Dark Savior (Demon Reader x K...

By LordGhostTurkey

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The world is a dark and cruel place. It takes so much and never gives. One man would not stand for this syste... More

Chapter 1. Crusaders
Chapter 2. Troubles of the Cause
Chapter 3. Investigation
Chapter 4. In the Festival
Chapter 5. Gang Wars
Chapter 6. Meeting the Last Tethi
Chapter 7. Priority One
Chapter 8. A Job's a Job
Chapter 9. K/DA Missing
Chapter 10. The Hunt is on
Chapter 11. Locating the Missing Pop Stars
Chapter 12. Welcome to the Underworld
Chapter 13. What the World Truly is
Chapter 14. K/DA's New Life
Chapter 15. Last Descendant of Shurima
Chapter 16. What They Have Left
Chapter 17. Anchoring the Guests
Chapter 18. Torn Between Realities
Chapter 19. Between Demons
Chapter 20. In Due Time
Chapter 21. Like the Good Old Nights
Chapter 22. Why Not Give Them a Chance
Chapter 23. The Shattered Eye
Chapter 24. Making Problems
Chapter 25. How Far Evil Goes
Chapter 26. Witnesses of War
Chapter 27. No Longer Playing Passive
Chapter 28. Assaulting the ISF
Chapter 29. No Such Thing as Heroes
Chapter 30. Easing Their Burden
Chapter 31. Help Me Understand
Chapter 32. The Boss
Chapter 33. Every Action Has Meaning
Chapter 34. The Old Hand of Noxus
Chapter 35. An Actual Good Morning
Chapter 36. What is His Pain
Chapter 37. The Drums of War
Chapter 38. The Azure Demon
Chapter 39. A Heart Closed Tightly
Chapter 40. Opening His Heart
Chapter 41. For a Better Home
Chapter 42. A Hard Bargain
Chapter 43. Deterred Leadership
Chapter 44. Prisoner and Deserter
Chapter 45. Please...
Chapter 46. Memories
Chapter 47. Terminator from The Devils
Chapter 48. Beginning to Understand
Chapter 49. Undermining the Enemy
Chapter 50. Nasty Brawl
Chapter 51. Our Promise
Chapter 52. The Most Sickening Man
Chapter 53. Zach's Arena Survival
Chapter 54. Make Your Choice
Chapter 55. Not So Different
Chapter 56. Shurima's Might
Chapter 57. The Darkness in Us All
Chapter 58. War for Our Friend
Chapter 59. The Horrors of Help
Chapter 60. Like a Brother
Chapter 61. Friends and No Foes
Chapter 62. Nearing a Victory
Chapter 63. Drawing a Route Together
Chapter 64. Enemies Unhidden
Chapter 65. War through Weh'le
Chapter 66. Battle Between Geniuses
Chapter 67. Of Your Bloodline
Chapter 68. I Believe in You
Chapter 69. What is the Tethi Relic
Chapter 70. A Mole in the Ranks
Chapter 71. The Horrifying Truth
Chapter 72. The Power of the Relic
Chapter 73. Defining True Power
Chapter 74. Never Beyond Forgiveness
Chapter 75. An Ill Omen
Chapter 76. The Beginning of the End
Chapter 77. Race Against the Clock
Chapter 78. My Only Sunshine
Chapter 79. The Beginning of a Nightmare
Chapter 80. How it all Falls Apart
Chapter 81. The Nephalem
Chapter 82. No Chance of Escape
Chapter 83. Eyes to the Future, Bound to the Past
Chapter 85. Loss Never Ends
Chapter 86. Make Thy Own Truth
Chapter 87. Our Sacrifice
Chapter 88. For Our Family and His Legacy (Finale)
End Notes
Epilogue: The Deal
Insider's Notes

Chapter 84. Retribution for the Shattered

253 20 1
By LordGhostTurkey

Third Person POV

Screams of rage overwhelmed even the raging inferno in the base. Sonya was in an absolute blood rage and swung wildly at Xin Zhou who dodged with ease. Sonya's Shattered Eye gave her increased speed and power, so much so that each swing of her friend's Libertador, the flames bent against the wind. The drones were even finding it hard to advance forward adn they had already past her.

