Like Fire to Kindle

By Rubberduckz84

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All her life, Ophelia Wood has played third fiddle to her more popular brothers - Duncan and Oliver. Both wer... More

Author's Note
The Big News
To the Dragons
Let's Get Down to Business
Getting Closer
Confusion and Beaus
Once a Player
Together at Last
Mountains Out of Molehills
Just Say I Love You
No Good at Goodbyes
Back to the Grind
An Afternoon with the Woods
Taking the Mickey
An Afternoon at the Burrow
Taking the Plunge
The Final Pitch
Dragon Tamer of my Heart

The Thing About Love

363 13 0
By Rubberduckz84

Ophelia stood at the table, double checking the last of the supplies in her bag. The rest of the weekend had passed by in a blur of fishing, hiking and spending time in Charlie's arms. Despite her realization - and the subsequent fear that it brought - she hadn't been able to actually speak to him about it.

However, it didn't detract from how magical the weekend had been. Regardless of the slight fear when it came to falling in love, in true Charlie fashion, he had gotten her to relax and enjoy the time they had together. And they kept to their word - neither brought up the future, though it was looming ever closer.

So close that when she was alone, it was all Ophelia could think about.

But now it was back to work. She needed to push her muddled thoughts on love, Charlie and the future aside for the time being. She was about to go out into the wild and care for dragons, after all. One needed to remain focused lest she end up seriously injured.

"Well, well, how was your little rendezvous this weekend?"

Ophelia glanced over her shoulder, watching as Lazlo walked into the supply shed, a smug grin on his face. She sighed heavily and returned to her task, ready to get out of there.

"Fine," she said dryly, thoroughly ready to be away from Adara's little minion.

She wasn't exactly sure what his game was in all this or why he would care about her and Charlie. She had made it clear long ago that whether she had started dating Charlie or not, she most definitely was not interested in Lazlo.

"See it was more than fine," he said, now standing at her side and gazing down at her. Ophelia glanced at him and continued checking her bag.

"We just went campin'," she said tensely, sliding the last bit of gauze into her knapsack and shutting it.

"Let me guess... he took you to Dragon's Head, didn't he?" Lazlo said.

Ophelia froze for a moment but then slid the knapsack on her back. She didn't dignify it with an answer, knowing he was only trying to get under her skin. It was likely all the other tamers knew about the ridge - it wasn't as though Charlie owned it or anything.

"Beautiful view, isn't it?"

"It is," she said, turning to walk away.

"He told you the story about it, didn't he? Waited until the sun had gone down and the stars came out before enchanting you further?" Lazlo asked. Ophelia slowed and stopped, turning to face him as she frowned. "It's what he does with all of them, you know? Adara... the interns... He takes them all there for one last romantic weekend away."

Ophelia swallowed, reminding herself that it wasn't true. That Lazlo was only playing Adara's game and that Charlie wasn't like that. He had told her himself that he hadn't ever take anyone there with him, which she firmly believed from the way he got nervous telling her. It was a place of solace and comfort, and he had wanted to share it with her.

But... how did Lazlo know about all that? Lazlo grinned at her from where he was leaning against the worktable. He pushed off it and stalked towards her.

"Oh, sweet little Ophelia," he said, reaching out to tuck a stray hair behind her ear. She flinched and pulled her head back away from him. "You really believe everything he's telling you, don't you? So naive..."

"Ye don't know anythin' about me or Charlie," she spat, glaring at him. "Besides, I cannae understand why ye even care."

Lazlo chuckled as he leaned towards her, his face so close she could feel his breath on her cheek. Ophelia backed up slightly, not appreciating the invasion to her personal space.

"I just don't want to see you get hurt... Driven mad by your very own Hamlet," he said lightly, though the glint in his eyes told her he cared about anything but. "They all think that they're the only one he's cared about and that it'll be them and Charlie Weasley forever. But it's simply not the case. I'm trying to save you, really."

"No, ye're not," she said, still glaring at him. "And Charlie's no Hamlet."

"But isn't he? Though instead of obsessed by revenge, the only thing he cares about are dragons," Lazlo replied. Ophelia didn't reply, just scowled at him.

Lazlo stared down at her a moment before gripping her arms and spinning her around so that she was pinned against the table, his body pressing up against hers. Ophelia's eyes widened as the breath left her.

"And... perhaps I do have a bit of a vested interest in this," he said, looking her up and down.

Ophelia's eyes narrowed as she met his gaze, disgust rolling around in her stomach.

"And ye think this is the way to get me?" she asked with a snort. "I'm leavin' soon. And when I leave, I'll still be with Charlie. But I'll never be with ye."

