Supernova (BNHA x Male OC)

By silverowlbells

597K 29.3K 5.2K

A group of notorious villains plan to use the quirks of 6 hostages to open a portal to another world so they... More

1: Where The Rabbit Hole Leads
2: Waking Nightmare
3: Identify Yourself
4: What We Do Around Here
5: Welcome To The Party
6: There's A First For Everything Pt. 1
7: There's A First For Everything Pt. 2
8: School Can Be Rough
9: What I Didn't Tell You
10: I'm Not Talking Pt. 1
11: I'm Not Talking Pt. 2
12: Dream A Little Dream Of Me
13: I Can Handle It
14: Closer Yet Further Apart
15: Brains VS Brawn
16: Seeing Is Believing
17: Camp Isn't Like The American Movies At All
18: Shake Off The Dust
19: I Can Take Them
20: The Thing About Him Is...
21: Symbol Of Peace Pt. 1
22: Symbol Of Peace Pt. 2
23: Battle Scars
24: Nothing Other Than What You Are
25: Mending Thread
26: Training Wheels Pt. 1
27: Training Wheels Pt. 2
28: And Suddenly Everything Changed
29: Brave New World
30: Snap Back To It
31: Good Game
32: (Cute) Mistakes Were Made
33: You Know Nothing
34: What You Need To Hear
35: Logic Is Often Faulty
36: And So It Begins
37: Resolute Pt. 1
38: Resolute Pt. 2
39: Is Prophecy A Gift?
40: I'll Be Her Hero
41: The Meaning Of The Word
42: The Start Of Something New
43: Take A Good Look
44: Festive Charm Pt. 1
45: Festive Charm Pt. 2
46: Surprise!
47: Army Of Darkness
48: This Is Only The Beginning
49: This Is (Not) A Drill
50: Expect It Pt. 1
51: Expect It Pt. 2
52: Stratagize
53: Festive Cheer
54: The Fire And The Flames
55: Keep Up
56: In My Blood
57: Make Yourself Known
58: In The Know
59: Rocky
61: Awakening
62: I Love You
63: Conquered, We Conquer

60: Take Up Arms

4.1K 275 29
By silverowlbells

"I don't know how you two can be so tired. I'm about to jump out of my feathers." Keigo said. His tone was jovial but the nerves were real.

Tao shrugged sleepily. "We were trained to be able to sleep anywhere, anytime so we didn't tire ourselves out and become useless. That's probably why San's already asleep.".

"Everything's fucked up when it comes to those people, isn't it?" The pro hero asked rhetorically. Tao laughed a bit and stared out onto the cityscape.

The pair were standing on the balcony, taking in the peaceful view before they woke up to be in Jaku City at 8 am tomorrow.

Somehow Keigo had managed to get Tao a full hero license in the two months leading up to the battle. Sanyu had done his part too and bribed some support course students with an up close examination of his leg to produce more chargeable bullets for the gun in his leg. Although currently it wasn't in his leg at all, it was packed inside a backpack Tao had brought from their world. Sanyu had a matching backpack. Both bags had the roman numeral for 6 discreetly placed on the left strap.

"I wish we weren't going to be separated." Keigo said, his faint smile disappearing completely.

"You're a double agent, they need you at the villa. It wouldn't make sense if you weren't part of the raid team. And they want me on the evacuation team for my 'quirk'," He added air quotes around the word, "And because I was great at it back when that high end Nomu attacked.".

"I'm not worried about us." The hero explained. Tao smiled softly. "Sanyu's the only hero student on the hospital raid team. He'll basically be alone out there.".

"That's the first time anyone's ever described fighting alongside Endeavor, Mirko, several of his teachers and Ryukyu as 'alone'." He said with a laugh. Keigo sighed.

"Okay, I get it. I'm just worried that neither of us will be there to protect him.".

"His powers are incredibly, almost unfairly, effective at killing Nomu. They need him.". Keigo sighed and nodded. Tao wrapped his arm around the winged hero. "We'll do something fun after this. We can go out to dinner or something." He promised.

Keigo raised an eyebrow. "Does shawarma sound good to you?" He joked. Tao flicked him playfully.

"You're as bad as Sanyu now. Quoting those movies all over the place." The man said with a fond smile.

"Well if this isn't an Avengers level threat, I don't know what is." Keigo responded. Tao had to agree.

