The English Rose

By loislame0384

4.6K 263 17

Non magical AU- 30 year old Hermione Granger is gifted a bookshop from her grandfather. She meets an intrigui... More

The First Letter
A Change to the Game
Curiouser and Curiouser
Walking Through the Looking Glass
An Unexpected Visitor
The Best of Intentions
The Tree Lot
Comfort Soup
Bella's Revenge
Scout's Honor
The First Date
Welcome Home Squeaks
Another Episode
The Bella Monologue
The Story Continues
Turkey Sandwiches and Love Hearts
The Light
Stepping Stones
The Creepy Cellar
Therapy for Two

The Worthwhile Fight

181 10 0
By loislame0384

The New Year's Eve Ball was in full swing. Many guests were having an enjoyable time dancing, feasting and ringing in the New Year. However, the scene in the Malfoy family library was one of pain and betrayal. Bellatrix was spiraling. Hermione hadn't shown up. After telling her everything a few nights ago, she felt herself stupid for even allowing herself to think she had a future with the young bookshop owner. She was being pulled into the dark whether she wanted to slip or not . Her niece was right there with her refusing to let her fall. The pressure and support that Dora was providing felt nice but it wasn't near enough. Bella needed help and she needed it quickly.

Bella started shaking. She was getting angry again, the whirlwind of emotions was taking over and she needed to calm down, quickly. "I think I need medicine. Can you get your mom? I need help."

"I don't want to leave you," Dora said quietly.

"I need Andy. She has the medicine. She'll help me." Bella sobbed, lowering herself to the floor in the fetal position. "Please, Dora."

Dora was sitting next to Bella looking down at her. She didn't want to leave even for a moment to go get her mother. Her aunt looked so small, so helpless. They didn't hear the doors to the library open, or the person carefully walking around so as to not step on any of the shattered glass. When Dora realized someone else was approaching the pair, she spoke, "fuck off mate, the library is for family only."

"Hi," the quiet voice of the bookshop owner filled the room causing both women to look up to see Hermione standing above them in her white ball gown, "I was told I might find you in here. Can we talk?"

Bella's eyes closed, her body tense. Dora's head snapped up to look at Hermione. Her mouth was hanging open then a look of panic crossed her face as she turned her attention back to her aunt who was still laying on the ground in her various stages of spiraling. "Hermione, umm hi."

"What can I do?" The brunette immediately kneeled on the ground opposite Dora in front of the dark haired woman. She looked at Bella, she was so small, her corset was opened and she looked like she had been through a war. "Bella?" She quietly whispered, reaching out to brush the hairs from her face.

Dora felt all the tension leave her aunt's body when Hermione touched her. "Keep talking," she urged the brunette.

"Bella?" Hermione carefully laid herself down onto the floor, facing the older woman. "Can you hear me?" She scooted a little closer so she could easily cup the pale, tear stained cheek. "I'm here," she leaned forward ever so gently and placed a kiss on Bella's cheek. Hermione's heart was breaking thinking of the turmoil Bella was going through that evening or whatever happened that led them up to the current situation they were in.

"Her muscles are relaxing," Dora whispered, "keep talking. I've only ever seen my mom be able to do this and that's with medicine."

"Bella?" Hermione reached down and grabbed her hand and brought it up to her lips, softly kissing her knuckles. Bella's knuckles were cut and bleeding. "Squeaks wanted me to tell you that she misses you and wants to snuggle soon."

After what seemed like an eternity, Bella's eyes finally fluttered open ever so slightly, "you came," was all she said before slipping back into a post spiral sleep with a small smile on her lips.

Hermione was panicked and so far out of her depths that she looked to Dora desperately, "is she okay? What's happening?" She tried to shake the older woman awake but Bella didn't respond. "We need to help her."

Dora sighed, "she's going to be fine," she looked around the room at the damage Bella had caused knowing she needed to get Bella upstairs and clean up the glass before anyone saw. "We need to get her upstairs to her room before my mom sees this and insists on giving her medicine or else none of us will get the chance to help her for days." Dora bit her lip and thought, "okay," she looked over at Hermione's dress, "help me lift Auntie Bella up. I can hoist her over my shoulder. She's small enough."

