Blue Harmony || Classroom of...

By YellowPrimordial

194K 5.6K 3.2K

Kiyopon X Haruka Fanfic. Kiyopon will not Hold Back in some Ways, He only get serious when it comes to indiv... More

Bus Scene - Rude Encounter
Entrance Exam?
Introduction? Convenience Store?
Club Fair? Piano?
Swimming Class? Race?
Post? Bento?
Queen? Revelation?
Study Group? Two Faced Angel?
Fight? Test Paper?
Midterms and Results? Celebration?
Class C's Attack? Camera Happenings?
Trial's Results? Saving Airi?
Monster and Tyrant Interactions? Council and Room Stuffs?
Preparations and Esperanza? Beginning of the Island Exam?
Adventures? Kiyo's Plan?
Deal and Party with Class B? Calm before the Storm?
Demon's Rage? Change of Plans?
Island Exam Results? The Moment of Truth?
Deal with Class 2B? Gym Moments?
Blissful Return? Beginning of the Sports Festival?
Training? Sports Festival? Downgrading Every Enemies?
Sports Festival's Result? Perfect Victories? A Fucking Celebration?
Ongoing and Aftermath of the Party? The New Leading Figure?

Routine? 2nd Day?

8K 269 125
By YellowPrimordial

Kiyotaka's Pov

After a Few minutes, we arrived at the School Dorms. 

The Walk to the Dorms was quite peaceful with Hasebe initiating conversations from time to Time

We Headed toward to Counter and Asked the Floor receptionist for our Room numbers

I'm assigned in room 401 and Hasebe's in Dorm 801

(A/N:I don't know Haruka's Dorm room number in Canon so I gave her a Random one. Hope you don't mind.)

We Headed towards the Elevator. When we arrived in front of it. Hasebe immediately pushed the Button because i currently holding the Groceries we both Bought 

The Ride towards our floor was Silent, I looked at Haruka Who's Quite Slumped down, I don't know why. 

As we were about to pass 3rd Floor, I called out to her

"Hey, Hasebe." i called out to her as she Looked at me

"Um.. Do you wanna like.. go to School together tomorrow" i asked her, not quite sure why I'm Suddenly getting nervous 

Her Expression Brightened Up as she Nodded her head

"Mhmm! Let's meet in the Dorm's Lobby! 8:00 tomorrow morning!" She said as she smiles brightly at me

"Yeah" i replied 

The elevator arrived at the 4th Floor, Indicating the end of our Conversation 

"Well, I'll see you tomorrow morning, Thank you for accompanying me today" i said as i looked at her from outside the Elevator

"No Problem Ayanon! See you tomorrow too!" She replied as the elevator's door Closes

''Sigh' Today was Quite Tiring but Fun' i thought to myself as i use the Keycard to open my room

I Checked the manual Earlier. Seems like they don't have a Limit on Gas and Electricity, We just need to use them Wisely

I Observed the Room with Excitement, The room is about 8 tatami mats big. This is where I'll live starting today. It’s also my first time living alone. Until graduation, we students would have to live without contacting anyone outside of school.

I felt my Face curved upwards.

I really am Smiling. 

The Freedom I yearned for is finally in my Grasp and I'll never give this up anytime soon.

Ain't Freedom the best, You're free to do anything you want, Without anyone judging and Ordering you around, You're also free from the Pressure and Expectations of others. I'll make sure to Protect this 3 years of Freedom and Anyone who dares to Endanger it, will surely suffer by my Hands.

After i finished my Monologue, I entered the bath and Cleanse myself, Then make myself some Dinner before Going to Sleep

April 2

It was Currently 4:00 in the Morning. I was awoken from my Slumber by the Alarm i set before going to Bed Last night 

I got up of my bed, and start preparing for my Daily Routine

I wouldn't want my Body, Forged by Intense Training and Hard Work just deteriorate 

After i Finished preparing, I left the Dorm while Pondering where i should do my Workout 

There's the Park and There's also a gym, 

The things all i need is already in the Gym, but the park is also a Good choice because of the Environment 

As soon as i Made up my mind, I start walking to my Destination 

After a Few minutes walk, I arrived at the Gym and went to the Receptionist Counter

"Good Morning, I'd like to register for Membership here" i said as the receptionist looked at me

