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By wildsupernova

637 22 14

Things finally felt like they were getting back on track. No more supervillains to fight, no more alien invas... More

quick authors note (will be deleted later)


64 3 0
By wildsupernova

Trying to get back to the hotel without alerting any of our classmates proved to be a lot more difficult that one would assume. We figured it might be best to try to (somewhat) tell the truth, all with a few added embellishments. When we got back with the rest of the group, nobody really questioned our story of being in the immediate path of the attack, although MJ did gives us a small sideways look. Desperately needing a change of clothes, I slipped upstairs and into me and MJ's shared room.

I pulled out a new pair of pants and a shirt, enjoying the feel of the dry and comfortable cotton. Once my shoes were back on and my hair had been blow dried with the cheap hotel hairdryer, I headed back down the stairs and stood next to Peter. He had also changed and dried off, now wearing a new pair of jeans and a t-shirt under a zip-up hoodie.

"Well that got the adrenaline pumping." I shifted back and forth on my feet, finding myself overly antsy and energized.
"We're lucky nobody saw."
"I'm surprised nobody did. We were straight in the path of where everyone was."
"I guess enough of the focus was on the monster and that new guy that nobody really paid attention."
"Thank god. At least we can still enjoy our vacation now that that thing is gone."
"Paris tomorrow. Most romantic city in the world." Peter's hand crept down my arm until it reached my own, tangling our fingers together and touching palm to palm.
"I cannot tell you how excited I am. I have always wanted to go to Paris since I was a kid, and getting to be there with you is like a dream come true."
"And you say I'm cheesy."

The two of us shared a laugh, standing mere inches away from each other while tucked into the back corner of the room. A chill going up my spine took my attention away from Peter, pulling my hand from his when my eyes met with Brad's questioning glare. Peter seemed to catch on, trying to put as much distance between us as possible. Luckily, a ringing from both of our phones gave us an excuse to avoid the awkwardness that had fallen over us after the poor attempt at hiding.

I pulled my phone from my pocket, answering my dad's call with a click.

"Hey Dad, what's up?"
"I saw the news. There was an attack in your city?"
"There was, but everything is fine now. We took care of him, with the help of some new guy."
"You could have called at least, let me know what happened and that you were all right."
"I appreciate the worry, but I really didn't see the need to call. I didn't even think you would have found out about it already."
"News travels fast, I guess. Just make sure you're staying safe."
"I'll do my best." I was about to say goodbye but my words were cut off by my dad continuing the conversation.
"You guys are going to Paris tomorrow, right?"
"Mhmm. Me and Peter have this whole day planned out. We're gonna go to some of the sweet shops downtown, take a trip through the Louvre, and then once it gets dark we're gonna go to the top of the Eiffel Tower and look over the city."
"Sounds like fun. You know, me and your mom took a trip to Paris before you were born."

"Really?" I leaned against the wall, holding the phone closer to my ear.
"Yep. If I remember correctly it was a college trip about a year after we started dating. It was the first place I told her I loved her."
"Neither of you ever told me that."
"It never came up in conversation. We always wanted to go back but after Adam was born we never had the time. Then you showed up and we certainly had our hands full after that."
"I'm kidding. Just...you two have fun, okay? Enjoy the time while you have it."
"We will, Dad. I'll call you when we get there tomorrow."
"Okay. Goodnight, kiddo."
"Night, Dad." With a press of the button, our call disconnected.

I turned to Peter once I'd hung up the phone, although he was still on his call. I waited the few minutes until he was done, then returned to his side.

"What was that all about?"
"Just May checking in. Your dad?"
"Yup. Apparently news of the attack has already traveled back to the states."
"Mhmm. I'm gonna call it the Avengers Affect. Now that the Avengers are gone, I bet any attack or new hero sighting will be worldwide news within minutes."
"Great. That bodes well for us."

Deciding to tune back into the conversation the others were having a few feet away from us, we took a few steps forward until we were level with the bottom of the stairs. Everyone was talking about the sighting of the mysterious man and the water monster, and much to my relief, nobody seemed to be talking about any other heroes involved in the fight.

"I know you all think this new guy is great, but Spider-Man is obviously better." I rolled my eyes at Flash's comment, elbowing Peter in the ribs when he upturned his lips in an egotistical smirk. I had to let out a laugh when Flash insulted Peter right after, but he just elbowed me back when I accidentally made my laugh audible.
"I know you think Spider-Man is cool and all, but Haywire is obviously better." Betty spoke up next, challenging Flash's statement. I formed my own smile, Peter copying my movement from before and elbowing me in response.
"Are you kidding? Haywire's a criminal." My smile dropped in an instant, this time being replaced with a scowl and clenched fists. I tried to take a few breaths, doing my best to ignore Flash's side of the conversation.
"What are you talking about? No she isn't."
"Haven't you been reading the news? She's almost killed people."
"No she hasn't."
"Yes she has. I heard that a bunch of the criminals she put away have brain damage now."
"Heard it from where?"
"On the news."
"Yes, cause the news is so reliable." MJ spoke up from her spot on the stairs, weighing in on the conversation.
"Think whatever you want, but there's no denying that she's dangerous."

Trying to keep my composure as best I could, I closed my eyes and took a breath, but I could feel my emotions threatening to bubble over. The only thing that calmed me down was Peter's hand on my lower back, knowing that any sort of physical touch was about the only thing that would keep me grounded in the moment.

Soon after, everyone decided to head to bed, considering most of us were exhausted after the attack. I went with MJ up to my room to change and get ready, excusing myself once she was preoccupied by one of her books. Finding Peter and Ned in the hallway, I walked up and leaned against the wall.

"Hey Ned?"
"Hmm? What's up?"
"Can I talk to Peter for a second please?"
"Um, sure?" He just stood there, as if waiting for something to happen.
"Oh! Yeah, sorry." Ned turned down the hallway, heading toward what I assumed was Betty's room. Me and Peter turned into his room, myself closing the door.

"How can Flash say that?" Peter just sighed and rolled his eyes.
"Come on, Y/N, he was just being obnoxious."
"Do people really not see all the good that I do? I put my body on the line and people like him just invalidate it all."
"You know how Flash is, he's an asshole. He just wanted to stir up something with Betty."
"Yeah, but there are a million people like him out there. It's only a matter of time before everyone starts thinking that way and they all turn on me."
"Nobody is going to turn on you. People love you! Remember that group of little girls we saw the other day who came over and demanded your autograph?" He took a few steps closer, grabbing both of my hands and running his thumbs over my knuckles in a comforting gesture. I let out a smile at the gesture and the memory.
"Yes, I remember."
"There are plenty of people who look up to you. I don't think there will ever be a day where everyone sees you as the villain."
"You know, it's a wonder what you can do when you think about the words coming out of your mouth." I draped my arms over his shoulders, clasping my hands behind his neck and stepping closer. We now stood chest to chest, faces inches apart.
"I can be wise sometimes."
"Mhmm, wish you could be wise all the time."
"That's what I have you for. You're the brains, I'm the brawn."
"The perfect pair."

His hands now placed themselves on either side of my waist, pulling my hips in closer. Our lips were inches away from touching, lungs breathing in each other's air, eyelids fluttering closed to take in the intimate moment.

"Am I interrupting something?"

hi i know it's been awhile and i didn't feel like editing this yet so enjoy typos okay goodbye

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