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By Rubberduckz84

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All her life, Ophelia Wood has played third fiddle to her more popular brothers - Duncan and Oliver. Both wer... More

Author's Note
The Big News
To the Dragons
Let's Get Down to Business
Getting Closer
Confusion and Beaus
Once a Player
Together at Last
Mountains Out of Molehills
Just Say I Love You
The Thing About Love
No Good at Goodbyes
Back to the Grind
Taking the Mickey
An Afternoon at the Burrow
Taking the Plunge
The Final Pitch
Dragon Tamer of my Heart

An Afternoon with the Woods

402 11 0
By Rubberduckz84

Mature Content Warning - You know the drill...

Ophelia couldn't help but be nervous as she and Charlie made their way down the path to the house where she grew up in a small village nestled in the Highlands. Outside of Hogwarts and her flat, it was the only home she had ever known. It was on the outskirts of the village along a small lane of magical folk, though the main village itself was muggle.

She stopped at the doorstep, gulping slightly as she stared at the door. It wasn't so much that she was afraid – she had never truly been afraid of her parents, even when she was in trouble – but she was concerned. There was no telling what madness would be lying on the other side of the door now that she was bringing a man home to meet (well, not so much meet in this case, but same concept) the family.

"Surely this isn't that bad," Charlie said from her side.

She looked over at him, jealous that he was far more at ease than she was. Part of her thought they shouldn't take an afternoon off from work; there was still far too much to do on the proposal. But Charlie assured her they would be fine. Besides, part of this was work. They would head out to Hebrides after lunch.

But that wasn't the source of her agitation. It was her family. She wasn't completely sure what they would face.

"Right," Ophelia said, pushing the door open before she lost her nerve and turned back around. "Mam! Da!"

"Ah, there ye are!" Davina Wood said as she stepped into the living room, a towel in her hands.

She quickly wiped her hands and walked over to hug Ophelia, though she was smiling at Charlie over her shoulder. She then stepped over and hugged him as well.

"So good to see ye, Charlie. It's been such a long time."

"You as well, Mrs. Wood," he said politely.

"Pssh, it's Davina," she said, stepping back from him. "Ye've certainly grown up."

She then looked over and winked at Ophelia, whose cheeks turned pink.

"Ah, when I heard Charlie Weasley was comin' today, nearly didnae believe it," her father Fergus boomed as he walked in, his eyes twinkling.

He was a large man - tall and broad like her brothers - and Ophelia supposed she should be grateful that he had chosen to be happy about Charlie, rather than try to intimidate him.

"Especially when I heard he was comin' with wee Phillie here," Fergus continued.

"Da," Ophelia whined, though Fergus paid her no heed, walking over to shake Charlie's hand. She was now unsure if she liked this approach any better.

"Good to see you again, Mr. Wood," Charlie said, ever the charmer.

"As with my lovely wife, it's Fergus. And at this point, ye are practically family as it is," he said, grinning.

Ophelia grimaced, not sure she wanted to know where he was going with that. He then stepped over and hugged Ophelia.

"Happy to hear ye looked after my youngest in Romania. Save her from any dragons, did ye?" Fergus said. Ophelia just frowned at her father.

"Actually, she was the one rescuing me," Charlie said, smiling. "Got me out of the way before a Hebridean Black could roast me." Fergus' eyes widened as he looked at Ophelia. "Got a lovely scar from her efforts."

"WHAT!?" Duncan shouted as he bounded into the room.

Ophelia huffed and rolled her eyes. Of course, this would be the one time he showed up early.

"Ye said nothin' about that!"

"Probably because I knew ye'd lose yer heid," she muttered, though Charlie chuckled.

Duncan frowned at him. Whatever goodwill they had built up the other night was now clearly gone as Duncan decided - yet again - to be unhappy that his friend was dating his younger sister.

"Ye were supposed to be lookin' out for her!" he shouted.

"I made no such promise, Duncan," Charlie said. "Though I did my best. Phillie's got a mind of her own, as I'm sure you know."