"You're Quite Early here, Kid. The Membership fee will cost you 5000 Points monthly. Is that okay with you?" he asked as nodded

I paid the needed points then He gave me the Entry Pass

I said my Thanks and Went inside Workout Area

As i look around, I noticed that there's someone already here

He's Hitting the Punching Bag with Karate and Aikido techniques 

He had this Sleek Black-Hair and Glasses that made him look like someone Studious. He also Radiating With the aura of Authority, He's seems like someone Special

He noticed me, But didn't pay heed to me

I also started my Stretches and Warm Up Consisting of 100 Push Up, 25 for each and 50 Both Arms, 150 curls up, and 5km run 

I just finished my Push up and Curls and Then proceeded to the the Run

I set that treadmill at 40kmph Since my Body's warmed up, I can Keep up with this speed or higher

After i Finished my Run, I was sweating profusely, I taken a break before Starting my main Exercise 

I did the Barbell Squat with 50kg Weight for 50 reps, Deadlift with 100kg Weight for 25 reps, Pull ups with 25kg Weight for 75 reps.  This isn't my Max but this'll suffice since i just need to maintain my Current physique 

I noticed that other Students and Teachers are already filling up, Some of them watching me 

As I was about Do my Bench press when that black haired guy approached me, Looking at me as if analysing me. 

"Need a Spot?" He asked

"I'd Appreciate it" I replied, Accepting his Help

"All things Considered, Can you Carry This?" he asked, Pointing at the Barbell that had over 100 kg Weight 

"Yeah" i replied, As i lay down, Getting Ready

After a few Seconds I started to Lift it, I only need to do 15 reps

I keep lifting in a slow pace to not overexert my Joints and muscles

After i Finished, Everyone clapped at me

Some of them surprised that i can Lift 100 kg

"You're Impressive" the black-haired guy said

"Thank you, um.." i asked for his name

"Horikita, Horikita Manabu of Class -3A"

He introduced 

"Thanks for the Spot, Senpai. Btw, I'm Ayanokoji Kiyotaka" I said As he looked at me, Surprised To Know who i am

"So You're The The that aced the Entrance Exam" He said as he Pushed his Upwards with His Middle finger

"Yes" i said as i remove my Sweaty Shirt 

His Eyes widened when he saw my Figure.

"You have a nice body there. It's not Bulky But Lean, It's also in Good Shape " He Complimented as He observed my Body

"Thanks for the Compliment, I need to keep my physique to be more proficient in using Martial arts" i said as i Change into a New Shirt

"You do martial arts? What do you practice?" He asked

'Should I say I do all of them?' i thought pondering whether i should say

"I do karate, Senpai" i replied 

"I see, Wanna be my Sparring Partner Next time?" He asked

"Sure, Senpai" I replied while packing my Stuff

"Yeah, It's already 6:00, So i should Go. See you at School, Ayanokouji" he said as Only Nodded 

He then Left the Gym, after i Finish packing my things, I followed right after

I went to the Vending Machine to buy A Drink before Going Straight Home

It's already 6:30 am when i arrived at my Room 

After i Arrived at my Room, I immediately entered the Bath and showered with Cold Water

As i was Drying Up, I found myself Looking at my reflection in the mirror

8 pack abs with Refined Body created with intense training and Huge T-rex, I'm not koenji But i Think i have Most the Perfect Body in the World right now

I couldn't help but sigh at thoughts as i Got off the Bath and started to change into my normal clothes. 

There's no need to wear your school attire so early since I still have 1 and a half Hours before I meet up with Hasebe and i still have to cook Breakfast fast and make a bento for myself

After I finished eating my Breakfast and Making my Bento, I changed into my school attire. I still have 20 minutes so I waited 10 Before i headed to the Dorm's Lobby

I used the Stairs because the Elevator just Got down to 3rd floor as soon as i open my Door, It's Better to take the Stairs, It's pretty Efficient since I'm not In The Higher Floors  

After a minute, I arrived at the Dorm's Lobby

'Looks Like she's not here yet' I thought as i look around 

'Welp, There's still 5 Minutes till the Appointed Time so it's fine to wait around' i thought as a lean Against the wall 

