You Belong With Me (A Sequel...

seawrites5 द्वारा

12.1K 200 18

"Yeah, but this time we're seniors." -Rizzo Does one really think Ainsley and Ryder would not get a second ch... अधिक

1 here we go, again
2 she's back
3 new people
4 healed up
5 good terms bring hurt
6 back in action
7 never stopped loving you
8 feelings
9 just friends
11 always you
12 guilty pleasure
13 together
14 scouted
15 serve us out
16 off to state
17 two and two together
18 all we do is win
19 two times
20 what goes around comes around
21 so in love
22 top two
23 coming around
24 revenge
25 the final approval

10 a soft spot for you

472 10 1
seawrites5 द्वारा

"How was school?" my mom asked. Homecoming was just a few days ago and I have been so busy ever since. Volleyball has taken up so much of my time. I have barely even talked to my parents because of it.

I sat down on one of the stools at the kitchen counter. "It was good. I'm so tired though."

She nodded. "I bet. How was homecoming? I feel like I have barely talked to you since," she said as she placed a bowl of strawberries in front of me, which I happily ate.

"It was okay. Lacey and Braxton are basically back together so she sorta left me for him. I don't mind though."

"Well, I don't blame you for not minding because you did leave early with Ryder after all..."

I coughed loudly and felt my cheeks turn red. How does she know about that?

"I was just giving him a ride home. How did you hear about that?"

She gave me a knowing smile. "At lunch, with Nancy."

"You went to lunch with Nancy James?" I questioned.

"Yeah. We go every Wednesday."

I raised an eyebrow. "You go to lunch, every Wednesday, with my ex boyfriend's mom?" I wondered.

"Can you blame me? Nancy is amazing. We couldn't let our friendship die just because you two broke up!"

I rolled my eyes. "Okay, anyways... Why are you asking about me driving Ryder home?"

"Oh, well Nancy wants you to get Ryder back. I personally agree with her after hearing what she said about Ella. Have you met his girlfriend? She sounds terrible!"

"She plays volleyball, so yes, Ma."

"Oh! That's right. Well, Nancy was telling me about how Ella is some big partier and all, but super controlling over Ryder."

"That's not something I can just prevent. Ryder needs to end that relationship on his own. He's head over heels for her. I can't just tell him his girlfriend is controlling. That'll make him mad," I explained. "And besides, Ryder and I are just friends."

"Friends aren't in love with each other," she replied.

I narrowed my eyes at her, but she was not looking at me. "Give up. I'm focused on myself, not boys."


On Thursday, I was in the locker room getting ready for the volleyball game when two people entered. It did not take long for me to figure out that it was Katie and Ella.

"I feel like we drifted entirely," said the voice of Ella, which immediately grabbed my attention because I knew this was about Ryder.

"That's probably because you keep cheating on him," replied Katie. I had to nod in agreement with that statement; never would I have found myself agreeing with Katie Wellington.

Ella scoffed loudly and I could hear her rummaging through her locker which was a few aisles over from mine. "Maybe I wouldn't have to if he would quit looking at Ainsley all the time. I swear, he gives her more attention in a day than I get from him in the span of a week."

"You know he only does that because he wants to be on her good side, right? I mean, it's not like she's that special. It's obvious he only hangs around her because of the name," Katie said which made me roll my eyes. "I think that's the case for all her friends."

"But still, I feel like not even his family likes me anymore... and that worries me. What if he's drifting away from me?"

"I'm sure everything is fine. Couples go through rough patches all the time," explained Katie. Even she sounded bored of Ella.

I could hear Ella sigh. "You're right... but if I see that bitch near Ryder one more time, I swear."

A small, uncontrollable smile spread onto my face. For whatever reason, pissing off Ella sounded fun, and she just said exactly how to do so, because we all know I'm 'that bitch.'

So, when I ran into the gym that night after being announced, I glanced over to the student section. Ryder sat in the heart of it, and gave me a small smile. Although he averted his attention to Ella when she started to wave to him. He gave her a smile, too. However, I know Ryder well enough to be able to tell that it was not a genuine smile. His eyes did not light up when he looked at her.

"Ryder is checking you out," Lacey whispered as we took our positions a few minutes later

I smiled at her while I tightened my ponytail. "I know."

It was not in a creepy way or anything, but I could feel his gaze on me. I knew it was there without even having to glance back at him.

"It's disgusting that you two aren't back together," she commented.

"Not everyone is meant to be," I responded, despite my sureness that Ryder and I belonged together.

"Just give in to him already."

I scoffed and leaned my hands onto my knees since we were seconds away from serving. "I'm not having this conversation right now."

Lacey smiled and turned to face the opposing team. I hate the fact that she knows me as well as I know myself.

However, I had to shake off that thought because Katie was in the middle of the serve. I took a deep breath because within a few seconds, their outside hitter had slammed a ball down at me. Just barely, I was able to get the pass under control but my ball went to Katie, who set the ball to Lacey.

Soon after, a rally had begun. We knew this team was supposed to be good and give us a run for our money.

Although, we put a stop to the rally thanks to Lacey and Katie shutting down one of their hitters with a block.

The game went back and forth the whole time but I felt as though I was playing well.

