By -platinumcopyshare

2.7K 86 9

⚠︎This is not mine, for offline purpose only to satisfy my need and i also want to share it with all of you i... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8

Chapter 5

230 8 2
By -platinumcopyshare

Noughts and Crosses

Cedric's p.o.v.

A minute later, I woke with a jolt to the sound of someone banging rapidly on the door. Opening my eyes I looked toward the window and realized that it was actually morning. I groaned and burrowed further down into my blankets. I could hear the sound of crutches clicking across the floor before a door opened.

"Hi! I'm Aoiffe! I brought you some breakfast. Grammy said it's on the house since you both went through so much yesterday. What's your name?" a high, bell-like voice rang out behind me; how she could possibly speak so much in one breath amazed me.

"Erm.. I'm Draco and that's Cedric. Thank you for breakfast," I heard Draco mumble quietly. With a groan, I sat up and turned towards the door. Draco looked at me sheepishly, an apology on the tip of his tongue.

"Don't worry. I was awake. Thank you for breakfast, Aoiffe," I murmured, flashing a dimpled smile at her. She blushed, but that quickly went away as a mischievous, knowing look popped up in her eyes.

"Now, don't you try charmin' me, Mr. Cedric! I know who you really wanna charm," she said in a sing-song voice. My jaw dropped open in shock.

"H-how?" I squeaked.

She simply chuckled. "Oh, I know things. Just like I know who Draco wants to cha-arm," she sang. "Oh, believe me. You two have more in common then you know, even if you only met just yesterday."

Draco and I stared at her with wide eyes. How could she possibly know that we only met yesterday? We had told Mrs. Swan a story that made it seem as if we had already known each other.

As Aoiffe was opening her mouth to speak again, a hand clamped down over her face. Her sister stood behind her flushed and gasping for breath.

"I'm so sorry. Sometimes Aoiffe tells people things she shouldn't. She always guesses right, but it scares people. Papa doesn't think there's anythin' wrong with her, though," she said in a rush. Turning to Aoiffe she spoke, "Leave their breakfast and come on. We have to tend to the cows."

Aoiffe quickly dropped the tray of food on a dresser near the door before following her sister out of the room. "But, Lauren! Don't ya think they should know who they're gunna love," Aoiffe cried as she followed her sister down the stairs. Draco and I stared at each other, both with wide, panicked eyes. For a moment I wondered why he would be panicked.

"Let's eat, then. It's already eight o'clock," Draco muttered as he hobbled over to his bed. Nodding, I grabbed the tray and place it across from him. I sat down on the other side of the tray, facing him. Refusing to meet his eyes I grabbed a jam covered roll, shoving it viciously into my mouth. I heard Draco laugh and assumed he has seen my display of terrible manners. "You eat like a pig, Cedric."

"I do not!...okay maybe I do. But not normally! This is just because I've been eating that rubbish they serve at Hogwarts for months."

"I have too, but I'm not eating like that," he laughed. I shook my head at him before making a purposeful display of my manners, cutting into my eggs and slowly eating. As I ate I gave him an angelic smile.

"See, I have manners. I use them all the time at home." He just chuckled quietly as he continued to eat. We ate in silence for a while before I remembered what he had muttered last night. "Draco, what are you gunna do now that you're technically a blood-traitor? Won't your family miss you?"

I watched as he stilled, toast halfway to his mouth. He slowly dropped it down to his plate, seemingly contemplating how to answer. "Um.. I don't have any family to miss me. My mother and father have been taken to Azkaban about a month ago. I... I joined the death-eaters because it was what my father wanted from me. I didn't really want to do it. I guess," he paused for a moment, trying to hold back his tears.

"Draco, remember what I said about real men," I spoke quietly. Once my words registered with him, his tears started to fall down his face. Shamed, he tilted his head down. I shifted putting my hands under my legs, desperately trying not to reach out and comfort him.

"I-I have nowhere to go anymore. M-my house is gone," he hiccupped. A band seemed to constrict around my heart as I watched him fall apart. He had no family and no home. I wished that I could do anything for this beautiful boy. "I j-just wish I c-could go home. B-but that's not at the manor, anymore."

My brows furrowed as I tried to solve his problem. I knew mama would be willing to take him in. I had no idea, though, if he would willingly take the help. My eyes widened as I thought of something he could do. "Draco," I called quietly. When he ignored my call and steadfastly stared at his lap I called again. "Draco, look at me." He immediately looked up at my sharp tone, eyes wide and tear tracks lining his face. "You can live at my house. You can talk when I finish, okay? It's only me and my mother living in the house because dad died about ten years ago. If it makes you feel better, you can earn your keep once your leg's better."

He opened and closed his mouth a few times, trying to decide what to say. "Um, thank you. But.. I-I um, I don't know how to work on a farm. I can't even ride a horse by myself, let alone one that flies. I was born with a silver spoon lodged in my throat," he finished, an adorable pink tinge on his cheeks. I smiled widely at him; I just could not help it. He was much too cute for his own good.

"Don't worry about the farm work; I'll teach you everything. Plus we'll be sharing the chores, anyways, so I'll probably be with you. And as for the thestral, I can teach you today, on the way."


"You'll ride in front, today."

