The Son of Sherlock Holmes

By DisasterChild20

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Zyair Marcellus Octavius Holmes, the 15 year old son of Sherlock Holmes. More

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A Study In Pink Part Two
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The Blind Banker Part Two
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A Scandal in Belgravia Part Two
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The Reichenbach Fall Part Two
Movement of Times
The Empty Hearse Part One
The Empty Hearse Part Two

Sweet Sixteen

101 2 0
By DisasterChild20

Moriarty smirks and walks out the pool, after a minute the laser pointers disappear making Sherlock immediately throw his jacket off before diving in after his son. Grabbing him he pulls him to the side of the pool, John reaches down and helps pull him out the pool "Here, I got him." he tells Sherlock. John finds the handcuff keys attached to the handcuffs, making him uncuff Zyair before lying him on his back. He quickly pull the tape off his mouths and checks his breathing, finding none he starts chest compressions "Come on Zyair, breathe for us." he mutters. Sherlock pulls himself out the water and freezes at the sight of his best friend trying to save his son's life "Come on Zyair." he mumbles. John blows into the teen's mouth "Dammit, breathe Zyair." he pleads as he starts doing chest compressions again. Sherlock brushes Zyair's fringe out of his face, trying to ignore the blue tinge his son's lips a gained "Please wake up Zyair." he tells his son, brushing the water that's begun to trickle from the side of mouth away. John keep compressing the teens chest, not wanting to give up on him "Breathe Zyair. Dammit, breathe." he begs. Zyair suddenly starts coughing up water making John and Sherlock roll him onto his side "You're alright Zyair." John tells him.

After a minute Zyair finishes coughing, making Sherlock help him sit up and kiss his head "You're alright." he soothes. Zyair coughs again as he leans into his dad's chest, closing his eyes as John puts a hand to the teens forehead "We need to get him warm." he tells Sherlock. Nodding Sherlock grabs his coat and wraps it round Zyair before pulling out his phone and calling Mycroft, keeping Zyair close to his chest "What is it Sherlock?" Mycroft asks. "I need you to send helicopter to the pool where Carl Powers died. Make sure they bring blankets and hot chocolate." Sherlock responds. "What happened?" Mycroft asks. "Moriarty tried to drown Zyair." Sherlock tells him. "It's ten minutes away. I'll be round in the morning to check on my nephew." Mycroft says. "Thank you." Sherlock responds before hanging up. "Dad?" Zyair asks, his voice hoarse. "It's alright Zyair. I'm here." Sherlock tells his son, hugging him closer to his chest. John puts a hand on Zyair's forehead again "Let's get him to the lobby, it's warmer there." he tells Sherlock. Nodding Sherlock lifts his son into his arms and carries him out to the lobby, holding him close to try and get him warm. Zyair nuzzles his face into his dad's chest "Go to sleep Zyair, your dad and I will keep an eye on you." John tells him.

The next morning Zyair sits curled up on the sofa with two blankets wrapped round him, John checks his temperature again "Still lower than normal. You want another hot chocolate?" he asks. Zyair nods in response "I'll go make one." John smiles. Sherlock walks into the living room and sits on the sofa next to Zyair, who shifts so he's leaning against his dad "I'm not letting you out my sight for a while." Sherlock tells him. Zyair smiles slightly "You're gonna watch me pee?" he asks, his voice still a little hoarse. Sherlock rolls his eyes and kisses the top of his son's head, as he does Mycroft walks in "Ah, I see you're up and around Zyair." he remarks. The teen shrugs and carries on leaning into his father, John walks back in and hands Zyair his hot chocolate "Here you go." he tells the teen handing him the mug. Zyair smiles "Thanks John." he tells the ex army doctor. "I'm just passing to make sure that my nephew is safe and feeling better." Mycroft tells them. "I'm feeling better." Zyair confirms. Just then his phone starts ringing "You didn't." he tells his Uncle. Sherlock looks at his brother "You told them?" he asks. "They had a right to know." Mycroft responds.

