The Ember Queen

By EverythingIvy15

251 24 45

The story of a kingdom, corruption, a rebellion, and love; with all of it hanging in the balance... and if th... More

Chapter One
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen (Ending One)
Chapter Sixteen (Ending Two)
Fiona's Character Development (Bonus Chapter Seventeen)
Abraham's Character Development (Bonus Chapter Eighteen)
Gabriel's Character Development (Bonus Chapter Nineteen)
Celeste's Character Development (Bonus Chapter Twenty)
The Ember Queen - Origins

Chapter Two

22 3 13
By EverythingIvy15

The Assembly Hall:
Fiona sat on her throne, avoiding eye contact with the deceased Chairman's family. The mother was a plump woman with greasy black hair, and three identical daughters, all frail and tall, with the thinnest, longest, hair Fiona had ever seen. They all shared the same stormy blue eyes which seemed to be fixed on the ground just below the riser that they were sitting on to view the conference.

When Fiona had entered the room, the daughters had glanced at her in curiosity, but quickly avoided her gaze once they became aware of who she was. Gabriel had silently vacated her seat and waited until she was comfortably seated until he backed away a few paces to his viewing post.

Now Fiona sat silently in her seat, tolerating the constant bickering between Mrs. Butcher and the chairmen.

An empty stool sat at the farthest left seat from Fiona, where Chairman Butcher had sat through many meetings. The sight did not make Fiona sad, only pitiful for the family that the Chairman had left behind.

Turning her attention back to the debating, she realized how elevated the conversation had gotten. Chairman Ellis was giving Chairman Huy a death glare while trying to convince the rest of the court to let all of Chairman Butcher's savings be donated to a self-funded, planned, and operated project he called "the spire" which was a park with a nine-foot water fountain shaped like a skyscraper in the center.

Ellis claimed that it was meant to symbolize unity and power within the government, but everyone else knew that only half the money put into it was actually for the given purpose.
In the middle of his rant about symbolism, a guard burst through the main door, startling multiple of the court members, who had begun to doze off through Ellis's monologuing.

"Your majesty," the guard declared, dropping to one knee not three feet from the door. "We have just gotten word that the known rebel Abraham Kin has gone missing, and we have tracked his most recent location to an eastern bound train which he boarded but did not disembark from at the receiving station.

"We have also discovered that his home and surrounding property seemed out of place as if ransacked or ruffled through recently. We assume he left it in this state, wanting to make a speedy getaway and not planning to return."

Fiona sat silently for a moment, trying to recall what she had already heard about this Abraham. He was indeed a wanted rebel and had made multiple attempts to seize control of parts of the country under a fake identity. But this most recent development intrigued her. When had they discovered who he was? And why hadn't they notified her?

She sat up a little straighter and after signaling for the guard to rise said, "Keep searching. I expect to be informed on all new developments, and once he is captured, bring him to me so I may deal with him."

The guard nodded and saluted his queen with a fist to his chest, then moved it to the side of his head. After he had gone, Fiona stood, splaying her hands on the table.

"I say, the untaxed portions of Butcher's savings be given to his family in a form of reserve to be used for medical purposes only. His daughters should have the right to marriage through the choosing of their mother."

"His property will not be divided, and I will fund the funeral fee. Lord Amstel will replace his seat in the court. That's final, no debating about it, this meeting is adjourned."

Scooting back her chair with her legs she slipped out from the table sideways and walked out of the courtroom with a small smile to the Butcher daughters as she passed.

Beckoning Gabriel to walk beside her she slowed her pace and looked at him out of the corner of her eye.

"How do you think that went?" She asked plainly.

"My queen's judgment is just, and if her word is final I trust her in it," Gabriel replied without hesitation.

Fiona nudged his forearm with her elbow, as she inclined her head to her right, giving Gabriel a look. "Come on, give me your honest opinion, not the royal answer you were trained to give," She prodded playfully.

"I believe you shut them up well, and it seemed fair enough for the family. So, considering that you forgot to mention what would be the family's new source of income I think it went well." Gabriel said with a smirk.

Fiona slapped her forehead with her left palm. "Did I really forget that part?" She asked, feeling like an amateur. Gabriel nodded, schooling his features back to impassiveness.
They walked the rest of the way back to Fiona's chamber in silence, only the occasional servant acknowledging their queen's presence.

As Fiona slowed her pace and entered her parlor, Gabriel stopped at his usual post, assuming full guard position.

Fiona poured two glasses of Macula Berry juice and handed one to Gabriel, not knowing if he would drink it or not. He accepted it nonetheless but kept his gaze fixed on the adjacent wall. As she pulled a cushioned black marble stool from the bar Fiona sat no less than three feet away from Gabriel's position. She huffed, and reached out with her right hand, flicking Gabriel's chest plate.