She shoved him back and pushed past him.

"I may not get you, but I certainly know that it'll never work out with Charlie," he called out with a harsh laugh.

Ophelia stopped for a moment and looked over her shoulder at him before turning and striding out of the shed, her head held high.

She wasn't about to let him see that his words had gotten to her. She and Charlie had talked about this. She knew that he wasn't going to forget her when she left, that they were going to try and make this work - regardless of whatever past he may have had. But she couldn't help as a sliver of worry slipped in.

Even though they had said they would try, that they wanted to make it work, that was no guarantee that it would. What if the distance was too much? What if it was true that the only thing Charlie cared about was dragons and he would soon forget about her? Give up?

Shaking her head, she continued on, looking for Charlie. They needed to get to work.

"He cares about ye. About this," she scolded herself. "Ye'll make it work... ye are in love with him, ye git, or did ye forget about that?"

Ophelia's inner rant continued until she found Charlie waiting for her in front of his cabin - where they were set to meet. He wasn't facing her, his back tense. But just the sight of him sent relief through her and a smile came over her face.

Lazlo was just trying to get to her, that was all. None of it was true. Everything would be fine.

"Hey," she said softly, reaching out for his arm.

Charlie flinched slightly at her touch, which she found a bit odd, but then he turned and saw her, his warm, familiar smile coming over his face.

"Ready?" he asked. Ophelia nodded.

"Let's go."

As the couple worked on Rupert, Ophelia couldn't help but think that something was off with Charlie. While he was always focused around dragons, he was a bit quieter this time. Wasn't smiling as much or jesting around. Like he usually did. A bit of worry settled in her stomach as she went through a long list of what could be wrong. Maybe he didn't sleep well?

No, couldn't be it. She stayed with him last night and he had slept like a log. Perhaps bad news from home? But he would tell her if something was wrong with his family, this she knew.

They finished with Rupert and were now making their way to Colonel's cave and she still was no closer to finding out what had him pensive.

"Is everything alright, Charlie?" she finally asked, reaching for his hand.

He pulled his away and then stopped, shaking his head slightly as a tense smile filled his face. He reached down and took her hand, squeezing it.

"I'm fine," he said, his voice slightly strained.

"Ye sure? Ye dinnae look or sound fine," she replied, pushing him to tell her what was the matter.

"I'm fine," he said, this time a bit firmly.

"Very well," she said with a sigh, her brow furrowed.

Something most definitely was wrong. But what?

She then thought back to what Lazlo had told her. He took every witch to the ridge. She couldn't help as the weekend lost a bit of its luster, though just as furiously, she told herself that it wasn't true. That Charlie had been telling her the truth when he said that he only went there alone.

That she was the only other person he had taken there with him.

"Charlie," she started, though she wasn't sure what to say next.

Part of her wanted to push it aside, to not let it get to her. To show him that she did truly trust him even if he hadn't been there to witness the interaction with Lazlo. But the worry and fear were starting to build up.

Charlie stopped and looked down at her, now sensing that something was off with her.

"What, Ophelia?" he asked.

She looked up at him, a bit confused as to why he appeared hurt. She shook her head and smiled.

"Nothin', it's fine," she said.

He stared at her a moment longer and then turned back to the path ahead of them, a heavy sigh on his lips.

Ophelia frowned as they continued walking in silence. Just last night everything had been fine. Wonderful. They spoke openly and easily with each other. How did she allow one silly, stupid conversation with Lazlo turn everything on its head?

"How was your chat with Lazlo?" Charlie then suddenly asked.

Ophelia glanced over at him, her eyebrows raised slightly. He had seen them? Was that what had him upset? Bloody hell, that was easily fixed.

Relief filled her slightly now that she at least knew why he was upset.

"He's a bloody tosser," she grumbled. Charlie glanced down at her. "Willnae miss him when I leave." She then glanced up at him nervously. "Ye ken... I dinnae take what he says to heart..."

Charlie didn't reply, though his jaw clenched slightly. She couldn't help but frown. What was his problem? She just told him that she didn't believe anything Lazlo had told her. Granted, she was still struggling a bit with it, but that was something for her to figure out on her own, she supposed.

She didn't want to have to constantly beg Charlie for reassurance.

"We're here," Charlie said, directing her focus on Colonel's cave. They stopped and Charlie let go of her hand, moving towards the cave in a steady stride.

The large dragon popped his head out of the cave entrance, his violet eyes fixed on Charlie as his body remained still. Immediately, Ophelia could see clearly that the dragon was not having a good day. What she didn't understand was why Charlie didn't.

