My Lovely Lady

By Avb8929

798K 18.9K 1.3K

"What of now?" "For us? There is no now." In which the eldest Bridgerton begins to fall for a woman whom he b... More

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty-One
Chapter Twenty-Two
Chapter Twenty-Three
Chapter Twenty-Four
Chapter Twenty-Five
Chapter Twenty-Six
Chapter Twenty-Seven
Chapter Twenty-Eight
Chapter Twenty-Nine
Chapter Thirty
Chapter Thirty-One
Chapter Thirty-Two
Chapter Thirty-Three
Chapter Thirty-Four
Chapter Thirty-Five
Chapter Thirty-Six
Chapter Thirty-Seven
Chapter Thirty-Eight
Chapter Thirty-Nine
Chapter Forty
Chapter Forty-One
Chapter Forty-Two
Chapter Forty-Three
Chapter Forty-Four
Chapter Forty-Five
Chapter Forty-Six
Bonus Chapters
Bonus Chapter: 1
Bonus Chapter 2
Alternative Ending
farmer george
hi all!
hi y'all

Chapter Ten

17.9K 445 9
By Avb8929

After stopping by his club, making certain everything was in order, Anthony Bridgerton returned to his home. The drawing room was empty once again, only his family members occupying it. The man sent a nod in greeting to each of his family members before stalking toward Loren. She was seated in a pastel blue velvet love seat, an infamous scandal sheet in her hand. 

"And what absurdity has Lady Whistledown written today?" He questioned, plopping beside her. "She wrote quite the praise about Miss Thompson, the Featherington's cousin. She also made comments about how the Bridgerton's empty drawing room, and there also seems to be some speculation about the two of us." 

Anthony perked up at the last sentence as glanced over her shoulder, scimming the page. "A scandal? I had no idea we were partaking in a scandal." Anthony said, sarcasm lacing his voice. Loren smiled, "Yes, neither did I. You learn something new everyday." The two burst into laughter, drawing attention to themselves. Violet's face held a confused expression, "What is so funny?" 

A goofy grin spread across the man's face as Loren clapped her hand over her mouth, attempting to stifle her snorts of laughter, "Did you know Mother, that apparently Loren and I are possibly hiding a scandal?" He questioned, holding back his giggles. Violet shook her head, biting back a smile at her son's behavior, "That wretched Lady Whistledown. She writes only what she sees although she never knows the story behind it." 

The couple nodded, finally calming themselves down. The room fell into an awkward silence for a few moments, before Anthony spoke up, "Daphne, how would you feel about a nice ride around the park? Get some fresh air." 

Daphne's face lit up at her brother's suggestion, "That sounds lovely brother." She said, rising from her seat beside Violet, "I will go change and meet you by the stables." And with that, she left the room. Anthony glanced at Loren, "Shall you be joining us?" He questioned, praying that she would agree. The woman thought for a moment, "Why not? Fresh air would do me good." Anthony rose to his feet, extending his hand toward Loren. While she was quite capable of standing on her own, she found the gesture quite sweet. So, Loren grasped his hand gently, allowing him to help her to her feet. 

"I shall meet you at the stables then?" Anthony asked as he linked arms with the woman, leading her out of the room. "Indeed I will. Although, can I be assured that you will not steal Tucker from me?" A dry chuckled emitted from the man's lips. It had been a reoccurring issue between the two for they were always fighting over the beloved horse. 

It had started when Anthony's favorite horse had passed of old age. And because Loren barely rode, she had allowed Anthony to ride her horse, Tucker, until Anthony was able to acquire a new animal. And yet, the man ended up becoming slightly attached to the horse. And now, the two ended up in a battle over the horse. 

"We shall see, my dear. Although, I still believe Tucker likes me far better than you." He said, teasingly, the two ascended the staircase as Anthony escorted Loren to her room. Loren gasped, feigning offence, "Oh really? He likes you better?" 

"Yes, I believe he does." 

"And how would you know?" She questioned as the couple stopped in front of Loren's room. A smirk spread across his face, "That is a secret, my dearest Loren, one I will never share." Loren rolled her eyes before grasping the door handle, "I will meet you outside Anthony." She said  before entering the room, softly closing the door behind her. Anthony stayed frozen for a moment, a smug smirk still plastered upon his face before he stalked off toward his own room, thinking about how disappointed Loren would be if Anthony stole Tucker once again. 


It was a beautiful day in the park as the trio rode. Daphne was mounted upon a gorgeous white mare, dressed in a navy blue riding dress. Anthony sat upon a dark brown stallion, who was quite temperamental at times, similar to the Bridgerton himself. Loren rode on his right, seated upon Tucker, her beloved black stallion. Surprisingly, Anthony hadn't stolen her horse, even though she believed that he would. 

Loren was riding in silence, listening to the two Bridgerton siblings talk. Daphne had recently informed her brother of Lord Berbrooke's visit. Anthony had merely sighed in response, "Lord Berbrooke is harmless. There will be others." He insisted. "Lady Whistledown has all but declared me ineligible... worthy of the affection of a detestable simpleton and no one else. Tell me, what others should ever want such damaged goods now?" Daphne questioned. Anthony scoffed, glancing at Loren for input, but she stayed silent, "You speak as if Lady Whistledown were to be held in higher regard than Her Majesty the Queen herself. You give far too much credit to some anonymous scribbler." Loren nodded, agreeing with the man,"Anthony is right, Daph. These musings, they're not true."

Daphne rolled her eyes in annoyance, "Only they are true, Brother, and they are true because of you. You have managed to scare every worthy suitor away. Whistledown has merely reported it." Now this was a fact that Loren could not deny. Anthony was scaring away all of the suitors, yet he believed it was for the girl's own good.

"I am looking out for you. I am protecting you. It is my duty." He stated sternly. Daphne halted her horse, glaring at Anthony as she spoke, "And what of my duty? You have no idea what it is to be a woman... what it might feel like to have one's entire life reduced to a single moment. This is all I have been raised for. This... is all I am. I have no other value. If I am unable to find a husband, I shall be worthless." 

Anthony shook his head at her statements, "Daphne, you are a Bridgerton." He said, as though being part of the family guaranteed that she would find a husband. "It would be easier if I would not." She snapped before clicking her tongue, signalling for her mare to continue walking. Anthony sighed as he watched his sister ride off toward the Bridgerton home. Loren glanced at the man, "She will come around Anthony. I am certain that she will." 

"I certainly hope so." Anthony said. Loren sent him a smile, "Shall I attempt to race you home?" She questioned, trying to lighten up the mood. Anthony stared at the woman as though she was insane, "What are we, twelve?" Loren shrugged, "Hm, I guess I shall win then." She said, clicking her tongue twice, signalling for Tucker to switch from a walk to a speedy gallop. "Oh, I don't think so." The man challenged as his stallion began running. 

The members of the ton who were promenading through the park found it quite strange that the Viscount and Miss Loren Smith were racing like children, but neither of the couple cared, for the only thing that mattered was who reached the Bridgerton home first. 

Soooooo that happened.

I only just now realized that I'm still technically on episode one so... yea.

Thank you for reading

Please comment your thoughts!

Also ship names: Lorenthony or Anthoren; which do you prefer?


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