"But what if she doesn't like me and decides to flip me off her back, thus eternally wounding my spirit and ego."

I laughed; I simply could not stop it from happening. His seriousness about that statement was entirely too hilarious. "Trust me, she won't. Have I lied to you, yet?" He shook his head slowly. At that I smiled and continued eating my breakfast, the best I had had in many months.

Stepping outside, I held the inn's door open for Draco. The warm, morning sunshine felt amazing on my skin. I had not allowed myself to experience it this freely since before the dad's murder. Sure I spent my time in the sunlight every morning, but that had been an escape from my life. Now, now I could say it was my life again.

Maggie snorted happily at us as we approached and untied her. Turning to Draco, I wordlessly held out my hand. With a sigh, he hobbled over to my side. As, he had done yesterday, he grabbed onto the reins and held himself upright, balancing on his good leg.

After tying his crutches onto Maggie's side, I turned back to Draco.

"Ready?" I asked. He simply nodded at me, once again, blushing at the situation; so very interesting. I stood behind him and gripped his hips tightly. Once he was lifted high enough, he threw his leg over. As promised, I hopped up behind him.

Settling myself, I wrapped an arm around his waist. Using the other one, I grabbed the reins and placed them in his hands. As he held them, his hands shook slightly. "Okay, it's really simple, actually, to ride a horse. You've gotta hold the reins loosely, which you're already doing so you're good there. Now, relax into the saddle. You don't need to sit like a cat on a cactus, Draco."

Immediately, I felt him relax backwards into my chest, almost snuggling into my warmth. Smiling at the gesture, I continued. "If you wanna go right, pull the reins to the right. If you wanna go left, pull 'em to the left. If you wanna stop, pull 'em back to your chest." He nodded in front of me, understanding, so far.

"To make her go, nudge her sides, gently, with your boots. If you wanna go faster, nudge her again, only a little harder. Got it?" He nodded once again. "Okay, last thing, if you wanna, for some reason, turn around then pull the reins hard to the right or left, depending on what way ya wanna turn." I waited for him to process the information.

"I think I understand. Can we go now?" he questioned, excitement obvious in his tone. I patted his arm and told him to go before I wrapped both arms tightly around his waist. Maggie took off confidently under Draco's lead. He seemed to be thinking about something and after a few minutes said "Cedric, which way should I go? And, can I go faster?"

I smiled at his joy; it was infectious. "When we get to the end of this road, we're gunna go left. Follow that road all the way to the end. That'll take a couple of hours. At the end we'll stop for some lunch. I'll tell you the rest when we get there. And yes you can go faster." At my words, he immediately kicked Maggie into a much faster pace, laughing at the new experience.

We rode in silence for the most part. Every now and again, Draco would point something out that he'd never seen before and ask what it was. I found it amusing that someone from the city had never at least heard of things like tumbleweeds.

"Cedric, what's your mother like?" Draco asked about three quarters of the way down the second road. The longing in his voice was clear as day. I knew, instantly, that he was missing his mother. I did not answer right away, unsure of exactly what to say. He must have taken my silence as reluctance to speak because he mumbled something about not having to say anything. I shook my head, even though he could not see. Had he not yet figured that it was impossible for me to say no to him? I was beginning to think that I would give him the universe if he asked it of me.

"No, I was thinking, Draco. Let's see. Hm, mum's really kind to everyone she meets. It doesn't take her much to love someone. She'll mother anyone who gives her the chance. She's quiet but she'll fight for what she believes is right. She's an amazing cook. Oh, and never call her Mrs. Diggory; she says she feels old when people say that. Her name's Eliza, but don't call her that until she actually says it's fine." I added as an afterthought.

Draco sighed wistfully. "She sounds perfect. My mother never cooked for me; she never learned how and we had a house elf to do that. I kind of wish she would have." I had no idea of how to respond to that, so I stayed silent.

Soon enough, we came upon the tiny rest stop sized town. I hopped off Maggie and bounced on my now partially sore legs. Turning back to Draco, I helped him down of the horse before untying his crutches. As he hobbled into the nearby saloon, I tied Maggie to a post, pumping more water into the trough.

Following Draco inside, I blinked my eyes rapidly to get used to the darker atmosphere. Looking around I spotted him at a table. Two bowls of stew and two cups of butterbeer sat in front of him. I smiled at him in thanks. Obviously, he had spent his money on me, surely trying to make up for what I had done for him.

Sitting down, I dug into the food heartily. After a minute or two, Draco started to eat as well. Looking around, I noticed that the room was practically abandoned except for the few older men sitting at the bar. I smiled slightly when I noticed that they were trying to charm the much younger barmaid.

We finished our meal in silence before heading back outside and repeating the routine to get Draco on top of Maggie. Much quicker than in the morning, we left the small town. "Okay, Draco. See that road up ahead on the right? Turn there and we're gunna follow that for about an hour. Soon, we'll make a left and that'll bring us to a road that we'll follow for about two hours. It's gunna bring us to the town where I live." He nodded before setting off at a fast pace, obviously excited to get to his new home.

While you were sleeping,

I figured out everything:

I was constructed for you,

And you were moulded for I feel your name.

Coursin' through my veins.

You shine so bright, it's insane.

You put the sun to shame.

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