Zyair shakes his head and grabs his phone before walking into his bedroom to answer it "Hey Nana, Papa." he greets. "Zyair, are you alright Sweetie? Your Uncle called to tell us what happened." Violet asks her grandson. "I'm alright Nana. Dad and John are keeping an eye on me, I'm just a bit tired." Zyair assures his grandparents. "Good, you know your Nana worries about you. We both do." Siger tells him. "I know Papa. I'm alright though, John is a doctor and he's been helping dad look after me." Zyair tells them. "Good. Actually while we have you on the phone, what do you want for your birthday?" Violet asks. "I don't know Nana, I'm fine with whatever." Zyair responds. "Zyair." Violet says in her 'special' tone. "I don't mind Nana, honest." Zyair tries. "Zyair Marcellus Octavius Holmes, what do you want for your birthday?" Violet asks him. "I don't know. Art supplies?" Zyair asks. "I'll have a look at what new stock that art shop you like has." Violet tells her grandson. "Nana, they're expensive." Zyair tells her. "I don't care. You're our only grandchild, we're allowed to spoil you. Besides it's your sixteenth." Violet responds. "Your not going to be able to talk her out of it Zyair." Siger asks. "I know, I just thought I'd try." Zyair smiles. "We have to go now Sweetie. We won't be able to see you on your actual birthday but we'll call you on Skype." Violet tells him. "Okay Nana." Zyair responds. "Bye Sweetie." Violet says. "Bye Zyair." Siger adds. "Bye Nana, Bye Papa." Zyair responds before hanging up.

Walking back into the living room he finds his dad playing his violin while John reads the paper "They're getting you art supplies." Sherlock tells him. "Yep, from the art shop near them." Zyair responds. "Wait, what's going on?" John asks. "My grandparents are getting my art supplies for my birthday." Zyair explains. "When's your birthday?" John asks. "In three days." Zyair responds, drinking some of his hot chocolate. "Why didn't you say anything?" John questions. Zyair shrugs "Okay, we'll it's you sixteenth so we're doing something." John tells him. "Do we have to?" the teen asks. "Just a few people for lunch and cake." John suggests. "Okay but only a few." Zyair concedes. "Us three, Mrs Hudson, Lestrade, Molly and Mycroft if we can pull him in." John lists. "Good luck getting Mycroft to come." Zyair snorts.

Three days later Zyair finishes getting dressed before walking out his room and into the living room "Morning." he tells his dad and John. "Morning, Happy Birthday." Sherlock responds. "Happy Birthday." John smiles. "Thanks." Zyair responds awkwardly. "So, we're everyone is meeting here at 12:30 to do presents and cake before we head to Angelo's for lunch at 1:30." John tells the Holmes boys. "By the look of the present over there, Mycroft isn't coming." Zyair remarks. "Something about prior meetings." John responds. "Hm. Must be having problems with his diet." Sherlock comments. Mrs Hudson pokes her head in "Morning. Happy Birthday Zyair." she smiles, hugging the teen. "Thank you Mrs Hudson." he responds, hugging her back. "Just bringing you your birthday breakfast." Mrs Hudson smiles, handing Zyair a plate with pancakes topped with cream and strawberries. "Thank you Mrs Hudson, this is amazing." Zyair smiles. "Well, only on your birthday. After all, I'm not your housekeeper." she tells him before walking back downstairs.

Soon 12:30 rolls round and Zyair tries to hide behind his father as John leads Molly and Lestrade upstairs with Mrs Hudson "Too late now Zyair." Sherlock tells him, side stepping. Zyair glares at his dad who sarcastically smiles at him "Happy Birthday." Molly smiles, putting her present on the table with the others. "Happy Birthday Zyair." Lestrade nods, adding his present to the pile. "Thanks." Zyair responds, going red. "Present time." John tells the teen. Zyair awkwardly sits as Sherlock places a box on his lap "Happy Birthday son." he smiles. "Thanks dad." Zyair smiles before opening it.