"That's your solution? Carry her over your shoulder like a sad sack of potatoes?" Hermione hissed out trying not to upset Bella though she wasn't entirely sure Bella was present in the moment anymore.

"Well," Dora shrugged, "you aren't exactly dressed for a quick get away now are you?" She pointed to her own outfit, "always opt for the tux. You never know when you will have to bail. Plus, the pockets are great for hiding treats and extra flasks," she stood up, removing her hands from around Bella, "are you going to help me or not?"

Hermione looked up at her like she was the crazy one in the room and sighed, "fine," she got up and straightened her dress, "what will you have me do?"

"Well," Dora moved behind Bella and got her into a sitting position, "she's dead weight so this is fun. Here," she nodded for Hermione to step closer, "grab her and help me lift her." Hermione found the whole thing easier than she had pictured originally. Bella was surprisingly as light as she looked and it didn't take long to get her settled over Dora's shoulder like a rag doll. "Thank whatever god is out there that aunt Bella is fun sized. Easily mobile," she laughed. "Okay," she nodded towards the back exit, "come on, we will go that way and avoid the party guests. There's a back entrance that leads to some stairs that'll take us out by the family rooms."

Hermione hurried to walk behind the pink haired woman so she could help in case she lost her balance or stumbled backwards, "you are planning to carry Bella up how many flights of stairs?"

"Only two," she waved the question off like it was no big deal.

"This isn't the first time you've carried your indisposed Aunt around the house," Hermione surmised, "is it?" When Dora rolled her eyes but didn't respond, Hermione hissed, "is it," again.

"No," Dora sighed dramatically and pushed the doors open, "it's not. Now stop your whining and help me or just go because I need to get her up to her room before my mum comes looking for her."

"Okay. Okay," Hermione conceded looking over her shoulder. The two of them surprisingly had little trouble getting Bella out of the library, around the house, through the servant entrance and up the narrow staircase to the second floor. They walked down the long hallway and stopped outside two large black oak double doors. "This has to be Bella's room."

"Mmhmm," Dora was beginning to struggle, "come on, open the door." Hermione shook her head and opened the double doors, waiting for Dora to carry Bella through and closed the doors behind her. "Lock it," she commanded her as she dropped Bella on the king sized bed. Hermione did as she was told before coming over to stand next to the bed. She looked down at the older woman. So small and tired but a smile played on her lips. "Here," Dora walked back over to the bed and handed Hermione a pair of silk sleep shorts and a matching button up shirt. "Put this on her."

Hermione's eyes widened, "I umm," she stammered looking at Bella then the pajamas. "I haven't. Umm we've never."

Dora laughed, "you haven't seen her naked? Got it," Hermione breathed a little that the tension between her and Dora seemed to be over for now. "She's probably not wearing anything under her dress. I guess we will find out together. Just help me get the corset and skirts off then you can turn around. I wouldn't want to tarnish your virginal eyes," she cackled.

"Oh stop," Hermione playfully swatted her arm with the pajamas. "I'm perfectly capable of helping," she gulped, a little embarrassed by the thought of seeing Bella naked when she wasn't sure she was entitled to that view yet.

She helped Dora remove Bella's corset which had already been loosened downstairs prior to Hermione's arrival then she took a deep breath and started pulling the dress down her body gathering up many layers of skirts and tulle that Bella had on with Dora and pulled them down her legs. A deep red blush was creeping up her neck when the skirts were low enough to show that the older woman was in fact not wearing underwear, "even unconscious and she can still make women blush. I need to learn her tricks."

Hermione's skin darkened even more, having been caught blushing and looking. "I'll take her boots off of her, you put the clothes on."

"You sure," Dora smirked, "you seem to be enjoying the view."

Hermione rolled her eyes and moved down towards Bella's feet to start working on unlacing the heeled boots. Once they had properly dressed her and situated her so they could cover her up, Hermione felt brave enough to ask, "so that, downstairs?"

"Yeah," Dora nodded.

"Bella had come over a few nights ago and told me everything," but then she thought out loud, "well I assume she told me everything at this point. She left and told me to take my time coming to terms with everything and sort through my feelings. She said she still has episodes sometimes. Was that what that was?" Dora nodded. "What happened?"

