Still The One (Sequel to On H...

By 1Dforeveryoungxx

18.2K 294 82

Hollie had left, she left her feelings , she left her best friend and most importantly she left the only guy... More

A Song..
Treat day....or not?
Those four words.
"It means making pancakes..."
"It was a stupid pole"
So weird
Rainbow Llama!
Perrie is a Genius, Nuff said.
Scarlett- Auditions
Bootcamp results
Judges houses- portugal

"I knew it was a great idea to get paul on my side!"

544 19 7
By 1Dforeveryoungxx

"Hollie. I thought you said we were going to see Justin flaking Bieber! What the fuck is this shit?!" Lexi exclaimed, rattling the VIP pass card she had chained around her neck with a picture of the boys giving the thumbs up.

I smiled sheepishly looking anywhere but at her furious face. I looked at the stage that was so close to us that once the boys came on stage we would be able to taste their sweat. Gross. I know. I looked at the grey plastic seat that was folded behind the back of my legs. I looked at the screaming girls that were everywhere. I had a count of 17 girls that had fan girled so much that they had fainted. I also had 4 boys accounted to being knocked out cold, from either the immense amount of screaming or just the overwhelming feels they had.

"Hollie!" Lexi demanded my attention, snapping her finger tips on front of my face.

"Well... Hahahaha about that! ...erm the reason we are at a one direction concert...instead of Justin Biebers is erm because..I uhm-" I glanced up at the stage desperately willing it to start already. I didn't want to ruin this for harry and also I thought I was being so ninja with my planing, but apparently I hadn't planned well enough and had forgot to make up an excuse to the reason why I had dragged her here. And suddenly Jesus came down from the sky.... Nah just kidding. But the concert did start. So something miracle like did happen.

'Oh I just wanna take you anywhere that you like,

We could go out any day, any night-'

I grinned once at lexi who was now pouting and frowning deeply, she plonked herself down in her seat, folding her arms across her chest and letting an angry pout take over her features.

I frowned at her dissapiontedly, harry is her friend! The least she could do was grin and bare it for him, even though she wanted to be somewhere else. I mean i didnt particularly want to be here, I have grown to hate their music. Mostly because every time I hear them it makes me want to crawl into a ball and cry my eyes out. It was a mix between missing them and a mix between reminding me, plus the added annoying fact that everytime I heard his clear, beautiful, robotic, angelic, earnest, honest voice I felt like I was falling back in love with him. I felt like I was being torn all over again, like I wanted to just dive back into his arms, his arms where I felt safe and happy and just special. I always felt special with him. But after that night I just can't trust him but mostly I can't trust myself to fuck it up again. I can't afford to be clumsy, stupid and oblivious Hollie, I have To make good decisions for my daughter, even if it meant staying with max. I would do it. And I know it sounds twisted. Like it's obviously not safe or good for Tommy to be around someone so angry as my boyfriend max but the thing is. He is rich. Oh wow I sound like a complete loser and a user. Great. I don't mean it that way. I mean it like I can't work, well I can and I do. I work as much as I can but I can't get enough money to be there for my daughter and be able to support her and be able to be able to be a good mother. I will not abandon or shove aside my daughter like my mum did to me. I refuse to do it. And also if I can't support her, they will take her away from me...

I snapped out of my little drift out by the sound of josh their drummer starting the intro to rock me. I looked back down to lexi who was now glaring up at the stage, her position hadn't changed. I looked up at the stage seeing all the passionate and lost in the music faces. They were all singing their hearts out. Apart from one. Louis. He was looking directly at me, stumbling over his words and giving me a furrowed eyebrowed look.

I raised an eyebrow at him and he looked startled, and snapped out of his stare as the boys rotated positions across the stage, he came closer to us and as he strutted past he quickly leaned down and swooped at my cheek softly before continuing across the stage. I cupped my cheek watching him with confusion and felt the wet streaks down my skin.

Lexi's POV-

I glared at harry, the whole concert so far I've been thinking of ways to get back at him. Light his hair on fire, chop of a limb maybe, or maybe ill just trod and stomp on his foot to make him feel the amount of foot-stomping-on I've had to endure this past hour.

*Flashback to when Hollie and lexi were at harry and Louis' apartment with Anna last chapter, when they went upstairs* (a/n- wow I suck at flashback descriptions..)

Hollie had announced that she was leaving now with me so I clambered upstairs towards Harry's room where I had slept, I heard footsteps come up the stairs towards me but ignored them and swung open the white ceiling height door of Harry's bed room.

I picked up my shoes and sat on the bed shoving them on my feet and looking up to stand up when my eyes trailed up a long torso of a familiar person, I reached his eyes and huffed. (A/n- dayuuum! Pedo lexi much?! ;D )

"You seem annoyed.." He mumbled, still looking down on me with his chocolate brown curls dropping over his eyes making him look more puppy like than ever before.

