5SOS Preferences

By WhosLukeHemmings

1.1M 13.5K 829

A series of 5sos preferences. Request are open updating at least 3 times a week. Vote, comment, and follow PL... More

He teaches you how to kiss (T)
Sex on the beach (T)
Your Child gets Bullied (T)
He has to ask one of the Boys for a condom (T)
His Parents Make Fun Of You (T)
You Turn Him on at a BAD TIME (T)
You're Sick And He Doesn't Know What To Do (T)
Your parents don't like him but he impresses them (T)
Cute Moment With Your Kid (T)
Daddy (T)
You Catch Him Jerking Off (T)
After Sex Cuddling (T)
Nightmares (T)
Your Daughter Gets Her Period (T)
He Finds Out Your Being Bullied (T)
He Walks In On You Changing (T)
Tour Bus Sleeping (T)
Your Child Swears (T)
He wants to, but your on your period (T)
Making your ex jealous
You Breastfeed In Public & A Fan Makes A Rude Remark About It. (T)
Your childs friends think youre a milf (T)
Your kids see your lovebites (T)
You give him a massage (T)
His Girlfriend hates you and makes him choose (T)
His Girlfriend Hates You And Makes Him Choose part 2
You Give Birth At Home (T)
You Have To Use The Safe Word (T)
Swimming with your kid (T)
You Breastfeed your baby at an older age (T)
Your Child Throws A Tantrum (T)
He Hears You Talking to The Baby (T)
You Give Him A BJ and A family member walks in (T)
You Walk In On Your Kid (T)
Trying to stop Breastfeeding (T)
He has a child from another relationship (T)
Your child starts Kindergarden (T)
Your Baby is Teething (T)
Mothers Day (T)
He films you going down on him (T)
Baby spit up (T)
Attending Yoir Child Soccer Game (T)
Your Child Wets The Bed (T)
Your Child looses their first tooth (T)
Build-a-Bear (T)
Morning Wood (T)
You do his makeup (T)
Sneaking Around (T)
Moving In (T)
First Ultrasound (T)
Baby-Bump (T)
You Have A Child From Another Relationship (T)
Road Trips (T)
Thanksgiving (T)
Your kids are in the delivery room with you (T)
Say Yes To The Dress (T)
You Have A Lot Of Kids (T)
He Wants To Try For A Baby (T)
Your Baby Says Daddy For The First Time (T)
You're In Love With Him & You Walk In On Him And His Girlfriend (T)
You're In Love With Him & You Walk In On Him And His Girlfriend. (Part 2)
He Screams At Your Kid Part 1 (T)
He Screams At Your Kid Part 2 (T)
A Fan Catches You Buying Condoms (T)
Teenage Parents (T)
He Keeks Your Daughter Doing Something Cute (T)
He Won't Let Anyone Hold Your Newborn Daughter (T)
After A Fight (T)
He Sees You In A Swimsuit (T)
You Wear His Shirt (T)
He Sees You In A Snapback (T)
You're In A Keek (T)
Mistletoe (T)
The Morning After (T)
Bad Day (T)
He Crashes Your Slumber Party (T)
He wants to do your hair, makeup, nails, or pick your outfit (T)
Spending the night at his house (T)
The morning after he stays the night (T)
He gets in a fight protecting you (T)
He Calms You Down (T)
Thunderstorms (T)
He Talks To Your Unborn Baby (T)
Fans Ask About Your Pregnancy (T)
Easter (T)
He meets your divorced parents
Shopping For Baby Clothes (T)
Youre Insicure
You Reveal The Sex Of Your Baby To The Family (T)
Tummy Time With Daddy (T)
Your Baby Girls Gets Sick On Tour
You Arent Able to Get Preggo (T)
You Arent Able to Get Preggo P.2 (T)
You Arent Able to Get Preggo P.3 (T)
Champ|| C.H (T)
Say HI To The Camera C.H (Smut) (T)
Mommy's Little Miracle M.C (T)
Merry Christmas (T)
He Has A Mental Breakdown (T)
He Teases You On... (T)
he Forgets Your Anniversary//Malum (T)
His Child Calls You Mommy (T)
First "I Love You"
He Fingers You In Public//Smut (T)
Taking Care Of Them When Their Drunk (T)
He Has A Secret Tattoo (T)
Baby Bump Starts To Show (T)
Your Teenage Daughter Is Pregnant/ Son Got A Girl Pregnant (T)
5SOS Sentence
He Tells You He Loves You For The First Time (T)
Your Dad Catches You (T)
He Thinks You're Cheating |Part One| (T)
Mood Swings (T)
You're a Youtuber (T)
He Thinks You're Cheating |Part Two| (T)
Your Child Is Kidnapped (T)
He's Insecure(T)
He Plays With Your Hair (T)
You Catch Your Son or Daughter Smoking Or Drinking (T)
He confesses his feelings while drunk (T)
He asks your parents for permission to date you (T)
He Compliments You On Something You're Insecure About (T)
A 1D Boy Says Something Inappropriate About You And He Gets Mad (T)
Dirty Talk
He's Needy For Your Attention (T)
You're Pregnant And Horny (T)
You want to be the big spoon
You're Famous (T)
Play Fighting (T)
You Tell His/Your Parents You're Trying for a Baby (T)
He meets your parents for the first time (T)
Kidnapped P.2 (T)
Hes Whipped (T)
Spanking (T)
Baby Talk (T)
First Public Picture (T)
"I Hate You" (T)
Something Private Revealed (T)
Big Arguments (T)
Your teenager does something bad (T)
You have low self-esteem (T)
He Makes You Feel Insecure {Part 1} (T)
He Makes You Feel Insecure {Part 2} (T)
Big Arguments P.2 (T)
You Catch Him Alone With The Baby (T)
Fans ask you for a picture while you're out with friends (T)
He Accidentally Hurts You (T)
He Comes Home Drunk and You Get in a Fight (T)
He Comes Home Drunk and You Get in a Fight P.2 (T)
Commitment Issues
Commitment Issues 2
You File For Divorce
Cheater. (Part 2)
You File For Divorce. (part 2.)
He Asks You To Ride Him.
You Get The Same Injuries/Scars as Your Soulmate.
The First Fight.
The First Fight. (Part 2.)
Childhood Proposals/Marriage
Childhood Proposal/Marriage Part 2
Cock Blocker
You're Mentioned In An Interview
The Test
You're In Love With Him, But He Has A Girlfriend
You're In Love With Him, but He Has A Girlfriend. (Part 2.)
Eating You Out
Phones and Sex
You're mad at each other but have to go out in public
Private Picture Leaked {Luke}
Private Picture Leaked {Michael}
Private Picture Leaked {Calum}
Private Picture Leaked {Ashton}
Drunk Boyfriends
Someone Does Something Perverted To You
Car Trouble
He Breaks Down On Stage After The Break Up During Amnesia
He breaks a body part on stage
You're best friends: He sees you naked and gets turned on
You're Sore the Day After
Turn On's
Hes A Virgin
Calum Imagine (dirty)
Luke Imagine (dirty)
Michael Imagine (Dirty)
Ashton Imagine (Dirty)
You Feel Insecure - Ashton Irwin Imagine
You Have Your First Fight
Your First Fight PART 2
You Find Out He's Not A Virgin
Skinny Dipping
He picks you up from school (Luke)
He picks you up from school (Ashton)
He picks you up from school (Calum)
He picks you up from school (Michael)
The End

