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By Rubberduckz84

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All her life, Ophelia Wood has played third fiddle to her more popular brothers - Duncan and Oliver. Both wer... More

Author's Note
The Big News
To the Dragons
Getting Closer
Confusion and Beaus
Once a Player
Together at Last
Mountains Out of Molehills
Just Say I Love You
The Thing About Love
No Good at Goodbyes
Back to the Grind
An Afternoon with the Woods
Taking the Mickey
An Afternoon at the Burrow
Taking the Plunge
The Final Pitch
Dragon Tamer of my Heart

Let's Get Down to Business

591 21 2
By Rubberduckz84

Ophelia woke up entirely too early the next morning, but she was far too excited to get to work to stay in bed another second longer. She quickly showered, braided her hair, and then dressed in sturdy clothing that would keep her warm and comfortable before pulling on her worn hiking boots. Seeing she still had a good 45 minutes before she was meant to be in the main office for that day's assignment, she checked the small kitchenette and found the fixings for a small, but decent breakfast.

Upon finishing that, she still had about 20 minutes, but decided to head over early anyway. She pulled on her trusty hiking jacket that was strong enough to ward off the chill of the Highlands without charmwork and took a final look in a mirror that hung on the wall.

"Here we go," she whispered to herself excitedly.

She then grabbed her wand and stuck in a special pocket inside her jacket and headed out to the main office where there would be a morning briefing.

Ophelia was grateful for heading out early upon arriving at the main meeting room. It seemed a good third to half of the tamers and admin staff were already there. She stopped and looked around before Charlie waved her over.

"Saved you a seat," he said, smiling up at her.

"Thanks," she said, sitting next to him and turning to the two people who were in charge of keeping things running at the reserve - a married couple named Andrei and Elena Dascalu - at the front of the room.

"Sleep well?" he asked.

"Oh, like a babe," Ophelia replied, looking over at him. "Suppose yesterday took more out of me than I thought."

"Well, good thing you got plenty of rest because today is sure to give you a good workout," he said, winking.

Ophelia laughed softly and looked back to the front as Andrei shouted for everyone to quiet down.

She sat up at attention, listening closely as Andrei went through some housekeeping announcements that had them chuckling here and there. He was a generally likeable bloke, Ophelia found. Always smiling and jesting, though still got to the point and kept the meeting on track.

"As you all know, we are hosting Ophelia Wood from the Dragon Research and Restraint Bureau at the British Ministry of Magic for a month. I expect you all to be kind and help her learn the ropes," Andrei said, his gaze falling on Lazlo. "Behave."

"Not me you have to worry about, boss," Lazlo called out boisterously. Andrei rolled his eyes and looked down at a clipboard.

"For today I've got you with Weasley," Andrei said, looking up at Ophelia. "Figure he's the best to keep showing you around and how things work around here. Though if you've got any questions or complaints, feel free to find myself or Elena."

"Of course, sir," Ophelia replied.

"Please, Andrei is just fine," he replied warmly.

He then moved on down the list through a few other announcements before taking a few questions and such from the tamers. He then dismissed the meeting as he and Elena walked out, heading towards their offices.

Ophelia stood and turned to Charlie, who was already grinning.

"You ready to get to work on some real dragons?" he asked.


Ophelia had to admit, she was enjoying getting her hands dirty - so to speak - far more than she did filing paperwork and writing reports. This was, after all, why she often volunteered for field work.

But working with dragons was something far more fulfilling.

She and Charlie had spent the morning checking on a few habitats that needed repairing before moving on to looking in on some of the dragons that were under his care. While there some structures and holes that were closer together near the camp for the most injured dragons, many of the others were spread far and wide in the land owned by the sanctuary and they would have to apparate there, lest they spend all day walking.

Ophelia had stood in silent awe for about five minutes when Charlie took her to see one of his favorites - a Norwegian Ridgeback he affectionately called Norberta. The dragon stared at her curiously, before dipping its head down until it was eye level. While her first urge was to jump back, Ophelia remembered that sudden moves around dragons could end disastrously, so fought it off as she maintained eye contact.

In the end, Norberta had allowed her to pet her snout before ambling off a few feet and then taking to the air.

"That was pure dead brilliant," Ophelia gushed after Charlie had apparated them back closer to the main camp, grinning from ear to ear. "The scales are a bit softer than I was expectin'."

