NEW FLESH, jason todd

By chanelern

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revenge has never tasted so sweet [jason todd au] More



688 31 15
By chanelern

"So, what'd you guys do last night?"

Venus's head snapped up to the dark-haired boy sitting beside her. She blinked a couple of times, annoyed that she zoned out. It was important that she remain alert and aware from now on; letting her guard down could result in disaster, one that she may have welcomed a couple months ago. But she's mostly mentally stable now, and she has her life together, so she would prefer it to stay that way.

She shrugged, adjusting her sunglasses. "Wouldn't you like to know?"

Jason glared at her condescendingly before returning his attention to the road. The two were driving to the bunker Jason has been staying in since his resurrection; he had a good amount of clothes and gadgets in there that he insisted he bring to her apartment. Normally Venus would drive, since Jason doesn't even have his license and he's legally dead, but she didn't want to risk passing out. Her and Jade got back a few hours after midnight, so Venus didn't get much sleep. But she never gets enough sleep in the first place, so she really shouldn't complain.

"You're hungover, aren't you?" He said in mock disappointment. "That's why you're wearing those huge sunglasses."

"I thought they looked good?" Venus defended as she crossed her arms. "And no, I am not hungover. I wear these all the time." The lie came smoothly, and Jason was none the wiser. She figured that she should attempt to disguise herself just a little after last night. The thought of someone following her, stalking her, made her skin crawl.

A small smile crept across his face. "I'm sure you do. And to be clear, I would be extremely crushed if you went to the Iceberg Lounge without me."

"No, Jason, we did not go clubbing without you," Venus said dryly, throwing her hands behind the headrest. "Why, did you and Roy bust some Penguin ass without me?"

"I would never!" Jason gasped, switching lanes abruptly. "I actually apologized to Barbara and went right back to the apartment. No funny business."

Venus pulled her sunglasses onto the top of her head and glanced at Jason sneakily. "Anyways, what's your plan now? Like, are you going to continue with this Red Hood thing? Or just chill out and find your true calling...?"

An amused grin on his face, he shrugged. "Probably both. I'll figure it out." He paused, an uncertain look crossing his features. "What's your opinion on...this?"

"What do you mean?" She asked as she fiddled with her hair.

"Well, I know Bruce and Gordon definitely don't approve of what I'm doing," Jason answered carefully. "So like, will you be mad if I keep doing my thing? And be honest, because I really do value your opinions. Sometimes."

Deciding to ignore the last part, Venus pursed her lips and shook her head. "Please, you know I'm on your side pretty much always, despite my better judgment. But, crime has been at an all time low these past few weeks, so I'd say to keep it up. The statistics don't lie, and I know you have yourself a bunch of supporters here."

Jason beamed, as if her approval has lifted a giant weight off his shoulders. He swerved suddenly into the farthest left lane, causing the truck behind them to honk loudly. They both cursed, and with a quick glance at the other, they burst out laughing.

Venus smacked his arm lightly. "Would it kill you to use your blinkers?"

"Where are the blinkers again?" He grinned cheekily, his gaze still on her.

"Eyes on the road, Jason!" She shouted, her own grin widening. Her laugh was a foreign sound, and she realized she couldn't remember the last time she has genuinely enjoyed herself.

He purposely swerved again, jolting her in her seat with a smirk on his face. Venus glared at him harshly and leaned over, flicking his ear.

The car suddenly stopped in front of a small motel, and Jason popped his door open. "We got here alive, didn't we?"

"Barely," She muttered, stepping out of the car and following Jason to an alleyway. The bunker was accessible through a hidden trapdoor at the end of the alley covered by a large metal garbage can, which Jason simply shoved aside.

A small keypad was revealed, and Jason quickly punched the code in. Venus followed him down the narrow ladder, closing the trapdoor behind her. The bunker was definitely one of the older ones Bruce made, as it lacked the cleanness and extravagance of his newer ones. It was one large room surrounded by grey, metal walls. A single air mattress was placed in the corner and the left wall was lined with high tech gadgets that had Venus furrowing her brows.

"These weren't already here, were they?" She asked, brushing her fingers against the weapons. They were the new ones Bruce had developed over the past few months, the ones he kept locked securely in the Batcave.

Jason raised a brow as he began to stuff clothes into a duffel bag. "Of course not. The security at Wayne Enterprises, where they develop them,  sucks ass, so I figured I'd help myself." 

"Those clothes are stolen too, aren't they?" She pointed out, a faint smile on her face.

He shrugged and began to carefully stack the gadgets into the bag. "I mean, I couldn't walk around naked." He paused and smirked widely, pushing his hair back with his free hand. "You'd like that, wouldn't you?"