Mr. and Mrs. Wood laughed loudly as Duncan continued to glare at his friend.

"Och, we gonna stand around all day or eat?" Oliver asked, walking into the room.

Well bugger, they were both early. But Ophelia couldn't help but feel grateful for Oliver and his never-ending pit of a stomach in that moment.

"Come on, then. Lunch is ready," Mrs. Wood said amiably. "And then ye can tell us about Romania. I'm eager to hear all about it."

They all sat down to lunch and Ophelia was happy that things settled down, though Duncan continued to frown at Charlie throughout the meal. Ophelia barely got a word in as her parents peppered Charlie with question after question about the dragon reserve and Ophelia's time there. She had to admit, he was rather good with parents. Or maybe it was because they already knew each other so well.

"So, ye're helpin' Phillie here wi' the proposal," Fergus said.

"Yes, sir. Though she doesn't much need the help," Charlie said, flashing her a smile. Ophelia felt her cheeks heat up slightly.

"Och, I need all the help I can get," she said. "Two weeks and three people. Not nearly enough. He's been helpin' loads."

Though she turned her attention to her plate, she didn't miss the look that passed between her parents. Merlin, Charlie complained that his mother would be planning the wedding; she was fairly sure her mother was already doing the same.

"So, once they get Hebrides up, ye thinkin' of relocatin'?" Fergus asked, causing Ophelia to choke on her drink.

She glanced at Charlie, the thought not really crossing her mind until that moment. They hadn't even discussed it themselves.

"Perhaps, though would have to be offered a spot first," Charlie said, the red starting up his neck.

Ophelia's eyes widened slightly as a smile tugged at her lips. She had to admit, now that it was mentioned, she wouldn't mind it if he moved to Hebrides. Certainly, far closer than Romania.

"Could get ye to some matches then," Oliver said, smiling.

Duncan was glaring at Charlie though at this point Ophelia wasn't so sure why he was still upset. He had loads of time to get used to the fact she and Charlie were dating.

"Would love to. Been an age since I've been to a game," Charlie said. "Saw you lot were doing well this season..."

Never in her life had Ophelia been grateful for quidditch. But she breathed a bit easier when they settled into talking about Puddlemere and the season, rather than Charlie moving to Scotland. Though she knew it was something they would talk about eventually.

It no doubt would come up with his own family if it hadn't already, she was sure. For his part, Charlie seemed happier discussing quidditch and she was keen to keep it going, even joining here and there. Duncan also finally joined the conversation, seeming to once again become comfortable with Charlie being there. Merlin, his back and forth was enough to give Ophelia whiplash.

But thankfully, lunch was coming to an end and she was grateful to get out of the house and up to Hebrides. If anything, to get away from the knowing looks her parents were giving her and Charlie.

"While yer here, we should do a pick-up match," Oliver said. "Dare say we could get Phillie up in the air."

Duncan snorted as he reached for another piece of cake.

"Ye remember the last time we did that? Could barely stay on her broom," he said, grinning cheekily at her.

"I was no that bad," she shot back defensively. "No that great either, but I did stay on my broom more than ye are sayin'."

Charlie chuckled and sat his arm on the back of her chair, a move that didn't go unnoticed by the rest of her family. Suddenly, she felt like their relationship was on display as she squirmed slightly. Even if it was just her family.

"Aye, she's no that bad," Fergus said. "Not everyone can play professional quidditch, though surely Charlie here would have had a good chance."

"I'm not so sure about that," Charlie said, a humble expression on his face. "Though flying does come in handy sometimes with my work. But yea, I would be up for a match while I'm here. Sure, George and Bill would be interested as well."

"We'll work it out. Phillie could be a cheerleader," Oliver said, winking at her. Ophelia just rolled her eyes.

"Ophelia can play if she wants," her mother said firmly, glaring at her two sons. This was a conversation they had had way more than once. Her brothers leaving her out and her parents shouting at them to let her play.

"Anyone care about what I want to do?" Ophelia asked.

