TalkQuickNotes with lauv

By Laureate_

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It can be really challenging to come up with ideas and plots, and giving them life by amazingly portraying th... More

TalkQuickNotes with lauv
@RavenKookv / SPRINGKV


72 12 3
By Laureate_

Hey, Lauv here. A warm welcome to the people who decided to take a peak at TalkQuickNotes.

Accepting one's self is the greatest ornament anyone can wear but being you isn't easy. It attain from the battle of sacrifice and hurt, pain and pressure. Today we have a beautiful soul who captured me with her personality, Ara [ AaraWynter ] let's dive into our little talk without further intro.

➽ Hello bun, Thank you so much for sparing some of your precious time for me and TalkQuickNotes. It's such a honor

- Hey! Please don't thank me!
it's an honour to talk to you. And I must say I love "TalkQuickNotes " is more unique than any other interview. No offence to others but I like your way of talking.

[ It means a lot coming from you <3 ]

➽ That means a lot. I'm quite a charmer ;) ikr !

It really means a lot.

- To me as well

➽ Can you tell me a little about yourself?

- I'm Aara, a 19-year-old openly bisexual. I'm a university student. I love to read and dance! That's pretty much it ig. I know I'm so boring.

➽ Hey boring, I'm lazy !

- Hey you joker guy! Nice to meet you 😂!

- You are funny 😄

[ Inserting all the meme faces ]

➽ You and boring don't feel right. You sounds and looks more interesting to me. I'm talking from my small experience I have with you.

- *flying in the air *

- I bet by the end of the talk I'll be over the moon!

➽ I bet 😌

When did you realise you wanted to be a writer?

- At the age of 12! I planned on writing fiction based on a true sorry and a literature book. Writing taekook ff was not part of the plan it was accidental.

➽ It's always accidental discoveries that has a grip on us. It really has a great impact

- Damn true!

➽ What was one of the most surprising things you learnt in creating your books?

- Damn, it is nerve-wracking and time-consuming!

Nerve-wracking because I always worry about the reader's opinion. I fear being misunderstood. I fear that my story might have a negative impact on readers.

Time-consuming because I struggle to find the right words. I never get satisfied with what I write in one go. I change it a hundred times. I need to change this habit of mine

- I want to bow down to all the writers ( including you ) who take out their precious time and create masterpieces that help us to escape reality. You all are not getting paid to do this and because of all the writers, Wattpad is a comfort place for many!

➽ I understand. Even though how much we say we write for ourselves, there's a point where we think about opinions. Because as you said it's easy to get misunderstood. It worry me when I see people taking characters action to their heart and take it to another level. It's fiction ( I'm not saying it's a key to do whatever you want with a character) characters can be emotionally vulnerable, they can have flaws, they may not be smart and think strategically, and it's okay, the things happen in a story, it's how the plot is planned, coordinated. And coming from different backgrounds with different beliefs and cultures, things can get complicated because we think differently. And there's always a person who has a different opinion than ours

- I agree with every word! I have started writing for myself but as I gained views I started to think about the readers, by then it was no longer for myself but my readers 💜

Things would not get complicated if people see fiction as fiction and stop comparing it with the real life, as you said there is always someone who disagrees with our views and I think it's only natural.

➽ Yes, it's natural

We are different at some point

- Yeah!

➽ Finding words to write is totally time-consuming. I understand you because I have been there too.

You are right, Wattpad is really safe place of many. Who choose to come out of their comfort zones to unleash the writer's in them and for the readers like me to who find solace in reading

- You're forgetting the fact that I'm a reader too!!

➽ I don't dare to but to me, you are always a writer than a reader

- Wow that's - Thank you for saying that
You made my day ❤️

➽ Talking to you is all my pleasure bun

- it's illegal you are making me blush 😳

➽ You are the cutest <3

- 🙈

➽ I think I talk a lot 🙈

[ I get excited easily //]

- And I'm loving it, it's been a long since I had a conversation like this and you're cute 💜

➽ Yeah cute 🙈 who talks non- stop

Moving forward, what are the key challenges you faced when you started writing here?