"Yeah, I'd like to gouge my eyes out" Venus replied dryly. She crouched down to help him collect the weapons. "You know, not even Dick and Tim use these yet. Bruce is still testing them out."

"I'm assuming Tim's the new Robin?" Jason said bitterly.

"Yes, and I'm trusting you with his name because I know you won't try to kill him again," She spoke, arching an eyebrow.

They packed up all the gadgets and stood. Jason zipped the bag and slug it over his shoulder, huffing in annoyance. "Sorry about that. Never been too fond of kids."

"It's not me you should be apologizing to," Venus mused, holding the trapdoor open for Jason. "But, I know you'd rather die than apologize, so I'll drop it."

He threw the duffel bag in the backseat of the car and started the engine, waiting for Venus to climb in. "You know me so well. Your apartment now?"

She nodded and they were off again. Humming softly, Venus couldn't help but stare at the boy next to her. The white streaks in his hair shone brightly as the sun rose and the deep, orange light perfectly illuminated his features. Venus raised her hand mindlessly, but refrained from running her hand through his hair. It was almost surreal; he's alive and right in front of her! She swore she almost teared up, but she quickly snapped out of her trance. Venus was many things, but she tried her very best to not be sappy.

Clearing her throat, she shifted slightly in her seat. "You know where you're going?"

"Did you miss the part where I stalked you for a solid three weeks?" Jason scoffed, flashing his pearly whites. "Not in a creepy way, though. In a loving, concerning way. Just wanted to make sure you were still kicking, you know?"

"Jason, I literally felt like someone was going to murder me. So yes, in a creepy way" Venus huffed as she flicked his bicep. "And you couldn't have dropped by to say hi? Or like, let me know you were alive?"

He coughed and shrugged carelessly. "Whoops?"

"You're a dick," She exhaled and slouched in her seat.

"Nope, that'd be Grayson" Jason pointed out cheekily. He reached across center console and brushed his fingers against Venus's wrist. Surprising herself, Venus flipped her hand over and grasped his hand tightly, lacing her fingers through his. She didn't look at him and tried her best to hide the small blush growing on her cheeks. She was never one for physical affection, and she rarely initiated it. But she was trying, even if it sent a raging shiver down her spine.

Jason smiled softly before running a thumb over her knuckles. Venus allowed herself to relax and sighed. Her peace was disturbed, however, when a loud HONK was sounded and a truck crashed into the back of their car. The sound of metal being crushed ground against her ears and her body shot forward, her head harshly slamming into the glove compartment in front of her. Venus's body slumped, and she vaguely registered blood dripping from her forehead. The sound of Jason cussing was muffled; her ears were ringing and her vision was blurry and her brain wasn't working and--

"Dammit, Venus! Why didn't you wear a seatbelt?" Jason's pleading voice drifted softly through the air amongst the chaos, and Venus blinked slowly. Where was she again?

Hands ripped away the car door and hands were around her waist, pulling her out of the wrecked car. Jason pulled Venus into his arms, his lips moving but she just couldn't hear him. She blinked at him again drowsily, fighting to stay awake. He cursed again and jogged to the sidewalk. He set her down gently and dug through her jacket pocket for her phone. Venus moved her hand to her head, touching her wet forehead. She blinked again at the crimson liquid staining her fingers, barely registering what it was. How could this have happened?

"Stay awake, Vea. Stay awake," Jason instructed, his head a blurry image above Venus. Her eyelids fluttered. She was just so tired.

Warm palms shook her shoulders. "Stay awake! Don't close your eyes. Please. Bruce is on his way."

Venus forced herself to zone in on his desperate pleas, though it gave her a splitting headache. "I don't have his number," She muttered, words slurred. Her lips were numb as she spoke; she instantly regretted it as dizziness took over. If she could just close her eyes...

"I have it memorized," Jason answered, his palms on her cheeks now. She sensed a hint of sadness in his tone. Venus cracked her eyes open and squinted. The sounds of sirens were dulled as the drum of her heart increased in volume, the sound of blood pumping from her heart becoming more prominent.

She scanned the area the best she could with her blurry vision. They were hidden in a shallow alleyway, the bright daylight making her head pound. They were safe, he was safe. Venus supposed she could have a quick nap now...

"She'll be fine, right?"

"Hey! Hands off. She needs space."

"Who died and made you the boss?"

"What she needs is quiet. Stop bickering. You're all adults, for Christ's sake."

Venus woke to hushed whispers, many of which did not sound happy. Groaning slightly, she opened her right eye. A singular, dim light was above her and seemed to be moving in a circular motion against the rocky ceiling. She focused on it until it stopped moving and opened her other eye. Her vision gradually cleared after practically glaring at the light, forcing her vision to clear.