Xin Zhou: You've gotten sloppy.


She jumps up, planting her feet into the roof and firing off several rounds of bullets enhanced with her power. Xin Zhou activates both his Shattered Eyes and a gold aura surrounds his staff. He then deflects the shots with ease. Sonya then hurls a giant spike of black and green lightning at him. This one he actually dodges. When it hits the ground, it was like actual lightning hit the ground. She then comes down, using an amplified version of her shock wave which creates a giant sphere of electricity upon contact with the ground. Killing all the drones within range.

Sonya: You took everything from me!

Xin Zhou: You knew the cost the moment you joined the army.

She then creates three orbs and hurls them at Xin who goes to block them. Instead, they go around and hover in place. Sonya then shoots one of them and causing an electrical explosion. The close proximity of them leads to a chain reaction. Xin Zhou gets blown away but upon landing, he uses his Audacious Charge and slashes her across the face where the Shattered Eye is. He then wraps the spear around her throat and grips the eye as it began regenerating. Sonya screams in pain as he began pulling it out of her.

Xin Zhou: I blessed you with the power to own the world and all you do is waste it. You are not worthy of it.

Akali: Let her go!

A kunai gets lodged into the arm ripping the eye out, forcing him to let go lest he risk taking a more fatal injury. He kicks Sonya down and turns to parry Akali's strike with her Kama. She was to slow and weak for him but Sonya foregoes resting in favor of attacking again. Shooting him in the ankles. They almost immediately start regenerating and he is just as quick to retaliate. He brings his spear up, parrying another one of Akali's strikes and kicks her in the face, then throwing his spear at Sonya. She rolls out of the way and throws another Lightning Spike. Xin Zhou grabs Akali before she could recover and holds her forward. Sonya had little time to do anything as the spike closed the gap.

Bane then came running in, tackling the two of them out of the way. The spike flew into the base and struck one of the support beams, causing a major collapse to happen. This caused a few injuries and deaths on both sides, more so Y/N's. Xin Zhou pulled himself up first and shook off the stars he was seeing. He looked over to see Bane holding Akali close.

Bane: I was hoping to keep the act going but seeing the situation for what it was, I had no choice.

Xin Zhou: Seems I underestimated your intelligence. No matter. You won't leave here alive.

Akali was unsure of what was happening and why Bane was suddenly on their side but she was sure that Sonya needed help. The two Shattered individuals were not fully regenerated and ready to throw down again.

Sonya: Get her outta here!

Akali: What?!

Bane: Don't need to tell me twice.

He then runs towards the destroyed gate, much to the confusion of everyone there. Akali immediately tried to pry herself from Bane but he wasn't having any of it. Sonya fires at Xin only for her shots to get deflected again. They then engage in melee combat and their blades clash. Sonya took time between swings to load another bullet into the bayonet. Xin Zhou activates his Three Talon Strike and goes for left right swing. Sonya gets hit by the left swing but parries the right. Xin Zhou then pulls back and goes for a uppercut styled thrust. The creates a large gash from Sonya's stomach up to her shoulder. She bit her tongue and sucked up the pain for a quick stab at Xin's chest.

The most it did was ruin his suit since his powers was clearly better than hers. She then kicks the chest and uses the force to fly back and open fire from the air. Once more Xin Zhou deflects the bullets but each shot this time obscured his view. This was so Sonya could through another proximity trap and hit it with her Lightning Spike. The resulting blast was increased by almost triple the power. Xin Zhou was blown into a wall while Sonya flew out the base and into the sewer water. As she came up to catch her breath, she winced in pain. Her landing in the water just to happen to get her impaled with a rusty nail in the thigh. As she pulled it out Xin Zhou threw his spear at her. She parries it just enough that it doesn't cut her head clean off.

