reunited again

By jOhnlock_stan

882 39 145

prior to season 4 what I think would happen if mary didn't die and the women missed the shot More

the flying bullet
time moves slow without you
unexpected vistor
a case to bring us close again
just like old times
oh i know
miss irene adler
truth or dare
the morning after the night before p2
authers note
say somthing
authors note

the morning after the night before

57 3 12
By jOhnlock_stan

A/N This chapter dose not have dialogue in apart from the occasional loud thought I know somtimes when a story dosnt have dialogue for a long time it's easy to loose interest I apologise for this but I couldn't find a way to fit any in :/ hope you still like it and if you have suggestions for the next part I'll try and fit them:)
| johns       |             
|  pov         |
|                  |
John awoke,the sting of sun making him painfully aware of his mistakes of the night before.He adjusted his eyes to the dingy walls what stood before him, not yet aware of the situation at hands way.

As he rolled over, waiting to start his long lifeless morning routine.He froze at what lay before him wich was not a smiling mary wishing him a good morning but sherlock holmes asleep and what looked to be completey naked "shit".

His mind started to flood as he remembered the event of the night before sloppy rough kisses,loud rough pants and groans,the body heat what he almost craved back,limbs tangled in limbs,the pleasured moans as they orgamsized,the sucking and biting on sherlocks pale delicate skin. he was glad it wasn't him with the marks because he diddnt know how he'd be able to explain it to mary. Wait- mary, shit.

This was a mistake he thought over and over in his head,mainly trying to convince himself. But he couldn't stay not under theese circumstances whatever he felt for sherlock he couldn't feel, no mater how much that pained him he couldn't not with Mary and hamish at home.

If sherlock felt anything for him in return, then that would have to be dealt with another time. wich he still highly doubted beacuse Sherlock diddnt feel for anyone, not in that way at least.last night was probably just a heat of the momment thing, and plus he was drunk they both were.

He silently lifted the covers of off him, and slipped out of bed before tiptoeing to get his clothes.

At that mooment, in the corner of his eye he saw a dissappapointed look on sherlocks face, but when he turned around to face him it looked as If he was still fast asleep. So he went silently to bathroom making a point to not wake up the sleeping man that lay on the bed.

As soon as he got to the bathroom, he shut the door and rested his head on it."fuck why did I do this" he questiond himself and gave an exaggerated groan before getting into the clothes from the night before.

Thankfully, his clothes were clean apart from a few creases they looked fine.they was all he had here now anyway, so there's nothing he could do if they wasnt.

He silently strolled out of the bathroom, collecting his shoes and putting them on.John suddenly felt a twinge of guilt fly over him, he couldn't just leave without atleats leaving a note. The prior night may have or may have not been a mistake, but either way Sherlock was his friend and hopefully still would be. He couldn't just leave and let Sherlock think he ditched beacuse he was scared or he that hated him.

So he finally found a pen and paper and wrote Sherlock a note reading:

'sherlock I had to go I'm sorry I couldn't stay I just couldn't not with Mary and Hamish at home
Hope we can still be atleast freinds maybe?
I hope you understand Sherlock

And with that john placed the note on the table and left in a hurry not wanting mary to get suspicious, ofcorse he would tell her but he needed to think of how.

John haild a cab to his house, the cab drive was silent but john wasn't in much of a mood for talking anyway so he didn't mind he could be left alone with his thoughts.

AN// hey sorry again for no dialogue I tried to keep it short so you diddnt loose interest thank you for reading I hope you have a lovely day night or evening and as always feedback and suggestions are always welcome as it helps me know what I'm doing wrong right what you want and what you don't wnat stay safe love you all❤️❤️❤️

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