"She's awake."

"No shit, Sherlock."

She tried to sit up but fell back. Strong arms caught her and helped her rest against the pillows behind her. Jason peered at her concernedly as he fluffed the pillows against her back.

"Feeling alright, Miss Carter?" Alfred asked, taking the stethoscope off and placing it in a box.

Nodding slowly, she cleared her throat. "What happened?"

"A diesel rear ended us. Hard," Jason said grimly, holding her hand tightly. "The driver was gone, and a brick was on the gas. Somebody planned this."

"Or maybe you need to get your license," Dick commented lightly. "You had us worried, Carter. It's not everyday you show up on the brink of death."

Jason rolled his eyes. "Not helping, Grayson. Go back to your stupid gymnastics bar."

"Acrobat bar," Dick muttered, glancing at his training bar in the corner of the cave.

They were in the Batcave, Venus realized. She looked around before wincing and holding her head. Dizziness hit her once more, and the cave started to spin.

"You have a concussion, which is quite surprising given how thick your head is," Alfred commented. "I gave you stitches for that nasty gash on your head, but it's mostly healed already."

"How do you feel?" Another dark hair boy stepped forward, decked in red and yellow. Tim.

"Like I've been hit by a truck," She said dryly, rubbing her temples. "How'd I get here?"

"The Batmobile."

Batman, in all his glory, stepped out dramatically from the shadows, his mask in hand. It was a full house, then. He nodded to her grimly. "I fear that this incident was no accident. Do you have any idea who would target you?" He addressed Jason, who looked quite annoyed.

"No, because I'm legally dead, in case you forgot" Jason snapped, removing his hand. Venus shuddered at the lack of warmth and reached for a blanket, frowning when she didn't see one. Tim seemed to notice and wordlessly retrieved a blanket from Alfred's emergency kit. Venus thanked him; bless his soul.

"Red Hood has plenty of enemies; old and new. Are you sure that nobody knows who you really are?" Bruce persisted as he sat on his chair facing the screens.

"Well we barely knew who he was, so I'd say his identity is safe" Dick jumped in, perhaps hoping to ease the tension.

"You might not trust me," Jason grumbled. "But I'm careful. For everybody's sakes."

Bruce stared at him intensely. "It's not about trust, Jason. We all trust you. You know that."

Everybody nodded, save for Venus who was still trying to make the room stop spinning. "I'm alright, can I go home now?"

Jason glanced at her, aghast. "You're staying at least another hour. The doc hasn't given you the thumbs up yet." 

She looked to Alfred and he gave her a thumbs down with a shrug. "Master Todd is quite right. This is your first concussion, which is quite concerning with your immunity to injuries."

"I'm not immune, I'm just careful," Venus corrected. She wrapped the blanket tighter around her chest. "Not a word from you, Dick."

"What, that wearing a seatbelt is only the most common safety protocol ever?" He said cheekily.

Tim nodded and crossed his arms disapprovingly. "Even I wear my seatbelt. Always expect the unexpected."

"The kid gets it," Dick nodded. Tim threw his hands up, muttering something about nearly being an adult.

"You're not allowed in cars ever again," Jason told her seriously as he perched himself by Venus's elbow.

"What, am I not allowed to leave my apartment now, either?" She grinned, raising a brow challengingly.

Bruce studied Venus carefully. "And nobody is out to get you, are they?"

Without missing a beat, Venus shook her head. "Nope. I'd like to think I'm a very likable person."

"It was definitely planned," Dick mused. "Unless they didn't care who they hit and were just set on causing chaos."

"But it wasn't a busy street at all," Tim protested. "It was practically a backstreet! You'd think they'd want to target a busier street with more witnesses or victims."

Bruce, Tim, and Dick began to argue amongst themselves. Jason leaned closer to Venus, his warmth enveloping her. "You are okay, right? Feel normal?" He rested his palm on her forehead, searching for signs of fever.

She laughed and removed his hand. "I'm perfectly fine, Todd. Don't you worry your sweet little face." Grinning, Venus reached up and pinched his cheek.

He caught her hand and squeezed it tightly. "You know, if you didn't have such a thick head, you would've died."

"If you were a normal person, you would've died," Tim interrupted, coughing lightly.

Jason scowled and threw the boy a dirty look. "It was a joke, genius. Except you ruined it and now it's not funny anymore."