As I hopped back up to my feet after saving a ball from going out of bounds, the student section cheered for me. Amongst those in the section, Ryder stood out to me, of course.

"Atta, Sloane!" he cried as I dove once again for a downball, which I successfully passed up.

However, the attention I was receiving from him definitely pissed off Ella, but hey, that was my goal.


Near the end of the second set, we were just barely up. We led by three points and needed two more to win it.

I went back to the service line because I was serving. The student section went silent as I waited for the ref to blow the whistle. When she did, I tossed the ball up into the air and leapt up to give it a hard hit.

It soared over the net and the other team managed to get the ball under control, just barely.

I set up to receive the ball, which was coming to me. I called for it, but for whatever reason, Katie felt the need to be a libero for a minute. She tried to pass the ball, but it shanked, which left me to retrieve it. I sprinted off the court, chasing after the ball, and used my foot to kick it back over to my team. Although, that was not my best idea because I slid onto my back and felt my knee burst with pain.

I rolled onto my stomach and frowned seeing my efforts were not even worth it because the other team slammed the ball right back onto our court.

Slowly, I sat up and climbed back onto my feet. It definitely hurt, but I was not leaving the court until we at least won this set.

So, the other team served the ball. Thankfully, it was one of their weaker servers, so I was able to make an easy pass.

The ball was set to Lacey, who delivered a perfect hit... right to the ground of the opposing team's court.

"Atta babe!" I cried as I stepped into the huddle with my team, wincing slightly as I walked.

The smile on Lacey's face fell. "Ains, you need to get off the court."

"I'm fine. Just let me finish this match off," I replied.

She shook her head and went to turn to Landen, but everyone else had already reset, so the ref blew the whistle.

The ball was served and the other team played it without an issue. Their middle hitter slammed the ball down to the far corner of our court. I sprinted after it and passed it to Katie. She set Lucia, who hit the ball, but the other team played it. I sighed as I set up in the back of the court because I just wanted it to be over. My knee was hurting so bad.

I prayed the other team would hit it into the net, but they tipped it instead. No one on my team went for it so that left me to dive for it. I nearly yelped as I felt the pain sharpen.

However thankfully... My pass was successful and Lacey ended the other team off with an amazing hit, once again.

"Ains!" Lacey cried as she stooped down beside me.

Landen rushed over to my side as I sat up. My knee definitely hurt, but it was nothing major compared to my past injury. I knew it was bad enough to take me out for a few days, though.

"I'm all good," I reassured as the student section caught my eye.

Many curious eyes were on me, but Ryder's were the ones that I noticed. He was standing up from where his seat was. Braxton had a hand on Ryder's shoulder; he looked worried.

"Do you need help?" asked Landen.

I shook my head and slowly climbed up to my feet, but winced in pain as I did so. Landen had me use him for support as he guided me to the bench where the athletic trainer was waiting.

Before pulling my knee pad down, I took one final glance at the student section — Ryder was still looking at me.

"All good?" he mouthed.

"Could be better," I replied.

For the next set, Landen sent Ella on to play because the athletic trainer confirmed I would be out for about a week.

I could not help but cringe as she shanked nearly every ball that came to her. When it wasn't a shank, the ball was not on target, so it made it difficult for the setter to set.

All together, it was a rough set for the team considering we lost by 10 points.

Even the student section was out of it.

Lacey was definitely pissed off. She flopped down onto the chair beside me. "You could play better and you are on one leg," she bit.

I stifled a laugh because I have to admit... She is right.


Unfortunately, the rest of the game was a disaster. We lost the other two sets by a lot.

As the opposing student section crashed onto the court to congratulate their team for defeating the defending state champs, I stayed put on the bench.

Our student section slowly walked onto the court. I kept my head down as everyone began to gather with their friends. I really thought I was about to go unnoticed, but someone sat beside me.

"If it makes you feel any better, you did play incredibly well."

Ryder. I knew his voice too well, so I did not even have to look up to know it was him.

"But how are you feeling?"

"My knee hurts and I feel like I just let everyone down, but—"

He cut me off. "That was not your fault, at all. You guys still won the second set, and you were hurt."

I gave him a wry smile. It was nice to hear that from him... but he was being a little too nice considering Ella is in the same room.

And speaking of Ella, she actually approached us.

"Ryder! There you are. I've been looking for you," she said. "Why are you with her?"

I rolled my eyes as she shot me a dirty look.

"Because," said Ryder, "Ainsley and I are friends. I just wanted to make sure she was alright."

From the corner of my eye, I could see Ella start to pout. "But why do you go to her right after the game and not me?"

"She's hurt, Ella," he said in a hard tone.

As much as I wanted to stay and listen to them argue, it was getting a little awkward. Since I saw my parents across the room, I hurried over to where they were standing, as fast as I could on one knee.

"Oh! Ains, slow down," said my mom.

Landen stood with my parents and he nodded, "Yeah, after that loss tonight I want to make sure you heal up asap, so please don't do anything stupid."

"My bad," I replied at the same time my dad asked if I wanted a ride home.

I shook my head. "It's okay, I drove my car here today anyways," I replied.

"If you insist. Drive safe, Ains."

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