
By itsanovelidea

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A coming-of-age story about a sixteen-year-old musician named Abby. While experiencing the innocence and fun... More



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By itsanovelidea

The week passed, Abby staying home mostly, going to school every day. It was like the events of homecoming had made her see the light. They didn't know she'd been to see Jace a few times, used every time. They saw the bright-eyed Abby she pretended to be out of love for her brother. She wasn't on drugs, and she wasn't with Jace, so her father was happy. She was going to school and home for dinner, mostly, so her mother was happy. And Aaron had long since forgiven her noting that he'd been so lucky thus far to have his number one fan. Abby had been playing the bass, her father had stopped by to listen when her phone rang. Abby glanced over and saw that it was Jace. Abby ignored it; her father was actually being civil. He saw that it was Jace and answered it before Abby could stop him.

"Jace," he said joyfully. "How are you?" Abby couldn't hear the other end of the call. "It's Jason, Abby's dad." Her father kept a smile plastered on her face. She couldn't make eye contact. She wanted this to be over as soon as possible. Her stomach was in knots. "Just call me Jason." He paused, listening to whatever Jace was saying. "Yeah, she's right here. But I wanted to ask you something. Are you free on Saturday?" Abby's face shot up to meet his. He grinned. She looked terrified. She shook her head no. "Yeah. Aaron, my brother, Abby's cousin and I were going to the shooting range." Then her father laughed. A good jolly belly laugh. Jason put his hand to the phone to block his voice. He grinned the fakest and cheesiest grin she'd ever seen. "He doesn't think he and I should be near each other if I'm holding a gun. He's hilarious." He removed his hand to talk to Jace again. "Be here by nine am." He finshed, and he handed the phone off to Abby.


Jace arrived a few minutes before nine and was greeted by Jason. Jace hadn't seen Aaron since he'd hit him. He wanted to clear the air. For Abby. After he greeted her and kissed her good morning, he went to find Aaron.

"Hey." He said, standing in the doorway of Aaron's room while Aaron looked for a shirt. Aaron looked over at the sound of his voice. Aaron knew Jace loved Abby, even if they both had different ways of showing it. It was a weird feeling, to be sharing his sister.

"Hey." Aaron said, letting out a deep breath. He tried to hide his confusion and defeat from his tone. But Jace heard something.

"I'm sorry. About homecoming." Aaron nodded, looking away.

"Yeah, me too. I've never been filled with rage like that, and it wasn't fair to you or Abby." He stood idly, playing with the shirt in his hands. It wasn't the one he wanted.

"I'd do the same thing if I thought Abby was being hurt. And I know that's what you think of me... that I'm hurting her." Aaron nodded. He was right. "So... are we alright? At least cordial now? Or do I have to worry about you accidentally shooting me at the range?" It could have been serious. It could have been a joke. He let Aaron decide. He laughed.

"I'm not gonna shoot you." Aaron said with a smile. Jace relaxed. "Now my dad on the other hand..." Jace laughed nervously, hoping it wasn't even a remote possibility.

"You boys ready?" Jason asked, walking up to them.

"Yeah." Aaron said, pulling a shirt over his head. He looked at Jace.

"Never gonna be ready for this." Jace said. Jason grinned. He patted Jace on the shoulder.

"At least we're on the same page about something." He said. Their first stop was to pick up Jason's brother, Adam, and his son, Pat. Abby's uncle and cousin. They high fived Aaron, laughed about a few inside jokes, and nodded toward Jace when Aaron introduced them. They weren't cold, but they weren't inviting. Adam, in particular, seemed to almost glare at him behind the nod and wave. After some small talk, Adam finally acknowledged Jace.

"So, Jace. Ever shot a gun before?" Jace laughed.

"No. Not at all." He replied.

"Oh." He said surprised, but almost sarcastic. "I figured in your line of work you'd carry one often." Jace knew what he meant, the buttons he was trying to push, the place he was trying to put him. He didn't take the bait.

"On a farm throwing hay and doing maintenance work?" He asked. "I mean, a bull gets loose every once in a while, but not sure why I'd need a gun for that." Jace acted innocent like it was something new he'd never considered. Adam zeroed in on him in the mirror. Jace knew he'd pissed him off, but he'd been antagonized. No one bothered him again for the rest of the ride. Upon arrival, they received a rundown of the rules, protective eyewear, ear plugs, bullets and the handgun. Jace didn't like the way it felt in his hand. It was cold and heavier than he thought it would be. It was surreal to hold a life ending mechanism in his hand. Abby joked that he was a lover and not a fighter. It was true for sure, though his brothers called him a pussy for it.

"What's wrong?" Jason asked, looking at Jace stare at the gun. Jace looked up.

"Nothing." He said, clearing his throat.

"You've really never even held a gun before, huh?" He asked.