You're In Love With Him, But He Has A Girlfriend. (Part 3.)

3.8K 63 12
By WhosLukeHemmings

Luke: You ended up falling asleep in your bedroom - you were more tired and confused than upset with Luke, but you really didn't want to have that conversation that was bound to come up if he continued to question you the night before, so you had to make yourself end the conversation before it could even fairly start. You got up out of your bed and made your way downstairs, yawning and trying your hardest to wake up before you tried to text Luke and Adalynn both and apologize for yesterday - even though you still believed you did nothing wrong. Once you got to the bottom of your stairs, you couldn't help but let out a small gasp at the sight you saw before you - Luke sitting on your couch in the same dress shirt and jeans from the night before, a disheviled look upon his face as he stared at the TV in front of him where the 5SOS music video for Good Girls played quietly across the screen. Had he slept here the night before? You couldn't help but feel a little guilty as you walked slowly over and sat next to him, patting him on the shoulder a couple times to catch his attention. "Are you okay?" You mumble, not really wanting to hear his answer - from the looks of his expression, he was still dwelling on the conversation from the night before and that was not something you wanted to deal with this early in the day. Luke turned towards you and raised his eyebrows, his blue eyes still dazed and confused and you knew then and there that this was going to be the one time when everything came out onto the table. "You think I don't pay attention and that you're not important because I have a girlfriend now, (Y/N)?" Luke blurts out, curling his eyebrows together as he goes over the thought in his head. "How could that thought come up? We've been best friends since we were little! Adalynn may be my girlfriend, but she'd never replace you! Why would you even question it?" Luke continues to rant on, not catching onto the fact that you weren't just jealous because you weren't getting as much attention from him anymore, but because you'd been in love with him since you can remember, and the fact that someone else could now call him their boyfriend absolutely crushed your heart. You sighed and leaned up on the side of the couch, now catching Luke's hands in your own to get him to stop talking and look at you. "Luke, I didn't just come up with that thought on my own, you know. I've had a lot of my feelings coming into play." You mutter out, causing Luke to sigh and shake his head. He was so confused with the whole situation and all he wanted to do was make things better between the two of you before he went back home to his girlfriend - whom was probably worried sick about him at this point. You looked at him and sighed, letting out a deep breath before you released his hands and opened your eyes wide to stare back into his - if you were going to say this, he had to know that you meant it. "Luke, I don't just get jealous because Adalynn takes your attention away from me. I don't just leave your dates while I'm third-wheeling because I'm bored. I do those things because I'm incredibly jealous that Adalynn gets to call you her boyfriend. She gets to hold your hand and give you kisses and sleep with you and wake up beside you - she gets to do the things I've wanted to do ever since we were younger, and that really kills me on the inside. So yes, I'm jealous of Adalynn because she took what made me happy. Is that better?" You blurt it all out, your cheeks red and eyes watery as you stare at the bewildered Luke sitting in front of you. It wasn't exactly how you wanted to tell him - you were glad you did, though. Now he knows that it isn't out of spite or hate that you try to distance yourself from him and Adalynn, it's because you're jealous and bitter and you want nothing to do with a couple that should involve you and Luke. "(Y/N), why didn't you say anything sooner?" Luke whispers, his voice so low that you were scared he was becoming mute. You look at him and shrug your shoulders, scraping absent-mindedly at your elbow as you bit your lip. "I knew it wouldn't have made a difference. We're best friends and always have been. I'd rather have you as a best friend than nothing at all." You reply softly, your heart starting to pump faster in your chest as you stared at the carpet beneath your feet. Luke sighed and moved closer to you, wrapping his arms around you as he engulfed you in a hug, mumbling as best as he could into your neck. "I love you, (Y/N). You should know that," He chuckles, making you roll your eyes. "I love you, but I love Adalynn in a different way, you know?" Luke asks as he pulls away from you, watching your eyes water more and more as you hear the news you were desperately hoping to avoid. You nod your head and start playing with your nails, doing anything to avoid eye contact with Luke since he was doing nothing besides killing you internally. "Don't cry, please?" He pleads as the tears start to fall - but what else were you supposed to do?