"Charlie," she called out, gripping her wand tightly. "Think ye should-"

"I think I know what I'm doing," Charlie said sternly, cutting her off.

Ophelia continued watching Colonel as the dragon lifted its head, his eyes fixed on Charlie. Normally he was gentler with Colonel, approaching him slowly and with a smile and light words, coaxing him out of the cave. Right now, he was practically storming up to him.

Ophelia started after Charlie, knowing she was going to have to stop him or do something before Colonel struck.

"Seriously, Charlie. Can ye no see that he's agitated," she said, keeping her voice down, but loud enough for him to hear. She didn't want to set Colonel off anymore.

The dragon was now half out of his cave, his claws digging into the ground.

"Oh, and you're such an expert at body language now?" Charlie shot back, stunning Ophelia enough that she stopped. What the bloody hell had gotten into him?

A low growl got her back on track. She looked back to Colonel, seeing that he was flapping his wings as he fixed Charlie in a cold stare. Though she hadn't been working with the dragon as long as Charlie, she knew what he was about to do as smoke wafted out of his nostrils.

"Oh, for fuck's sake," she nearly shouted, taking off for Charlie at a sprint as Colonel reared his head back and roared.

At least that finally got the ginger man to stop, his eyes wide as he looked up at the dragon. Ophelia pushed herself to go faster. Just as Colonel lowered his head towards Charlie and flames began pouring out, Ophelia launched onto him, praying she apparated them away in time.

They landed on the ground with a hard thump and Ophelia shrieked in pain. Charlie sat up, his eyes wide and face paling as he looked down at her. She managed to ignore the pain in her arm long enough to look up at him. Other than a bit of soot on his face, he seemed fine.

"Ye git," she said, breathing heavily. "But at least ye no hurt."

"Oh gods, Phillie," he said, bending over her and reaching out to her arm.

"Sure it's no that bad," she panted, though truthfully, she didn't want to look at herself.

She could smell her burnt clothing and singed flesh. That along with the pain was enough to make her want to pass out. She squeezed her eyes shut as Charlie took her arm in his large hands, pulling aside the shreds of her jacket and sleeve to better inspect her burn.

"Thought I got us away in time," she said, her eyes still closed.

"You did mostly," Charlie said.

Ophelia opened her eyes and looked up at him, seeing his face filled with anguish.

"Merlin, I'm so sorry, Phillie," he said, his voice catching.

"Ye can thank me later. Just get me to the bloody clinic," she said through gritted teeth.

A serious look came over Charlie's face as he nodded and then stood, lifting her up into his arms easily.

"Hold on, Phillie."

Charlie couldn't stop pacing as he watched the healers work on Ophelia. She had shrieked bloody murder when they pulled off her jacket and then shirt, some of it having melted into the large burn that took up the entire upper half of her right arm.

He had tried to help, but Lottie ordered him out as he was getting in the way more than doing anything good. But he refused to leave, so instead she allowed him to pace on the other side of the room while she looked after Ophelia.

His heart was ripped to shreds. This had been his fault.

He had walked into the supply shed to check on what was taking Ophelia so long, just in time to see Lazlo bending down over her as she leaned against the table. He knew that he should have confronted him rather than turn and run. But it wasn't the first time he had walked in on Lazlo with someone against the table.

Though that time, Adara had her legs wrapped around him and was moaning in pleasure. Even though she and Charlie had never said they were anything official or exclusive, it had still hurt him deeply. Enough that when he saw Lazlo leaning against Ophelia, his mind had been taken back to that day.

He had run then too.

And then rather than been an adult about it, he had refused to discuss it with her. Allowed his temper to simmer to the point that he had gotten distracted around Colonel - agitated him - and nearly got the both of them roasted in the process. And yet, in the midst of it all, she had jumped in to save him.

He felt like the world's largest prat and completely undeserving of calling himself Ophelia's boyfriend.

"I know it hurts, but I really need you to hold still, otherwise I'll have no choice but to knock you out," he heard Lottie say.

Charlie stopped pacing and looked over, seeing Ophelia turning her head away, her eyes squeezed shut as tears trekked down her cheeks, leaving paths of pale skin in the dirt. She was breathing heavily as Lottie poured a mixture on the burnt flesh, her knuckles white where she was gripping the sheets on the cot.

Immediately, he was at her side, kneeling next to her as he took her hand. Ophelia's eyes flew open as she met his.

"It's alright. If you break it, Lottie'll heal me," he said, a slight smile on his face.

He swore he saw a faint one cross Ophelia's before she clamped her mouth shut and gripped his hand tightly, obviously trying hard not to shriek in pain again.

