The Fallen Player

By Treekami

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We follow YOU, the Player, on this epic Undertale story. You get sucked into the game on your computer and ha... More

Chapter 1 Oh, You've Fallen Down!
Chapter 2 Through the Ruins
Chapter 3 Snowdin Forest
Chapter 5 Making Friends
Chapter 6 The Walk To The Lab
Chapter 7 A Hollow Crooked Smile
Chapter 8 The Truth Comes Out
Chapter 9 Behind The Mask
Chapter 10 Let's Give It Everything We've Got!
Chapter 11 Saving The Game

Chapter 4 Having a bad time

880 25 2
By Treekami

Alphys scrolled through her phone. All of the underground monsters waited for Frisk to venture through the shattered barrier. The nervous scientist was about to show off an anime to Undyne and Asgore until an alarm rang loudly. Her phone alarmed her that the cameras picked up a strange new being in Snowdin Forest. Alphys pulled back her phone quickly away from them to see what the camera had picked up.

"What was that sound, Alphys?" Undyne tried to sneak a peek at her girlfriend's phone but witnessed Alphys covering the screen up more.

"N-nothing, Undyne. "I'll b-be right back." She shuts off the alarm and steps away from the group for a moment. The group didn't flinch from their spot. At a safe distance, Alphys started to talk to herself. "What? could this be?! Another one?!" She freaks out seeing the video of the newcomer passing by the camera hidden in the bush at the large Ruin door. Strangely enough, the camera only picked up the Player, not Asriel. "Why didn't the alarm go off sooner?!" She asked herself, seeing when the human passed the camera twenty minutes later.

She took a moment to process this, wondering who she could tell. The only one that came to mind first was Sans, given that he was capable of using his talent to get to Snowdin faster than anyone else standing around.

She gulps and hides her phone by placing it into her pocket for the time being. She went back to her spot by the group in a semicircle. Across from her was Sans, as she glanced over to him and spoke out. "Say...umm... Sans? Can I speak to y-you in private....please?"

Sans became baffled. Alphys never spoke out of script like that before. After being reset so many times by the Player and Flowey, Sans knew they all were in a game and knew everyone's text by heart. "Sure, I guess...." They both walked into the next room over where Frisk was, by the save point. 

Once she felt things were safe to speak up about the issue, she stuttered, "My c-camera picked up movement in Snowdin Forest. Upon further inspection, I n-noticed it was another h-human!" She looked over her shoulder, seeing Frisk still at their post. "I thought only one human fell down at a time?"

Frisk looked over to Sans and Alphys. They were silent, knowing Flowey had already taken the key from them. They started to get a bit nervous if their actions caused some trouble. They, too, knew they were part of a game. And seeing Flowey break the code made them a bit nervous.

Sans was at a loss for words. Why didn't he sense the new human in the Underground? His thoughts about this faded with Frisk acting oddly. Alphys was obstructing Sans's view as he leaned over to the side to glance at Frisk, that appeared to be flustered. "Frisk...Do you know something we don't?"

Frisk could also break the game by speaking for the first time as they explained what had occurred. "Flowey was here...."

Both Alphys and Sans said simultaneously, "What!?

"Yeah, he asked for something of mine but told me not to say what it was to anyone," Frisk explained.

Sans teleported over to Frisk, "What....did he take?"

"I....I don't know. I'm trying to remember, but all I hear is horrible static when I try to figure out what he wanted from me." The child tried to help the best they could.

Sans grumbled, "Something or someone is preventing you from recalling what Flowey took from you."

Alphys shouted out, "Damn, that flower...."

Sans turned to face Alphys once more. "I'll go take a look and report back if I need backup. I'm sure the human is making their way to Snowdin Town. Make sure no one else in the other room moves, Okay? I don't want any more of these new behaviors happening to the others."

She nods and glances at Frisk once more before walking back to her friends.

Sans raises his hand, suddenly making a knocking motion in the air. You could hear the hollow sound effect of an invisible door getting knocked all around. His actions caused the warp door to summon. The color of fire flickered beneath the crack. Once opened, the colors illuminated him as he jumped inside without looking back at Frisk's worried expression.

Alphys returns to the room, and the first to ask a question is Toriel. "What was that all about, and where is Sans?"

Alphys took a moment to reply. Toriel was now speaking her mind and out of the script as well? Did everyone have the freedom of speech in the game now? "No n-n-need to be alarmed. Sans will be back." She knew something strange went on in her world but never expected it to be a game. She was clever enough to figure out the subtle hints that Sans spoke to her about as they worked on the time machine together behind the scenes.

Papyrus shouted out soon after, "THAT'S NOT LIKE MY BROTHER TO WANDER OFF! OH, WAIT....YES, IT IS, NEVER MIND...."


Back at the house, I started getting cold, just sitting here. What was taking Flowey so long?! With his fast traveling skill by going underground, you'd think it wouldn't take him THIS long to get the key and pop back up in Snowdin. Maybe he got caught, Frisk refused to give up the key, or Sans knew his plans all along! All these questions scrambled around in my mind as I grew more worried.