It ends up embedded into the edge of the walkway near the water, which is where Xin was heading. Sonya stops him mid leap by stabbing him in the chest again. This brought her with him and ruined his leap, leading them both to land in the water. Though movement was slower, Sonya still find the speed and strength to throw a punch across his face which sends him to a wall. He then comes back with a palm strike after kicking off the wall which gave him extra momentum. This sends a blast of mana through her body then came back. Sonya took no chances and held up her hand and slamming it into her palm. The shock wave was weak but they were in water, electrocuting them both. Xin Zhou took more damage as Sonya was more naturally resistance to her own powers.

She felt a sharp pain creep into her head as the Shattered Eye began tearing her body apart. Xin smiled at this and reached up to latch onto his spear. Not letting up, Sonya sends a bolt of lightning up only for Xin to surrounds his leg in that gold aura and kick it away. Sonya was quick to swim up and fire at him the moment the barrel poked out of the water. This makes him roll back to avoid a bullet to the head. Sonya used that time made to get out of the water and reload a single bullet into the chamber.

When she took aim, she didn't fire cause Xin Zhou was ready to block. Secretly, she stashed away one last bullet. Xin didn't need to know that. He smiles and points his spear at her.

Xin Zhou: We could've done such good works together, you and I.

Sonya: Too hell with your plans! You killed so many people in ways that only a sadistic madman would perform!

Xin Zhou: Please Barret. You know what you went through before was just as bad. You had nineteen different shrapnel wounds and were literally half the person you were. What I gave you is something rightfully owed to mankind.

Sonya: Rightfully owed!? You stole from the planet just to fuel your sick dreams!

Xin Zhou: Insult me and my dreams all you want but they will have no effect. You should know this Sonya.

The two changed poses as the leaned upward into something more relaxed. Then slowly they walked down the same path, deeper into the underground. Sonya never stopped aiming at him and not once did she blink.

Xin Zhou: Mankind was created from the dust of the earth. We are born from it and molded by its terrain, its weather. Day after day do we toil and fail to survive mother natures wrath. If she is the reason for our existence then how come we cannot freely take from her?

The two then stop at a few wooden planks placed as a makeshift bridge. Sonya's finger was mere inches from firing the bullet out.

Xin Zhou: If man is to survive the world, man must take the world as his own. My work to control Runeterra's mana source will not stop until I have succeeded, and when I am done, mankind will praise me as its one true savior. For bringing an otherwise cruel world to its knees! That is why I perfect Project: Shattered!

He yanks off his sunglasses and reveals both his Shattered Eyes to her. Just as she wanted to pull the trigger right then and their, her arms drop down and even let go of the bayonet. Xin Zhou while was cautious, took this as a sign of relenting. What he wasn't paying attention to though was her eye. It was still active and in between her pocket was the extra bullet. She would only need a moment.

Sonya: You're crazy. Trying to control mother nature would take you too many lifetimes.

Xin Zhou: I know. That is why I joined the ISF. One of their leaders is known for his expertise in Genetic Engineering.

He takes the first step forward. He was faster than her so there was little she could do if she wanted to attack.

Xin Zhou: With you as the blueprint for better designs, I could accomplish so much. I could even guarantee the peace you always wanted. All you have to do is join me.

It was taking too long for him to get close. Sonya's skin was beginning to crack in some places and the pain was becoming unbearable. Bane ran through the sewers with Akali screaming and fighting against him.

Akali: I'm not leaving! Not without Sonya!

Bane: She is already dead muchacha! Xin Zhou will not fall for her tricks!

Akali: LET! ME! THE! FUCK! GO!!!

She pries one arm form his grasp and grabs her Kama. When Bane tried to stop her, it ended up with the tubes on his arm getting destroyed which caused him a great deal of discomfort. This allowed Akali to jump off him and run back towards the pair. Xin Zhou was almost in arms reach in.

Xin Zhou: What do you say? Would you like to help make history?

He reached his hand out just close enough. Sonya slowly returned the gesture and placed her hand in his. That's when she shoved her hand into her pocket and brought the bullet out.