Zyair smiles as he sees the new microscope "It's got the updated specs that your old one doesn't have," Sherlock tells him. "It's great dad, thanks." Zyair smiles. "This one's from Mycroft." John says handing Zyair a box. Opening Zyair frowns at the piece of paper inside "Happy Birthday Zyair. Sorry I couldn't be there. Go check the spare room upstairs." he reads out. "Go on." Sherlock tells him. Standing up Zyair heads upstairs to the spare bedroom, opening the door to find a baby blue grand piano in the centre of the room "Holy sh-" he starts. "Language." Sherlock calls up the stairs. Zyair laughs before running back downstairs "Have you seen what's up there?" he asks. "Yes, it was kind of hard getting it up there." John points out.

Sherlock lifts a box and hands it to Zyair as he sits back down "Grandparents." he tells him. Zyair nods and pulls the paper off before rolling his eyes "I told them not to." he says. "When do they ever listen?" Sherlock asks. "Never." Zyair responds. "Precisely." Sherlock tells him. John frowns "What are you on about?" he asks. "Nana and Papa always spend a lot on my Christmas and Birthday presents. They use the excuse that I'm their only grandchild, so they're allowed to spoil me." Zyair explains. "And you don't like that they do?" John asks. "Not really, I feel like I'm taking advantage of their kind nature." Zyair responds. "Even though you're not." Sherlock tells him. "I know but still." Zyair shrugs awkwardly.

John picks up his present "My turn." he tells the teen, handing him the present. "Thanks John." Zyair smiles before opening it. "This is great." he grins pulling the jacket on. "Glad you like it. I wasn't sure what to get you in such short notice." John tells him. "Well I wasn't expecting anything from anyone other than dad, Mycroft and Nana and Papa. So this is great." Zyair assures him. "Why didn't you expect anything else?" Lestrade asks. "I've never really been one for birthdays. I never really had anyone to celebrate with other than my family." Zyair shrugs, suddenly finding his zip interesting. "Well you do now." John smiles.

"Open mine next Zyair." Mrs Hudson smiles handing the teen her present. The teen smiles and opens the present, finding concertina sketchbooks along with sketching tools "Thank you Mrs Hudson, these are great." he tells their landlady. "I'm glad you like them." she tells him with a smile. Zyair places them in a pile with his art supplies from his grandparents, making sure that they don't fall off.  

Molly smiles "I wasn't quiet sure what to get you." she tells Zyair, handing him a gift bag. Zyair opens the bag and pulls out a small folding magnifying glass along with a new lock picking set "They're great Molly. Thank you." Zyair tells her with a smile. "I'm glad you like them." Molly responds.

"Guess it's my turn then." Lestrade smiles as Zyair picks up the last present. Zyair smiles as he pulls off the wrapping paper "This is awesome." he grins, opening the forensic kit. "Glad you like it." Lestrade tells him. "Right, cake time. Then we'll head to the restaurant." John tells everyone. "John, I need help getting it upstairs." Mrs Hudson tells him. "Of course." John responds following her downstairs.

Zyair's phone suddenly starts ringing "That'll be Nana and Papa." he says, standing up and walking to his bedroom. "Hey Nana, Papa." he smiles, answering the Skype call. "Zyair, Happy Birthday." Siger smiles. "Happy Birthday Sweetie." Violet tells him. "Thank you and thanks for the art supplies." Zyair tells them as he smiles. "It's nothing, anything for our grandson." Violet tells him. "Well it's great." Zyair responds. "What's the plan today?" Siger asks. "John organised for some people to come round, we're going to go to lunch in a bit. He's just helping Mrs Hudson bring the cake up from her flat." Zyair tells them. "Well, we'll let you get back to everyone. Send us picture of your cake and your other presents." Violet tells him. "I will." he promises. "Bye Zyair." Siger smiles. "Bye Sweetie." Violet adds. "Bye Nana, Bye Papa." Zyair smiles before hanging up and walking back into the living room. "Happy Birthday to you. Happy Birthday too you. Happy Birthday Dear Zyair. Happy Birthday to you." everyone, minus Sherlock sings as Sherlock plays it on his violin. Zyair smiles and blows the candles out on the cake "This cake is amazing Mes Hudson." he tells her. "Thank you Zyair. I'll go pop it in the kitchen and cover it up. We can have some when we get back from the restaurant." Mrs Hudson responds.

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