I sighed, people always say be honest right? It's just the ugly truth isn't it? And that movie ended in a happy ending, so maybe if I tell the truth now everything will turn out how it should do.

I took a deep breath then looked him straight in the eyes "I had a revelation last night"

"A revelation?... What do you mean? What was it about?" Harry asked, a worried emotion flashing through his eyes.

"Okay. I'm just gonna say it. I don't think I can be in a relationship with you harry. I'm sorry, it's just I've seen the way you treat girls and I can't afford to waste my time on a relationship that will only end with us both hurting" I told him, immediately feeling guilty.

"So... What your saying is that you don't like me because you believe the media...?" He asked, his voice cracking on the word 'like' causing him to sniff.

I gave him a pleading, pitying look "no. That's not it. Also it's mostly because I can't handle the amount of attention and hate I'm gonna get. I-I'm just not strong enough to be able to handle it. Also I live in the dodgy end and I mean the REALLY dodgy end, people get shot where I come from, I've lived there since I was born, it's were I was raised. I can't just suddenly enter the celebrity life and leave that behind so easily. I wouldn't survive a day. You deserve some celebrity girl who can just ease into your life easily, okay?" I told him, getting a bit more demanding at the end of my speech.

He blinked "you don't like me enough to make this -what ever this is- work?.." He questioned looking extremely hurt.

Oh fuck oh fuck oh fuck. What have I done. Of course I like him! I like him more than anything! I want to hug him and be the cause of a smile on his face not the frown and watery eyes that are on his angelic face at this moment. I like him a lot. The word 'like' doesnt cover it. But I would only hurt and disappoint him more if I gave up on him half way for being to weak. I need to lie now, for him.

"No harry, I'm sorry I don't like you. Now Ive got to go, thanks for everything, bye harry" I said sternly but whispering nearing the end as I slipped past his wide staring eyes and his frozen slumped and disappointed body. Once I was in the hallway I crept down the stairs again rushing towards the door again. I couldn't bare to see his expression. He looked almost in pain. I couldn't believe I had that much of an impact on him. No it couldn't have been me. Well not all me. I just hope he will be okay...

(A/n- is it weird that I'm like commenting on my own story and like yelling "no lexi you daft walrus! Don't leave him idiot! Urrrerrrrg" I just sound weird.. Anyways! Back to the story!)


I still felt horrible, which was the reason I didn't want to be here right now. I felt guilty and angry at the same time. And believe me they are not a good mixture of feelings.

I glanced up at the stage when I heard the familiar voice of the boy I let down so badly.

"Hey London! Are we enjoying ourselves?" Harry asked, plastering an obviously -to me- fake grin across his features. The crowd reacted with a whole heap of screaming. Jeez!

"So now we are doing a new thing tonight! we've all decided to do a new thing called the dedication songs! But for this these songs won't be our own!" He told everyone, making them gasp in reply, for once no screaming was heard. Thank god.

"So tonight I'm dedicating my song choice to...-" he looked directly at me, shit no! He better be joking "- to a very very special girl to me, me and her have something different, well I think we do. And I really like her. She's special." He finished smiling at everyone with glazed over eyes.

Okay, I want you to imagine a fish. A red haired fish. A fish that is frozen and just opening and closing her mouth continuously with wide eyes. That my friend, is a pretty accurate image of me right now.

Then the music started.

'She's the girl that know one ever know,

And I say "hi" but she's too shy to say "hello",

She's just waiting for that one, to take her hand and shake her up,

I bet I could'

'I wish my heart was always on her mind,

Cause she's on mine like alway, all the time.

Forget me not, forget me now,

I've come to far to turn around,

I'm here, tonight.'

'Cause I'm never going down,

I'm never giving up,

I'm never gonna leave so put your hands up,

I you like me, then say you like me'

By this point girls were going crazy, they were jumping and screaming, waving their arms in the air yelling "I like you harry! I love you!"

This is so embarrassing.

'She's the girl that no one ever knows,

Works a double just to buy her clothes,

Nicotine and faded dreams,

Baby just believe there's no one else like me'

'Cause I'm never going down,

I'm never giving up,

I'm never gonna leave so put your hands up if you like me,

Then say you like me'

He started to repeat the chorus while looking me dead in the eyes and almost willing me with his eyes for me to do something.

I looked around and saw everyone was clapping along with the beat, so I quickly got to my feet and joined the clapping. Hollies high fived me continuing to clap again while I just stared at him.

He was on the last verse now.

'Cause I'm never going down,

I'm never giving up,

I'm never gonna leave so put your hands up,

If you like me then say you like me...

Just say you like me...' He finished, looking at me.

Hollie then handed me a sign randomly with an evil glint in her eyes. I furrowed my eyebrows and looked at the sign, reading what it said. I blushed, feeling the redness creep up my neck and onto my cheeks.

