gaze slowly went towards the doctor while his vision was blurry. "How many times would you say you've seen that movie? Approximately?" The doctor says taking a sip of his drink.

Marc didn't respond as his eyes wandered else where.

"I liked the villain. 'No tree can ascend to the light of heaven if it doesn't descend to the depths of hell.' " The doctor says reciting a line from the movie. "That's a good line. Yeah. The plot makes a real meal out of a lunar god. And didn't you say that you worked for one? And that... a friend of yours got involved?" The doctor says as Marc looks around and he catches a painting of a village that looked familiar to him.

"What do you make out of that similarity? I mean, given the production value of that film, I can't imagine that too many other people have seen it. What do you think? Is that a coincidence?" the doctor says and Marc's vision finally clears up. "I don't... I think..." Marc says weakly and suddenly realization hits him.


"I think someone... I think someone..."

"I know. I'm sorry about that. But remember, you're only sedated because of your own behavior from trying to find her." The doctor says. "And the effects will wear off soon. Marc, we don't live in a material world. We live in a psychic world." The doctor adds taping a pen to his head.

"Right? And we're only able to make indirect inferences about the nature of reality. Like, take, for example, this pen, right?" The doctor says showing Marc the pen "To me, this is a writing utensil. Right? To my dog, it's a chew toy. Both are accurate. Right? It's just a question of context and perspective." The doctor says and Marc's gaze turns to a cane that looks familiar, like the village.

"And all I'm asking of you is an honest assessment of your situation."

Marc's gaze turns to a mirror that shows the doctor's shoes and once again... they're familiar...

"Everything reminds me... Everything reminds me..." Marc says weakly as everything comes back to him.

"Reminds you of what? Hmm? Of your past? Of Steven? Or Angelina?" The doctor says and Marc looks up.

"You know Steven?" Marc asks.

"Of course I know Steven. But, Marc, I wanna talk to you right now. And I have noticed, all right, in our sessions, a pattern developing." The doctor says and Marc turns to a statue then back at the painting.

"Every time I ask you direct questions, you are triggered, you're overwhelmed and that's normal, all right? Many of us, when asked to look into our innermost experience, into the nucleus of our personality, we close our eyes. It's understandable."

Marc turns to a glass pyramid and suddenly everything comes back to him as he closes his eyes.

"I can't help you if you don't help yourself." The doctor says and Marc remembers who he is.

Arthur Harrow.

"You shot me." Marc says and Harrow looks confused. "You shot me." Marc repeats and he turns to the exit.

"Marc? Marc? Hey. Hey now. If we can't calmly sit here" Harrow says and Marc falls out of his chair as he crawls towards the door.

"And take inventory of your feelings... Marc. Marc, listen. I know..."

"No. You stay away from me!" Marc yells as he manages to get up and he stumbles towards the door.

"Truly, I understand how you're feeling. I too have suffered from mental illness, breaks in psychic awareness, manic episodes, followed by depression." Harrows says as Marc tries to open the door.

"I know what you're feeling."

"Unlock the door."

"It can be healed."

"Unlock the door!" Marc yells.

"I know you can be healed. Marc. Marc, please..." Harrow tries to calm him down, as Marc breaks the glass.

"Stay away from me!"

"Marc, don't do this. You're only getting..." Harrow says but Marc manages to get the door open, and he runs out but he gets stopped by two doctors, from earlier as they try to keep him down.

"All right. Be gentle with him. Don't hurt him. All right?" Harrow says and Marc fights off the two doctors and manages to grab a keycard from one as he runs off.

Harrow makes sure the doctors were okay before he tells them one last thing.

"Make sure he doesn't reach her."

─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───

Marc reaches another corridor and the lights and carts around shake as if the building is turning he shakes it and continues running.

After sometime he reaches a corridor and he looks at the nameplates, looking for her name. Finally he finds her nameplate.

Angelina Stark.

Marc smiles to himself as he uses the keycard to open the door. The scanner clicks open and he opens the door to reveal the room she's been kept in.

Tools scattered all over the floor, oil painted on the walls and random inventions sit on the makeshift workbench. But all he was here for is Angelina, his Angel.

He looks around the room and he finally sees her. Her back faced towards him as she sleeps peacefully on her cot.

He quietly walks towards her as he avoids the tools on the ground.

He approaches her and he runs his hand through her brown locks gently.

"Angel." Marc says softly and Angelina hums in her sleep as she wakes up and she turns to face Marc.

"Marc...?" she says.

"Yeah... Yeah, it's me, Angel." he says as his hand trails down to cup her face.

"But you- you died... you got shot, you-" Angelina starts to ramble but Marc stops her.

"It's okay, I'm here now." Marc says and Angelina searches his face for any lies and any injuries but there isn't.

"I've missed you my Angel." Marc says and Angelina smiles.

"I've missed you too, my Moon." Angelina says and she leans in and their lips connect. The two have been separated for so long it felt like an eternity for them and now, they've found each other once again.

Marc pulls away and rests his forehead on Angelina's. "We're getting out of here." Marc says and Angelina nods as he helps her up, and he pulls her towards the door and she complies as he checks the corridor for any sign of the doctors.

When there are no signs of them coming he pulls Angelina out and the two start running hand in hand.

They hear the Doctors coming and they look around. "Here!" Angelina says and she opens a door and they quickly close the door as they lean against the wall waiting for the doctors to pass. Once the doctor's figures run past the room they were in Angelina gets ready to open the door but Marc stops her as his gaze is on a sarcophagus sitting there as it starts to shake.

Marc pulls Angelina behind him as someone yells from inside the sarcophagus to let them out. Marc approaches it and opens it and another version of Marc quickly gets out of it



"Steven?" The two hug and Angelina stands there slightly confused as she watches Marc hug himself?

"How is this possible?" Steven asks,

"I don't know." Marc says and he turns to Angelina "Yeah, I can see Steven." she says rather shocked and confused.

"What's the last thing that you remember?" Marc asks.

"Harrow shot us."

"Yes! Yes. Exactly. Exactly. All right. We gotta get out of here. Follow us. Come on." Marc says grabbing Angelina's hand and the three of them leave the room.

They past an open door that has another sarcophagus standing and shaking.

"Should we?" Angelina asks looking it.

"No." Marc says.

The three approach some swinging doors and they stop as the doors open revealing the hippo goddess Taweret.

The three stare at her before it speaks up,


And the three scream.

─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───

☾ 𝚆𝚘𝚛𝚍 𝙲𝚘𝚞𝚗𝚝: 7990☽

This episode was definitely the most complex I ever wrote lol. That plot twist wow, I definitely was hesitant on releasing this chapter considering... what the hell is going on

Is all what happened the last 3 episodes real? Or is it all in Marc's head and him in the mental facility is real? We don't, but this was definitely one of THE best plot twists in the MCU to date

I think I was holding my head for the last 15, 20 minutes of the episode, confused lol ( I still have not processed the episode lol)

So yeah, I hoped you enjoyed the chapter and probably  more chaotic chapters yet to come!

Love ya'll and don't be a ghost reader <3


(Also ty for OVER 6k reads and 300 votes <3)

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