"Still rather rough. We have to use special syringes if we want to get through the skin to their veins," Charlie said. "Though, I'll need you to stay back a ways with the next one. At least at first. Colonel's not so keen on newcomers."

"Colonel?" Ophelia asked.

"Yea, he's a bit older than we usually get. And very much likes to order others about," Charlie explained with a smile. "He's a Hebridean Black. Found him a few weeks ago with an injured leg and wing from poachers. Took nearly half of us just to get him inside the sanctuary. But he seems to be healing up nicely, if a bit slowly."

Ophelia's eyes widened slightly as they turned off the main path and started down a smaller one through the trees.

"Prefers to be on his own for the most part, which is likely for the best. Hebrideans, they like their space. He'd probably start turf wars if he were out and about," Charlie continued.

"Right... they usually need about 100 square miles, dinnae they?" Ophelia asked. Charlie nodded.

"Got a nice large space set aside for him when he's healed up, but for now we have to keep him closer to the main camp so we can check on him daily," Charlie said.

He then came to a stop, putting his arm out and stopping Ophelia as well.

Her eyes moved to a cave nestled in an outcropping of rock. Just in the darkness, she could make out a pair of glowing, vivid purples eyes. A puff of smoke emitted from the cave entrance as a low growl sounded.

Ophelia stayed perfectly still. Even if he was injured, she was sure Colonel could still roast her from this distance. Or snatch her up in his jaws before she could run away.

"Hiya, Colonel," Charlie said loudly, slowly making his way towards the cave opening as he slung his knapsack off one shoulder and then reached inside. "Think you could come out so I can check that wing and leg of yours?"

Ophelia held her breath as Charlie pulled out a large, dead hare and held it out. He didn't move at first, just waiting and watching. Finally, a large, pitch black head slowly edged out of the cave. Charlie slowly backed away, keeping the hare out of reach and coaxing the dragon from the cave.

"Holy shite," Ophelia murmured as all of Colonel finally emerged, his long neck rising as the dragon stared down at Charlie with an almost annoyed look. It then shot down, snatching the hare from his hand. Charlie chuckled as he stepped closer and bent down to look at one of Colonel's front legs.

The dragon was covered in thick, black scales as dark as night, with large, bat-like wings. One flapped away from the body, though the other was tucked up at Colonel's side. His long tail twitched from where it was coiled up on the ground around him.

As Charlie continued checking his leg, Colonel turned his brilliant violet eyes to Ophelia. She immediately wondered if she was standing too close and should slowly back away. But then she found herself getting a bit lost in the dragon's eyes. Colonel huffed softly, smoke shooting from his snout, before lowering his head towards her. Ophelia was still a good several feet away, causing Colonel to take a step in her direction.

"Whoa there," Charlie said, hopping out of the way before he got trampled. He then looked up, seeing Ophelia with a slightly nervous look on her face as she continued staring at the dragon.

"What do I do?" she asked, suddenly forgetting everything she had learned about Hebridean Blacks except that they were aggressive and territorial.

"I think he's curious about you," Charlie said. "Stay calm and let him check you out."

Ophelia nodded, her eyes still trained on Colonel's eyes as the dragon neared her, though she wished she had thought to pull out her wand before they had neared the cave in case she needed to make a quick getaway. Colonel was now inches from her, and she could feel his intake of air as he sniffed her.

"Doin' grand, Phillie," Charlie called out.

Colonel then lowered his head and nudged her hand. Ophelia smiled as she cautiously reached out and placed her hand on the dragon's snout, feeling the hard, rough skin. A low growl that sounded something like a purr rumbled through Colonel's throat before he lifted his head and looked back at Charlie, shooting a soft hiss at him. Charlie grinned up at the dragon and then over at Ophelia.

"I think he likes you," he called out before returning to his work.

Ophelia chuckled as she looked back up at the massive creature, Colonel now back to studying her.

Soon enough, Charlie had finished up and Colonel was retreating back into his cave.

"I nearly can't believe that," Charlie said, a look of awe on his face as they walked away.

"What do ye mean?" Ophelia asked.

"Told you he was testy. To be honest, he hasn't let anyone but me within several meters of him without shooting fire and getting them to back up," Charlie admitted. "And it took a good week or so before he'd let me close without having to stun him." Ophelia's eyes widened slightly. "He's never warmed up to anyone like you."