I studied it then decided that yeah it was true. I couldn't hide it. It was hard to and it was exhausting.

And with that I placed a smirk on my face raising the sign up in the air and watching his face break out into a grin.

Harry's POV-

I watched the sign go up and nearly broke into a touch down dance.

'I <3 you Harry Edward Styles'

Louis' POV-

I grinned at harry watching his face light up as he stepped back and sat on the stool I had been sitting on. I stepped up to the stage and looked out at the crowd.

"My turn" I said cheekily, making squeals and giggles irrupt around the area.

Just then I saw a man walk into the stadium and approach Hollie, she froze when she saw him. He pulled her into a tight hug whispering into her ear, she flinched but stayed where she was. I widened my eyes as lexi frowned at him and practically killed him with her glare.

And that's when it all fell into place. It all makes sense. My heart tightened. I felt like I was gonna be sick. My knees fell weak and my throat became dry. I knew what I had to do.

He grabbed her wrist clinging onto her while standing beside her. She looked like she was in chains, like she was locked to the spot by handcuffs.

Fuck this!

I started to speak "O-okay so my music choice ill be singing for you isn't like our normal genre of music. So please bare with me"

"What?!" I heard our manager bellow and start to clamber up the stairs to the stage just to be carried away by Paul.

I knew I could count on him! I made a plan earlier that if my song choice was to be protested by our manager then I had the band, the crew, Lou and Paul on my side.

Thank god.

I went over to the band and whispered the song, before going back to the gaping audience "now that that's sorted, I would like to dedicate the song to a strong , beautiful and amazing girl. She doesn't deserve the life she has right now. And I love her. Always and forever. Utterly and unconditionally. I love her" I whispered into the microphone as gasps erupted around the room. I took a glance at her wide eyes and then heard the bass of joshes drums start the introduction to my song then the guitarist sandy joined in with a heavy metal screech.


'Hey girl you know you drive me crazy,

One word puts a rhythm in my head,

Still will never understand why you hang around,

I see what's going down.'

'Cover up with make up in the mirror,

Tell yourself it's never gonna happen again,

You cry alone,

And then he swears he love you.'

'Do you feel like a man when you push her around?

Do you feel better now? As she falls to the ground,

Well ill tell you my friend,

One day this worlds going to end,

As your lies crumble down,

A new life she has found.' I belted out, pouring all my anger out and staring straight at the guy I knew caused the girl I loved pain.

'A pebble in the water makes a ripple effect,

Every action in this world will bare a consequence,

If you wait around forever you will surly drown,

I see what's going down,

'I see the way you go and say youre alright again,

Say youre alright again,

Heed my lecture'

'Do you feel like a man?

When you push her around?

Do you feel better now?

As she falls to the ground,

Well Ill tell you my friend,

One day this worlds going to end,

As your lies crumble down,

A new life she has found.

'Face down in the dirt,

She's said,

"This doesn't hurt",

She said,

"I've finally had enough"

'Face down in the dirt,

She said,

"This doesn't hurt",

She said,

"I've finally had enough."

'One day,

She will,

Tell you,

That she,

Has had enough..." I screeched the note out, making it as loud and as long as I could, I was furious.

'It's coming round again,

Do you feel like a man?

When you push her around?

Do you feel better now?

As she falls to the ground?

Well ill tell you my friend,

One day this worlds going to end,

As your lies crumble down,

A new life she has found.' X2

'Face down in the dirt,

She said,

"This doesn't hurt"

She said,

"I've finally had enough"' I dragged out the note again, lifting the tip of the mic into the air and bellowing into it.

Once I'd finished I looked down at the crowd who was all speechless, a silence overcame the stadium. Not a whisper or anything. Nothing. Silence. I placed my hands at my side breathing heavily with one hand clenched around the mic and one clenched into a fist as I met the eyes of a now angry man that had hold of Hollie, I hated him. With every fibre of my heart. I hate hate hate hated him. To the core.

I dropped the mic on the floor of the stage and glanced at hollie, who had wide eyes and was biting her lip, she looked terrified. Oh shit. I've just dunked her in the shit.

I made a strangled noise before mumbling a 'thank you' even though no one would here me without my microphone. But with the silence you'd never know.

And after that, I rushed off stage running into my dressing room and curling up onto the couch.

What have I done?..



nah well kinda... Moving on!

Please please please please please vote and comment? Pretty please with sugar on top? I put A LOT of work into this chapter.. I typed out all the lyrics! All of them! Typed out on an iPod and only using the lyrics from memory! Yup. Ninja right here :) no but seriously, vote and comment! What do you think will happen?

Do you ship Lerry or Lerri? Idk which one sounds better (Harry+Lexi)

What do you think of Mollie? ( max((the boyfriend)) +Hollie)

Give me your opinions!

Anyways! Night! I'm gonna sleeeeep! *cough* I see you people reading but not fanning *cough* ;D

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