Dora gave her a half smile, "isn't it obvious?"

"I came here tonight to tell her that I still want a relationship with her. The past will always play a part in our futures but I trust her not to do anything to consciously hurt me. I'm so worried that I won't be able to help her when she needs me. That I'll fail her somehow or things will get too overwhelming and it scares me," she confessed quietly. "Can you tell me what happened before I arrived?" she gently sat down on the bed, next to Bella, stroking the older woman's hair out of her face. "I need to know."

"Yes," Dora started pacing at the foot of the bed and Hermione noted how her mannerisms made her look like her aunt, "well she was upset. She had worked herself up convinced that you weren't coming and that she had lost you by telling you everything. She's scared to be happy. She's scared to let herself feel anything but with you, it's like she's a different person. I can't explain it." Dora stopped pacing and looked at Hermione, "she was spiraling. She had just asked me to get mum and her medicine when you had come in. She heard your voice and her whole body relaxed. I've only ever seen that happen with mum after she gave her the medicine. I can't believe you relaxed her just by being near to her."

"She said," Hermione looked down at Bella then back to Dora, "she told me that I make everything quiet. I guess I didn't understand that until now," she leaned over and kissed Bella's forehead. "Is there a bathroom? I want to get a wet towel and wipe off her face and her knuckles."

Dora smiled, "yes, everything is right through that door. If you are okay here," she nodded towards the door, "I'm going to head back to the ball and make sure everything is okay and that they aren't looking for Bella until the event is over. She probably won't wake up for a while."

"It's fine," Hermione nodded, "we will be fine."

"Okay," Dora moved towards the door, "she probably has more pajamas or leggings or something if you want to change out of that ball gown. There are towels and washcloths in the bathroom." She turned to leave before adding quietly, "thank you for not giving up on her. Bella has the biggest heart of anyone I know and between you and me," she looked over her shoulder and added, "she truly loves you," before she headed out the door and back down the stairs to the party.

Hermione sighed and rested her head against the headboard for a moment before she shook her head and got up from the bed. She gathered up her dress and tried to move around the room as quietly as possible, "what have I gotten myself into," she wondered quietly as she made her way over to the dresser looking for anything that she might be able to fit. Bella was smaller than her so she wasn't sure anything would fit right but then saw a pair of black sweats that would probably fit and an oversized T-shirt. "This will do," she said as she shimmied out of her gown and got into Bella's clothes. "Okay," she was more comfortable though the sweats were a little short on her, "to the bathroom," she moved across the room quicker and gathered some supplies from the bathroom before coming back to the bed. She had a bowl full of water, a soapy washcloth, some ointment, bandages and a dry towel. "What am I going to do with you?" She smiled sadly as she used a wet washcloth to wipe the stained tears and make up off of the older woman's face. "There," she said when she picked up the other towel and dried her face off, "all clean," she bent down and kissed her forehead again. The older woman looked less distressed and more like herself.

Next, Hermione picked up the soapy cloth and washed the blood off of her hands and knuckles and examined the wounds to make sure they were just superficial and that Bella wouldn't need any stitches. After cleansing them, she dried them, put ointment on her hands and carefully put bandages on the wounds. "There," she smiled once again, "all better." Hermione moved the bowl of water and the rest of her supplies to the bedside table and climbed into the bed beside Bella. She laid down next to her, facing the sleeping woman beside her. "I know you probably can't hear me," she spoke softly, "but I just wanted you to know that I'm here for you. I'll always be here for you." After she spoke with her grandfather, she realized just how much Bella meant to her and how much she wanted to be a part of her life, all of her life no matter the circumstances. "I trust you," she cupped her cheek and ran her thumb back and forth softly, "I love you."

Bella made a noise, almost a whimper before her face relaxed and she stretched in her sleep, moving closer to the warm body next to hers. Hermione laid on her back when she saw the older woman pressing up against her side, hand settling over her stomach and head nuzzling in her neck. Hermione chuckled to herself, "a snuggler I see," she reached down and wrapped her arm around Bella's back, holding her tightly. Hermione traced soft patterns up and down the arm that was wrapped around her stomach, feeling the older woman's chest rise and fall with ease. She started to feel herself slipping into rest when she heard the soft voice of her girlfriend whisper back, "I love you, too." Hermione kissed into the mass of black curls under her chin and felt Bella's body relax completely.