- As I mentioned earlier I always worry about the impact of my story on the readers. That's the only challenge for me. Maybe I'm overthinking but from my point of view the majority of the readers are teenagers and the things they take in now are going to impact them in future. ( look who is talking! I'm one of them too 😂)

➽ Your worries are valid. Because looking from a point, I was one of the reader who took books as a life lesson. Sometimes it does has a impact on our life. It helps, heal, relax but another time we have to leave it as a fiction. Books and characters has this complex meaning that we need to choose which path we have to cross.

- I'm glad you understood me.

- I read a story where cheating and marital rape were forgiven so easily and it got me thinking for days like they say a person can be forgiven if he truly changes but that doesn't mean he should not be punished for his deeds. I was a silent reader back then but I read the comments which said "everything is fair for love " like tf?

➽ Idk who said that but I don't believe so. Cheating or marital rape, it shouldn't seen as a minor issue and having a bad day, bad past, or any other reason doesn't make it right and forgiving

- Well, that's true! I can't argue with that

➽ Moving forward, what in your opinion are the most important elements of good writing?

- Oh, that's a tough question! From the reader's pov when it comes to fiction it should have a good storyline, character development, a good amount of angst but not too much and a happy ending.
The plot twist is not necessary from my pov but when it comes to a thriller it's the heart of the story so yeah. I think these

➽ That's such a great way of answering. And i agree with you. Plot twists aren't necessary but a pace and good character development in most of the stories.

Coming to the next part, how much world building takes place before you start writing?

- I make notes! Like seriously I have a book that is filled with the notes related to my stories on Wattpad.

When I think about a story I will pen down the storyline briefly then come to the characters, I write key points about how they should be portrayed and all and then the twist. Then I imagine the whole story in my mind and then I break the story into chapters and start writing.

➽ That's great. It's nice to have a plan.

Even with all of the planning, story or scenes can be different from what you planned at the beginning. Writing can be emotionally draining at times like that. How do you deal with emotional impact of a book ( on yourself ) as you are writing the story?

- That's so true. Sticking to what we planned earlier is also not easy.

- To be honest I imagine myself in the shoes of every character in my story. Idk about other writers but this is my habit I can say? And sometimes I imagine the things that happened to the characters are happening to me. This affects me emotionally but I come out of it as soon as I distract myself. Mostly I listen to good music and dance it makes me forget everything. or I read my favourite books which distract me instantly

And as a reader if I read a sad ending I would think about it for days and literally cry. I'm an emotional person. It takes days for me to forget sad endings but then again it also reminds me that the world is not always rainbows and unicorns.

➽ I can relate to this to an extent. How we looks or say, at the end of the day, we are just creatures with bunch of emotions

- So true!

➽ Inspiration comes from different kind of elements. What inspired you to write your first story?

- My inspiration came from a story on Wattpad
It's "My silent beauty " by sodashar She is also one of my inspirations for writing. I love that story so much.

- But the biggest secret is I never published my first story. It was in my draft I wish I could have published it sooner

➽ She's a gem and her stories too.

[ Ara first reached out for me with a request of interviewing sodashar, it was our first ever conversation. With her admiration, I reached out to read the books and fell in love just the same. Her fan girl self is really adorable to be honest :) ]

➽ It doesn't matter if you publish here or somewhere. You might get chance to showcase your talent somewhere else with more opportunities. Keep your passion close. Only you can rewrite what's written for you, written by you.

- Thank you so much for saying that it means a lot 🥺💜

➽ Don't thank me. Talent always find a way

What's most difficult thing about writing characters from the opposite sex?

