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Instead of the usual slow wake up that came with Peter staying over, the sound of my own blaring ringtone was what cut through my blissful sleep. Turning over to look at the figure next to me, it was obvious that Peter was still asleep, chest rising and falling in time with his breathing. My lips formed a smile as my eyes ran over his features, pressing a kiss to his temple before I reached over and answered the ringing phone without checking the caller ID.

"Hello?" My voice came out groggy, brain still trying to catch up to the early wake up call.
"Hey, Y/N."
"Wanda? Why are you calling?"
"Just wanted to talk, and ask a favor of you."

I'd officially met Wanda a few days after Tony's funeral, trying my best to catch up with all of the heroes I fought alongside during the final battle. Wanda had been the one I'd fallen into a friendship with the most easily, the two of us keeping in contact regularly to check on each other.

"Yeah, what's up?"
"When do you leave for your trip?"
"Not until tomorrow, why?"
"I wanted to put something together to remember all of the people we lost. Those that didn't get...what Tony did."

It didn't take a genius to figure out that she was talking about Vision. With a little coaxing I'd convinced her to tell me about him, reassuring her that talking about the good memories was more helpful than dwelling on the bad ones. Even then, it'd taken me telling her about my mother's death and how I dealt with Peter and my father's disappearance to get her to finally tell me.

I knew she was upset that nobody was really talking about Vision's death. He was only ever mentioned in passing in new reports and documentaries, same thing as Natasha. Most of the focus was on Tony, completely shutting out the lives of the others who gave up the only thing they could. If Wanda wanted to put something together, it was the least I could do to help.

"I'll be there. What can I do to help?"
"Just showing up is enough, but if you want to put something together it wouldn't hurt. Whether it's a speech or a song, it doesn't matter, just something to say goodbye." I could feel the other side of the small bed shift, an obvious indication that Peter was now awake. One of his arms wrapped around my waist and pulled me closer to him, changing my position from propped on one arm to lying on my back.
"Yeah, I've got something I can share. When are you planning on having it?"
"Tonight, at sunset, down at the flower garden. Everyone should be there, if you're wondering whose coming. Are you planning to bring Peter with you?"
"Probably, I'll have to see what he says."
"Thanks again for this, Y/N. I really appreciate it."
"Of course. See you tonight, Wanda."
"See you."

I hung up my phone and turned on my side to face Peter, my eyes being met with a dorky, half-lidded, dreary eyed smile.
"Morning." He pressed a soft kiss to my lips, not lingering as long as our usual embraces did. "What was that all about?"
"Wanda's putting together a memorial for everyone who lost their loved ones in the final battle against Thanos and was asking if I wanted to come. You're welcome to come too, actually."
"When is it?" Peter rolled onto his back and rubbed his eyes like a little kid, making me let out a small chuckle.
"Tonight at sunset, down at the old flower garden by Central Park. I figured since we don't leave until tomorrow, it wouldn't hurt to stop by."
"Gives me something to do. As much as I love patrolling everyday with you, it's getting just a little too tiring for me."
"Well then, what do you suggest we do today?"
"Oh, I have a plan for that, buttttt it's a secret."

The arm he had wrapped around my waist pulled me until my body hovered over his own, legs tangled together while his hands rested on my lower back. His fingers traveled along the curve of my spine in a comforting gesture, one I had learned to get used to these past couple of months. My own hands found themselves playing with Peter's hair, desperately trying to fix the unruly mop that was his bedhead.

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