Hermione was unaware of how much time had passed but she had fallen asleep at some point. She woke up feeling well rested and warm from the small body half laying on top of her. The sun was shining in through the curtains so she was sure the ball was long over and it was the new year. She really needed to pee but didn't want to rouse the other woman from her rest. She decided that her bladder couldn't wait so she slowly slipped out from under Bella and to her surprise, she didn't stir. Hermione made her way to the bathroom. After relieving herself, she washed her hands then washed her face in an attempt to bring some life back to it. "I wonder if I should go find Dora or one of Bella's sisters," she talked to herself in the mirror. She checked around a few of the cabinets in the bathroom and found an unopened toothbrush. Figuring Bella wouldn't mind, she helped herself to it and some toothpaste. After washing her face and brushing her teeth, she was beginning to feel human again.

She walked back into the bedroom and noted that Bella had rolled over onto her other side. Hermione bit her lip, she was going to go find Dora but she couldn't help herself. She climbed back into the bed as gently as she could and spoon against Bella's back, bringing her arm around her stomach and nuzzling into the sea of black curls. She was sure that the older woman was still sleeping because there was a comfortable silence before her husky sleep filled voice spoke, "you stayed with me all night?"

Hermione's heart broke a little at the vulnerability in Bella's voice, "this is where I'm meant to be," she kissed the back of Bella's head.

Bella moved her hand up to lace her fingers with Hermione's hand that was wrapped around her stomach. "I'm sorry you had to see that last night." She sighed and squeezed her hand, "that was not my finest moment."

Hermione pulled her little spoon closer to her, reveling in the warmth she was feeling both physically and emotionally. "I'm sorry it took me so long to get here. I should've texted you. Honestly, I wasn't sure if I was coming and then Papa reminded me what I would be missing out on if I didn't show up and I couldn't risk my life without you in it. So, I dressed in my gown and it appears I arrived too late." She felt Bella shake her head gently. "No? If I had just been here sooner maybe it wouldn't have happened."

"We don't know that," Bella sighed, "this was what I was talking about. The medicine should've stopped this one but it didn't. I don't ever want to hurt you and I don't blame you if you want out of whatever this is," she ended her sentence quietly with a small sniffle.

"End this? Bella," she snuggled closer, "we've barely begun. I don't plan on going anywhere. I'm not afraid of you."

"You're not?"

"No," Hermione was quiet for a moment choosing her next words, "I know you'd never consciously hurt me and well," she kissed the back of Bella's shoulder, "I will do everything in my power to help you calm down before we get to this point again."

"Sometimes it can't be helped."

"I know that, too. That doesn't mean I'm not willing to learn everything I have to do to be able to recognize the signs and help in any way that I can. Fuck Bella," she sighed, "I'm here. You need someone to rant to? That's me. When you need someone to text you mindless trivia or just read a book to you. That's me. You need someone to hold onto you to remind you that you're not alone? That'll be me too." She felt all the tension leaving Bella. "I want it all, Bella."

Bella slowly turned in Hermione's arm so she could face the younger woman. "You truly mean that, don't you?"

Hermione smiled looking into Bella's big eyes, "I truly do," she scooted closer until she could brush her nose against Bella's.

"You smell like mint," Bella finally smiled back.

"I borrowed a toothbrush," she gave the older woman a guilty smile.

"There are far too many unused toothbrushes in this house, Cissy will never know." Bella let her eyes flutter closed when Hermione started scratching at the baby hairs on her neck. "Last night, when I," she stuttered her words when Hermione's fingers hit a sensitive spot on the back of her head. "When you," she tried to speak again but Hermione's finger playing gently with her hair seemed to be putting her in a trance.

"Feels good?" She whispered to the older woman.

"It makes me feel a lot of things," she smirked. "Yes," came out in almost a moan. "It feels amazing," a small tremble rippled through her body, "you have something special and I'm not sure I can accurately describe it," she looked up through her eyelashes to stare at the brunette. "The minute you started to talk to me last night, my whole body relaxed. Like instantly relaxed. The effect you had on my body and mind during my breakdown, it was stronger than any medicine I've ever been prescribed."