Venus rolled her eyes, sharing a look with Dick. He looked pretty happy, content, despite the current circumstances. Perhaps it was because his family was all in one room again, not actively trying to kill each other. Good, she thought. He should enjoy it while it lasts. Moments like these would be hard to come by, especially with Jason's growing distaste for Bruce and Dick constantly leaving town.

Bruce's expression, however, was much harder to read. His usual stormy expression remained, but his stance was relaxed, chin tilted ever-so-slightly to the ceiling. The ghost of a grin could be detected on his sharp features, and Venus suspected that he felt similarly to Dick.

"You're alright, Miss Carter. I would recommend getting some sleep and taking it easy for the next few days," Alfred stated crisply. "Your vitals are normal, but rather safe than sorry, correct?"

"Right," She nodded, sitting up. Stretching her arms to the ceiling, she yawned and looked thoughtfully at the boys around her. Jason could do with some family bonding time. Venus shot him her absolute sweetest smile. "You know what, I'm dying for a grilled cheese. You wouldn't mind, would you Alfred?"

Alfred nodded and bowed, his eyes twinkling humorously. He knew what she was doing, and of course, he completely approved. Family is forever, and blood is thicker than whatever resentment they harbor toward each other. Hypothetically, obviously. None of them are related, after all, despite their dark hair and rebellious attitudes.

"It's lunchtime boys, Master Bruce," Alfred called as he walked into the elevator leading toward the mansion. "I expect you all to be in the dining room in exactly twenty minutes." The elevator doors closed and Venus hid a grin at Jason's look of disbelief.

"You heard the man," Bruce said, staring directly at Jason. The two held eye contact for a few moments before Bruce broke it, looking down at his boots. "I recommend a shower; you all smell."

Without another word, Bruce strode into the elevator after Alfred. Venus caught a glimpse of him removing his gloves before the door slid shut, leaving the four young vigilantes together.

Jason poked his finger at Venus's stomach. "You're evil. Did you plan the car accident, too? If you wanted us all together, you could've just asked."

"I don't know what you mean," Venus spoke innocently, clasping her hands together. More seriously, she added "it's for Dick. Look how happy he is! You guys are his family, so just play nice for like half an hour before he leaves for Blüdhaven again."

"What about the team? He has plenty of family," Jason scoffed, eyeing the older boy not very discretely.

Venus exhaled and blew a strand of hair out of her face. "They're like first cousins twice removed; irrelevant. He loves you more. So let's go upstairs and try not to kill anyone, yeah?"

"Easier said than done," He murmured, helping her off the bed. She whacked the back of his head playfully, thanking him quietly.

Dick jogged up to them and slapped Jason's back comradely. "Venus, stop hogging him. How have you been, man?"

Jason swung his arm around Dick's shoulders. "Well, I've been pretty dead for the past couple of years. How rude of you to forget."

The two walked off and made their way upstairs, Venus and Tim trailing behind them. She smiled at the distant sounds of their laughter.

"Did you find them?" Tim asked, breaking the silence.

Venus glanced at him and pursed her lips. "Yes."

"But it's not what you expected, I'm guessing," He pushed, wringing his hands.

She shook her head. "Someone else got to them first, just hours before we did."

"You think it's related to the truck hitting you this morning? It can't be a coincidence, someone must be watching you."

"Nobody is watching me, Tim. Sorry, but there's not mystery to solve here" Venus frowned, wishing he would just drop it.

Tim sighed as they stepped out of the elevator. "You wouldn't have asked for me to find those people if something involving them hasn't happened beforehand. Did someone attack you or something? I thought they were gone for good."

She forced a dry chuckle. "Everything is fine. Don't stress, Timmy." Venus punched his shoulder lightly, smiling convincingly.

"Sorry about yesterday," She added. "I'm sure Jason will apologize--eventually. He's just going through...stuff, you know?"

"It's cool," Tim shrugged, though Venus could see embarrassment flash across his face. "He's been to hell and back, so, I guess he gets a pass, right?"

Venus's smile became strained. "Erm, yeah. I am sorry, though. It wasn't very nice of him."

Really, Venus felt terrible when she thought about it for too long. Tim Drake used to look up to Jason; he would hear stories of Jason's great feats, his courage and sheer will. Of course, they were probably dramatized, but Tim respected the boy who came before him. To have someone like that just beat the shit out of you suddenly, must've felt like a stab in the back. Yes, Jason's actions were less than ideal, but she used to kill people for sport, so she really couldn't talk.

The two soon arrived at the dining room where Dick and Jason already sat. Dick made himself comfortable on the table, while Jason was lounging on the seat in front of him. Venus led Tim to the seats across from them, wrinkling her nose. Bruce wasn't kidding; they did stink.