"Not ever." Jace answered. "And I don't like it either." He said to himself. Jason heard him, but he didn't reply. He was shocked at Jace's admission. He'd thought for sure that Jace had used a gun, at least waved it around, being so involved with drugs. He was actually almost impressed at Jace's naivety. They walked into the shooting range; and each stood at the head of their lane. The others started shooting, while Jace cautiously put in the bullets and held the gun up, aiming at his target. He really didn't like this. He stood how he assumed he should, glancing over at Aaron to see if he was doing it correctly. He assumed so and took better aim. He wanted to squeeze the trigger, but live ammunition made him uneasy. Everyone else stopped to look at their target. Jason noticed that Jace hadn't shot a single bullet. He walked over while the others taunted each other over their scores. Jason tapped Jace on the shoulder, and he jumped out of his skin. Jason put his arm on Jace's, so he wouldn't swing the gun towards him. Jason made sure he was standing properly, holding the gun the way he should.

"Just pull the trigger, don't think about it." Jace hesitated. "It's just a paper target, no one is in front of you, besides the kick back, you won't feel a thing. Don't think, just squeeze the trigger." His voice was gentle but confident, maybe the one he used to teach Abby something new. Jace pulled the trigger. And it scared the crap out of him. He tried not to show it, but Jason noticed. Maybe this boy was far more harmless than he'd anticipated. But that would mean Abby was one hundred percent responsible for her actions, and Jason just couldn't handle that right now. He needed a scapegoat. They finished up their shooting and stopped for lunch. Jason watched Jace pay his own way at the range and at lunch, though he'd been ready to pay for him having been the one that invited him. He had a job, one that required hard labor. That was a positive. But it barely made a dent in the sea of negatives. He watched Jace try to be involved in the conversations without rocking the boat. Jason noticed Jace try to connect with Aaron, though they had nothing but Abby in common. After lunch wrapped up, they got in the truck and headed home.

"Shit." Jason muttered spotting the cop. He was going ten over the speed limit.

"The cop?" Adam asked.

"Yup." The cruiser pulled out behind him and threw on the lights. Jace tried not to smirk. He was actually having fun. The cop came up and did the usual license and registration please. He looked at the ID and then at Jason. He looked at Adam and then the boys in the back. His gaze settled on Jace.

"Jace. What a pleasure to see you." The officer said with zero pleasure in his tone.

"Officer Hicks." Jace said with a nod. He'd been trying to keep his face low, having recognized the cop's voice immediately.

"How do you know these fine people? Jason... Demarco." The officer said crinkling his brow. Jace knew he'd recognized the last name.

"Jason is my girlfriend's father." He replied, hoping honesty would score some points.

"Abby Demarco. I knew the last name was familiar." He looked at Jason and then back to Jace.

"I'm not sure I like that you know my daughter's name." Jason said honestly. The officer looked away from Jace and back to him.

"Jace runs drugs through my town, and I will put him in prison for it." Jace sighed.

"You have no proof of that." Jace said.

"Yet." The officer stared him down. "At any rate, I know everyone involved with him. Where are you all coming from?" He asked.

"We were at the shooting range, and then we just came from lunch." The officer let out a belly laugh.

"You're teaching this asshole how to shoot a gun? Every officer in the state thanks you for putting our lives further at risk." Jason cringed inwardly. "Are you intoxicated?" Jason turned his head sharply, and then realized the officer was talking to Jace.

"No, sir." He answered truthfully.

"Step out of the truck." He said.

"You can't legally ask me to do that. You don't have probable cause." The officer looked shocked. It was fake.

"You went and got your law degree between last night's party and tonight's?" Jace rolled his eyes. "I love when all you low life shit bags get together and share secrets over dime bags and eight balls." Jace tried to ignore him. "Get out of the car. I'm only asking this last time. Jace caught Jason's gaze in the mirror as his eyes turned to look at the officer.

"Jace, do as the officer says, please." There was nothing polite about the please. Jace knew he didn't need to get out, and that legally officer Hicks couldn't make him without risk of being sued or suspended. But if he didn't listen to Abby's dad... and he didn't have anything to hide. This time at least. Jace's eyes never left Jason's as he opened the car door and stepped out. They stood face to face. Jace tried to take deep breaths, calm himself down.

"Hands on the side of the truck, legs apart." Jace knew the position. He was being patted down, illegally, in front of Abby's dad, brother, uncle and cousin. He'd never been so pissed in his life. But being sober, he knew to keep it reeled in. He was silent as the officer did his thing. "Alright." The officer said. Jace turned around. He saw the anger in the officer's eyes, that he hadn't found anything on him. "Get back in the truck." Jace did as he said. The officer went to the window with Jason. "I'd give you a ticket for speeding, but you have plenty on your plate as it is."

"Thank you, officer." He nodded.

"My advice to you? Keep your daughter away from him. Lock her in the basement if you have to. I'd hate to see her get caught up in his mess. Have a nice day." The officer walked away. Jason sat for a moment, debating what to do.

"Well, that was awkward, am I right?" He met Jace's gaze in the mirror. Jace said nothing, and they drove in silence as they dropped Adam and Pat off at their house. As soon as they pulled out of the driveway, Aaron couldn't hold it in any longer.

"You didn't need to do that." He said to his dad, angry.