"You want to play?" Charlie asked, looking down at her.

"Maybe," she said, not really wanting to, but also not wanting to back down in front of her brothers.

Oliver was smiling smugly at her, before shooting Duncan a look.

Fucking hell, they were planning something, she knew it. In fact, they had been getting along all lunch which told her they most definitely were in on something together. They mostly got along when it came to something involving her - whether it was pestering the ever-loving life out of her or going after some bloke that had slighted her.

Ophelia wasn't sure she wanted to stick around long enough to find out just what this was.

"Well, it's been lovely, but Charlie and I have somewhere to be," she said, pulling her napkin from her lap and placing it on the table.

"So soon? But we havnae brought out the good stuff!" her father boomed, obviously disappointed they were leaving.

"Aye, stay a bit longer," her mother encouraged.

"And just why is it yer so eager to be off?" Oliver asked, grinning. Ophelia blushed as she rolled her eyes.

"We're goin' to look at Hebrides," she stated. "For the proposal. And then we've got more work to do."

She was slightly tempted to stick her tongue out at him but refrained. Charlie chuckled at her side.

"Yes, it has been a wonderful afternoon, but we should get out there soon so that we're back before sundown," he said.

Everyone stood from the table as Charlie thanked the Woods for the meal and they started for the door.

"Just be safe!" Oliver shouted out, Ophelia's eyes going wide at the insinuation behind the words.

She heard a thwack and turned around to see just who had smacked him. It was her mother, who was frowning at him, while Duncan's face had gone white. Fergus had buried his face in his tea mug, not wanting to acknowledge what Oliver had just said.

"See ye later!" Ophelia shouted as she then grabbed Charlie's arm and dragged him out of the house, mortification flowing through her. "I'm gonna kill him."

"Wasn't that bad. Well... at least not until the end," Charlie said. Ophelia frowned at him. "And really, you know George is worse."

Ophelia just huffed slightly as they started down the path, pulling her wand out.

"Let's just go before anyone else in there gets any other bright ideas," she muttered.

"Fine by me. Hold on..."

When Ophelia opened her eyes, they were standing at the top of a hill, the sea breeze blowing her hair slightly. She couldn't speak for a moment, taking in the rolling landscape before her. Charlie had taken them to the largest of the small grouping of islands that had housed the previous reserve.

She could see a few structures still up, but she wasn't completely sure where the main camp had been. Either way, it still took her breath away. There was something about home, she decided, though Romania had been beautiful in its own way.

"Beautiful, isn't it?" she asked, looking over at Charlie.

He had a bit of a dazed look on his face as he looked over the island and then down at her, nodding.

"I've never seen it before," he said. Ophelia smiled and took his hand, starting to walk down the hill.

"Well, this is just one of three islands the old reserve was set up on. Plenty of space and there are more islands nearby that we could use, should we need to expand," she explained. "As ye ken, the proposal would have us startin' out on these three and we can build it up over time."

They fell into comfortable silence as they walked, though eventually Ophelia stopped and pulled a map out of her bag, looking it over and then up. She then pointed in a direction where the camp had been, the two setting off again.

When they finally reached the main camp area, she was surprised to see a few of the buildings still there, though they were a bit worse for wear.

"Not so bad," Charlie said, coming to a stop. "Think most of this could be renovated. You wouldn't need to start from scratch completely."

"Aye, I agree," Ophelia said, looking around. It was a bit difficult, but she was trying to imagine it as it had once been.

"This... looks like it was the main building," Charlie said, pointing over to the largest building.

He walked over, Ophelia following. Carefully, they made their way across the rundown porch and into the building. Light poured in from several holes in the ceiling.

"Think you could get a new roof on it easily. Upgrade the kitchen and all."

Ophelia didn't answer, just followed him back outside.

"Over there... that's a nice space for a hatchery. Could do a bigger one than in Romania," he said, pointing in another direction.

Ophelia studied the look on his face, seeing he had a far-off expression. She looked over at the space, following him as he walked to it, still explaining how the hatchery would look.