"When was the last time you showered, Dick?" Venus complained, throwing her legs onto the table after collapsing in her seat.

Dick grinned sheepishly. "Tim and I were sparring this morning. Didn't think you'd be showing up half dead."

"Jason is the best smelling person in this room, for the first time ever," Venus remarked dryly, a wicked grin playing on her lips.

Tim furrowed his brows and lifted his arm, sniffing his underarm. Jason shrugged, looking only mildly offended. He pointed finger guns in her direction. "And you, Venus, are the best smelling person always."

She wrinkled her nose at the boy. "That's not creepy at all."

Jason only flashed her a charming smirk, resting his hands behind his head as he leaned back into his chair. "You love it."

He shifted his gaze to Dick, who was swinging his legs back and forth on the table. "How's life in Blüdhaven? Got any new girls there, or are you still hung up on Barbara?"

Venus rolled her eyes and shared an exasperated glance with Tim. Of course thats the first thing he asks. She couldn't blame him, though. Dick was quite the womanizer.

A strange expression crossed Dick's face, before he shook his head and scoffed loudly. "Babs and I are done. Completely. There is someone else though..."

"And you act like a nervous child around her why?" Venus asked, remembering when he begged her to come to the manor so that he wouldn't be stuck alone with Barbara. She didn't know if she believed Dick; he has always been quite the ladies man, but everybody really thought Barbara was the one.

Dick lifted his shoulder lazily. "It's just...awkward, I guess."

"It's Wally, isn't it?" Tim spoke, propping his elbows onto the table. He raised his brows at everybody's baffled expressions. "What? I was joking...mostly."

"Maybe Venus will use her newfound detective skills to figure it out; we were quite the duo," Dick commented, smirking widely.

"Dick," Venus whined. "You know I beat people up, and you actually used your brain. Just stop being a bitch and tell us. Is it someone we know?"

"I thought I trained you better than that," Dick tsked, wagging his finger. She snorted. As if.

"Who's training who, now?" Bruce asked deeply, striding into the dining room. His dark hair glistened under the chandeliers light, the hint of a grin on his lips.

Dick winked at Bruce. "I taught Venus a bunch of my moves last year. Wanted to make sure she could handle herself in the field."

Bruce's unamused expression had Tim cackling in his seat, while the former simply frowned at the lack of support. Venus saw Jason's lips quirk briefly, but then his straight face returned, refusing to acknowledge Bruce. Which was fine; at least they were in the same room together.

Alfred appeared in the walkway, several maids trailing behind him holding plates of expensive-looking sandwiches. They dispersed and placed the food in front of each person. Venus thanked the woman with her grilled cheese; it looked absolutely divine.

Sometimes, Venus forgets just how loaded Bruce Wayne is, with his maids and butlers and chandeliers and expensive paintings. It almost made her regret ignoring him for a solid two years.

"So, what are you up to now, Jason?" Dick asked, breaking the silence. "Don't be jumping at the opportunity to cause trouble just because I'm leaving."

Jason swallowed a bite of his sandwich before answering. "I see Grayson is still delusional. I'll do whatever I feel like; don't be getting your hopes up."

"There's no stopping him," Venus commented dryly.

Bruce opened his mouth as if to say something, but closed it, ultimately deciding against whatever he was going to say. "Where will you be staying?"

"Planning on arresting me in my sleep?" Jason spat hostilely, an edge to his voice. He took another bite of his sandwich and chewed it aggressively as he glared furiously at his plate.

"I just wanted to make sure you're safe and not living off the streets again" Bruce emphasized, frowning. Jason merely rolled his eyes.

Feeling the tiniest amount of sympathy for Bruce, Venus tugged Jason's sleeve gently. "Careful, or we won't get a Christmas card."

"Ah, so you guys are living together now, aren't you?" Dick nodded, piecing it together. "Cute. Careful, though. She'll keep you up all night."

Jason swerved his head towards the older boy, disbelief written clearly across his face. Tim and Bruce remained silent, the latter peeling his crust off carefully. Venus blinked a couple of times. "Excuse me?"

Dick must have felt the tension in the room, or he saw the murderous look on Jason's face. Either way, he finally opened his mouth in an 'o.' "God, no! I mean, she never sleeps. Like, I'll be starting to doze off until I hear her rearranging her room or cleaning the bathroom or some shit in the middle of the night."

Venus rolled her eyes at Dick's clear stupidity. "As if the rest of you aren't nocturnal."

"You guys stayed together?" Jason asked curiously, tapping his fingers on the table.

"Just for a few months, I got kicked out of my apartment when I came back from Blüdhaven" Dick shrugged, swiping at his mouth.