What the Player didn't know, Flowey was fighting his inner demons. To help the Player escape the game or let them suffer in Undertale forever. Asriel within fought with all his might to press forward to fight off these negative thoughts, but it was as if the game prevented him from moving another inch under the ground. With him becoming stalled, it was at this moment that Sans arrived at Snowdin Town. The door appeared by the toolshed while Sans walked out of the opened door. He took no breaks as he started to hunt down the intruder. Sans felt a presence around Snowdin Town but couldn't pinpoint the human's whereabouts, which concerned him quite a bit. He knew where everyone was in the game, Just like Flowey does. But this human was different and gave off a strange vibe.


Around the corner of the house, I rested my eyes with my arms crossed and head lowered. In my left ear, I heard footsteps approaching. Was it Flowey? No. The sounds he makes on the ground are not of footsteps. Unless he was able to transform into Asriel again?! I jumped up, off my lean, and turned the corner so fast, that I almost tripped over my footing. To my surprise, no one was around. I looked at the snow, seeing footprints stop at the door to the house. I make my way over to the prints bending lower to look closer. They appear to be prints of someone wearing slippers.

My body freezes in place. I stand up slowly, turning my head to my left, eyeing the door of Sans's and Papyrus's house. I started to put the puzzle pieces together, now understanding that Sans was in the home. I slowly backed up, thinking that I was unseen until I bumped into someone from behind.

"Human....don't you know...." Sans was about to finish his sentence, but I spun around so fast, having him pause abruptly.

I stumble back, almost losing my footing again. I raised my hands as if a cop were threatening me to put up my hands. "Please don't hurt me, Sans! It's not what you think!" Looking away, I waited for his response, but Sans wasn't replying after a few seconds of both of us just standing there. I lower my hands down, scanning him with my eyes with a confused look. "Is it another glitched-out Sans?" I said out loud as my posture felt more relaxed.

"I am not a glitch...." Sans finally spoke. "Are you some dirty little hacker?"

"No...?" I froze briefly until my brain clicked, processing that this was, in fact, Sans right in front of me. NO! I am no hacker! I can explain...Just don't do anything you'll regret." I then thought to myself. "Why did I just say that!?"

"I should be saying that to you." Sans showed off his blue eye before it faded into his eye socket.

"Sorry, sorry!" I slowly back up from his presence, stopping at the door entrance, standing about ten feet away from Sans.

"Who are you? I can't seem to figure you out. Your soul is quite strong, though. That I can tell." Sans stood still, not stepping closer. He could tell I was no threat to him as his posture became less tense.

This time, I took a moment to let my brain think before I babbled out random words that could get me in trouble. I figured that Sans would act just like Asriel did when I told him I was a Player. So I decided to tell him the truth. "Well, I am what you call, The Player."

Sans started to get tense again, "Wait... you mean to tell me you're from our Creator's world?"

"...Yeees?" I question myself now. I mean, I believed that I was dreaming all of this. So, in all honesty, none of this matters, right?

Sans mumbled softly, "So that's why your soul is so strong." He then spoke up for me to hear, "So, kiddo, how'd you even get here?"

"Well, my computer sent me here... to clarify, a strange pixeled glitched door appeared out of the computer screen and threw me into your world."

"What...kind of door? Can you tell me in full detail what it looked like?"

I felt more comfortable with Sans as I relaxed my posture, rubbed my chin, and gazed into the distance to remember the details of the door. "The glitching prevented me from seeing it clearly, but I remember the large doorknob visible before it swung open, showing a dark abyss on the other side."

"Tell me....did this door have any....color?"

Asriel never asked me questions about the door's details, So hearing Sans ask these added questions made my memories flood back about the door. I turned white as a ghost. "Now that you ask, the door... it didn't have any color...."

Sans saw my facial expression looking like I was about to faint, but I held it together. He thought to himself, "Why would he bring a Player into our game?" He then warned, "You're gonna need to be on high alert. You do understand who you're dealing with, right?"

"Unfortunately, yes." I sigh out, trying not to freak out in front of Sans.

Now I understood why I had seen the gray Monster Kid back in Snowdin. That was one of his followers, Goner Kid. But why was that follower there? Didn't that specific one only spawn in Waterfall? What did they say again? I remembered their eerie voice saying, "You're walking a dangerous path. Beware...." Regardless, I kept my mind at ease by repeating in my head, "A dream, It's only a dream." I then query, "What do you suppose I do then?"

Instead of answering the question, he presented another, "Why were you snooping around my house?"

I huff out in frustration but answer obediently, "I was hoping your machine would get me home. Knowing that it's a time machine, maybe it can rewind time before the door appeared in my room?"

Simultaneously, Flowey finally broke free from his negative thoughts, and before Sans could respond, Flowey popped up between Sans and me, showing off the key he got from Frisk. Flowey overlooked Sans behind him as he shouted out, "I got the key from the brat! Now we can get into that door and fix that stupid machine of Sans's."