That senpai must be in the Student Council or Something, His aura of superiority is the same as that man, But weaker, 

His Face is also Quite similar to Compass-Chan, Maybe they're Siblin- No, i shouldn't jump to conclusions since it's only the second day

I was pulled out from my Monologue by the sound of Girls, Chattering happily 

I looked at the Source and Found the Beautiful Strawberry-Blonde haired Girl Chattering with Her Friends 

It's only been a Day since we came here but She's already pretty Popular, Considering the Friendly Aura radiating from her, It's impossible to not at least get 50 Friends 

I looked away before they could Notice my Stare. I don't wanna be Branded as a Pervert on the Second day of School

'I Checked the time, It's already 8:01am, Maybe she Overslept, Guess I'll wait since the class Doesn't start till 30 Minutes'

I thought as i closed my and Waited

After a Few minutes, I sense someone's presence approaching me silently 


I said as i suddenly opened my Eyes and Turned to Unknown presence that is Hasebe

"Woah! How'd you know it was me, Ayanon?" she asked, Surprised

"You have a Unique Presence, I guess" i replied after Coming up of a Excuse

"Oh! Sorry I'm late! I kinda Overslept! Did you wait Long?" She asked 

"Nope, in the contrary, I just arrived here" I replied while looking at her

"You Look Beautiful today" 

I complimented her after noticing she's wearing different type of Makeup

"Hehe! Thank you for the Compliment, Ayanon!" She exclaimed while Blushing quite Hard

"You're turning Red, Do you have a fever?" I asked while Touching her Forehead 

"No, I'm Fine" She said in lower voice

Seems like my Actions made her Flustered

"Sorry if my actions if my Uncomfortable"

I apologized to her While Removing my hands from Her Forehead 

"It's fine, Ayanon! Thank you for your Concern" she said as she smiled Brightly 

"Yeah" I paused before continuing "Shall we go?" I Asked her

"Yeah! Let's go, Ayanon!" She replied excitedly as We Start walking towards the school 

I checked the Time to see If how much time is left Before the Class starts

We Still Have over 20 minutes till the Class Starts, We'll Made it even if we walk in a slow pace 

We talked about non-concerning matters till we arrived at School

When we Entered the Classroom, Everyone Stared at us but Averted their gaze when they met my Eyes

Some of them are Shivering at my Gaze

'Did I scare them too Much?' I thought as i Observed my Classmates Behavior while Me and Hasebe walked Towards our Seats

As soon as i arrived at my seat, The Door opened, Revealing Sensei With her usual Look

"Take your seats, The Class is about to Start" Sensei said, Prompting the start Of of The Class

The Class was extremely Boring Ngl, I already learned this when i was still in the White Room So listening to it again Is probably a waste of time

My Classmate aren't even listening, I guess they didn't understand the meaning of my Message yesterday, Some are talking to Each other, Some are Playing Video Games, and Some are Even Sleeping

I guess they're really Defective to the Core

''Sigh' I guess I'll stare Outside till the Classes End' I thought as a stare at the passing birds


The Bell rang Signaling the End of the Class and the start of the Lunch Break 

I just stared at the Board Listlessly, I was suddenly pulled out from my Daze by Compass-Chan

"You're Pitiful" she mocked

"Why?" I asked while tilting my head

"You don't have to hide the fact that you're sad because no-one wants to invite you for Lunch" she answered 

"Seriously? When Did i look like that?" i asked, Intrigued on how did she Arrived at that Conclusion 

"You looked really gloomy while staring at Groups that are eating" she replied 

"Oya? How do you know whether I'm staring at Them or not?" i asked in a teasing tone

Before She Could reply, I cut her off

"Observing me now, are we? How Admirable, Compass-chan" I mocked 

"I just Observing how pitiful you looked" she said in a calm voiced but i can tell her blood is probably Boiling

"Who said I'm Gloomy because of Couldn't  eat lunch In Groups, Besides-" the moment i finished the Words, Hasebe Called out to me 

"Hey, Ayanon! Wanna eat lunch with us?" Hasebe invited me with akito by her side

I sent Compass-chan a quick glance before replying to Hasebe 

"Sure, You guys can go ahead of me. I still need to finish Packing my Stuff" I said