"When you said I make everything quiet," Hermione started to say but was cut off by Bella.

"I meant it," she opened her eyes and smiled at Hermione. "You have this calming effect. Just being near you. I can't explain it. That night I came to tell you everything. I was still coming down from my last episode and you hugged me and I was fine. Last night, I was asking for Andy. I needed her to give me medicine so I could sleep and reset but as soon as you laid down next to me, it was as if I was given the strongest dose of my medication. Does that make any sense?" Hermione nodded. "But I don't want you to think that's what I expect from you. Because I don't. I don't expect you to rescue me." Bella reached between them and cupped the brunette's cheek, "that's too much to put onto any one person."

"I'm not worried about that," she kissed Bella's forehead. "I'm here for all of it, both the good and the not so good. This right here," she untangled her hand from dark curls and set it over Bella's heart, "this is a worthwhile fight and well," she smiled, "love is a ruthless game, unless it's played the right way." Bella nodded, closing her eyes as she held Hermione's hand against her heart, "and I want to love you the way you deserve to be loved."

Bella opened her eyes, staring at her girlfriend, full of emotion, "I love you too, Hermione."

Hermione wasn't surprised that Bella was in and out of sleep all morning. They didn't talk much but she felt the pair had ended in a good place when she finally decided to head home so she could get a shower and check on her cats. Bella promised that she'd be over as soon as her sisters would let her. She decided to leave the gown and wear Bella's sweats home instead, borrowing an oversized hoodie to wear over the T-shirt. After placing her Uber for pick up, she made her way quietly around the second floor of the house, trying not to draw any attention to herself. Hermione was almost to the front door when she was stopped by a "Miss Granger," being called from behind her. She turned around and saw Andromeda standing with her arms crossed and her eyebrow raised. "Oh, Hello," Hermione gave an awkward wave and pointed to the door, "I was just seeing myself out to meet my Uber."

"We need to talk," was all the woman said before turning and walking down the hall, expecting the younger woman to follow her.

Hermione sighed and pulled out her phone, cancelling her Uber for now. She was nervous but followed Andromeda into the library. She was surprised to see that all of the glass and books had been cleaned. When she walked over where the glass would be she saw Dora and a blond woman who she assumed to be the other sister sitting in the chairs by the fireplace. Dora looked up and gave her a smile which helped Hermione relax only slightly. "Please, sit down," the blond woman pointed to the seat next to Dora. "I'm
Narcissa, it's nice to finally meet you Hermione. I've heard so much about you."

Hermione reached out and shook the extended hand before sitting back in her seat, "it's nice to meet you, too."

"So," Andy said, "we've met before under less favorable circumstances. Though I don't think I properly introduced myself, I'm Andromeda." She looked over at her daughter, "Dora filled us in on the events of last night." Hermione didn't speak, she was biding her time waiting to see exactly what Dora had disclosed. "She said that our sister was beginning a spiral when you showed up and then Dora said she had never seen her aunt respond so positively to the sound of someone's voice before."

"Mum," Dora spoke, "it was like she came in and Bella shut it off, almost instantly. I've never seen anything like that before."

"What exactly did you do?" Andy asked almost accusingly.

"All I did was talk to her and let her know that I was here for her," Hermione shrugged, "I didn't do anything special."

"Hermione," Cissy gave her a soft smile, "but you did. You calmed Bella down and for the first time in as long as I can remember she didn't need any medication to pull her out of her breakdown. That is special."

"I was only following my instincts," Hermione smiled, "I don't know how to explain it. That night she came to the Rose to talk to me and last night, I could feel this pull telling me what Bella needed from me."

"It was quite amazing to watch," Dora smiled. "Though she was absolute shit at helping me get Auntie Bella upstairs," she laughed when Hermione's eyes widened.

"And you stayed? All night?" Hermione nodded and Andy added, "why?"

