The Panda And The Fox 3: Kung...

By MrsCyberpunk

25.7K 500 124

(DISCONTINUED) (This story is old, cringe worthy, and may have bad grammar and stuff. Read at your own risk) ... More

Profile #1
Profile #2
The New Masters.
Family Reunion
Palace Tour
*Authors note*
*Quick Info*
The Secret Panda Village
Love binds the heart and soul.
Late Night Comfort and Understanding's
A Truth Revealed within Green Eyes: Part One.
A Truth Revealed within Green Eyes: Part Two
Gone Too Far.
Mending a Brother's Broken Heart.
We are all Family.
A Power unleashed through grief.
*Authors Note*
A Brother's Fall to Loneliness: Part 1
*Disappointing News*

Oogway's Past

1.1K 27 10
By MrsCyberpunk

Back at the Jade Palace, Po, Yue, and the Five watching Shifu look through all the scrolls in the Jade Palace library. 

Shifu: Kai. Kai. Where is it? There's so much wisdom in here, I can't find anything. *picks up a jade scroll* Yes. Behold. All the answers will be found within.

Yue: What's with the Jade? First the Jombies now the scroll?

Mai: Well Jade is supposed to represent the heavens and immortality. Isn't it?

Feng: The fact you know that surprises me.

 Shifu: *opens scroll* What? It's blank? Are you kidding me? Not again. *Monkey, Tigress, and Crane facepalms* Wait, wait. Hold on. Sorry. Oh ok, here we go. *The others move next to Shifu.* It is written in Oogway's hand. *As he reads the scroll, Li and Mr. Ping are seen standing nearby* Long ago, I had a brother.

Monkey and Yue: Oogway had a brother?

Shifu: In arms. In arms. Sorry. He says brother in arms.

Mantis: Can you just unroll it all at once?

Shifu refuses to unroll it.

Shifu and Oogway: *in unison* I was an ambitious young warrior...

The scene cuts to 2D animation. The ink on the scroll becomes fluid, creating images as Oogway's words continue.

Oogway: ...leading a great army. And fighting by my side was Kai. My closest friend. And my most trusted pupil, a fox with fur as white as snow, eyes as green as the grassy hills, her name was Húxiān...

Cuts back to 3D.

Everyone minus Li and Mr. Ping: Húxiān!?

Feng: As in the Fox Goddess herself?!

Po: Oogway knew a Goddess?

Mantis: That same Goddess was Oogway's pupil?

Yue: I think my brain just stoped working.

Oogway: *cuts back to 2D* One day, we were ambushed. I was badly wounded. My friend and pupil carried me for days... looking for help. Until we came to a secret village, high in the mountains. An ancient place of healing. A village of pandas.

The scene cuts back to 3D animation. Everyone gasps again.

Po: Pandas?

Oogway: *off-screen* Yes, pandas.

Mai: Did anyone else hear that?

Feng: Hear what?

The scene cuts back to 2D animation.

Oogway: Pandas who used the power of chi to heal me. They taught me how to give chi. They taught Húxiān how to utilize Chi. But Kai wanted the power all to himself. He saw that what could be given could also be taken. I had to stop him. Our battle shook the Earth. Until, finally, I banished Kai to the spirit realm. Unfortunately, it came at a cost, Húxiān sacrificed herself, she gave up her life and mortality to save me, to finish of Kai in the spirit realm. Should he ever return to the mortal realm, he can only be stopped...

The scene cuts back to 3D animation.

Shifu: a true master of chi. And nine tailed Huli Jing.

Po: True master of chi?... *points at Shifu* Like you!

Shifu: Me? I can barely make a flower bloom. I'd need at least thirty more years, and a cave.

Po: Okay well *points to Yue* Your a Huli Jing!

Yue: I'm not a nine tailed one! I only got the four tails.

Mai: I thought four was an unlucky number.

Feng: Mai, shut up.

Po: Well Feng, since your Yue's biological brother, you should be one since your older. Right?

Feng: I haven't even obtained my powers yet.

Viper: We need a chi master.

Mantis: And a nine tailed Huli Jing.

Shifu: He will continue stealing the chi of masters until he has consumed it all.

Po sneaks off from Shifu and the Five. He looks at the early parts of the scroll, taking notice of the ancient pandas that could teach chi. Yue eventually joins him and looks at the scroll, looking at the picture of Húxiān.