In a manner of seconds, it was as though the building had sprung up before her, plank by plank. As they walked around the plot, she could see the stalls for the eggs. The heaters that would keep the place warm and toasty. Where the wee-uns could stay until they were big enough to move out into the wild of the island.

They continued on, Charlie pointing out where the cabins would go and a general store. A clinic for the tamers and another for the most injured dragons. He then stopped and looked up at a hill that overlooked the entire camp.

"There," he said, pointing up at it. "That's the perfect place for a house. Large porch so you could sit out there at night or in the morning and you'd get the perfect view of the entire reserve."

His blue eyes were lit up with excitement as he gazed up at the hill and Ophelia could see it. A quaint little house with large windows and a large porch. She then looked up at the sky, almost seeing a dragon flying overhead. Looking around at the land around her, she felt excitement building. It was almost as though the picture Charlie had painted for her had come to life.

She could see tamers walking about, going on their day. People going in and out of the main hall and clinic. Perhaps even guests coming to see the dragons.

It was amazing.

And for the first time since she had started on this project, she didn't feel overwhelmed. She felt as though it was just at her fingertips and she wanted nothing more than to follow through. To bring everything Charlie had just said to life.

"You see it, don't you?" Charlie asked.

She looked up at him, seeing his bright blue eyes fixed on her. She couldn't speak, only nod. She then looked away, the intensity in his eyes almost too much to bear.

"It's beautiful," she said softly, the only thing that could come to mind. "It's goin' to be a lot of work, but Merlin, I can see it."

She felt Charlie's hand in her own and she looked down as their fingers intertwined. She then looked back up at him.

"If anyone can do it, it's you, Phillie," he said softly, pulling her closer to him. She blushed slightly but didn't shy away. "Already you're doing so much."

"I've got help," she said, looking away.

Charlie reached out and gently touched her cheek, guiding her to look up at him. She could see the heat building in his eyes.

"True, but you are doing a large part of the work," he said. "Never underestimate yourself, Phillie. When this succeeds, it's because of you." Ophelia couldn't look away as he pulled her against him. "You've got a true passion for this reserve. For the dragons that you'll save. It takes heart to do this work, and you've got plenty of that."

Ophelia held her breath slightly as he bent down to her, taking her lips in a tender kiss that still managed to set her veins aflame in the way that only Charlie could do. She found herself wrapping her arms around his neck, opening her lips to him. She felt his grip tightening on her waist.

Finally, Ophelia pulled away, taking a deep breath. Charlie smiled down at her.

"Do ye need to go back to the Burrow tonight?" she asked, a coy smile on her face. Charlie chuckled softly and shook his head.

"No... not tonight."

They had barely arrived in Ophelia's flat when Charlie's lips were on hers and then everywhere, his calloused hands yanking her jacket off and then her shirt up and tossing it aside. They were moving back towards her room, though neither really watching where they were going, bumping into things here and there.

Ophelia couldn't help but chuckle as her back ran into the door frame and she looked up at Charlie, slightly breathless from all the kisses. She then yanked his own shirt up and pulled it off, taking a moment to admire his bare chest as she ran her fingers over it.

Charlie then took her lips with his again, easily lifting her up. Ophelia wrapped her legs around him as he walked over to her bed and then laid her down. They barely parted long enough for him to pull her trousers off and then work on his own.

It had been just over a week since they had last been together, but Ophelia could feel the same urgency coursing through as was him. Once he was out of his trousers, he laid out on top of her, pressing his body against hers as a soft moan escaped her lips. His hands were everywhere again - running up her sides, across her stomach, pulling her breasts out of her bra. She arched against him before pulling him closer, rubbing against him.

Without breaking the kiss, they rolled over and Ophelia sat up, pushing her hair out of her face as Charlie ran his hands up her sides and then around her back, undoing her bra then tossing that aside as well. He then sat up, taking one nipple into his mouth as she tossed her head back, reveling in the sensations coursing through her body. Charlie wrapped one arm around her waist, pulling her closer to him as she began to roll her hips against his. She could easily feel his arousal and knew that her panties were likely soaked through.