"Because Bella needed me," she shrugged and answered like it was the most obvious thing in the world. "I knew that she needed me so I stayed. She was in and out of sleep all morning. I still think she's recovering from last night but we talked a little and I feel that she knows I'm not going anywhere," she turned and looked at Andromeda before adding, "I'm sorry if that disappoints you but I love your sister and I'm here for all of it."

Cissy smirked at the bold sentence that just came out of Hermione's mouth and Dora looked just as shocked. Andy exhaled sharply through her nose before speaking, "I suppose I owe you an apology. It wasn't fair of me to go off on you that day in the salon when I didn't know the entirety of the situation. You must realize though that we all also care a great deal for Bella and I refuse to let anyone come in and break her heart."

"I have every intention of keeping your sister's heart safe."

"We know, dear," the blond smiled at her. "Bella really adores you and this will be a new learning experience for all of us. I'm just happy she's found you."


Two days had passed since Hermione had left Malfoy Manor after her talk with the family. She left feeling good about her relationship with Bella and her status with the other members of the family. She was at least thankful it seemed that her and Andromeda swept whatever ill feelings were between them under the rug. Hermione wasn't surprised when she hadn't heard from Bella since she left that afternoon but she would be lying if she said she wasn't a little hurt. At least she understood the reasoning behind the silence now. That made the distance a little more bearable. Hermione was sitting downstairs in the bookstore playing with Squeaks while Henry was sitting in the chairs by the windows. It was a particularly slow day at the store so they were just taking the morning as it came, enjoying the comfortable silence of the day. "Looks like you have company coming, sunshine." Henry said pointing out the window.

"Who?" Hermione got up, gathering the small kitten up in her arms and walking over to peer out of the window, "Bella."

"Do you want me to leave?" He reached over the scratched behind the little kitten's ear. "I can head out so the two of you can have some privacy to talk."

"Are you sure you are okay with me pursuing something with her? I don't want you to be uncomfortable with her past," she sounded almost guilty.

"If it doesn't bother you then why would it bother me? I've only ever wanted to see you happy and the past few months, you've been the happiest that I can remember."

"I guess I can't argue with that," she gave a small smile.

"Your parents would be so happy at the amazing person you've turned into," was all he said as he kissed her forehead and moved to put on his coat.
There was a knock at the door even though it was the middle of the day and the store was clearly opened for business. Henry chuckled, "I think she's just as nervous as you are," he put his hat on top of his head, "it's all rather endearing, don't you think?" He wink at his granddaughter as she quickly walked up stairs while he opened the door revealing a shocked looking Bella. "Hello, Bella. I'm just on my way out," he smiled at her and stepped past her. "It's lovely to see you again and you don't have to knock during business hours. You can just go right on in. Hermione and Squeaks are right inside," he patted her on the shoulder and walked down the street.

Bella took a moment to comprehend that Hermione's grandfather acted as if nothing had changed. There was no way she didn't fill Henry in on the details of everything that had transpired yet he treated her like a regular person. She made a mental note to thank him later for that but also for being her first real friend. "Hello?" She called out as she entered the shop. The first greeter was Squeaks who came out from another room, charging head first into Bella's leg. She began purring and rubbing up against her. "Well," she bent down and scooped up the kitten who immediately started batting at dark curls, "I've missed you too, ma'am." She kissed the kitten on her forehead and went to put her down when Squeaks meowed loudly in protest, "okay. Sorry to have assumed we were through here," the dark haired woman laughed. "Let's go have a seat then, shall we?" She went over and sat down by the windows, setting the kitten down in her lap. She immediately started circling until she found the exact spot to curl up on. Bella pet her softly, Squeaks immediately relaxed and fell asleep. "Hermione?" She called out, unable to move. This kitten already had her wrapped around her finger. "I'll be right there," she heard the younger woman call from upstairs. Before Hermione came down though, Crooks made his way from upstairs and walked over, jumping up onto the chair next to where Bella was sitting. He laid down on Bella's armrest and started purring next to her. When Hermione came down, she stopped and looked at the cute sight of Bella and her cats. "It would appear as if I've been missed around here," Bella chuckled.

"Yes," Hermione smiled coming over to sit across from them, "they've missed you terribly."

"And you?" She looked up at Hermione with a playful smirk.

"I've missed you terribly, too."

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