My eyes grew wide as I franticly started to wave my hands to stop Flowey from saying any more as I lipsync, "No, no, no!" I glanced up at Sans as he leaped back, keeping his distance while his eye sockets blackened. His left hand was out of his pocket, and a Gaster Blaster was staring us down, slowly opening its maw to unleash a white beam at Flowey and me.

It felt like time slowed down seeing Flowey turn to look at Sans as I stupidly jumped forward to cover Flowey with my body. My mind was racing, thinking, "Maybe if I get hit, I'll wake up!"

Sans saw the Player's actions to defend the flower. He was at a loss on what to think. Why would I, the Player protect the antagonist? Sans quickly changed his strategy and tried to have the beam avoid me at all costs.

At first, I didn't feel any pain. Everything went silent. My ears rang, and my eyes blurred until the adrenaline rush faded, feeling the stinging sensation on my left shoulder. I had fallen on my right side on the ground, feeling my body hugged by a being.

"Sans, you fool! This is a Player you just hit with your Gaster Blaster!" Prince Asriel Dreemurr shouted out, hugging me tightly while we lay on the ground. He was his adult Hyperdeath form, once again, purple robe and all. My choice of actions and my courage to protect someone must have given him the ability to change back. 

Sans defended, "I backed out at the last second! The kid's lucky the beam only hit their shoulder."

"Yeah, and it gave them third-degree burns!"

I came to my senses, hearing both Asriel and Sans bickering with one another. I open my eyes, now able to see Asriel clear as day. "Welp...shit..." I cry out. "Guess I'm not dreaming, huh?" I laugh, trying to get up, reassuring Asriel to let me go.

Asriel cried out, watching me start to walk away, passing up Sans, "You are NOT okay to walk!"

I stop to turn my head towards him and respond, "It's fine....The Inn should heal me, right? Let's rush over there...." I was about to walk again to the Inn, but Asriel had other plans. He decided teleporting me to the Inn was faster while he rushed over at me.

My thought process was not worried about the damage done on my shoulder and if there will be a scar, but randomly thinking that Asriel was a liar. He could've teleported me into Toriels home back in the Ruins instead of having me walk there! That or he never thought he could teleport in this form until now?

That thought soon faded as my body felt strange going into his warp drive. A rainbow of colors flashed in front of me—the same techno colors when Frisk faced him at the end of the game. Arriving in the room upstairs, Asriel planted me onto the bed. I sat upright on the bed, waiting for the healing to set in.

Sans teleported himself into the room as well. He was still cautious that I was here and defending the one monster resetting their world, but he was concerned about my well-being even if he didn't show it. I, too, had the power to reset their world. I can understand his worry about me working alongside Asriel.

Asriel whimpered out, "Feeling any better?"

I laugh only to reply, "No...."

Asriel lectured back, thinking I was lying from the laugh I gave out, "Stop joking around!"

"I'm not feeling any better...." I bluntly remarked. My body felt the same, and the burning intensified while the pain started creeping down into my fingers. I gripped my arm tightly with my working hand, adding pressure, hoping to lessen the stinging and burning feeling.

Asriel couldn't heal such a large wound but knew who could as he shouted at Sans, who was just standing there with guilt, "Go get Toriel...Please!!!"

"But that will be manipulating the game's code more!" Sans spat out.

"There won't BE a game if the Player is DEAD, Sans!!!" That woke me up more than it did Sans. He wasted no time, creating the door with his knocking in the air motion for him to jump through.

Every time I spoke, the pain had to let me know it still lingered, " you that?"

Asriel tried his best to heal what he could to my injured shoulder, hovering his hands over the wound. His mother was far better at healing than he was, but at least he could lessen the pain I was feeling. "Well....each copy of the game is like a parallel universe. You stumbled into the Undertale game YOU the Player plays; therefore, if you die, our game will be forever frozen, never reaching the true ending. There is a possibility that someone you may know plays your saved game or....they could delete us forever...."

"I'm sorry...." My voice started to crack, lowering my head down.

"Why?" Asriel was puzzled.

"Because now I wish I had finished the game before I die here. You all would have been able to step out of the Underground to have your true happy ending."

"You WON'T die." Asriel's voice grew more determined as he tried his best to heal the burn.


"No, thank you for saving me back there. At first, I thought it was a stupid act you displayed. I am just numbers and codes in the game and can easily come back. But I was losing myself as a flower again until you protected me, and I felt your determination and strong soul as a Player. It's completely different than ours in the game."

"You are not JUST some code in the game, Asriel. You and the others have more personality than people in my world. Not only that, we look up to you all. You give others back their hopes and dreams in my world." I speak to the heart with a smile planted on my face.

Asriel lessened the pain I was in as my shoulder felt numb. All Asriel showed me was a big happy smile before Sans door appeared inside the room.   

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