Bruce raised an eyebrow, addressing Jason and Dick. "You know you could've stayed here, right? Both of you."

Shifting uncomfortably, Venus hid her discomfort with her sandwich. Bruce was digging himself into a deeper hole. Couldn't he see that they wanted to get out of his shadow and build something for themselves? They're grown boys now. They can handle themselves, and as much as it may hurt Bruce, they don't need him anymore.

Dick smiled sheepishly. "Just didn't want to bug you. Plus, I'm trying to get out of the 'spoiled rich boy' stereotype."

Jason remained silent, staring at nothing. Tim cleared his throat. "Um, so you'll stay long enough for the Gotham's Children Hospital charity, right?"

"Sorry, buddy" Dick grimaced. "I really have to get out of here. Blüdhaven doesn't have a Batman, you know."

Tim turned to Venus and Jason, addressing mostly Venus, as Jason looked like he was about to kill someone. "What about you?"

Venus was about to shake her head when Bruce interrupted. "Tim helped organize it. It would mean a lot if you could make it."

"I'll be there then!" Venus said, smiling tightly. She really had better things to do, but she felt that she owed Tim after the whole Jason incident.

She saw Tim glare at Bruce accusingly and grinned to herself; there was a time when they were all one big, happy family, but good things never last, Venus supposes. It's fine. She's happy enough.

Suddenly, her phone rang loudly, causing her to noticeably jump in her seat. Jason didn't even bother to try and contain his snort. Venus shot him her best death glare before excusing herself and hurrying into another room, closing the door softly behind her. It was Jade; hopefully, she was calling because she has some sort of information on their current predicament.


"Venus! So you're not dead, I presume?" Jade's voice stayed monotone, as always, though her usual hint of careless amusement couldn't be detected.

"Oh," Venus paused, lifting a finger to her lips. "You heard about that, then?"

"Hard not to. Saw it on the news and put two and two together," Jade paused, silence hanging through the phone. "It was definitely whoever killed Crane and Dunn."

Venus frowned at the abrupt accusation. "Alright. We don't know that. That kind of stuff happens in Gotham all the time."

"You're letting your guard down, Venus. You've been with them for years; tell me this isn't something they'd do." Jade's voice was calm, and Venus mentally cursed her. She has allowed herself to relax over the years, why shouldn't she? She's safe, with friends and family by her side. She didn't think she'd ever have to deal with the likes of Sebastian Verlac ever again, the man behind it all.

Breathing silently, Venus frowned deeply at the empty room. This is exactly the kind of petty shit he'd do, or teach them to do. She could deny it all she wants, but it won't make the problem disappear.

"Fine. What's our next move?" She asked, rubbing her forehead. Wearing a seatbelt will definitely be a priority from now on.

A sigh of frustration was heard on the other side of the phone, and Venus pictured Jade pacing around her living room. "I don't know. We don't know anything about them, but they seem to know everything about you."

"We can use me as bait," Venus suggested. "Lure them out and find out what we can."

"Please," Jade scoffed. "They're the ones who taught you that. In fact, they taught you everything you know now, they practically programed your brain. They know how you think, and they certainly know who you are."

"You're feeling awfully pessimistic today," Venus spoke, running her fingers along a beautiful oil painting. "You are right, of course. There really is nothing we can do but wait. I'll just go about my life, avoid cars, and hope they attack me on the streets or something, because I will be ready."

She was met with silence for a couple of moments, before Jade spoke again. "I'll ask around, see if anyone knows anything." Venus nodded to herself, knowing that Jade was referring to her shady friends scattered along Gotham.

"And be careful," Jade added, hanging up.

Venus carefully lowered herself onto the floor, leaning her head against the wall. Shit. She should probably limit the amount of in-person contact she has with Dick, Roy, and Tim; Jason, well, she'd just hide out in her apartment with him. They could be captured and tortured, similar to the two scientists they found yesterday, if they were linked back to her. Again, the lesson Verlac taught her. Caring for someone is to create a gaping hole in your armor; a weakness. He was right, as much as Venus hated to admit it. But they also made her stronger, they give her reason to keep going, to keep living.

God, she sounds delusional. Disregarding all that cheesy shit, Venus is now the slightest bit concerned about her friend's wellbeing. And her own, but it doesn't really matter what happens to her.

A soft knock echoed through the spacious room she was in and the door opened halfway. Jason's head popped through the crack as he peered into the room. Spotting her, he strode fully into the room and closed the door behind him. He stood over Venus, a concerned yet amused expression on his face.

"You good?"

Venus nodded and furrowed her brows at the large duffel bag he carried. "What's in there?"