"Perhaps... perhaps because I smell like home?" Ophelia offered. "Certainly no close to Hebrides, but surely any smell of Scotland might be soothin'."

Charlie thought this over a moment or so.

"That would make sense," he said. Ophelia looked back down the path towards Colonel's lair.

"Ye think he'll be well enough someday to fly back?" she asked. "If we open up Hebrides again?"

"Hopefully," Charlie said. "Either way, I intend to do what I can to get Colonel back home where he belongs." Ophelia looked up at him, smiling.


Ophelia found herself blushing slightly at dinner as she fidgeted in her chair in the mess hall, while Charlie told the small group of tamers sitting at their table about Ophelia's interaction with Colonel. She hadn't done anything that deserved any sort of praise and she was certain it had more to do with the fact that she smelled like Scotland than anything.

"Blighter nearly took my arm off when we first got him here," one tamer - Andrew Carroll - said with a chuckle. "My hat's off to you for not nearly gettin' roasted or maimed on your first meetin'."

"I honestly didnae do anythin' but stand there," Ophelia said. "Really I think it's just because he smelt home on me."

"Nah, more like we've got a brilliant tamer-in-the-making here," Charlie said, smiling as he slapped Ophelia on the back. She snorted slightly as she glanced at him.

"I mean, I have spent some time studyin' this sort of thing," she shot back. "Just been waitin' on a chance to put it to practical use..."

"How's it been working with Charlie here?" Lazlo asked.

"Suppose it's alright," Ophelia said, smirking towards the Weasley. Charlie rolled his eyes as she chuckled and then turned back to Lazlo. "Nah, it's been good. He's been a very patient teacher."

"That so?" Lazlo asked, his eyebrows raising slightly. He smirked as he stood, though kept looking down at Ophelia. "Well, if you're looking for a patient teacher, just wait until you're working with me."

With a wink and chuckle, he turned and walked off with his plate, leaving a slightly red-faced Ophelia in his wake as the others chuckled uncomfortably.

"Lazlo is, well, bit of an acquired taste," Charlie said tastefully.

"Fairly sure Duncan would have his baws for that," Ophelia said, finally getting her cheeks under control. "Oliver too, now that I think of it."

"That's right! Your brother's the Puddlemere keeper," exclaimed Andrew, now leaning towards her.

Ophelia took a deep breath and plastered a polite smile on her face. She was used to this - the unending onslaught of questions about her famous brother.

"What is it ye'd care to know?" she asked, keeping her voice even, though she noticed Charlie shift a bit in his chair next to her.

"Is it true..."

Ophelia looked up from the small table where she was writing a letter to Daria upon hearing the knock at her cabin door. Glancing at the clock, she noticed it wasn't too late, but she still wasn't sure who would be checking up on her.

Standing, she walked over and opened the door, seeing Charlie standing there with a six-pack of beer and a warm smile.

"Thought perhaps we could celebrate your first day of work and not getting injured," he said, holding it up. Ophelia chuckled as she stepped back and let him in.

"I'm no so sure I would call 'not gettin' injured' a massive accomplishment," she said lightly.

"You do realize we've been working with dragons all day, right?" Charlie asked as he sat the cans down on the table, a quizzical look on his face.

"Aye, but ye barely let me near any," Ophelia said, sitting down at the table and putting her letter on a stack of parchment that contained her first report that she intended to send back to the Ministry in the morning.

Charlie held out a can to her and then took his own, opening as he turned and looked at a group of photos that Ophelia had managed to hang after dinner.

"Merlin... are these all yours?" he asked, pointing to a photo as he looked back at her.

Ophelia stood and walked over, noticing that he was pointing to a photo of her and Oliver seated on her sofa, surrounded by her various pets. Ophelia was laughing as Oliver attempted to keep the Kneazle in his arms away from the one in Ophelia's.

They had been litter mates and for some reason couldn't stop fighting, but then couldn't stand to be separated at the same time. Ophelia had found them abandoned in an alley when they were but a few weeks old and pretty much raised them until they were about a year old.

"Aye, my bairns, as Mam calls 'em," she said. "That's Walter. Lost his eye in an unfortunate toy broom incident with his previous owner. And then this is Madame - she thinks she's queen of the house. Likely is. The rabbit is Herbet - no really sure how he lost his tail. Athena, my owl. Da keeps tryin' to get me to get a new one, but I just cannae fathom replacin' her. She's a good ol' girl. Still gets the job done, though may take her a bit longer. Oh, and that's Maude and Mindy, though they're no longer with me."