Ashton: "Are you okay yet?" He asks impatiently from the couch as you continue to snuggle into the oversized hoodie and sweatpants that he'd leant you to wear. They weren't his, he'd stolen them from Michael, but they were still just as comfortable. You took a small sip of your tea and shrugged your shoulders, touching at the wet ends of your hair. You were still a bit cold and wet, but you could deal with your position now better than you could back at the train station. "I'm better than before," You answered aloud, going back to playing with the spoon sitting in your cup as you stirred the golden liquid inside the mug that Ashton had prepared for you as soon as you got back to Michael's house. Ashton nods and moves into the kitchen, pulling out a chair and sitting beside you as he puts his fingers together and looks at you intently - as if you were some delicate frame that would break if he looked away just for a second. "Are you gonna explain yourself to me or not?" He asks again, this time his voice more impatient than before. You sigh and squeeze your eyes tightly together. What exactly did he want from you? You weren't sure how to explain yourself to him besides to say that you didn't like him and his girlfriend together because you were hurt that it wasn't you he was with, but Ashton really didn't have to press so hard to get a straight forward answer like that from you. You look at him and pout quickly before you take another long drink from your tea cup, glancing at him as you did so. "What do you want me to say to you, Ashton?" You ask with a strained voice. He shrugs his shoulders and sighs, placing his head in his hands. Of course, he would get frustrated even though he wasn't the one being interrogated. You chuckled lightly and placed your cup on the table, staring at his curly hair as he took deep breaths to calm himself down from blowing up on you like he did earlier when he first came to the train station. "Tell me what the fuck goes through that head of yours, (Y/N). You confuse the hell out of me," He replies through gritted teeth as he stares down at the plain table top, his eyes avoiding yours because he knew that if he looked at you - he would probably grow angry at the smug look written across your face. How could you stay so calm in this type of situation? Didn't you notice the strain you'd caused on not only your relationship as friends, but his relationship with Jamie? Maybe you just didn't care, and that thought itself made Ashton's blood boil to the point he thought he was going to spontaneously combust. "Why would you freak out at me for being flirty with my girlfriend? We do it all the time! How the hell can we just not act like we're in a relationship just because you're in the room? I mean, excuse me for wanting to touch her!" Ashton starts to rant, and you sigh and lean back in your kitchen chair as you let him talk and talk. You expected just this - for him to rant and say whatever he wanted as you just calmly listened, you at least owed him as much as to listen to him talk about how much you'd upset him because his girlfriend got offended by you and almost broke up with him because of your - and you quote - "Little dumbass antics." You waited until he was finished talking, and as soon as Ashton's mouth finally shut, yours intantly opened up and you were going at him just as he had been going at you a few moments ago. You spat out words you didn't even know you could say to him - but you didn't regret it one single bit. "I'm sorry I care about you, Ashton. I'm sorry I get jealous that another girl gets to touch you and give you lap dances all the goddamn time. I'm sorry that I'm your silly best friend who actually cares about you - not your money or your fame. I'm sorry, okay? Forgive me for being so goddamn annoying all the fucking time." You spat out in a minute, watching as his face softened once he realized what you basically just admitted. Ashton chuckles and looks at you with a sly smirk written across his face as he looked at you - like he was just waiting for you to say what you just did. What exactly was his game, anyway? "You should've said something to me, (Y/N) - before I met Jamie-" You cut him off with a scoff as you stand up and grab your tea mug, waltzing off down the hall. "Fucking asshole. I didn't ask for a story." You muttered under your breath as you slammed the door to Michael's bedroom, crawling under the blankets with him as you cupped your face with one hand and let out a silent groan.