"Alfred gave me some medical supplies to take to-go," Jason shrugged innocently. She nodded, unconvinced.

He shouldered the bag and held his hand out. "You ready to leave?"

"Had enough of everyone?" She asked, grabbing his hand and pulling herself up.

He scoffed and pushed his hair back. "Enough to last at least another six months."

"Well, thanks for trying," Venus spoke, following him to the side of the mansion. "Lets have a chill week, yeah? I'm not trying to get into any trouble."

"Sounds good," Jason quipped, ruffling her hair. She shooed him away with a false scowl, making him chuckle lightly. "I solemnly swear to be on my best behavior." 

She narrowed her eyes at his innocent stance and Boy Scout salute. "How are we getting back anyways? You totaled the only car we had." 

"I did no such thing," Jason frowned, skipping the garage where the cars were kept. "Bruce said we could borrow his." 

He fished a set of keys from his pocket and held it up, rapidly clicking the unlock button. A chirp was heard on the other side of the garage, and they made their way through the expensive cars towards the sound. 

"I think you just stole the keys from Bruce," Venus said accusingly, her arms swinging slightly by her sides. "You don't even know which car it is." 

"I don't know what you're talking about," He replied casually, approaching a sleek, black sports car. Bruce's symbol was engraved on the door handle. The man started to mark his fancy things as his, after one too many thefts. 

Whistling lowly, he ran his hand on the roof. "Not bad." 

"Nope!" He held his hand out, his palm facing her. "You are not driving."

"But I didn't even say anything!" She whined, resting her arms on the roof of the car. 

Jason winked as he slid smoothly into the driver's seat, throwing the duffel bag into the back. "You thought it. I can still read your mind, you know."

He tilted his head slightly to the side as if he was listening to something. "'re thinking about how devilishly, devastatingly handsome I am. You're right, of course. Wipe the drool from your mouth, I don't need you staining the seats."

"You are actually a fucking idiot," Venus muttered, sliding into the passenger seat. Jason grinned widely and started the car, but eyed her expectantly. She raised her brow and glared back.

"Seatbelt?" He quipped, wagging a finger at her. Venus groaned but complied as she silently cursed him and herself. Jason switched the radio on and hummed as he navigated out of the Manor and back to the city.

Jason pressed the gas pedal harder once they were off Manor ground, smirking wickedly at the purr of the engine. Venus rolled her eyes but kept her mouth shut, in fear of ruining his little moment. Bruce wouldn't miss this car; he probably has a couple dozen of the exact same models collecting dust in that garage. 

Instead, she grabbed the duffel bag from the back seat. It was much heavier than she thought it'd be, certainly heavier than medical supplies would be. She zipped it open and found piles of tech, tools, and weapons; all of which looked to be extremely high tech. 

"Did you seriously just rob the Batcave?" Venus asked, zipping it back up. "Actually, never mind. I don't even know why I'm surprised at this point." She carefully placed it back on the backseat, handling it with much more care than Jason did. 

"I didn't play nice all day for nothing," Jason shrugged, looking as if he was greatly enjoying himself. Venus smiled to herself; despite the childishness of it, she's just glad he's happy. 

They rode in comfortable silence for a while until they reached the city. Jason spoke up: "Hey, I'm going to stop by Kelly's for a quick burger. They owe me free meals for life. You want your usual?" 

"Sure," Venus nodded, her stomach turning hungrily at the thought of food, despite the sandwich she just had. "Veggie burger with a thousand island sauce-"

"-lettuce, tomatoes, hold the pickles, with fries and a medium strawberry lemonade. Gotcha," Jason finished, winking as he pulled into the parking lot of the brightly decorated restaurant. "You stay here, I don't want anyone stealing our new ride."

They were in the shadiest part of town, where petty crime was at an all-time high, so Venus didn't protest. She nodded, touched that he somehow remembered her order. Maybe he kept flashcards. 

"Free food?" She questioned. What did Jason do to deserve a lifetime of free food?

"I stopped this guy who was trying to rob them and trash the place a couple weeks back," Jason said as he climbed out of the car. He leaned against the open door and peered at Venus, his white strands falling against his forehead. "No biggie. But I wasn't about to decline free food, that would be stupid."

She shook her head. He has undoubtedly abused that free meal plan. It was a wonder they were still in business. "Those poor people."

"Hey!" He pointed at her sternly. "Do you want food or what?" 

Venus threw her head against the headrest and shooed him away with a flick of her wrist. "Hurry up, then! I'm starving."

"Didn't you just eat?" He muttered, shutting the door and walking towards the restaurant. Venus scoffed, reaching over the counsel and pressing her palm against the steering wheel, hard. The horn blared loudly, and Jason flinched from his position at the front door. 