"You've got your first code purple on your hands." He said with a nod. "Lucky for you it's our 9th and we haven't lost yet.".

---------- ----------- --------- -------- --------- --------- --------- --------

As the heroes stood around, waiting for the okay from Tsukauchi's task force, Sanyu played with his hair. He and Mirio wouldn't be fighting together, Mirio was with most of the U.A students in the evacuation team. But they had managed to meet up before the battle and Mirio had insisted Sanyu get his hair out of his face for the fight.

He'd braided it, leaving just Sanyu's bangs still in his eyes. The teen ran his gloved hand over the coil, trying not to mess it up.

"We have to go now." Tsukauchi announced. The group tensed up and readied themselves to enter the building.

The police task force were already inside, placing themselves at several exits.

Endeavor eyed the heroes and zeroed in on a few. "Crust, Mirko, Supernova, you lead the charge to the underground lab. We want brute strength at the front. The rest of us will surround the area and focus on capturing the doctor and his minions.".

"Don't saddle me with the kid!" Mirko complained playfully. Despite her words she threw her arm around Sanyu's shoulder. "You ready to make your uncle proud and kick some ass?" She grinned.

Sanyu's hands immediately moved to his neck where his dog tags were hanging. Well, his dog tag and Keigo's. The night before the hero had given Tao and Sanyu his extra tags and both had decided to wear them into battle.

Although he wasn't wearing his coat for fear of it getting ruined, he had Lela's tag in a zip up pocket on his shoulder.

"Move out!" Tsukauchi shouted. The heroes tensed up and ran for the hospital.

Mirko and Sanyu had the same idea when it came to an entrance strategy.

Breaking through walls until they found the secret lab.

Mirko ended up being the one to break down the door, crushing a small Nomu in the process. Sanyu identified its remains as Johnny, the Nomu the league used to warp away from the battle in Kamino.

"Garaki's exit strategies are gone then. He must be in here somewhere." Mirko proclaimed, looking over at the Nomu in the corner.

They crept around corners, closing in on the pair as they roared, eyes rolling back in their freakishly shaped heads.

The floor was covered in glass and the walls were lined with bottles, each containing a microchip like device. Mirko's entrance had destroyed most of them, and they weren't going to survive the fight that was about to go down. Still, Sanyu wondered what they were.

The first Nomu took their chances, lunging at the pair. Sanyu blasted it back into the wall, shattering more of the bottles as predicted. "Watch out for the broken glass." He said, before flying straight at another Nomu, fists glowing.

"Don't worry about me kid." Mirko said, launching herself at the group of Nomu. She landed a kick on the first's head, absolutely exploding its exposed brain all over the others.

It seemed to distract the other Nomu, so Sanyu blasted three of them at once as they stood still. Another grabbed his leg, yanking him backwards. He severed its arm as a response.

The Nomu cried out in pain and Sanyu watched in horror as the limb started reforming. "They all have the regeneration quirk!" He called out to Mirko, who gritted her teeth in response.

Still, it wasn't hard to dispose of the Nomu in the first part of the lab. They weren't like Hood, or any of the high end Nomu that had recently been spotted.

Cautiously the two advanced.

---------- ----------- --------- -------- --------- --------- --------- --------

Dr. Garaki rushed through the lab to Tomura's tank. The heroes were fast approaching and he needed to slow them down. Tomura wasn't ready, but he'd have to wake him up. If the tank was destroyed and Tomura was killed all would be lost.

His hands flew over the controls. A blast was heard in the distance as he cursed under his breath. They were getting closer.

Quickly he pulled a nearby lever. Several tanks drained. Groaning and flexing their muscles, several high end Nomu awakened.

"Defend your master." The doctor ordered right before the wall broke down.

"It's over Garaki!" Mirko shouted with a wide smile, "Prepare to have your ass kicked!".

The high ends jumped into action, rushing the pair of them. Sanyu used concentrated beams to blast holes through their vital organs while Mirko beat them down with strength alone.

Carnage. That was the only way to describe it.

The multiple quirks and enhanced regeneration made it harder for them to battle through. The pair found themselves separated on opposite sides of the lab.

Sanyu fought past two Nomu to get to Garaki, flying off a nearby wall to up his speed in the contained underground space. A Nomu grabbed his leg, attempting to slam him into the ground but he just increased his momentum and severed the Nomu's hand. It shrieked in pain and flailed around, damaging a nearby stasis tank.