She goes to shock his hand but his aura counters it. She then tries to fire off the bullet with her fingers and while it does enhance, it does little as he deflect it. He then jabs the spear right into her torso until the tip sticks out her back. Sonya spits out a lot of blood but the worst was yet to come. Her Shattered Eye had been active for too long. Half her face had turned completely black, as well as her blood. The damage was quickly becoming irreversible. When Akali turned the corner, her eyes widened in horror.


Xin Zhou looked back and saw her charging in. When he reached his hand out, Akali threw a smoke pellet in his face and completely covered the area. With a wave of his hand, Xin blew the smoke away. At this point, he had no time to react. Akali lodges her Kama into his collarbone and proceeded to punch him across the face multiple times. He roars in pain and grabs her by the throat before slamming her down.

Xin Zhou: Little Bitch!!!

He rips his spear from Sonya only for her to grab it. She let loose her strongest bit of lightning through the metal and started electrocuting them both again. Only she took it a step further by sticking her thumbs in his eyes. His screams of agony were outdone by the electricity flying everywhere. Akali had to curl up for her own protection as it was getting out of control.


She output her strongest yet and completely fries his body into an unrecognizable corpse. When she finally stops, she stand there taking deep breaths while looking at the burnt face. As she let the corpse drop to the waters, she fell back onto the wall. Akali opens one eye and glances around before getting up. When she saw Sonya against the wall, her heart almost stopped.

Akali: Oh my god, Sonya!

She comes down and helps lean her forward. A closer look at the sight made her heart sink. There was no way anyone could fix this. Sonya coughs a little before looking up at her.

Sonya: Thanks for the help....

Her voice was slightly distorted and very weak. Akali tried to force her tears down as Sonya smiled.

Sonya: I might not have won if you hadn't shown up... Why'd you come back...?

Akali: For you of course! I'm not gonna abandon you!... We're friends...

Sonya: Friends, huh....?

She giggles a little before her gaze traveled upward. Akali was suddenly pulled from Sonya and tossed on the ground.

Bane: Thought you were get away with such a cheap shot, huh? Think again muchacha!

Akali looked up and just as she did, was grabbed by the neck. Sonya looks down to the Libertador one last time and slowly reaches for it.

Bane: I've changed my mind on helping you all. ISF has practically turned your entire force into nothing. You will make great bait for a later plan though. Your friends will not pass up-

A gunshot is heard and a bullet flies through his skull. His grip on Akali is instant but his crash to the floor was slightly delayed. Sonya had barely enough strength to use that last shot in here. She then leans it against the wall next too her and sighs.

Sonya: Wanted my... last shot to be used on Xin Zhou but... this is fine...

Akali immediately takes to her side and attempts to get her up. However Sonya refused.

Akali: Come on, we need to go!

Sonya: Hey... it's alright...

Akali: No, it's not! I am not leaving you down here to die!

Sonya: Akali, please... Just hear my last words will ya?

Akali: No! I am not taking any last words! We're gonna find someone who can help you! You're gonna make it, you hear me!?

Sonya groans and punches Akali across the face with good hand. As the Tethi stumbles back, gripping her throbbing cheek, she looks back to see Sonya holding out the bayonet towards her.

Sonya: He who lives by the sword dies by it... We made a lot of enemies here... This here is our nastiest one... We knew the risk... We knew we could die at any given moment... And I can make peace with that...

Akali: S-Sonya....

Sonya: Move forward... Don't let our memory die... Do it for us...  please....

The Libertador is dropped to the ground as Sonya's arm went limp. The corruption from her eye ate away at her body until there was nothing but particles left.

Akali: No... No.. please come back..!

She desperately reaches out for the particles and grabs them, only for them to fade away in her hands. She fell face first onto the ground and curled into a ball with her hands over her head.

Akali: Please... PLEASE COME BACK!!!.... You're suppose to be the good guys right...!? The good guys always win, right...!??!

Her face travels up to the bayonet that now lay on the ground below. When she grabbed it, she clung to it like her life depended on it.

She sat there crying, all by herself.

The Entity then opened a portal behind her and gently dragged her into it. She didn't care anymore. Where he dragged her was an alleyway near the trucks. Eventually, her crying got the attention of the others who had just pulled Kai'sa out of the water.

Only one remained.

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