"Okay! We'll wait for you outside the Cafeteria, Ayanon!" Hasebe said excitedly as i only nodded in Response 

Then they both left the Room and Started to head towards the Cafeteria 

I Started to Pack my Stuff and Took out my Bento 

I stood up and started to walk towards Outside but Suddenly Stopped at Compass-chan's desk

I looked the nameplate that says 'Horikita Suzune'

Horikita? Is she Senpai's sister? If so, I feel sorry for him, Having a Defective sister like her must be a huge embarrassment

I suddenly leaned Closer to her ears and whispered

"You're Pitiful, Suzune-Chan" i whispered as i started to walk outside

Immediately, Compass-chan stood up from her seat, About to Scream insults at me but i cutted her off

"Oh Right, I forgot to give you your compass back, right? If you want it back, You can go get it from your Brother" 

I informed as i started to walk towards outside the Room 

She Visibly Flinched while Her Face showed visible signs of Fear and Despair

She Couldn't do Anything but Look down as she took her Seat, Continuing her Lunch


"There you are!" Miyake exclaimed when he spotted me

"Ohh! You bought your own Bento?" Hasebe said as she looked at the bento I'm currently Holding 

"Yeah, I Liked to save up points incase anything Bad Happen" i said 

"Pfft- Says the one who Currently have Over 3 million Private Points in his account" Hasebe Said

"Eh?" Was all miyake Could say as he Looked at Hasebe who just Covered her mouth 

"Ehhh!? Seriously!?" Miyake Looked at me with a shocked expression 

I raised my Index Finger towards my Lips as i made a 'shhh' Sound

"Let's talk about it when we already go our foods" i said, Prompting them to start ordering 

"Ok, Let's order now, Hasebe" Miyake Said.

"Okie, Miyatcchi! Save us seats, Ayanon! " she replied as she looked at me

I nodded at her and sent her a look that said 'Let's not Reveal anymore information, Ok?' which she understood as she replied with a Salute

''sigh' what a Cute and Energetic Friend i Have' I thought as i looked around for Empty seats 

After a few seconds, I found a Table for 4, I immediately Went there, Claiming the Spot while i wait for the Two

After a Few Minutes, They Both arrived.

"Ayanon!" Hasebe called out to me with Miyake by her Side as They Approached me

"Yo" I said as i half Raised my Hand 

"Yo, Ayanokouji. Sorry we kinda took our time because Haruka Couldn't pick what to eat Faster" Miyake said as She teased

Hasebe Glared at her 

"There Many Delicious looking foods. So I had a hard time picking!" Hasebe Exclaimed 

They Continued Their Bantering for a Few Moments with me Barging in From time to time as we eat

"So, Care to Explain where'd you get your 3 million Points?" He asked with a Smirk 

I then Explained to Him what happened Yesterday, I also explained my Suspicions about S-system in a Voice that only the of us Can hear

"Wow! I mean , You noticed that there's something wrong about the S-system in a Day!" He almost exclaimed that it was heard by the Female Senpais Beside our table, who looked at us with Surprised expression 

I immediately signed him to keep his voice down, Which he immediately Did

We continued our discussion about S-system Till an Announcement can be heard throughout the Cafeteria 

"Today, at 5pm in gymnasium number 1, there will be a club fair. For those of you with an interest in clubs, please come to gymnasium number 1. I repeat, today──” 

A girl with a cute voice made an announcement over the PA.

"Oh, You're going to Join the Archery Club right, miyake?" I asked, changing the topic

"Yeah!" miyake replied

Must be nice, Having a passion about Something 

"Will you two go to the Club fair together?" Miyake asked the Both of Hasebe and me

"Yeah, I've got no problem with that, i'll probably Check it out since i have nothing to do" i replied as Hasebe nodded her head in Agreement 

We Finished Eating and Started to leave. we Talked about Trivial Stuff till we Walked to The Classroom

Club Fair, Huh? 

(A/N): So, What do you think of this chapter? Is it Fine?

Over 2900 words.

Sorry for the Late Update. 

I was kinda busy yesterday with my Test so i had to study for a while 

Kiyopon Meeting Manabu

Next Chapter will be about the Club Fair. If i feel like it, I might add the Swimming lessons with it

Thank you for Reading! 

YellowPrimordial Out!

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