Yue: *in her head* I wonder what happened to Húxiān after her fight with Kai, how did she become a Goddess, and what's this about "sacrificing your mortality"

Viper: We have to make a way to stop him.

Crane: Or he'll get more and more powerful with every master he defeats!

Tigress: There is no choice. We fight.

Li: I can teach you, son.

Mr. Ping gasps.

Yue: Say what now?

Feng looks at Li and he gets a suspicious look.

Po: You can do this?

Li: Well, of course. I'm a panda.

Po: That must be why the universe sent you here! Okay, so what do I have to do?

Li: You have to come home with me.

Mr. Ping: What?

Po: To the secret village?

Li: Yes, son. You must rediscover what it is to be a panda. You have to learn how to live like a panda. Sleep like a panda. Eat like a panda. Those 103 dumplings? Hmph... I was just warming up.

Po: I've always felt like I wasn't eating up to my full potential.

Mr. Ping: You can't take Po away from me. No, no, I want a second opinion. Shifu, open another scroll or something.

Shifu: I think he should go.

Mr. Ping: Fine, a third opinion. Monkey? Viper? Tigress? *looks at Yue* Yue my daughter?

She just gives him a look that says 'Don't drag me into this'

Po: Dad, you heard what Shifu said Oogway said. This guy can only be stopped by a master of chi and a nine tailed Huli Jing, and me and Yue can only master chi by knowing who we really are. Well... I'm a panda. And she's a fox, well, spiritual fox. And hey maybe we might find a nine tailed Huli Jing on the way.

Yue: Uh. Po. A word please?

Yue takes Po to the side, far enough for everyone to not be able to hear them. Almost everyone, a certain blue eyed fox was eavesdropping using his hearing.

Po: What is it sis?

Yue: Po, are you sure you want to go?

Po: What? Of course I want to go! Why wouldn't I? We need to go to stop Kai.

Yue: Don't you think it's weird that your biological dad all of a sudden exclaims he can teach you Chi, right when we we couldn't figure out what to do?

Po: Well didn't you hear him? He got sent a message from the universe to find me, he probably came here to teach me and you to master Chi.

Yue: If that was the case, why didn't he mention something sooner when we where back at the shop?

Po: Well he probably didn't get a chance to mention it, Still, Yue don't you trust me?

Yue: *surprised* What? Of course I do! I just- *hesitates to finish her sentence* look, we'll go, I'll do this for you.

Po: *smiles* Thanks sis? *hugs her*

Yue hugs him back but she frowns, she's once again doing what he says, she doesn't like it but she's doing it for him...

The siblings go back to the group with a final verdict.

Both Siblings: We're ready.

Mr. Ping: *sad* I'll pack your lunches for the road.

Feng: Then I'll come too.

Mai: Same! I always wanted to go on a journey with a Kung Fu Master.

Crane comes up to Yue with Feng giving him a death glare from afar.

Crane: Are you sure you should go? I could come with you and-

Yue: Crane. I'll be fine, I can handle myself, and besides, you need to stay to protect the valley with the Five.

Crane: *sighs* Okay fine, just stay safe.

Yue gives him a quick kiss on the cheek causing him to blush. Feng just glares with hatred.

Mai: Aw, it's true love.

Feng: Why do you support this?

Mai: Oh don't tell me your the 'protective older brother' type of guy.

The scene cuts to Po, Yue, Feng, Mai and Li hiking their way to the secret panda village. Shifu and the Five look from above on the Jade Palace.

Viper: Do you really think Po and Yue can master chi in time?

Tigress: And find a nine tailed Huli Jing in time?

Shifu: Doesn't matter what I think. It only matters what the universe thinks.

Mantis: So... that's a no?

Shifu frowns.

Crane: Master, what are we going to do?

Shifu: You are going to find out where Kai is. Follow the trail of those jade creatures, but do not engage. For with every foe he faces, Kai becomes stronger.

Crane: Why me? Is it because I asked?

Shifu: No, it is because you can fly. Go!

Mantis: Should've kept your beak shut. *laughs*

Shifu: And take Mantis.

Mantis: What? Oh man, is it because I--?

Shifu: Yes.

To Be Continued...

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