"Hello? Anyone in that stoic, handsome, figure? Would you mind drinking the juice I poured you?" She paused with a disappointed smile. "Or I could have it," she said teasingly, but Gabriel stopped her hand as it reached out for his glass. He glanced at Fiona's fingers which were frozen on his palm, but he just put her wrist in her lap gently and clinked their glasses with a kind smile. After a sip, his posture softened and he leaned against the wall. Fiona grinned, satisfied.

"So," she said after a sip. "Will you be attending the Annual Fall Gala?" Fiona asked innocently.

"As your guard, yes," replied Gabriel matter-of-factly.

Fiona rolled her eyes. Luckily, a servant interrupted her just before she was going to humiliate herself.

"My queen," she said, stooping into a bow, "I have been sent to inform you that the R.S.A. has located Abraham Kin, the escaped rebel. They are tracking him now, and it appears he is headed east, toward the palace."

Near the Appalachian River:
Abraham couldn't get the last bits of sand from his hair, no matter how hard he tried to wash or shake it out. Stomping off the last bits of water from his pants, Abraham had pulled out his compass and headed east, following the cargo ships by day and the stars by night; headed to the Royal estates. From there, he would do what he could. Sabotage meetings, steal supplies and secrets... and survive as long as possible.

As he trudged through brush and pushed away branches, Abraham couldn't help but admire the peaceful beauty of the forest. The occasional seagull that he saw flying above him brought back memories of sailing when he was barely older than fourteen.

Just him and his small crew of three others. After one died of an unknown sickness, another left the group leaving just Abraham and his last crewman. Eventually, they agreed to sail to a nearby city and try to make a fortune together. But, a storm intercepted their journey, and Abraham was forced to bail ship after it was damaged beyond repair, however just as he and his last crewmate were so close to land, Abraham looked over his shoulder to see his crewman, his friend, disappear below the waves.

He'd been on his own ever since.
Crossing over yet another river, Abraham could finally see the peaks of the towers that lined the outer wall of the Royal Estates. Climbing to the top of the nearest tree, he dared to stick his head out of the leaves and saw a sight he never thought he would see.

The palace:
Security measures had been increased ever since the R.S.T. (Royal Search Team) had discovered the general vicinity of the famed rebel escapade. But, to the public's great approval, the Gala had not been canceled.
So, as was customary, the queen was to be fitted and ready for the gala the day before, and by mid-afternoon, Fiona was worn out beyond comparison. Her dresser had wanted to adorn her with the shiniest jewels and most flowing dresses, but Fiona had politely refused.

After hours of simply picking out fabrics, against her seamstress wishes, Fiona had picked out a silver sequin fabric for the top of her dress, and a thick maroon flannel for the skirt.
It had only taken her seamstress half an hour to put together exactly what Fiona had been envisioning. With half-inch straps and a v-neck, the dress was as beautiful yet simple.
Fiona didn't want to take it off! As she swished around the skirt she imagined herself dancing with Gabriel, then stopped herself. He was her guard, a loyal follower, she did not have feelings for him.

Taking a deep breath, Fiona let the hem of her dress swish around her ankles one more time and then forced herself to change back into her black jean capris and grey blouse.

Stepping outside, she motioned for Gabriel to follow-which was not necessary-as she headed down towards the great hall for dinner.

Just outside the wall of the royal estates:
Abraham had made it to the edge of the forest where there was a small expanse of plains that led up to the wall. He had camped there for the past few days, monitoring the guard shifts on the top of the wall.

Without more brush cover, Abraham would not be able to make it from the forest to the wall without being spotted; unless he timed it just right. He had forty-five seconds on average to get past the plains and to the wall. He had two minutes until the next guard shift came.

Clearing his camp and tightening his satchel around himself, he put on the weed coat he had woven to toss over his back in case of emergency.

Taking a deep breath, he glued his focus to the guards. The current squad of four left their posts single file, and Abraham 's countdown began.

Sprinting neck-down Abraham covered ten feet in five seconds. Another ten feet in eight seconds. Twenty feet to go. Twenty-four more seconds. His throat becoming dry from rough breathing, Abraham crossed another full fifteen feet in ten seconds. Realizing his pace was slowing, he put all his energy into one last boost. Just as he ran two feet and boosted himself in the air, the next four guards arrived, twelve estimated seconds early. Landing with a thud, Abraham rolled onto his back, his left side pressed against the stone wall. He had made it, and not eight seconds too soon.

Struggling to his feet, he shrugged off his pack, brushing off as much dirt and grime off his clothes as possible. Slumping back down onto the grass, Abraham rested his head on the wall, thoroughly exhausted.

Waves of heat were now smashing down on him, his tree cover almost forty feet away. Taking a deep breath, Abraham stood up and turned to face the wall. Not daring to back up far enough to where he could be seen, Abraham tested the wall for good grip areas. Finding a few small holds he sat back down to rest, planning to climb the next day.

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