The doctor looked over at Sanyu with an expression that could only be described as horrified.

The teen took a few deep breaths, reeling from the intense fighting. The pain in his chest had increased just a bit with the amount of his powers he was exerting to make such quick work of the Nomu but Mirko was in much worse shape than he was and the fight was still young.

"Stop now. Call the Nomu off." He ordered. The doctor's face shakily morphed into a smile.

"Oh I know you." He said, his eyes wide, taking in every detail of Sanyu. "Tomorrow's dream project, their one success. They had some brilliant people working for them. Its a shame that one of the hostages died before they could do more with what they had. I'm sure wherever you come from there are villains that would die for one of my replicated quirks.".

Sanyu gritted his teeth and lunged at the man. "Why not do something useful?" He demanded, "All this technology, all this knowledge, you could have saved millions!".

"I serve one master!" The doctor exclaimed, still smiling. "All For One showed me true power, he extended my life, giving me time for my research. In return I served only him and his protégé!".

Suddenly the man was enveloped in black goo. The warping quirk.

"We have plans for you, Supernova." He said before dissolving completely.

Did they have another Nomu that was capable of using the quirk? How?! The boy's mind reeled at the thought.

Sanyu turned around at a distressed noise and saw Mirko, surrounded by Nomu trying to tear her apart, struggling against the warping quirk.

With one large blast most of the Nomu were sent into the lab's wall or completely obliterated. Sanyu flew at top speed over to Mirko.

He had to be fast enough.

And he was. Mostly. He grabbed her shoulders and pulled, dislodging the warp quirk's hold on her.

Well, most of her.

Mirko looked at her left arm with an unreadable expression. It had been torn from the elbow down, all the way to the bone.

"Fuck." Sanyu said, his eyes wide and horrified. No. No. No.

He remembered, vividly, how it felt to lose his leg. He had PTSD from it for fucks sake. And now Mirko had lost her arm.

Because he wasn't fast enough.

Anger welled up inside him. At himself, at the League of Villains for starting this war and at the Nomu who tried to kill Mirko.

"Destroy Tomura's tank!" The rabbit hero ordered, ignoring her injury, "Now!".

Without a moment of hesitation Sanyu raised his arm and shattered the tank with a strong blast. It was impossible to make Tomura's body out in the mess of fluid, wires and monitors.

Looking at the scene before him his brain went into overdrive. Mirko's blood on the clean lab floors and his own hands reminded him vividly of the night Lela died. He could practically feel the arctic wind freezing him slowly.

Shaking his head, he refocused on the fight. Mirko was alive. She would be okay.

He hadn't been able to save Lela, his best friend, but he'd been able to save Keigo's. Still though, his heart was pounding and he could taste the adrenaline in his blood. And a bit of blood. One of the Nomu must have landed a pretty solid hit on his face at some point.

Turning he faced the two remaining high end Nomu.

"Which one of you wants to go first?" He asked, cracking his knuckles.

------- ------- ------- ------- ------- ------- -------- --------

Midoriya felt the ground shake beneath him as he ran down the street.

"What's wrong kid?" A voice asked. It was one of Sanyu's uncles! The future seeing one! Midoriya sighed with relief that it wasn't another villain.

"It's Gigantomachia!" He said, panting, "He's moving again. The sedative didn't work.".

Quickly the man tapped Midoriya's arm and disappeared, reappearing with a small crowd of smoke.

"It's not that the sedative didn't work." The man said ominously, "His master is calling for him.".

"Tomura's awake.".


As you can probably tell there's going to be a lot of fighting in these chapters😅 

Like a lot. 

 I'm trying to keep both the canon and my own plot in mind while writing this, which let me tell you is not easy. 

I love the canon (to an extent, they did some characters really dirty) but I also want it to be realistic. Sanyu is an absolute powerhouse, so some events occurring aren't as realistic as other's. 

Mirko losing part of her arm to a warping quirk was something that was pretty much unavoidable, at least the way I remember it, so don't hate me for that! 

But I'm also taking this story in a whole other direction in the next chapters so....

Its honestly scary to think this book is almost over. I don't want it to end, but its already 60 chapters long and I've been planning this for so long 😭

But at the same time I never want it to stop, even though the canon is ending rn 😔

But Stay Tuned! 

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