She frowned slightly as she stared at the two kneazles.

"Ah, pass on, then?" Charlie asked softly. Ophelia glanced at him.

"Actually, my landlord found out just how many pets I had and demanded I get rid of some. So got my friend to take Maude and Mindy. Honestly, I hadnae intended to keep them forever. Just wanted to get them in good shape and then hoped to find a good home for 'em," she said, a soft smile on her face.

Charlie laughed as he shook his head and looked back at the photographs.

"Why am I not surprised that you'd turn your flat into a home for unwanted animals?" he asked.

"Someone has to do it. I dinnae mind bein' that someone," Ophelia said with a smile as she walked back to the table.

"Didn't you spend most of your time out on the castle grounds, collecting creatures?" Charlie said, moving to sit next to her.

"Did not," she scoffed. "'Sides, how would ye ken? Ye were in a different house and too busy playin' quidditch or prefectin'."

"Pretty sure that's not a word," Charlie quipped. "And I remember seeing you outdoors whenever I'd head over to quidditch practice, usually going back and forth between some large book and whatever animal you had with you. And didn't you attempt to sneak into the Forbidden Forest?"

"Aye. A few times, actually... but the Hufflepuff prefects always caught me before I could get too far," she said with a sigh.

"Should've come asked me for help. I knew all the best ways there and back. Without getting caught," Charlie said with a laugh.

"Och, like ye'd help me. I was only 13 when ye graduated," she said.

"I would've," Charlie declared. "Most definitely would have helped a fellow lover of animals and creatures. Though I didn't realize at the time just how serious you were about magical creatures." Ophelia just gave him a look. "Because I was too busy with Gryffindor, quidditch and prefectin'."

"As I thought," Ophelia said, grinning at him as she took a drink.

"Duncan talks about you a lot in his letters, you know. He's always talked a lot about you," Charlie said.

Ophelia paused, the can pressed against her lips as she stared at him, wondering why Duncan would talk about her so much.

"Likely complainin' about all the animals," she said with a grin after she swallowed her beer.

Charlie nodded as he took his own drink, though Ophelia noticed the slightly flush across his tan and freckled face.

What was this? Why on earth would Charlie Weasley be blushing with her?

"Thank Merlin he broke things off with Meredith though," Charlie said. Ophelia snorted.

"Aye, she was a nightmare. Be glad ye were here in Romania for that. Drove me and Ollie barmy," she said, rolling her eyes. "Merlin, outside of her bein' gorgeous, I'm no so sure what he saw in her. I wouldna ride her intae battle." Charlie laughed loudly.

"Duncan always had the worst taste in women, I will say," Charlie admitted. "You should have heard about all the pots of boiling water he got himself into while we were at school."

"Oh, aye. I heard. I may have been in Hufflepuff and four years behind, but I certainly heard about them," Ophelia replied. "How do ye think I had a grand allowance for a second and third year?"

Charlie stared at her a moment and then widened his eyes.

"You blackmailed him," he said, starting to grin slightly.

"Ehm... well, suppose I said should he no want me to be a clipe to Mam, I would need a bit of... motivation, so to speak," Ophelia said.

Loud, belly laughs erupted from Charlie as he leaned over slightly in his chair.

"All this time..." he said, wheezing slightly in between laughs. "You sure you weren't meant for Slytherin?"

Ophelia just shrugged, a small feeling of pride flooding through her for making him laugh so hard. Though she wasn't sure just why he found that story so entertaining.

But still, she couldn't help but feel a bit warm and fuzzy inside with the way he was smiling at the moment. Or perhaps that was the beer.

"Had I known you were so entertaining, I would have taken more time to talk to you before," Charlie said, wiping a lone tear that had slipped out of the corner of his eye.

"Eh, no hard feelings. I was Duncan and Oliver's annoyin' younger sister. Didnae hurt me so much," Ophelia replied.

Charlie just shook his head, still smiling as he took a drink. For a split second, Ophelia thought she saw something shift in his pale blue eyes.

But then it was gone, and she was sure it was the light playing tricks on her. Despite the fact they were currently enjoying each other's company, there was no way Charlie Weasley saw her as anything more than Duncan and Oliver's younger sister.


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