"Like hell I didn't. I wasn't going to piss off the officer to save his ass. It's his own fault. You heard the officer; they know Abby by name." He looked in the rearview mirror, spitting pure hatred at this point. "How many times has she had the pleasure of meeting the police because of you?" Jace didn't answer. "I asked you a goddamn question!" Jason roared. Even Aaron was now scared.

"A dozen or so times they've stopped to harass me while I was out with Abby." Hearing her name in his voice lit something inside of him. He slammed on the brakes sending everyone and everything flying forward.

"You don't ever EVER say my daughter's name in my presence again." Jason's eyes spewed pure hatred. Jace's did too. He was done playing this game. "Do you understand me?!" He roared again.

"Yes, sir." He said through gritted teeth. The three of them continued to ride in silence. When they parked at the house no one moved.

"Don't breathe a word of this to Abby." Jason warned. "Either of you."

"I don't lie to Abb-." Jace and Aaron both said it at the same time. They stopped short, noticing the irony of it. Jason practically growled. He gave Aaron a look that said we'll talk later.

"I know you weren't going to say her name." He said to Jace.

"Of course not, sir." Jace stepped out of the truck. Jason did as well, aware that Abby was probably watching.

"Jace?" He turned back to Jason. "If I ever see you again, I'll kill you with my own two hands." Jace scoffed. "You find that funny?" Jace shook his head. He had nothing to lose.

"No. But I do think it's funny that out of all of us, I seem to love her the most." Jace yelled. Jason's eyes went wide as he stepped towards Jace. Aaron jumped out of the truck.

"Dad! Cut the shit!" He screamed. Jason paused. They heard the front door open and shut. They all looked over and saw Abby, standing on the porch. Her face stone cold.

"I'm so sorry, sweetheart. I tried. I really really tried." Jace said to Abby, almost in tears.

"What happened?" Abby asked walking over to him. When Jace didn't answer, she looked to Aaron. "Someone tell me what happened."

"Your dad got pulled over for speeding." He finally answered. Abby deserved to know what an asshole her father was.

"Officer Hicks." She said, her eyes conveying compassion for him.

"Yup. And he laid into me once he saw me in the back seat. He brought you up. And then he ordered me to get out of the truck. Which he can't legally do. So, your dad orders me to get out of the truck." Abby looked to her dad, not sure what to believe. Her dad could be a dick, but this seemed insane.

"You don't say no to a police officer." Jason defended himself, the only words he'd spoken. Jennie had come out with the commotion. She listened, trying not to choose sides.

"We both know that's not what this is about. You did it to humiliate me, to show you had all the power." Jace yelled, stepping towards him while pointing in his anger. Abby put her hand on his chest to keep him back.

"Jace, it's okay." She tried to soothe him. He paced back and forth a few steps, trying to control his anger.

"I have to go, Abby." He said, finally calming down, his anger and humiliation turning into sadness. He kissed her cheek quickly and got into his car. Abby turned toward her dad.

"I trusted you." She condemned him with her words. She turned and walked toward Jace's car.

"Abby!" Aaron yelled after her. "Don't go!" She opened the car door and looked toward her brother. Half her heart and half her soul.

"I have to. I'll be back." She said, sliding into the car. She waved to him as they drove away. They sat in silence. She took his hand in hers and kissed the back of it. Immediately, the rest of his anger melted away. She felt him relax. He pulled over and put the car in park. "What's up?" She asked. He smiled at her.

"I just wanted to take a minute to soak you up." He said softly. She blushed. He leaned over and kissed her, squeezing her hand. He kissed her lips. And then her cheek, and then her neck. He ran his finger along the neckline of her shirt. He kissed her chest. He looked up at her, and she leaned in for another kiss. As they made out, she pushed him back into his seat, her hand against his chest. He laughed. "Look who wants to be in charge today." He whispered. She grinned and climbed on to his lap. She put her hands under his shirt, her skin on his, as they kissed. She took his shirt off as she moved her hips against his lap. He moaned and closed his eyes as he tipped his head back.

"You trusted me." She whispered. "And I fucked up. I'm sorry." He slid his fingers in the waistband of her jeans and brought them to the front where he unbuttoned and unzipped them. She did the same for him. He pulled her pants down past her butt.

"Turn around." He whispered. She did so, carefully as the car was cramped enough. He wrapped his arms around her chest and pulled her back against him. He slipped inside of her, dropping one hand down to please twice at the same time.


"She isn't answering any of my texts or calls." Aaron said, a few hours later, borderline frantic.

"That's because she didn't take her phone with her." Jason said as he walked into the room, tossing Abby's phone on the couch between Aaron and Jennie. Aaron picked it up, and sure enough, all of his text and missed call notifications were staring back at him. No one knew her password. Her phone was useless to them. No one said anything to Jason. They were mad at him, and they were giving him the silent treatment. Jennie flipped through her magazine as if nothing were happening. But Aaron couldn't sit still. He walked out of the house. He didn't even know where he was going. But he had his phone in case his mother needed him. Jason sat down next to his wife. She ignored him. "How long am I getting the silent treatment for?" He asked. She got up and went to their room, locking the door behind her. He was locked out of his own bedroom.  

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