"Alright, worst is over," Lottie said lightly. Charlie looked over, seeing that she was bandaging up Ophelia's arm. "I'll give you a pain potion, but it's likely to smart a bit for a couple days. And you'll have a lovely new battle scar, but no other lasting damage."

The witch then gathered up her supplies and walked back to the supply room to get the potion, leaving the two alone.

"Merlin, I'm so sorry," Charlie said, feeling rather disgusted with himself.

Ophelia looked at him, her eyes questioning him. He took a deep breath and slowly let it out.

"I saw you two earlier... and rather than talk about it like a normal human, I..."

"Misread the situation and turned into a wanker?" Ophelia finished for him. He nodded, looked away, unable to meet her eyes.

"It's happened before... back when Adara and I were... you know... I walked in on them," he said softly. "That's when I ended things the first time... but still. I knew that you weren't... Merlin, I'm such a fucking arse."

There was silence, but he could feel her squeeze his hand.

"I'm no too innocent either," she said softly. "He was... he said that I wasnae the only one ye had taken to the ridge. And I should've asked ye outright, but I didnae. I was scared that he was tellin' the truth."

Charlie looked up at her, seeing that she was now staring at her lap, her cheeks reddening slightly. She then sighed and looked up, a wry smile on her face.

"We are a pair, arenae we?" she asked. Charlie chuckled and ran his fingers through his hair.

"You really are the only person I've taken there," he said earnestly. "The others know about it, but I've never taken anyone there with me - I swear. And well, Andrew came up with the shoddy story... Merlin, I couldn't even make up my own, I had to steal his..."

"I ken... well, actually, aye, I knew that story was a load of bollocks. But I do believe ye that I'm the only one," she said. "And ye ken that I care for Lazlo about as much as I care for bubotubor pus." Charlie chuckled and nodded.

"I do," he said. He then leaned forward and kissed her. "I swear, we'll make this work, Phillie."

He stared into her eyes as hers started glistening slightly as she nodded.

"Aye, we will," she whispered.

Relief flooded through Charlie. He hadn't royally fucked this up before they even really had a chance. Though he knew he was going to spend her remaining days at the sanctuary making it up to her. She had gotten injured because of him and his hissy fit.

He hadn't realized what she was doing until he felt her wrap her arms around him from behind, twisting him back towards her as the flames rushed at them. She had then apparated them far from Colonel's enclosure. Part of Charlie felt like he didn't deserve her forgiveness for how he had been acting.

And yet, here she was after getting a massive, painful burn on her arm, holding his hand and smiling at him as though it was a paper cut and it hadn't been his ruddy fault that it had happened in the first place. Promising that they would make their relationship work despite the distance.

"Merlin... I'm never going to find another woman like this," he thought to himself. "I... I love her."

Charlie was thankful that Lottie had returned with the pain potion and Ophelia was currently gagging slightly as she took it, lamenting the taste. He was sure that his face had gone slightly ashen or he had made some sort of expression. He quickly looked away, his mind reeling.

Was it possible? After all these years, he, Charlie Weasley, had finally fallen in love?

Sure, there had been one or two women before that he had thought loved or had gotten close to falling for. There was an entire year at Hogwarts that he thought himself in love with Tonks and was devastated when she had gently rejected him. Then he had dated Millie Blinken his last two years. The others after school. But none of those relationships been like this. So natural. Like breathing, almost. Though it was proving that it would need some work as well. But it was work he was more than willing to take on.

"You sure I don't need to look you over, Charlie? Neck is looking a bit red," Lottie said, bringing him out of his reverie.

He looked up at the two women, both of them studying him, though Lottie had a small smile on her face while Ophelia just looked worried.

"I'm fine," he said, smiling at them. "No need to look me over."

"Alright. Think you can get our patient here to her cabin? Recommending the rest of the day off. The pain potion is likely to make her a bit drowsy and loopy," Lottie said, turning her gaze to Ophelia.

"I can get back on my- whoop!"

Ophelia giggled, tossing her head back as Charlie lifted her up into his arms. Seemed the pain potion had kicked in.

"My pleasure," he said, smiling down at her.

Ophelia laughed again, throwing her arms around his neck as she started babbling about how Charlie was supposed to be this big strong dragon tamer and she had been the one to save his arse.

As he walked her to her cabin, he couldn't help the swarm of conflicting emotions running through him, though he chuckled and smiled at her slightly drugged antics. But two truths came to the forefront of his mind.

He was in love with Ophelia Wood. And part of that terrified him.

Silly Lazlo... thinking he's got a chance at all... And yay for Charlie realizing he's in love! And yay for that bad-ass Ophelia moment. I seriously loved creating her.

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