Calum: It'd been three weeks and you hadn't even tried to make things better between you and Calum. He hadn't gotten back together with Amber just yet - and you were secretly glad about that, You were currently going through the laundry in your house, sorting out the whites from the colors and trying your hardest not to mix any of your shirts or jeans with the boys - that'd be very unfortunate - when you heard the front door slam open and close. Of course, they would come home right in the middle of you trying to get some work done. You put the shirt that you were folding down and stood up as you walked down the hall - raising your eyebrows once you saw that it was only Calum who had entered the home. He was sat on your couch, eating one of your Hershey bars as he stared at the blank TV screen in front of him as if it were the most interesting thing he'd ever seen in his entire life. You sighed and ran a hand over your face before you moved further into the living room, crossing your arms over your chest as you look at him with a skeptical look. "Can I help you?" You whisper out, that nervous feeling in the pit of your stomach growing as you grew closer to him. Calum shrugged his shoulders and looked ahead, as if you weren't in the room with him. You didn't really blame him, you couldn't - he was probably mad because you'd basically ignored him for three weeks no matter how many times he'd tried and tried to talk to you, and now he was getting his revenge by giving you the silent treatment. But, that wasn't right - it couldn't be, he showed up to YOUR house! "You can either talk to me or get out, I'm trying to clean up around here." You said aloud, watching as Calum smirked to himself and pulled out his phone - getting on his twitter app. Now he was just trying to get under your skin, and as far as now - it was working. You hated being ignored, even if you deserved it; now you understood how Calum had felt the past three weeks. "Just fucking talk to me so we can get this over with, Hood. I'm not in the mood." You spat out after a few more minutes of silence - physically relaxing more once Calum locked his phone and turned towards you. You weren't sure how he was going to word it or if you were even ready to hear it, all you knew was that this conversation that you'd successfully avoided for three weeks was catching up to you - and still yet, you were no where near ready to hear it or partake in it. Calum sighed aloud and looked into your eyes, his lip being tucked under his teeth as he thought of bringing it up - and something about him being as nervous as you made you feel a little bit better about actually having this conversation. "I just wanna know the answer to the question I asked you." He says surely, getting that confident feel back to him - and you suddenly felt like shrinking into a tiny ant so you could scurry away like you wished that you could. You looked at him confused for a second until you remembered what he'd asked, and you felt even more nervous as you stared down at the palms of your hands that were beginning to grow sweaty and clammy. As soon as you said all of this to Calum - things were going to change, and you weren't sure if they were going to be for the better or for the worst, but you were worried, and that wasn't a good sign... was it? "You'd really like to know what bothered me so much about you being with Amber?" You asked him, a smirk growing on your lips as you thought of a light way to admit that your feelings for Calum were stronger than he'd thought. Once he nodded his head you leaned up towards the edge of the couch, turning your body to face him. "Because I'm obsessed with you, Calum. Not like - in a creepy way, I just... I've had the biggest crush on you for the longest time. I mean, I don't think it's a crush anymore because crushes go away after a while, and this one never did and still hasn't..." You explained, your mouth turning to a frown as Calum's expression turns to a look of shock after you stutter out your explanation. What happened next was something you'd never expected to happen in a million years. Calum reached over and grabbed your hand, lacing your fingers together as he smiled brightly at you. "I've been obsessed with you too, (Y/N)." Calum says with glee.