Chuckling lowly to herself, she sank back into the comfortable leather seats and propped her feet onto the dashboard. She fondly admired the large, neon sign on top of the restaurant; it took her back to before he died, when Kelly's would be their go-to food place. They spent countless late nights there in the corner booth after patrol, spending Bruce's money on overpriced milkshakes and tacky T-shirts. 

"Psst, Venus!" 

Venus's head swiveled to her right, peering out the car window. It wasn't Jason, his voice was much deeper. And he had only just gone inside a minute ago. 

"Over here!"

She narrowed her eyes and focused on a figure approaching through the darkness. Twiddling with her hidden dagger, Venus was ready to attack. However, she relaxed when light curly hair came into view, a sheepish smile upon the boy's face. 

Climbing gracefully out of the car, Venus met him halfway. "Ryder? What are you doing here?"

Her old friend's boyish smile widened, a scar stretching across his cheek. "I was around. I just wanted a closer look at that sweet car when I saw you. It's been forever! You haven't stopped by the cafe in a couple of days."

"Yeah, sorry. Stuff happened," She shrugged, trying her best to appear apologetic. Not to sound rude, but she definitely forgot he existed the past few days, despite their shared trauma. But it's valid, she thinks. Her boyfriend came back from the dead! That kind of shit doesn't happen everyday. 

"Understandable. Where'd you get the new ride, anyways? You didn't rob Bruce Wayne now, did you?" Ryder teased, crossing his arms. His marred left arm glimmered in the moonlight.

Venus's eye almost twitched; he hit the nail on the head, and though Venus knew he was joking, she couldn't help but feel a twist in her gut. She's just been on edge the past few days, hours. Getting rear ended by a truck and stalked will do the trick.

Recognizing her deadpan expression, he laughed easily. "Sorry. But y'know, because he's a billionaire?" 

"I'm remembering just why I've been avoiding you," Venus said dryly, a small grin on her face. "Anyways, I promise I'll see you soon, but I've gotta go." She turned and headed back to the car, stopping when he set his hand on her shoulder.

"Ever the mystery, Carter," Ryder spoke, rolling his eyes. He brightened up and gestured to the suburbs behind him. "Hey! I've got something to show you! You'll love it. Follow me!" 

He took off running towards the small buildings without another word. Venus glanced back at the restaurant and shrugged, sprinting to catch up with him. He was faster than she remembered. 

"Ryder! Can't you just show me tomorrow or something?" She complained, jogging by his side. They were both vulnerable now, and anybody could attack them at any given moment. She didn't count on Ryder being on their hit list, but now that she was actually with him, she felt stupid for not considering it.

"We really shouldn't be out this late," Venus warned. 

Ryder only quickened his pace, smirking over his shoulder. "You scared, Venus?" 

She scoffed and matched his pace, deciding that the best thing she could do was protect him. They stopped in an alleyway with a shiny motorcycle parked at the end. "This is what you wanted to show me?" 

"We're practically twins now, with our matching rides," He commented, smirk growing. She stepped forward to examine the bike. It was newer model and judging by its sleek, black paint, slim build, and detailed tires it was very, very expensive. 

"And here I thought you were broke," She called, crouching as she studied the bike. A shiny, silver symbol near the front caught her eye. Venus brushed her fingertips against the emblem, her gut freezing when she made out a cursive W only found on Wayne vehicles. 

"Ryder, where did you get this?" Venus spoke carefully, standing slowly. She turned to face him, but was met with an empty alleyway. The silence was eerie as she began to walk out of the alleyway. She kept her footsteps silent and her body on high alert, all of her senses ready for a fight. Why was Ryder always there with her when trouble struck? The boy can't hold his own to save his life. 

Streetlights shone just ten feet ahead of her. Ten more feet until she was out of the alleyway; a potential ambush waiting for her, just ten feet away. Kick some ass, rescue Ryder, get out, and eat her veggie burger. It was a wonderful plan, one that left no room for error.

Five feet away. Venus slipped her dagger into her hand, twirling it between her fingers. 

Three feet away. Shit. She forgot to tell Jason that she prefers onion rings now.

Zero feet away, with the motorcycle far behind her. Venus frowned at the empty streets, looking left and right. Where was Ryder? 

Suddenly, something hit Venus in the back of the head, hard. Her mouth opened soundlessly as her vision blurred, dagger tumbling from her fingers. She touched the back of her head tentatively, her brain frozen. She felt warm liquid stain her fingertips, the metallic smell almost unbearable.

Venus was hit again and the streetlights vanished, darkness surrounding her. 

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