Just thinking about him was enough to get her wet, it seemed, though part of that was likely the fact they hadn't yet been able to be together like this despite the fact he had been in Britain a few days now. The anticipation had been building all week, that was for sure.

Charlie moved to her other breast as his other hand began playing with her nipple and his other cupped her arse, squeezing and then urging her to continue moving against him.

Ophelia took a deep breath and then pushed him back, crawling off him a moment. Charlie looked at her in want as she slowly slid her panties down, and then a beautiful grin spread across his face as he managed to get out of his briefs. She then crawled back on him, kissing him as she reached down and began to stroke his cock. A low growl rumbled through his chest.

"Phillie," he murmured against her lips, starting to move her into position.

"No," she said. He backed away from her in confusion, but Ophelia just smiled as she pushed him down onto the bed and then bent down and began kissing down his chest, still stroking.

She wasn't sure what possessed her to want to do this - it wasn't as though she was an expert by any means - but wanted to do something to make Charlie feel as good as he made her feel.

"Phillie, what-" his words were cut off by a moan as she ran her tongue down his length and then back up.

She looked up, noticing that his eyes had slid shut as he bucked involuntarily. She couldn't help but smile as she wrapped her lips around his tip, sucking gently. He was a bit wider than she thought she could take, but she was committed now that she had started, bobbing her head down as far as it could go before slowly moving back up, sucking along the way.

"Fuck, Phillie," he groaned.

She chuckled and found him squirming more at the sensation. He thrust into her mouth, urging her to continue though he couldn't speak. She continued on, sucking his cock in a steady rhythm, her hand sliding behind her mouth.

Charlie continued to moan as she started picking up her pace, his fingers tangling themselves in her hair as his breathing became harder. She was now moving at a faster pace, reaching down to massage his balls, which had him grunting more.

He then reached out and pulled her off him. Her eyes widened, thinking he had been enjoying it and wondering if she had done something wrong. He only gave her a lust-filled smile as he pulled her up and then rolled on top of her, attacking her neck with kisses and nips. She felt him position himself at her entrance.

"As amazing as that is, I don't want to cum in your mouth," he murmured into her ear. "And I want to feel you around me when you cum..."

She gasped in ecstasy as he slid inside her, the way made easy with how wet she was. Ophelia arched her back, her chest rubbing against his as he thrust in and out. Her hands roamed his large back as he continued to suck her neck and then her earlobe, hitting every spot that drove her wild.

At first she had been able to keep up with him, but the more wild he drove her, the harder it was to think about anything but the pleasure building up inside her, her own hips now moving erratically. He then reached down and Ophelia couldn't help but cry out as his fingers found her sensitive clit, massaging it as he continued to thrust. She brought her leg up, wrapping it around him and wanting to feel him completely filling her.

Charlie was now pounding in her, a sheen layer of sweat covering both of them as he kissed her lips again, his tongue diving into her mouth in much the same fashion as his cock. She could feel herself starting to near the crest of her impending orgasm as her legs began shaking in anticipation. He was going deep inside her now, hitting the sensitive spot in her depths. That combined with his fingers had her going wild.

"Charlie!" she cried out as her orgasm swept through her like a wave, lighting up every nerve in her body.

He grunted loudly and then gasped as he spilled out in her depths, his thrusts now shallower. He then stopped and looked down at her, a delirious smile on his face as he kissed her and then rolled to his side.

He began lazily running his fingers up down her arm, almost as though he was memorizing the feel of her scar. She took a few moments to catch her breath, staring deep into his eyes.

It was just on the tip of her tongue to say those three words she had been dying to say since the day she left Romania. But still, she couldn't. As near perfect as this moment was, she didn't feel as though the time was right.

So instead she leaned over and kissed him, then settled into his arms. There was plenty of time for that.

I love that Hebrides scene... so much...

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