- I didn't find any difficulty in writing characters of the opposite sex. My brother always says I don't behave like a girl at all. He didn't mean that stereotypically because I love to do what people think that "men " like to do. So maybe that's the reason? Idk if this makes any sense

- For an example, I love to work out, I don't think twice before punching a guy and getting into a fight

so 😅

- My dad always taught me that emotions are the same for every human irrespective of the gender so this helped me too

➽ That's great. Not that punching lol [ I know what you mean tho ] we should explore everything without the gender barriers

- That's what I meant and coming to punching someone I can't tolerate if anyone bullying and I only punch the bad guys ☹️

➽ yeah I get it

And talking about your father, He's a gem ❣️ Man or woman, feelings are the same. We feel hurt, so they. Crying over something doesn't make a man less than a person. To be honest, someone needs to be strong enough, courageous enough to show emotions to others.

- I wish everyone to understand that

➽ That's kind of luxury. Hopefully we will able to afford in near future

Coming to the next part, has writing books changed the way you see yourself?

- Nope 😅

➽ What books or authors have most influenced you in your life?

- "The power of now " and "The courage to be disliked "
These two books have huge influence on me a lot and also helped me in coming out as bisexual

➽ I'm really proud of you bun, you are proud of your sexuality there's no other crown than acknowledging and accepting our own self. I'm glad those books helped you. It's true that books does have magic in them.

- Thank you 🥺 You're going to make me cry rn 😭

➽ I'm being serious here. I know accepting and coming out isn't easy. It's not an obligation to come out but when you do you, things get a lot more complicated in the society we both live in. You are strong, I really admire you for that.

- That's so true! I have lost many friends after coming out. But I don't regret anything, it's who I'm. I would love to be me than to pretend to be someone else. I may have fewer people around me due to this but I don't mind keeping my circle small 😁

➽ Isn't it nice ? That now you know who was true and who was fake?

Keep who you have now close, because they understand you better than who left

- Yes, it is! But what breaks my heart is some people just left because it was against their beliefs! I don't want to make anything controversial but I was truly hurt.

- I come from an Orthodox family, it was against our beliefs too but my family accepted me

➽ Yeah I understand. I came from a orthodox family. And my family has this fixed beliefs. I respect theirs and they respect mine. Respect doesn't mean they are understanding my thoughts but they do respect. I know beliefs are a big part of everyone's life but there should be respect our choices too.

- That's my point!

➽ I'm glad you have supportive family with you. I know it hurts when people whom we thought was everything in our life leave but that's how the life is, so cruel, has no mercy. Take it as a lesson. Be proud of who you are

- I learned that!

➽ <3

Taekook and their pure bond has been inspiring a lot of people nowadays. What advice would you give a new writer. Someone just starting out?

- My advice for new writers would be to believe in yourself. You don't need to use rich vocabulary for writing a story. Simple words would do the job as well. If you have a good storyline then just pen down your imagination. Don't worry about the reads and votes. Don't give up in the middle. Don't let toxic people get you.

➽ Thank you so much<3 and it's for you too, no one knows what you are capable of, only you. Don't stop till you reach your destination and when you do that find another one

- Thank you for the advice. I will keep that in mind.

➽ <3

And that bring us to the end of this interview. Thank you so much Ara, I had a wonderful time with you

- Me too! I liked talking with you. Thank you
It's an honour! ❤️


Ara was the first person who reached out for me to interview her favourite writer and from there we had a great time talking and found her interesting self. I never got a chance to meet her through her books but got a chance to learn about her passion, writing, thoughts as a interviewer and a fellow wattpadian. It was great time I had with her. The interview wasn't planned at all, were were causally talking and i dropped my thoughts suddenly which kinda shocked her but again my curious self wanted to know many things through her perspectives and I'm glad she agreed. It was a great talk we had, it always precious and exciting to talk our minds out.

She made me proud with her confidence in sexuality. I'm not saying it's a must to come out. It's yours to acknowledge and accept. You don't have to come out to anyone. I don't see any heterosexuals doing that but again, my point is, embrace yourself. At the end of the day, all you have is you. You'll definitely have yourself without betrayal.

Thank you so much <3

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