Michael: "What?" You snapped as you looked down at the name lighting up your phone. It was Michael again, and as much as you were itching to answer it - you knew in your heart that you couldn't. He was probably going to complain even more about the proposal rejection, and you were no where near in the mood to listen to him talk about the embarrassment or heartbreak he felt over some other girl that you didn't even like to remember he was with for almost a complete year and a half. You tapped decline on your phone and looked back up across the table at your best friend as she tapped around her salad - chewing obnoxiously loud to get your attention. "Was that Michael?" She asks with a smirk, knowing very well who it was. You just sigh and nod your head, leaning against your elbow as you stare over at her. "I don't see why you don't just answer the poor boy. He's been calling you like that for three days." She says, and it's true. Michael hadn't stopped dialing your number since ten minutes after you hung up on him that night, but you knew he wasn't calling to talk about what you meant - he hadn't had enough time to think thoroughly and clearly about the answer to give you once you talked again, and you weren't ready to let the frustration build back up of not being able to tell him. You let out another groan and pick at your own plate of steak, wishing you'd at least offered to bring Michael out with you so he could eat the parts that you didn't like he always would've. "Just call him and tell him to meet you here." She sighed, watching your depressed state as you picked up the half of the meat on your plate, looking up at the ceiling in annoyance. "If it was that easy, I would. Don't you think so?" You snapped back, stabbing the meat back down onto your plate as you looked down at your phone - Michael's name lighting it up once again. What were you to do? If you answered it, he was going to be mad about you ignoring him. If you didn't answer, he would just call back within the span of five minutes. You were torn and confused, and you weren't sure what to say even if you did end up talking to Michael again. Before you could react, your friend grabbed your phone from your hands and answered the call herself, staring at you with narrowed eyes as you shot her the middle finger to assert your annoyance and anger. It was your decision to make, not hers. "Hi! Yeah, she's with me. Yeah. Uh-huh. That's us! Okay, bye." She hung up the phone and handed it back to you, a smug look upon her face as she went back to picking at her salad. "What the fuck, Tish?" You snapped, locking your phone back and sliding it in your back pocket. She shrugged and didn't answer, looking behind you every few seconds as if she was expecting something - and that's when you caught on. Michael must've saw you sitting in the window and was at the restaurant, checking to see if it was really you, and now he was on his way inside to come and talk to you. You pouted and crossed your arms across your chest as you leaned back against the seat, cursing at Tish in your mind as Michael finally made his way back to your table. "Sorry, I would've called, but someone won't answer." He said happily as he slid in the seat next to you, staring you down. You tried to ignore his gaze, but you shook your head and sighed as you sat up straight. "Look, can we move this to a different table so she doesn't have to hear this?" You ask, motioning your eyes towards Tish. Michael nods slowly and stands up, following behind him as you move to the table directly behind your old one. He sits down in the seat across from yours and shoots you a look. "Why won't you answer my calls?" He asks, and you shrug your shoulders. "How was I supposed to answer?" You retort, and it took him a minute to know what you meant. Things were slightly awkward - both of you were trying to figure out a way to have the conversation that had been awaiting, and even though Michael knew how to bring it up, you were stubborn and weren't ready to talk. "You know, I figured out the answer to your question." Michael says lowly, catching your attention quick. You look up from your nails and raise your eyebrows. "You did?" You retort again, and Michael nods quickly to confirm his answer. "It hurt you while I was with Makaelah, didn't it?" He asks with a slight sad tone. It was your turn to nod. "Why?" He asks, and that's when you take a deep breath and close your eyes to prepare yourself to answer. "I'm just going to be honest about this, okay?" You spat. "It hurt me because I've been in-fucking-love with you for the longest time, Michael. It wasn't fair that Makaelah was the one who got to you before I could, and it definitely wasn't fair that I pretended to be okay with it for your sake! I hated every minute of it, but I didn't want to ruin our friendship so I pretended to be happy." You blurt it all out, hot tears stinging your eyes as Michael smiles sadly at you. He leans over the table and grasps both of your hands in his, looking into your eyes as best as he could. "It hurt me knowing that I couldn't be with you, (Y/N)." He says, and you gasp before he stands up and leans over the table, connecting your lips together in the kiss you'd been waiting for.

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